Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    It is good the night time prayer has been changed for today's children. It was written originally for children in Edwardian, Victorian and earlier times when death alas was very prevalent from smallpox, polio, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid etc and I guess the original version brought some comfort to children who watched their brothers and sisters die and their moms die from childbirth. The good news we rarely have to deal with such grief and the prayer is changed for today's little ones. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good afternoon. Feeling better today. I had to finish proof reading my information to send to the accountant. Really needed to get it in the mail so that was my task and I did finish last year’s numbers and got all the papers in the mail with a note saying I would email my 2021 estimated income later. A relief to have that finished.

    But once again, quite a number of phone calls and conversations on messenger. Lovely to catch up with so many folks but also difficult to accomplish things. I will get back to cleaning and tidying at some point but I am happier with the state of many of the rooms right now. 🤣😂🤣

    Today is a bit chillier and we have a breeze so it doesn’t feel entirely like spring but the sun is shining and the snowbanks are smaller once again.

    Patsy, I am hoping you are home and all went well for you today. I have been thinking of you.

    Anne, wow, your new undies seem to be just perfect for you. And of course you can wear shorts. Wear whatever you like. Glad you found something suitable to order. Is the weather straightening up for you now?

    Sandy, another busy day for you. I am sorry for the incident with the gentleman who didn’t respect your space. Good of you to move out of his way. ❤️

    Jackie, my goodness, George led you on quite a walk. How are your seedlings? The girls? The work on painting? I did get my box of seeds out this morning. Next I need to put together the new light. Maybe tomorrow. I am waaaay behind you! ☺️

    Bob, Barbie, Jeri, and Diane. Hoping all is well for all of you.

    I am putting final touches on my St. Patrick’s Day cards and addressing envelopes. And the Zoom event with the Art Center was very good. She selected some great pieces to discuss. I don’t know if they will have more of those programs. Nothing was mentioned. I think some places would like to wind up these extra events. The Art Center is open by appointment now.

    Off I go.



    Yes, Alice in Wonderland again. 😉

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Moving in slow motion today. Awoke at 4am then fell back to sleep. Didn’t go to gym til 8am (and that is super late for me). Made an updated (hear, speak, see no evil) mirror composite. Worked on some fun projects and overall plan to chill today. Great steak (2 oz)/salad lunch (232 cal.) with Jean - she makes a mean pan-fried strip steak!



    Annsie – Yes, we certainly agree. I have a feeling things might get so ridiculous that the pendulum will start to swing back a bit. I have to laugh because I have so many friends (and family) that are black, white and everything in between and no one is offended. It seems we grew up with a combination of thick skins, a sense of humor and never doing something to intentionally hurt the other person. Most people I know that have an issue (VERY few) like to “virtue signal” on a regular basis. Oh well, I am at a point where I just chuckle to myself.

    As for Rudyard Kipling and Gunga Din – my mind goes to poetry, songs (Bobby Darin) and the movie with Cary Grant.

    Do you recall Bobby Darin singing: “That’s The Way Love Is” –
    “It's the world's oldest unsolved riddle
    The kind of game you just can't win
    And if you come up with the answer
    You're a better man sir, than I, Gunga Din”

    And then: “The Man Who Would Be King” (a story by Rudyard Kipling) – Actually my favorite Sean Connery movie – more than Bond!

    Sandy – You are 1000% correct on Riley and Uncle Jack has already stated he wouldn’t let the dog suffer. Uncle Jack is really a cool guy and has an awesome sense of humor – but faces life head on. We joke almost daily – Sometimes the 3 of us are on the phone and he’ll say to Jean “Jeannie, he just isn’t right in the head…and I tell him I think it is great given his advanced age that the nurse lets him stay up “until 6pm.” All kidding aside, if he ever needed real assistance, we let him move in in a heartbeat.

    As for the vaccine, I have an appt. for April and apparently starting today the J&J is available – For now, appointments are available from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. from Sunday morning through Tuesday morning. Haven’t decided if I will try to move up or just wait.

