Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :) I did it. I went to bed on DST, set my alarm with a very favorite song and got up at the right time. Now the dogs have been out to do their business and I'm having breakfast. I have the alarm set for the rest of the week.

    :)Patsy, congrats on putting up your great picture.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited March 2021
    Happy Sunday! :) I am done with watching live Mass on TV and getting ready to eat. I too, set my clocks ahead and went to bed at my usual time (meaning new time) and got my 8 hours of sleep. I am expecting my new round rug for under my dining table today and can't wait to see how it looks. A zoom call with my kids later this afternoon but haven't heard from my friends about a zoom call. Other than that and riding the bike nothing else is planned.

    Barbie, good for you on setting the alarm, most of the time when I have plans my eternal clock wakes me up. But it is better to be safe than sorry although I just would not like getting up so early seeing as I am a night person. :p

    Annsie, remember to always take the phone with you when you go outside, just to be safe.

    Patsy, hip hip hooray!! So glad you got your picture posted, it is nice to see everyone's faces when reading their posts.

    Hello to everyone else, but I better eat and shower before the Fed Ex guy is at my door.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Yesterday, Jean and I were out and about several hours taking in the sunshine. Diet-wise I was extremely vigilant to take care of a couple pounds I noticed creeping up. I still weigh daily and don’t go crazy with minor fluctuations – but I do know when to put on the brakes.

    Got to the gym at opening today (7am). Pretty sure the time change impacted a few…within 30 min it was the normal crowd. We’ll be heading out to my sisters for a St Pat’s Sunday meal…we passed last week, but she had posted a pic of tables and we decided join in.


    Read an interesting article this morning on “our friend” – Here is a link in case anyone has an interest:
    “Despite their differing approaches, California and Florida have experienced almost identical outcomes in COVID-19 case rates.”

    Jackie – That cupcake looks fantastic…and congrats to your cousins mum…no one in my family has ever hit 100! The pedicure was well-deserved and your advice “to live for today” must have been very encouraging!

    Lin – So nice to have a friend to talk things out with…even if only a chance to relieve a little bit of life’s pressure. Thanks for the wishes and like everyone looking forward to nice weather. As for fishing – I have turned into a softy…I can’t even kill a mouse (I catch and release). Go figure…as a young kid, I did a lot of fishing.

    Sandy – Aren’t you the busy one! Dentist, car and UPS. The room and carpet looks FANTASTIC! As for the treadmill… I caught the edge going around the front to hop on the back. Easily avoided, had I not been acting like my body moved when I was 29. LOL

    Barbie – Can’t blame you for having someone do the taxes. So many things change from year-to-year. There was a time, when I did my own…but there is an accountant near-by that does it for a reasonable price and I no longer have to spend twice the amount of time reading, triple checking my work etc. She does get busy and my appts are set over 1 yr in advance. I already have a 2022 appt. Best wishes on all of it.

    Only 30 min until we head out, so gotta start making myself presentable.

    Happy Pi Day to all and I will leave you with a related cartoon. Bob


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    edited March 2021
    Good day. Three different videos were available during the church service today. First one was a dedication ceremony for five young children. All have a common set of grandparents who were quite happy. The little squiggly children were less than thrilled. ❤️❤️

    Next was a children’s moment that is usually not streamed but I would imagine due to all the grandchildren attending, an exception was made. Okay, once again, the kids will just say whatever comes to mind.

    Finally got to the sermon. It was enjoyable to be able to see more than usual.

    I had a small grocery delivery this morning and all is put away. Lunch is now a memory. Broccoli slaw with a few raisins and sunflower seeds, yum.

    Yesterday I did make a start on a project but struck out. I think this is the first time that I will likely throw out my work. I thought about it again and a little while ago, I stamped differently. I like these. Need a sentiment of the right size and haven’t looked yet. Doing landscape and want a one-line option I think.


    The watercolor paper was just not right.

    Joining in on Pi day and Einstein’s birthday.


    Finally, a teapot.


    Barbie, good job on the time change. I set all the non-essential clocks ahead earlier in the week and let the rest do the automatic change. I even did the car clocks a few days ago. I had no appointments so no alarm was needed.

    Sandy, I hope your rug arrived and that it just the right size. You have really moved a lot of furniture lately! Happy Zoom call and time on the bike. Watching the music award program this evening? I haven’t decided.

