Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    So sad. I've just examined my very ancient anorak and the back which saved my bum and hip is frayed and covered with stuck in grit. Goodbye dear 25 + year old faithful friend - you are destined for the garbage tomorrow.!
    Just spotted JACKIEs post. There's something SO satisfying watching seedlings push through isn't there. Really pleased Jackie! I'm glad I didn't throw my $5 poinsettia out. New leaves are appearing daily. My back garden is still snow covered but even here, spring is on the way.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    Happy Birthday, Sandy.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    You never know how a day is going to start out or end. Last night I found out Walgreens had appts avail for “the shot” – Pfizer. I was able to sched 2 appts back-2-back for us in 1 hr from now! So this will be quick.

    Went to the gym this morning and then home to catch our granddaughters birthday announcement on TV. I texted her last night to say that I loved her but that she wouldn’t hear from me again while she was 10. I then texted her this morning and apologized for waiting so long… she loved it! Love her to pieces!


    Weather is going to be awesome – 60’s – it was 20’s this morning – so right after shot we are headed out for a long ride in the warmth and sunshine!


    Lin – Absolutely not offended by the word “interesting” I take everything with a humorous slant. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I took offense at anything anyone said. As you can see – I even improved my shot appt to this morning! That watercolor artist Zoom sounded very interesting.

    Annsie – Yes – the Vicar is not too hard for most women to take – even with all the whiskey and cigarettes. LOL. I love how all the characters (except him) look normal and are superb actors. All of them. Plan to watch more tonight….

    Jackie - Happy Valley was another good crime drama…any you’re right not as dishy based upon Jean’s assessment.

    Sandy – As noted above – moved the vaccination up to an even better time – less than an hour from now and then Jean in about 90 min…. Glad you are having some great weather and taking advantage – our plan for today as well. I might have to check out Bridgerton trailers with Jean… so today is your birthday? Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY – if it is I will never forget since it would be the same as Melanie! Party on girl!!!!

    Gotta wash-up quick now and head out… Have a great day everyone! Bob
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    Seriously, thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes, you have made my day special. You are indeed great friends and made me laugh with the funny posts and feel loved with all of them. Thank you for always being here.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! We have sunshine and maybe another couple of days of Mr. Sol. never know! Not sure about daylight savings time. It always takes me a week or more to get adjusted. Katie never understands this crazy upset in her schedule. John loves it. That is interesting. He usually hates change but this suits his biorhythms. I still maintain he MUST be from an alien planet like the Klingons.

    I am still babying our septic system and so far-so good. It is part of our sophisticated culture. When we we must consider things like water, sewer system, electricity, or instant communication, we feel totally upended. It was not too long ago that on our family ranch, we were delighted to have a phone, and a party line at that. We shared with several other families. Now each person has a phone and their own phone number. My Gram would have been appalled! “Such waste of time and money!” She was an mix of conservative and liberal philosophies.

    Hey! One by one we are getting our shots. Thank goodness! I do feel like it is the beginning of things returning to our new normal. Our town has changed a lot. We are turning into an artists onclave with lots of little boutiques and odd food carts. We used to be a logging and fishing village.

    Get ready to spring forward this Saturday night.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,362 Member
    Hello again.

    In touch with lots of friends today. Everyone is buzzing about shots received, shots scheduled, etc. It is the topic of conversation. Over the phone, in texts and on Facebook Messenger. It’s everywhere! A friend was on the local news this morning talking about the first thing she will do when she is fully vaccinated, hugs for her grand girls. That is what she said. No mention of her husband or other children. She does have a grand boy. Talked to a friend this afternoon for quite a while. She had very severe reactions to her first shot but she has intense reactions to all medications and even topical over the counter ointments.

    That pretty much sums up my day but I did get our my Easter cards. Double checked the number available and tried to finalize my mailing list. I always have more people I would like to send something to than I have finished cards. 🤣😂🤣 but no, I never make more! Looked over the birthdays for April. Oh my goodness. I had better start that relatively soon.

    I attended a Zoom meeting this afternoon for women’s history month. Carrie Chapman Catt was the topic of the day. A very good presentation given by a University professor.

    Still thinking about solar powered items. No order yet.

    Be safe everyone. Loved hearing from everyone and celebrating Sandy’s birthday with her from long distance. ❤️❤️ You seemingly never look older. How do you do that?