    Patsy – No need to feel apologetic about a bit of girl talk… so many genders for me to choose from nowadays… Bahaha

    Lin – Like you I worry about people trying to rewrite or obliterate history in the time of cancel culture. You can go back to the beginning of time…even the greatest of heroes (and societies) had flaws. Only recently do some people appear incapable of putting things into perspective. Sadly, we have failed in many ways to teach the young about civics – not just memorization but engagement that leads to broad based knowledge and participation and understanding.

    Jackie – WOW… looks like we are all on the same page when it comes to the “PC world gone mad.” Glad you liked the zoo photo. Many of the kids / adults in our parish were part of the "Lost Boys" of Sudan. They were among an estimated 20,000 children who walked from Sudan to refugee camps in Kenya. You’re right about Uncle Jack – while he has a nice network of friends… he has gone through a lot and was hands-on with his daughter (she died at 51).

    He can’t read the newspaper anymore because of his eyes etc. BUT NEVER goes for the “pity party” – he might occasionally mention his limitations, but he isn’t looking for sympathy. I admire his attitude, acceptance and humor. Quick-witted for 89 (will be 90 this year).

    Guess I better go check on Jean… her BFF of 50 yrs sent her a package that was just delivered.

    Enjoy what is left of the day! Bob
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We seem two be slipping back towards winter so not much warmth outside but after an enjoyable doggy walk that neighbour Louise joined us for I did manage more pruning before Debs came round and up the ladder for the last coat of paint on the end wall. Recently I discovered a bird nesting box that had been tucked away at the back of my shed and that has now been hung on the wall, high enough to stop Brady being tempted to clamber up, at least that’s the plan. As soon as we moved away I saw a house sparrow fly round it and look inside so I’m hoping that’s a sign he knows it really will be spring soon.
    I’ve been to the local garden centre for more potting compost and a birthday card for my aunt’s 100th birthday next Tuesday that will be posted in the morning and goodness me, changed my bedding ready for washing and hanging outside in what’s apparently going to be a sunny day.

    Lin, again I missed your post yesterday but am delighted to now read you managed to receive your first vaccination even if it was chaotic. I wonder if how you felt soon afterwards was a reaction to finding yourself in that environment with so many people crammed together. Hopefully you are fine today but I’ll check back tonight so I don’t miss another post.

    Anne, I’m sure you will love your cargo shorts and never say never about perhaps wearing them to walk Jilly round the block! M&S did go through a rather barren period when they lost their way with styles and quality but their new Chief Executive is shaking things up, hopefully for the better.

    Sandy, good for you pointing out to that dog walker he was getting to close. What an attitude, a sort of I’m alright Jack because he’s fit and healthy. People are still about that have never heard of spreading the virus because they are a symptomatic. What a project you’ve given me getting a photo of tadpoles but I’ll do my best!

    Thinking of Patsy and John. Let’s hope they get home after a hassle free vaccination experience. I do think that, like Patsy, many of us have become over sensitive because political correctness has us walking on eggshells at times, probably unnecessarily.

    I’m really not sure what my weigh in will reveal in the morning. I think I’ve been good, at least better than over Christmas and New Year, so fingers crossed!

    Time for feet up and perhaps get into a couple of episodes of Line of Duty. Lots to watch before a new series starts in a couple of weeks.

    Take care, stay safe....
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I see that when I post in the evening I miss reading others that sneak in! I’m caught up for now... I think!

    It’s much colder today, so much so that when I hung out my laundry on the rotary line I realised I would need an extra layer on before walking. Bobble hat, thick gloves, an extra roll neck jumper and knitted leggings under my jeans just about kept the freezing Arctic wind at bay as we headed to the top moor. George and Betty loved racing about so I kept going until a natural incline took us down to lower more sheltered paths. Hmm, lots of visitors who are obviously not local so I only hope infection rates don’t increase in the area. Everyone I came across was friendly and mentioned how good they felt being able to walk in the fresh air and most were of an age they should have been vaccinated so I mustn’t be mean in wanting to keep our open spaces to myself. Our light at the end of our tunnel is getting ever closer.