    Anne, another happy day of visitors for you. Excellent. We have had on and off again rain since last night but apparently by tomorrow morning, we will have snow. I hope it misses you. And I hope you have a pleasant day.

    Patsy, yes! Your photo has appeared. So nice to see you. ❤️ Are you cooking something special today?

    Bob, a St. Patrick’s Day dinner. What wonderful decorations. Super fun. And I love that cartoon. Easy to clean up food fights! Glad you got out to enjoy the weather.

    Jackie, scary to have those vivid nightmares that linger after you wake. I hope it doesn’t reoccur. I understand it is Mother’s Day in the U.K. today. Is that accurate? I tent I follow on Facebook, a piper, posted a photo with his mum. He also said he hadn’t been able to see her this past year.

    Back to enjoying my little home activities. 🤣😂🤣

    Be safe.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ooooooooh spring! wet morning and it is dark but someone STOLD one of my hours! Harumph! I always take a few days to actually adjust my internal clock. I get there. It just takes me a few days until I stop thinking...well, the real time is....okay, I have complained that John hates change but just maybe it is something I resist as well.

    We have to avoid corned beef because of the salt etc. but I do plan a St. Pats dinner on Wednesday. I am looking forward to a time when we get together in person. That will be a real celebration for me. I heard from my Alaska friend and was shocked to hear she had undergone serious surgeries. I was alarmed and wanted to be there for her. She and I worked for the state of Alaska in the Gov’s office. Tony Knowles. That is another story in itself. Exciting times, full on adventure!

    We have had all of our local festivals and events cancelled so everyone is itching to get out and on with life, it is a real chore to keep everyone in-check. Hang on, baby! We are almost there.

    Sandy: your redecorating has really sparked up your place. It was pretty before but it is elegant now.

    Barbie: taxes are a huge pain, no matter who does them. John is the one who painstakingly gathers up all documentation to take to the accountant. This is almost laughable. All this effort for a somewhat modest income. We seem to have plenty and our needs so far are modest as well. In reality, No complaints here.

    Anne: I am impressed that you and others are able to sleep 8 hours all at once. I simply can’t manage that. My normal night is 6 to 61/2 hours. My eyes fly open and my brain says, okay! We are done. So get going. Early after dinner my productive energies are totally gone. Is there a connection here? My evening exercises are not world class. Done at half speed, I fear. Late morning exercises do more for me. Biorhythms are mysterious.

    Raining again, Katie needs to be toweled off and fed a treat.
    Happy but wet Sunday, everyone.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Did something completely out of character. Woke up early as usual. Bean and I did our usual trot to various washrooms, had our oatmeal for me and chicken and yam for her and .......... we went back to bed! Just got up to glorious sunshine and a brisk half hour walk around the house.
    Top of the morning to you all!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :) It was easier getting up yesterday than I expected. Bernie, the cat, didn't know it was time to get up so he didn't wake and climb on top of me. The song I chose for my alarm is a favorite so I hummed it as I dressed. I didn't like having to use the flashlight more, but that will change in a few weeks.

    :)Patsy, our income is quite modest but because of some investments I inherited from my mother, the taxation forms are complicated, also my line dance teaching income requires so tax forms that are ones I don't understand.

    :) Jake and I worked out in the yard together for about 45 minutes yesterday. He raked up debris from the trees, and I gathered it and put it into bags to be taken to a neighborhood yard cleanup pile next month.

    :)Sandy, I talked to a friend yesterday who stays up til midnight every night to give an insulin injection to her dog and thus sleeps past 9 AM every day. I go to bed early so I can walk the dogs at midnight and again at 5:00. You have the luxury of sleeping to suit yourself instead of your dog.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Busy, busy! Yesterday after our morning walk I spent a few hours at the allotment with neighbours Debs and Louise. Of course the first half hour was spent drinking coffee and eating a bacon bap that Debs had made... all to do with making plans!!
    I continue to move as much as i can upstairs and think I will just manage to squeeze everything into the spare bedroom if I quickly shut the door. I’ve never bothered to have a tv in my bedroom but it’s going to be the best option until the work is completed then I can curl up on my bed if there’s room after George, Betty and Brady make themselves comfortable!
    The scaffolding has been taken down and removed this morning so another job ticked off. George threw himself at the side gate when the men arrived and obviously hurt himself because he cried and stood rigid but thank goodness, as I gently checked him over and thought to phone the vet, he moved and in no time was running about again.
    The pooches didn’t get their walk so I’ll drive to the woods for a gentle stroll then on to the farm supply store for chicken feed. It’s supposed to remain dry for the next fortnight but soon after one of the scaffolders painted my chimney since he was up there anyway, a light Cornish muzzle drifted over. It’s top value trade paint so I don’t imagine it will wash away!

