Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    edited March 2021
    Starting with a tea set...... Wedgwood with flowers...Capriware c 1820


    I have spent most of my morning on the phone with a friend. In depth conversation about a mutual friend who needs a different living situation. Very complicated and many hurt feelings already with no resolution in sight.

    Life, difficult some days!

    On the happy side, I ordered a new garden hose which is to be delivered today. Wahoo. Happiness in the most unlikely places.

    Anne, I hope you and Jilly and Michael are having a good day.

    Jackie, wahoo, look at those wonderful flowers. That was definitely smile worthy! Thanks. And what a delicious treat. Seems like a good day to me. Could only have been better if the cake was a bit larger. 🤣😂🤣

    Bob, enjoy the day. Maybe you should reel in your own fish since the weather is nice. Kidding. Snow is on the way for us. How about you? I hope it is not a big storm as I believe there is one out there sneaking towards the Plains and the Midwest.

    Patsy, hello my friend. I haven’t seen your post.

    Sandy, same with you.

    I hope everyone is well (or healing up).


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Had a dental cleaning this morning, went and had my car washed and went to UPS to return an area rug that was too small for under my dining table. The other by my couch I love and it will certainly help keep my lighter rug clean. It really adds some spark to my living room and I love it. I have ordered one similar in a bigger size for under the dining table.
    I got two loads of laundry done before I left and now the towels are in the washer.
    Babe called last night to say he got his first vaccine but no mention of my birthday. Oh well life goes on.

    Lin, life can be difficult especially when trying to help someone but maybe she has to make her own decision, is that an option??

    Jackie, love seeing the Spring flowers but we are maybe getting more snow or snow/rain showers on Sunday.
    I can't wait to get a mani/pedi once it is safe and maybe I will even shave my legs. (sorry Bob)

    Bob, am I correct in thinking you weren't on the treadmill but heading to one and tripped on something else??

    Annsie, enjoy your time with Michael, I know Jilly will.

    I still have to fold all the clothes that are done and catch up on some of my games before riding the bike. I have been lax this week in riding, never enough time.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lovely sunny day here. Rain is on the way but not today. Katie is enjoying her favorite kind of day. She is running in and out of the house, the deck door is open. She can keep tabs on me and the neighborhood at the same time. Oh sweet spring. However one needs to be reminded...she is a flirt. She kisses and then runs away.

    A load of laundry in the washer, throw rugs drying in the dryer. This is pizza night. Our favorite veggie pizza with every veggie I can stuff on the poor over loaded cauliflower crust. After tonight I am going to opt for a thin regular crust. I just can’t go for another cauliflower crust! Double bleck!!
    Lin: listening to a friends troubles is sometimes the very best thing you can do. I have had that experience. But, I learned the hard way, that I have made what I assume would be the best idea considering the circumstances and BOOM! The person decided I was wrong and was angry at me for my suggestion. I know this was in regard to a marriage issue. I learned never to get crosswise in something like that. Heartbreaking issues. You are a good and caring friend and always seem to offer support however you can.

    Anne: mobile phones are like water wings or a life raft. They are a pain to have to deal with them until you really need them. Then they were that real life saver. So I guess we should consider them worth the effort. I often forget to charge mine up. I forget to turn it on, and that really upsets our son, Damon. I am not used to being tethered to a phone.

    New page, so I can’t turn hello to everyone. Enjoy your day.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just found JACKIEs daffy down dilly's! My very, very favourite flowers! Jilly is exhausted. She is very tiny and michael took her for a very long walk. Slept all afternoon which gave me a bit of peace.
    Ordered the mobile plan yesterday and the card arrived early this morning. So did the groceries! I order for 10 and they arrive at 8:30, go figure.
    Today is our last taste of spring day and I waved goodbye to my anorak in the garbage truck. LINs snow reaches us on Tuesday.
    Back to my jigsaw.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I took a new photo to post as my avatar but I can’t get it to post! I have posted it in my profile. I really like seeing Sandy and everyone next to their posts! I like to envision we are sitting down for coffee or tea and having a little chat.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    My photo that will I can’t seem to post on my profile!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Patsy, so pretty......did you go to your home page, click on profile and click on profile pictures? Upload the photo and click on make main photo. You probably did but maybe sign out and sign in again for it to show up. Love the picture so I hope you get it posted. Good luck.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2021
    Patsy, I’m sure you would love to imagine talking to George all day but I’ve just tested the system and taken a very bleary eyed photo and managed to upload it and replace my fluffy boy. Your new lovely photo is showing in my list of friends so odd it doesn’t on the sneakers.

    Fabulous choice of rug Sandy, a perfect match. I love it!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Patsy, I checked as well. Your photo is showing up when I go to my friends page.

    Maybe it will show up tomorrow?

    Have a good evening.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    PATSY, wow, what a good looking lady! Hope you can get your photo to post and join us all for tomorrow's coffee. As you can see it worked for me in my winter gear.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well dear sneakers! I see our adorable Anne and Jackie and we see Bob on a regular basis also pretty Sandy and Lin...we can see Barbie’s pups but I am still that anonymous gray face. Hummmmm! I will try again and see if MFP will help me. Thanks for trying to help. Mysterious! Don’t you think?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :)Lin, I routinely wear gloves when transacting business (mainly post office), I am grateful that we don't have the money for the redecorating/remodeling that we think of from time to time. I don't want the mess or the nuisance of having people in my house.