    Received a copy of a letter this morning from the Specialist nurse I saw last week to my GP. It says my scar is well healed with no evidence for local recurrence or lymphadenopathy so deep breaths, sigh of relief and wait patiently for my plastic surgeon appointment.

    Last night I watched a movie called A United Kingdom, a true love story that says a lot about past attitudes especially those of people in high places. Well worth a watch. Oh yes, then there was a documentary about D H Lawrence, a misunderstood genius whose writings don’t raise an eyebrow today. An evening of fascinating social history!

    Lin, this is hanging on the door of an antique unit in my kitchen!

    I’ll definitely have to seek out a teapot to go with it.
    My planted seeds in the greenhouse are slow to germinate even though I’ve protected with bubble wrap but as well as the tomato seed shoots the cucumbers have suddenly burst through the compost so at least I know the packs I purchased online are good. One funny observation... one of the little packs only held 5 tomato seeds so I’m guessing they are rare but here’s the thing, 6 shoots have appeared!!

    That’s an amazing picture Bob. Those 3 wise monkeys seem to often get overlooked these days! Your plates of food are making my stomach rumble and it’s time for lunch so I’ll have a rummage in my fridge, see what I can find and pop back later.

    Happy Friday. Continue to stay safe everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Loads of excitement here on a minus 9 day

    First of all the town arborists are trimming back next doors oak from the power lines. That's the tree that causes my flooding. Much excitement from Bean who was nearly into a heart attack when Dorio showed up with the groceries at 8:30 instead of 10:00. Why do I bother giving them a time, lol.
    Little does Bean know that Michael is at the barber shop and should arrive soon.

    Marks about to make me an appointment to be jabbed, oh joy!

    The garbage men should be here soon for more Bean barking who must let me know.

    I'm exhausted and it's only 9:15.

    Oh and Helen emailed from Australia. Not to be outdone by my recent fall she fell down in her garden over a bottlebrush bush whatever that is and also had to be picked up by neighbours. No major damage just hurt pride like me! I'm beginning to think it's in our DNA !

    So hopefully more later when things calm down.

    I am a lumberjack and so far, alright. Annsie. And Mikes just arrived. One very happy Bean.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    New growth on little poinsettia. Still scruffy but I feel like a new Mom. Anne.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Great day so far. Temp in teens but sun shining brightly. Next week forecast has some 50’s and 60’s at end of week. I plan on an afternoon ride with Jean. Lunch is already a go! - Skinless baked haddock, riced cauliflower, veggies, homemade coleslaw…


    Jackie – I hear you re: the posts. It’s hard sometimes to catch up and/or not miss one along the way. Definitely sounds colder where you are with those winds. Congrats on the positive report on the well-healed scar with no evidence of other. I see A UNITED KINGDOM is on Prime Video so I might check it out. Thanks on the photo comment. In retrospect I might like the straight-on photo over my trying to be “artsy.” In any case, the only thing about the 3 monkeys quote is – no one invites you to a party LOL.

    Annsie – Minus 9 – NO THANK YOU! We scheduled an appt for Jean 2 min ago (3/24) re: vaccine. I tried to do one right after her scheduling to move mine up, but couldn’t get one available. They fill up fast and if you don’t hit enter quickly the appt is gone – I decided I have my April appt and will just keep that one.

    Love the new growth on your little poinsettia….funny…Jean just texted our grandson this morning with a pic of the poinsettia plant we had gotten from him (I think last year, but might be off). Anyhow, it’s blooming…here is pic.


    Jean is off bringing her “friend” to the hairdresser etc., but we will head out as soon as she is back. No idea where…likely will head in the opposite direction we normally go, because we are wild/crazy and living on the edge…. LOL.