    Hugs everyone.


    I thought I had some information about this set but alas, it went missing.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,362 Member
    Oh, and a puzzle I finished a while ago.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well, I woke up to good news. Prince William stated publicly that the royal family are not a racist family.
    How can they be when they are head of the commonwealth and all it's mixed nationalities! Not to mention some staff, the armed forces etc having a huge proportion of people not of direct British descent. Ludicrous!
    With that good news (usually the royals don't respond when attacked) I decided to give up the diet. I don't want to but I've been feeling a bit light headed and dizzy lately and hope that's the cause. Lack of bread, sugar, etc. I'm now back down to my pre christmas weight and will have to accept I am what I am.
    So out with the diet along with my beloved anorak which on closer examination also had a long slit in the sleeve. Guess I pushed my now bony elbow through it when I did the "all fall down". Actually I've got a gorgeous red goose filled anorak in storage which I felt was too posh for Jilly walking. But what on earth am I saving it for at my advanced years, lol.
    Not that we need anoraks and ear muffs today because we've joined everyone else in warm up and the ice in the back garden is slowly receding.
    Bread slowly rising in the kitchen, life hopefully returns to normal.
    Have a lovely taste of spring today Sneakers,
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Yesterday was awesome. Great weather...Long ride and outdoor walks. Got our Covid shots…not a big deal, just a tiny bit of arm soreness late in the day. Had to use rt arm, as I fell at the gym on Monday (walking fast and hit edge of treadmill) and hurt left shoulder. Arthritis in knee joints hinders movement so it was either go with the fall or twist knee…I chose the hard fall. Of course, embarrassing…but I faked it and popped up as people ran over to help assuring them I was 100%. Oh well… a lesson to slow down. LOL.

    Today it is headed for 65 degrees and I am going to get out soon! It was in the 50’s at 5am!


    Sandy – Hope your birthday was great. I would have come up with something more creative, if I had been around more. This all reminds me, I might have missed sending a card to my older brother a couple weeks ago when he turned 80. He does absolutely no social media whatsoever and normally get updates thru his wife, but she has been doing less online postings too….time for me to check-in this weekend with them. So glad to see all your posts and how busy you keep yourself between family, friends, new carpet and cars! Have a great day!

    Patsy – I had completely forgotten Sunday we move the clocks ahead an hour. Wonder if they’ll ever change that. I have a lot of AZ relatives and they have no daylight savings time.

    I laughed reading your comments about how things have changed….times have certainly changed. I recall growing up in a small house with shared bedrooms. A home that raised 7 kids. Certainly no individual phones and if you were sent to your room as punishment – it wasn’t exactly “entertainment central.” I can still remember getting a color TV…that was a big deal. But in many ways, I think it was a better time… I always tell Jean I would like 50’s lifestyle with 2021 medicine.

    Things are definitely opening up a bit more around here. More people around & about with rules still tight on masks but “slightly” more relaxed in a few things. Excited for Spring!

    Lin – Seems everyone is talking about shots…I didn’t say anything on social media about getting ours but did tell people that had inquired in the past and were still on the fence.

    Annsie - Totally agree with your “ludicrous” statement…and I will keep my mouth shut on Markle (as I have never liked her). Congrats on being at your pre-Christmas weight. Sounds like we are both at that “maintenance” stage.

    Heading out now for a taste of that Spring you mentioned!

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday! Bob :)
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all. I had one of my awful sleepless nights.not sure why these happen upon occasion. I have had these nights occasionally all my life. There really seems to be very little rhyme or reason. So day will include a nap and a determined effort to stay cheerful and NOT succumb to a grumpy attitude.

    Anne: when I see John’s dwindling weight and strength, and his issues, I would say that a good heathy diet with lots of veggies and fruit, some protein of your choice, a dab of sherry or wine and some sort of healthy carb (your wonderful bread) and life is good. Our doc says that it is very good to enjoy your food. Get enough exercise to keep the body working and above all stay positive and intellectually active. I think you do all of that.