    I missed checking in with everyone yesterday because apart from being busy I read an article on the BBC website about someone who scams the scammers by hacking into their computers and it pointed me to his you tube videos. What a hero; never rude or aggressive as he shuts them down so I spent far too long watching his videos!

    Ah I see Dave the builder has finally emailed an estimate so hopefully starting this week. I’ll go and read.

    A Happy and safe Monday 💕
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hmm, email from builder Dave told me he hopes to start on the 22nd. Typical of the breed which is why in the past I’ve invariably carried out the work myself. I’ve stopped moving items upstairs until next weekend! My walk round the words was gentle to ensure a George was alright and he does seem fine but not learned from the experience!
    Cool and damp so the past couple of hours were spent in the greenhouse listening to mellow music and like Barbie, humming to myself.
    My evening salad with a vegetarian lattice tart is ready so I’ll make myself a cuppa and see what news is on to annoy me... probably the London police acting with aggression toward a peaceful gathering of mostly women. 😠
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Well, I am returning a second round area rug for under my dining table. Both were too small and I have ordered another from Amazon that I hope will fit. I loved the second one, it matched my other area rug but my friends said it is too small because when a chair is pulled out it should still be on the rug. I listened to peer pressure and have now ordered a third rug, this time just plain because of the size. My DIL liked the second one as well but she said to do what I am comfortable with doing. Only problem is I have to pay $19 to return the rug because it wasn't bought through Amazon. I am so done with rugs, I hope the next one fits so I can move on.

    Jackie, you are indeed a busy lady and moving all that stuff up to your upstairs is a lot of work. You should be burning a lot of calories. Poor George he must have really banged into the gate to yelp. Won't you be glad when all is done???

    Barbie, yes I do have the luxury to sleep in and I am grateful for that. I am a slow mover in the morning so it would be beneficial to wake up early but I ask myself why??? lol Once our weather is dry I told Lisa I would take Ewok for an overnight stay but with this light carpet it has to be really dry.

    Annsie, sometimes it just feels good to get some extra sleep and no harm in doing so. Enjoy that sunshine, we are possibly going to get three inches of snow although I hope they are wrong.

    Patsy, thank you for the compliment, but as stated I am tired of returning rugs, they are not easy to maneuver or rewrap in the heavy plastic they come in. I think I will be happy with the one I ordered and will post a picture if I am.
    My daughter is looking into a Jamaica vacation since her friends go twice a year to a resort they love and it is supposed to be wonderful. I will let you know what we decided. BTW she and her husband have finally agreed to get vaccinated as it will be easier to fly and they have trips planned.

    Lin, yes I have moved a lot of furniture around and my back keep telling me so. I did not watch the music awards, I taped it and watched a few minutes of the beginning but then lost interest. I love the Sunday night game shows so enjoyed those instead. I love the design of your new project but I am partial to blue.

    Bob, another trip to Fed Ex this time but will probably wait until tomorrow as I see the snow has started. Looks like a good day to ride my bike and just relax.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It is one of those days...woke up to ice on the deck and then the sun came out. Melted the ice and now rain clouds are gathering. Never boring but certainly confusing.

    I am going to attack one room at a time in an attempt to get de-cluttered and spring cleaned. This is a fools folly, for sure. By the time I finish, it will need to be done again. Slow and inefficient seem to be my way of working. But I have high hopes.

    All the hub bub about Prince Harry and Meghan is a wonderful real life soap opera. I am sure it is real to them but looking at that monstrously large house in Santa Barbara, it is hard to feel much in the way of sympathy for them and I wonder at their choices. It is fun to hear about people from another way of life. They almost live on a different planet. I wish them all well.

    I talked our son, Damon yesterday. He is animating special effects for new movie called Wicked. It is a Harry Potter kind of movie. He is animating fairy wings and a dramatic portal to a different world. Damon says it is interesting but he thinks it is a B movie. We’ll see.........

    Our daughter just sold one of her original crochet patterns to a sewing pattern company. She is over the moon excited. This is real validation for her. She needs things like this. She often suffers from what she feels is lack of accomplishment on her part. Oh the things we do to ourselves!