    Hope everyone has a great day and remains relatively healthy! Bob
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hey there! Raining out and chilly! It is Oregon and on the coast. So things are normal.

    Speaking of normal...we got our shots and all is well. It was somewhat of an ordeal but all in all quite organized. The clinic was held at our county fair expo buildings. The worst was a 10 to 15 minute wait outside in the cold rain. When we got inside we could see things were organized with many volunteers keeping every one distant. They had extra masks, wheel chairs and volunteers constantly wiping everything down with sanitary wipes. We got the moderna vaccine. And just to say, we had a small but common reaction. Sore arm, lower back ache and fatigue. Not really worth mentioning except that if you have that reaction, it isn’t unusual.

    John is really looking forward to our going places again together. We had to get home quickly because Katie was left inside. She is reliable but then she has rarely been tested. She has never had to use her pee papers in years. I think we put them down for her when we leave just to make us feel confident. She usually goes with us everywhere.

    All my house plants are in need of major TLC. They either need repotted, trimmed, fertilized etc etc. I always feel guilty when they set there neglected and sad. You can see I have spring fever. I am so happy that we have had our shots. We have to remain wearing masks, distancing and hand washing constantly. But things feel different now somehow.

    Jackie: dear heart! So relieved to hear things are looking healed and no further anticipated complications. Plastic surgery....hum. If it were me, I would say “hey Doc, while we are at it, how about a tummy tuck, and a face lift?” But the doc would say, lady it is just too late in your case.

    Anne: what a great day you have had. Little Jilly will go to bed early. The excitement will have exhausted her. Maybe you? So happy you will be getting your shot. Nothing much happens but things feel different.

    Off to put on laundry, more coffee, fix rice pudding with raisins and apple slices for our skinny old dude.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Sunny but chilly, good day to do my laundry. I went to see the carpet at my landlord's house yesterday. It really is good carpet, nice and thick and really pretty. Not sure about the cream color though, but if he is willing to pay to change it I will agree. I told him the carpet is beautiful but if he is planning on raising my rent because of it I don't want it. I also told him that to move my furniture will be expensive and he made the remark he could pay for carpet install and I could pay to move furniture. Again I said no, I can't afford to do that. So my gut says when he hears the price to do all this he will decline and that will be fine with me.
    Speaking of vaccines, Babe called last night and I asked if he got his vaccine. He said I don't have the virus so I don't need it. Say What??? He said I heard they don't work anyway. I kind of lost my cool and told him that whatever they are telling him in that house they are wrong. I told him you have an autoimmune disease and really need the vaccine because if you get the virus you will probably die. He said he will think about it. UGH!! Next time he calls I am going to tell him I am making an appointment for him and I will take him myself. Elder Abuse is what I think.

    Patsy, happy to hear you got your vaccines and all went well, except for the 15 minutes in the cold rain. I was able to help two of my friends get their appointments last night so things are moving forward. You could do as the old joke says and put yourself in the dryer where everything shrinks. lol

    Bob, do you practice no meat on Friday's during lent? Your meal looks delicious. I also liked your three monkey meme, was it for someone special? Have fun with Jean on your drive today.

    Annsie, your plant is looking good, I don't have any plants, they all die on me. Exciting day for Jilly and you, nap time might be needed in the afternoon. Sorry to hear your cousin fell and hope she has no after effects. Congratulations to Canada for being the number one place to relocate, we are now number two because of all that happened last year.

    Barbie, <3 right back at you.

    Jackie, that sounds much to cold for me to walk outside, but your pals must love you for taking them out to run.
    I hope those other people were wearing masks and keeping their distance. I admire your ability to grow plants and veggies as stated I have a black thumb. Good news on your scar and maybe that is a good sign for things to come.

    Last load is going in dryer and now time to clean the house. Have a good day and sorry to vent once again.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well my first vaccine shot is on 25th March at a Polish church and centre. Second dose on April 15th. I've no idea where this church is located but Mark will find out and drop me off.