    :) On Thursday we got our tax papers back from the accountant. We read over them, signed the necessary form to file the return and mailed that back to the accountant along with the check for her services. This afternoon I read that the Covid relief checks were being sent to some people in the US with and found that ours is a pending deposit to our bank account.

    :) I did my/our taxes for years until we got some complicated investments and now I appreciate the luxury of paying someone else to keep current on tax law and fill out the paperwork. I feel safer with our accountant doing the work. When we lived in California I went to her office and sat across the desk from her to ask my questions and hand over my documents. Now I do it by mail. If I have a question, she answers my email almost immediately.

    :)Sandy, what a beautiful family picture.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Hello! Time to watch the Saturday morning Facebook Live program.

    Jackie, I thought of you again as I ran across this lovely garden illustration. So inviting.


    I am doing laundry, reading, puzzling, etc. today. I have a huge stack of projects I want to start with my supplies. I must choose just one!

    Be safe and well everyone.

    Here’s a teapot apparently from a skilled potter. Not to use I am sure.



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Looks as if we are all busy bees today. Well I am! All for now, hugs to all from Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sheets are done waiting to be put on bed. Movie afternoon/night with food from Red Robin.
    It is a beautiful day but snow is predicted for Monday, probably because I had my car washed. My family has decided for those who want to go that we will celebrate my 80th birthday at an all-inclusive resort somewhere warm next March. Something wonderful to look forward.
    Good to see everyone's faces with their posts. <3 (hopefully Patsy can get it sorted)

    Lin, those are the perfect pictures for Jackie. Good luck with the Facebook live program.

    Annsie, not too busy today but I did sleep late so I am well rested.

    Barbie, I mailed whatever I had for Babe's accountant for our taxes, not sure yet how I will sign the finished forms.

    Patsy, I really hope MFP can help you, I love your profile picture.

    Time to ride the bike so I can enjoy my chicken sandwich and salad later. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Here I am again....mrs. Gray anonymous! There are times when I am convinced that MFP is haunted or at least disfunctionate to a massive degree. Of course we realize that I am totally NOT
    computer literate, so there is that problem. I have signed out and really had a difficult time getting back. Sadly to no avail when it comes to photos. Now I will try to talk to their tech support again. There are bigger issues in life than this, but it does tickle my brain....why is this happening?

    Hope everyone has a great day. Bad weather is looming I see on the weather map. But T’day is nice! Sun, even if a bit cold.

    Sandy: thanks for trying to help. I will keep at this, just because I am determined. Oh what a lovely birthday party you have planned. Where are you thinking? Tropical or desert? Sedona perhaps? Inquiring minds want to know.........

    Laundry again and I am making John an old fashioned Turkey monte-christo sandwich. It is a bit too caloric for me but I can pare it down to fit my needs. This dear old man needs a bit more calories or he disappear entirely. I am ordering a couple more spring tops and three more pairs of pants...jeans, yoga pants and cargo pants. Not very dressy but I don’t think I will be attending many dressy events this spring or summer. Maybe a bling top if I see one that is interesting. I will try to talk to tech support now. Wish me luck. They often speak PC and I speak Apple. OMG!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost my post but then you probably don’t want to hear about George waking us at 2am when a sudden squall sent my dustbin flying outside the kitchen door, or the horrid dream that I found difficult to shake off once awake this morning like a heavy blanket of doom!
    We’ve “enjoyed” everything from heavy hail to thunderstorms with a bit of sunshine thrown in so I’ve had to pick my moments outdoors. My new solar radio is impressive and will get plenty of direct sunlight In the greenhouse to keep it charged.

    That garden is just like mine Lin, higgledy-piggledy and I love it. Getting quite a collection in my gallery of your offerings, thanks! The fish teapot is quite special too.

    I’m nodding off the way Buzz used to when she’d post a long line of Z’s or B’s so because it’s past my bedtime I’ll not repeat the lost post now.

    Nite, nite
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :) We reset the clocks to DST and will go to bed according to the new time. I set an alarm to be sure I wake up on time so I can meet my friend at 6:30 to walk the dogs then go to grocery pickup between 8 and 9. I hate the time change but am trying to make the best of it

    <3 Barbie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Holy cow! Here I am! I am back with you now!
    Have good nite’s sleep, spring forward with your clock and see you in the AM.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    And there you are! PATSY.!!!!!!!!!! Good morning. I do BARBIES trick. Set the new time around teatime and go to bed at the now new time. I had my usual 8 hours and woke up fresh as a daisy. It works. I've just put the sheets in the wash and I believe Mike is popping by today. Mark and Mary Jo came over yesterday and set up the mobile. I've just got to get used to it now!

    Apparently we had a small, very small earthquake overnight but unlike George, Bean and I slept through it. Guess it was very small because most things wake her up.

    So, I'll tootle off for now,
    Happy new time, get the coffee going!
    Did you see the 100 year old very nimble dancer on BBC news? Impressive!
    I need to get dancing AND dye my hair ! Her advice, don't sit on your bum all day.