    Rather cold out but it should be a sunny day. I fear I will be creeping around at half speed today. That is okay. I will go at it slow but steady, or as son Damon would say, “steady as she goes. Watch for sand bars.”
    Patsy☘️...for some reason MFP has removed my picture and in my profile there is a different picture of me. Huh?
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh no BOB, another "all fall down". I wouldn't consider walking on a treadmill, no not ever, I'm Cockly enough on the pins just walking, and I do walk for 30 minutes at least every day PATSY. I find it gets things moving after crawling out of bed. I rarely drink but maybe your advice on a wee glass of Sherry is very good advice indeed. Thanks! I would love to drink wine but unless it's port wine or Sherry I get dreadful migraines. Wonder why? The queen mother loved her nightly tipple and look how old she lived to be !
    The bread is now baking and judging by the smell I better go and check it out.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :'(Bob, sorry to hear about your fall.

    :) No news here. Sunny and chilly morning for our walk. Took a knitted blanket to Project Linus yesterday and had a very brief visit with three masked woman at appropriate distance except for the moment when I was handed a homemade fabric tote bag with skeins of red and white yarn for future blankets.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My evening meal is cooking in the oven, a baked loin of pork that I'll enjoy with some steamed veggies and I'm contemplating a log fire. This morning I managed to walk the dogs between heavy hail showers even with a long chat to a lady and her dog Mackie that live not too far away. Mackie usually gets groomed by Georges's groomer on the same day but it looked as if he missed the last one a couple of weeks ago. He's a Scottie dog and adorable.... even George doesn't grumble at him!
    Before our walk I took an early trip to the supermarket in town and managed to stock up with everything I needed. I continue to follow my gran's "everything in moderation" regime so nothing is off the menu.
    After lunch I drove to the electrical supply shop that I had ordered a new, larger electric panel heater from online yesterday. After I had pressed pay and before a confirmation email arrived, a box appeared in the window telling me my card payment had been declined and to try again but I phoned them to check rather than give bank details in case it was a scam. No problem, the payment had gone through so I'm glad I checked. They were on one of those industrial estates full of tiny businesses that have a maze of little roads and dead ends. It was a pure fluke that I found them then away to a garden centre less than half a mile away where I purchased a couple of pots of French lavender, a Gium and pretty white Hebe as well as a bag of seed potatoes to chit ready for our allotment. A really cold wind hit me as I did my best to slot them into the boot of my car around the boxed heater so I was relieved to get in behind the wheel!
    Home for a cup of tea and that was my day.

    Ouch Bob! That sounds like a painful fall, especially if you went for the free fall option off a moving treadmill. I imagine you will be feeling sore tomorrow if not already so my sympathies from across the pond.

    That's a pretty tea set Lin and rather makes me sad for the good old days of a proper cuppa. Even tv Ads for tea these days show a kettle of hot water being poured over a bag in a mug. That's how I make mine and have done for years but my thoughts are shifting back towards a pot! I love your recently completed jigsaw that's very atmospheric.

    Anne, please take it steady if you've been feeling dizzy. We certainly don't want to hear you've fallen again so better to eat what you want, at least until you know the diet you were on is the cause. Yes, soon be Spring for you in Ontario too and before you know it, those little shoots will be sprouting in your garden. I'm impressed with your poinsettia success... you might have a monster plant by next Christmas!

    Oven beeping so off to my kitchen.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited March 2021
    Happy Thursday! :) Had a wonderful birthday and a great day. Lisa made me a photo book with little hearts that dangled from some pages with quotes from my grandchildren. I am posting the page that has all their quotes because I think it is so heartwarming.
    So many birthday wishes on Facebook and cards in the mail, everyone made my 79th birthday wonderful. After tacos and birthday cake I can't say I am at my goal weight like Anne. Not far off though so we will see tomorrow.
    I am done with my meeting and waiting for Walmart to tell me my groceries are ready for pickup.

    Jackie, sounds really cold for your errands, will spring every arrive?? When do you imagine your home will be complete and you can just enjoy it?

    Barbie, another blanket complete, you are a knitting machine. lol

    Patsy, hopefully you got your nap in this afternoon. Not sure why your picture disappeared, did you go to your profile to see if it is still there?

    Bob, ouch! I hope you didn't do any damage to your shoulder, take it easy for a day or two.

    Anne, I agree with Jackie, eat some carbs and some sugar to see if that helps with the dizziness. Sometimes we have to listen to our bodies.

    Lin, maybe your friend was just nervous being on TV and got confused over her grandkids. Easter cards in the works, it will be here before we know it.