    I think Bean will sleep all afternoon because she had three long walks with Michael who has just left. He says he will eat with me again once I'm done and dusted which will be nice.

    JACKIE, absolutely splendid news.
    PATSY and JOHN first jab over, wonderful! And LIN, SANDY and BARBIE as well.
    BOB, you will get there, time goes by so quickly.

    Well now that Jillys gone for her afternoon nap I'll go and get my lunch. Great day all round
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited March 2021
    Hello everyone. I know, late again. I spent time hunting for the exact stickers I want to use on the envelopes for the St. Patrick’s Day cards. I was ready to surrender when I finally located them. Now I can get back to my chore.

    It is very nice to keep in touch with people but I am not used to much activity each day but lately it has been sort of overwhelming. A friend wrote this morning to see if I wanted her to pick up anything as she was going to the store. What? I thanked her and said no thanks. Two people checked in to see if I was having any problems after my recent shot of vaccine. One person thinks I should report the odd taste in the mouth followed by diminished ability to breathe and the day of light headed ness. Is that a word? I think it wasn’t severe and why would anyone care at this point?

    Has anyone signed up for that v-safe thing? Just curious.

    I had a very long call this morning with a friend who is involved with trying to help one of our Mah Jongg friends with some complicated issues. It is so sad when people take advantage of people as they get older. Enough said.

    A few texts and a grocery delivery. That wrapped up the morning.

    Lunch is finished although the dishes are staring at me. 🤣😂🤣

    Sandy, why in heavens name would you want to pay for moving your furniture to put in used carpet? I don’t see his point at all. If it was new carpet, maybe, but really!!?? What am I missing? As far as taking Babe for a Covid shot, be careful. It doesn’t sound like Babe is thinking clearly and you know the people he lives with are off the rails. I don’t want to see you hurt or harassed in trying to help him. I know, you did not ask my opinion. Just concerned.

    Anne, well my goodness. You got on the schedule quickly once Mark got to work finding appointments. Well, wow! Yes, grocery delivery times are sketchy at best. I get 2-hour window scheduling with both services I use for delivery and it is just a general guideline. I hope you are always dressed early since they bring your groceries inside. Mine just end up on the porch. The guy today sent me a text trying to get me to come outside. I didn’t even see it until much later. I had the bags inside and things put away by then. 🤣🤣

    Patsy, I am sorry for the wait time in the bad weather but happy that when you got indoors, all was well organized. I am glad you hurried home for Katie and hope all was well. You are just lovely. Making rice pudding for your darling. That sounds delicious.

    Bob, do you make the cole slaw? Or does Jean? I find it way too much work these days to chop all the cabbage and carrots etc. I love it but have to find an easier method. So bagged organic cole slaw or broccoli slaw fit the bill. I hope you are having a great drive around this afternoon.

    Jackie, “it’s always teatime”! I love it. ❤️❤️ And thanks for the photo of your seedlings. It brought a smile to my face. As for your weather, brrrrrrrr. You really wrapped up! It is in the 40’s F today. That is the high temperature for the day. Wimpy me is staying in but then I do have things to do indoors and no play with outdoors.

    Barbie ❤️

    Be well everyone.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) We got our second jab of the Moderna vaccine this afternoon. We don't plan any changes to how we do things. We just feel that we're doing our part to make the world a safer place

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited March 2021
    Hello, the sun is out and it is in the high 30’s this morning.

    I have many artsy related projects that I would like to play with today. But I also want to dig into the grow light issue. Can I fix up the old one at all? And I did dig out all my vegetable seeds. I talked to a friend and she had visited the garden center after church last Sunday to try to purchase seed potatoes and onion sets. The bins were empty. She was puzzled so found a clerk. Ha, they haven’t put any stock out yet. They told her not until April. We talked it over and she is going to check again well before April. 🤣😂🤣

    I am running out of library books to read. I have 2 left I read but they may return to the library unread by me. I cannot get absorbed in either of them. Anyone else have that issue? The authors were unknown to me but I decided to give them a try.