    I am stuck behind a vacuum cleaner and dust cloths and a can of furniture polish. Not a horrible place but not exactly where I prefer to be. John is making an emergency trip to Walmart for bananas and other veggies. Brown rice, mixed veggies, chicken Brest in light curry sauce for tonight.

    I need a new photo for my avatar. i am working on a crossword puzzle when John snapped this one. My music today is James Brown....I Feel Good🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    edited March 2021
    Good afternoon. A wet, overcast day. We received much more rain than snow. In fact, it looks as if the snow was melted away by the rain. The temperature is around 34 degrees F so we are fortunate.

    I have been doing little I consequential things today. Tossing some things out of the refrigerator, doing laundry, crushing boxes, trying to sign up for an extension of the Wall Street Journal as offered by a local library. You must re-up every 3 days. I love the Journal and have missed it so much. Read it 5 days a week at work. I have a friend who subscribes to the weekend edition? I gave up the local paper a long time ago. Anyway, I think I finally am renewed. They try hard to sell you a digital subscription. 🤣😂🤣

    This happened a block away from me yesterday. A black and white unit was in front of the townhouse all morning. The vehicle crashed into the back of the dwelling. Click on the link and I hope 🤞🏻 you will be able to see it. Estimates are $50,000 to $60,000 damage. No one in the tow house was injured but the owner was quite distressed. She just had remodeling completed this past summer. Home is not habitable now.

    <img src=";

    Finished a puzzle. Loved it. ❤️❤️ Such fun.


    Teapot du jour. ☘️☘️ St. Patrick’s Day is on the way! In Chicago the river was dyed green once again. I always look forward to that for some reason.


    Jackie, oh my, yes, contractors show up when it works for them. A firm date is unusual. Sliding the date is more like it. I am sorry you have worked so hard to move things upstairs only to find out your wait is longer. I might be a tiny bit unhappy. 😡. I hope George is not injured. Would he try to be brave and not show it?

    Patsy, John on an emergency run for vegetables and fruit. Now that is my kind of trip. Congratulations to your daughter. That is wonderful! We all could use a boost and that is a BIG one. It sounds as if your son is not that thrilled with this project. Darn. It is better to be excited about your work. I hope he found a way to handle the friend who was trying to push onto his boat.

    Sandy, oh no! Returning rugs, ack, horrible chore. Added on to the furniture moving, you are one busy (and sore) lady. This next rug will be it and you will like it. ❤️🤞🏻❤️

    And I can sleep in as well. Great luxury. I heard it was some kind of National nap day. Or maybe it was joke as we all need one after the recent time change.

    Anne, a nap. Yes! All of your recent company and the changing of the phone have kept you occupied. A nap is a lovely little change of pace.

    Barbie, I have had by taxes prepared by a professional for decades. They know what they are doing and keep up on code and changes. It is worth it to me.

    Well, had better check the laundry.

    Best wishes to all our Sneakers.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    Oh my goodness LIN that's one awful crash. I'm so sorry for the poor owner! You know, we plan all sorts of things and in an instant our lives can change. Trying to find Bean on your doggie jigsaw. I think she's way at the top ..... sort of.
    Here's my jigsaw for the day. Reminded me of JACKIE striding on the moors on a raw bleak day. It seemed to be moorland on the working jigsaw, but here it seems to be sea, interesting change.
    Not as pretty as your dogs Lin.

    I've decided to tackle my taxes tomorrow, I've always done them myself and don't think I miss anything. Mind you, they are pretty simple.

    And I'm changing my avatar back to Bean. She's far more interesting in looks and personality.

    Wow PATSY, sounds as if your daughter takes after her creative mama.

    Love your new carpet and rug SANDY.

    Spent a lot of time talking to the two sons on the phone today, but best of all I got a long distance call from a very sweet lady I know. A real treat!