    Tired from the long day yesterday. They put up the trampoline but the ground is so wet and muddy I had to go outside and help them put on their boots when they were done jumping, a few times. I had to monitor Robby with his online schooling and messed up and he didn't get to his last class because I had the wrong time in my head.
    Lisa was understanding and Robby was happy.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Very sweet SANDY. You are truly loved. Annsie.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,362 Member
    edited March 2021
    Oh Sandy, I agree. What a lovely page of quotes. ❤️❤️ You did indeed have a wonderful birthday. Yes! Thanks for sharing that with us.

    Anne, I was going to ask if you would purchase a new anorak but behold, you had one in the closet. Keeping it for good? Well, enjoy it. Red is a happy color. And was the bread delicious? I hope the dizziness abates. Be safe and well. And don’t starve yourself.

    Bob, oh gosh, I am sorry to hear of your fall. You did the manly thing by faking it. But good save on the knees. I hope you had a good day. Hello to Jean.

    Jackie, yes, I hope your house is finished tout de suite so you can enjoy all the improvements you have made to your property. I feel somewhat embarrassed that I do nothing to my property. I just don’t want people stirring up dirt and dust and charging me for having to live through it. Way back when I had the whole house done over inside with new carpet, vinyl and paint. It was horrific. I sneezed and wheezed and was generally ill. Stupid allergies. I have never wanted to do anything else to it since! And I was working at the time so I wasn’t around that much. I will live in my hovel, I like it.

    Patsy, a sleepless night. Very exhausting the next day. I am not looking forward to the daylight savings time change. Getting up earlier is not fun! Take care of yourself and don’t push yourself too much. Long distance hugs.

    Barbie, oh my, did you wear gloves in anticipation of the bag transfer? Do you receive yarn often? That is a nice contribution to your knitting projects.

    A teapot with no information but a nice shape. ❤️❤️


    Take care everyone. So good to read your news each day.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Showers today so of course we got caught by a cold downpour halfway round George’s longer route this morning but along the rather drab country lane I saw a bright splash of colour that warmed my frozen fingers!

    Today will be taken up with housework but hooray, with our lockdown easing ever so slightly, Ali my pedicurist is visiting me after lunch. I’m hoping to do a couple of hours work at the allotment as well because neighbour Debs suggested we get back to the routine of going every Friday afternoon.

    Sandy, that’s a wonderful and sometimes hilarious list of granny quotes and as the saying goes, out of the mouths of babes!! I’m so delighted you are surrounded by love because you really do deserve it. Goodness, dealing with online schooling is a nightmare for many parents so I think you are amazing to take that challenge on!

    Anne, I’m always horrified how reporters feel it acceptable to yell questions across a space. I don’t care who they are targeting, it’s plain rude and disrespectful so I hope the Royals can move on quickly from the media frenzy; either that or send Princess Ann to sort them out!

    Patsy, did you catch up on lost sleep? I do hope you are feeling more human today although sometimes a grumpy mood is the only option! I agree with you, enjoy a healthy diet and we’re more than halfway to keeping everything in the body operating as it should. Before my father remarried he suffered with depression and his GP recommended he enjoy a whiskey at 4pm and another before bed and it worked a treat for years.
    Your posts always give me a smile and Damon’s advice to watch for sandbars had me chuckling!

    Lin, to be honest I’ve done little to my property apart from initially when windows had to be replaced and I wanted to knock-off and pull down 1970’s changes. Like you I still remember the mess as well as Violet’s interventions but this time hope that paying a builder to carry out the work will allow me to step over the rubble on my way to my garden or bolt hole bedroom. I am a bit concerned about George and Betty but can’t imagine it will take too long. If they crack on the bulk of it should be completed in 2 to 3 weeks but am telling myself order should be regained by end April.
    A stunning teapot... I love it!

    Always lovely to hear from you Barbie and know all is good in your household.

    Imagine Bob is at the gym so long as the injured shoulder isn’t too painful.

    This isn’t getting any housework achieved so will sign off and get motivated.

    Everyone stay safe and well.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello everyone. Michael over for a dog walking visit! Oh happy little Jilly!