    Top of the list this morning, I need to clean my fresh vegetables that arrived yesterday. So far, all I have chomped on is the fresh lettuce. Looking forward to additional options by lunchtime.

    Barbie, happy that you and Jake received your second dose. ❤️

    Oh, does anyone remember Judy from New Zealand? She posted several times on Thursday (on our side of the world) about earthquakes. The first was around magnitude 8. She posted that she was safe. I know you saw it Sandy as did Shirley, Diane, and Jeri but I thought I would mention it in case others remember her.

    I posted this on Buzz’s Facebook page this morning.


    Teapot and accessories ❤️


    Be safe everyone.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh my goodness! Good job I'm booked! Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) The rug man and my landlord are supposed to come by noon to get an estimate on the new used carpet installation. I did tell the landlord I am happy with the carpet I have and it would be so much work to empty everything but he said let's just get the estimate. Just hope the rug guy says my furniture is too hard too move because I really don't want to change anything.
    Movie night tonight which will be the last with Lisa's parents until they return from Florida again. They will be missed. I did get them a card to say good-bye which is filled with dogs saying good-bye, really cute. Also giving them a gift card to use on their road trip anyway they see fit.
    Had to post that video because I thought it was so cute, hope I didn't offend anyone.

    Lin, love that saying that Buzz posted and I believe something wonderful did happen to her when she was reunited with Mike. I will not be paying anything for this carpet if it indeed is installed, it is all on him. I still have another year on my lease so if he decides to raise my rent again next year I will probably move, even though I hate moving.
    I love the teapot from yesterday, it is very classy. I will just ask Babe if he wants me to make an appointment for the vaccine for him but I am sure he will say no because of his son. Out of my hands.

    Barbie, congratulations on second jab, let us know if you get any side effects. I don't plan on many changes after my second shot but will probably enjoy lunch with some friends who will also be vaccinated. Will still wear my mask and social distance.

    Sheets are done in washer time to put in dryer and eat some breakfast. Have a good day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I passed the video on to my lot and also to Mikes friend Sandy who sings in a choir - in more social times.
    Busy morning here what with washing and cleaning so won't linger. Next week is promised to be HOT in comparison to today's -5C. I tidied up little poinsettia and lo and behold three more tiny leaves. This little thing says it's spring and I'm sure she will survive now.

    What on earth is Bean barking at! Some passing dog no doubt.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello there! We Have sunshine! Gloriously spring-like. I know bad weather will likely show up again, but it will just be the usual spring temper tantrums. Short lived and don’t amount to much...maybe!

    Yes the “get a jab” song was just too cute. I am constantly blown away by the intelligent folks who have such reluctance to the vaccine. My ex sister law, who really is a wonderful person, is convinced the vaccine will do something horrible to her. But let me say, right after our shots we did have an extreme feeling of fatigue and a bit achy. It only lasted about 24 hours then we are back to our normal. Not a problem. The nurse tells us that on the second shot we might have the same experience and. Not to worry. It will only last about 24 hours. But we will be okay, we will be able to visit our son and maybe our daughter with masks and distance, of course.

    My laundry is chugging along. Still trying to figure out a good dinner for the “dude.” He ate a lot of the rice pudding. I did realize I made it pretty healthy and low fat. Almond milk, no sugar, low fat butter substitute, raisins, apples, cinnamon and brown rice. Habit I guess.

    Still trying to find better chair cushions. I need a wider cushion to fit the chairs in the dining room. And I would love to get a lovely cranberry color. You would think somewhere in the world they exist. I know I made a huge mistake. I have a mental picture of what I want and now I am trying to find it in reality. This is never a good idea. I know the better idea is to start looking with an open mind and see what is out there.

    I am crazy happy that we are all getting our jabs and are feeling optimistic.. our little county health dept. really came through. I think we had help from the national guard unit nearby.

    Chicken salad and fresh orange slices for dinner for the Dude and me.