    Mark came over yesterday and sorted out my new/old mobile. I'm just waiting for the card? to arrive to get me going. The overheard conversation was quite funny. Mark answering the guy on the other end of the phone after he said "you mean she's that OLD and she's still walking!" "Yes" said Mark "and it's her first mobile phone". Talk about one foot in the grave !!!! It's an old phone from grandson Derek's girl. Mark gave her $200 for it and wouldn't let me pay him back. I guess it will see me out as I've only really got the family and Flo to call these days and then only if Flo is in one of her back to reality days. I can't phone all my other friends because apparently there isn't a service "up there" or down below depending on the friend.

    I think my sense of humour is returning now I'm off the diet and sugar back in my coffee. I've just managed to walk around the house for half hour. Wish the telephone guy could see me, but maybe not in old pyjamas and bed hair!

    I cant persuade anyone to paint inside my home however, and it's badly in need of a redo like it's tenant, so I join LIN in living in my own version of hovel. Fortunately the eyesight isn't that sharp these days.

    Mike and grocery delivery day so I better get moving for now and try and look reasonably presentable.
    Hope today is truly great for all us Sneaker friends.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Headed for BlinkFitness at 5am, Wegmans at 6:15 am for groceries, home by 6:50 am to watch Episode #4.2 of Grantchester LOL (we will likely finish Season 4 today) – sadly only 6 Seasons to watch right now.

    Today will be the last “real nice weather” of mid 50’s then it’s back to 20’s etc. (pic). Definitely hitting the road today & might stop at Zoo to p/u our annual membership T-shirt and then wherever Jean wants to go. Probably will grab some Lenten fish some place (to-go or restaurant – not sure). Just want to soak in as much life as possible today.


    Already thinking about bucket list goals. One is horseback riding ( haven’t been since AZ in 1991 – I had been too fat for horse – and not kidding); also would like to zipline (Jean says she will “watch”).

    Patsy – Hope U got some sleep last night! Congrats on your commitment not to succumb to a grumpy mood. When I have those nights, I simply tell Jean “no big deal” it isn’t as if I have to be at the office by 8am and put in a full day. I think my new phrase will be “steady as she goes. Watch for sand bars.” LOL – Thanks Damon!

    Annsie – Yup – it was “all fall down” for sure – last time I did it at a gym was decades ago – while on the treadmill I thought it was OK to try and read a newspaper clasped in both hands while walking – so embarrassing when the paper flew into the air and I ended up where you would expect…stupid.

    Nothing beats Jean’s fall a couple years ago. She tripped on a Swiffer and called me at the gym saying she had fallen and couldn’t get up – I thought she was joking – she wasn’t and it was bad enough to require shoulder surgery, rehab etc. I had to help her shower, bath etc. – felt really bad for her. It was a rough time for her.

    Barbie – Thanks (see above re: details) yes, I can be that stupid…I do have an excuse – I am a guy! LOL I see you are still busy with Project Linus! Good for you! I am sure your efforts are greatly appreciated.

    Jackie – LOVE baked loin of pork and a log fire – I’d also like a nice glass of wine. LOL. Everything in moderation as you said… but a little of everything can be delicious. Yes, I was sore from the fall – enough that I had to get my “shot” in the other arm. So stupid – I shouldn’t have been walking so fast just to get on the treadmill quickly. Loved the pic of “a bright splash of colour that warmed my frozen fingers”.

    Sandy – How sweet is that “Grandma Sandy” listing of quotes. But why did my eyes land so quickly on “poopy pants”? ha ha ha Great pic with wonderful smiles!

    Lin – I will tell Jean you said hello! Nice teapot!

    I can hear that Jean is out of the shower and will sign off and get myself ready to head out.

    Have a great day everyone! Bob

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A lovely surprise when I checked my postbox just now. A strange looking package addressed to me sitting inside a small plastic bag. Turned out to be a cake from my cousin whose mum celebrated her 100th birthday on Tuesday. She was the only family member allowed into my aunt’s care home but came out laden with cakes to post to us.

    A good job I weighed this morning because I’ve just eaten it with a cup of tea... delicious!

    My pedicure was wonderfully relaxing but sad because Ali is moving away from the area with her husband to take up jobs at a holiday camping site. Her 3 children have flown the nest and seem settled so I’m really happy for her because nursing, which is her main job, has been difficult through the past year so I’ve told her to live for today. We’ll keep in touch and I’ve promised to send photos of the mischievous pooches!

    Getting ready to visit the allotment but it’s cold out there so will put an extra layer on.