    Off to watch the six o'clock news and see what the world's been up to today. Much more than me I would guess!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    And it's good morning again. As I pour my cup of coffee, eh, cup of TEA the professor on the radio tells me I'm suffering from pandemic brain fog. So THATS what it is. Apperently only temporary and isn't that a relief! I should be back to normal once I've had my vaccine shot and can communicate verbally again with the neighbours.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thick mist has lifted and so far bright and cheery. Only a short walk because George showed signs of discomfort last night when he stretched up to look out the kitchen door that’s glazed on the top half. He looks sweet when he stands on his back tippy toes but I saw him wince so a quiet day today. I’m expecting a delivery of a jigsaw which is a gift ordered for a friend’s birthday and I’m aware this particular courier driver walks into my garden rather than take the easy option at my kitchen door so must be on alert!
    I’ve been google searching how to transfer a savings account into my bank’s current account but such information seems to be hidden away in the small print.... and I thought online banking was supposed to be a doddle now most branches have been closed.
    Inland revenue sent me my new tax codes yesterday, as complicated and at the same time vague as past years. My income is small after a financial institution “stole” my main pension, paid the CEO a few million to persuade him to depart then set themselves up again. Years of enquiries finally paid out compensation that amounted to one year’s worth of pension but here I am, still being taxed. I now advise anyone who asks about investments to stash money in a mattress rather than trust financial services!!
    Only plans today are to take my car to the car wash because tomorrow is annual service day. I know they should clean it at the garage but there is a lot of moorland mud stuck on it. Thank goodness the forecast is sunny so I will enjoy a wander round Plymouth and take a book to read.

    Patsy, what a wonderful achievement for your daughter and I’m guessing your son is just happy to be working after so much closed down in the entertainment industry. Yesterday I made contact with another lady who advertises her reupholstering business because the woman I spoke to last year seems to have forgotten me. I’ve received a quote that offers a thorough job at a reasonable price and when I emailed back saying just that got a response that indicated her confidence had been knocked by a previous enquirer who was rude about what she was offering. She was so grateful for my comments dear of her so I can understand your daughter’s delight at her success.

    Wow Lin, looks like someone stepped on the accelerator rather than the brake. Devastating for the home owner. Fabulous jigsaw and a fun teapot. George probably is being brave about any pain but so long as he isn’t limping I’ll just keep a careful eye on him. He’s a little dog with big attitude and that doesn’t always pan out right!

    Sandy, I do feel for you unwrapping the carpet and having to wrap it again. Go with your heart because everyone will have an opinion but it’s your home.

    Bob, you’re so slim I can’t imagine a couple of pounds will show but appreciate you want to take charge before 2 becomes 4 and so on. I’ve lost 7lbs since the New Year because I don’t want to face that slippery slope again.

    A black and white jigsaw Anne; you really are challenging yourself. I can see why you would have thought it to be the moors because that water looks so cold and bleak! Lockdown has definitely had an affect on my brain but thankfully I’ve met several dog walkers of similar age who all say they are experiencing that fog so know we’re not alone.

    Coffee is finished and an hour to fill before the courier should be here. A bit of housework won’t go amiss, especially when so much has been moved out to uncover dust balls of Betty’s fur. I was saving gardening jobs for when the builder was working inside but can’t wait forever because I can hear the weeds growing!

    I think I’ve caught a few predictive changes but just ignore any typed weirdness! 🤨

    Stay safe

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    A somber note I'm afraid.
    Please dear Sneakers if you have had the vaccine DONT let your guard down. A long term care home here with many of the residents vaccinated twice have got the virus again. 82% of the residents and staff are ill
    What concerns me is that vaccination will give us a false feeling of security and if so the deadly thing will keep spreading.
    Sorry to be a gloom and doom bird, but better be aware I think. I did hesitate in posting.

    JACKIE, I have little in worldly assets and I'm so sorry to read what happened to you and your main pension, terrible to have ones security eroded, but I so agree with you on stuffing any spare under the mattress. Had to laugh the other day. Mark hasn't been going to the bank to cash my rental cheques so my cash has slowly risen in my account. Thus I ended up with quite a bit in my chequing account and for this achievement the bank generously awarded me one cent interest! Yes 1 cent!
    I'm amazed that I still have to struggle with tax forms and continue to be taxed as my work and a low British pension remain the same as they were 22 years ago when I retired.
    Can't see any gullible Prince's in my future either! lol.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Tuesday to all. Up at 4am and at BlinkFitness by 5am… It was a busy Sun/Mon… Dinner at my sisters on Sunday was nice as usual…took a few cell pics of food (all the usual except she also made some corned beef and cabbage (pic).


    I made my own lunch late in the day at home (large chicken & veggie salad).

    Sunday night we got a call that a close friend of Jean’s passed – he was 66 and had been on a Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) for about 7 or 8 yrs and was on top of heart transplant list. Decades ago he was a single father with 4 daughters (mother flew coop to find herself) and Jean was sort of a surrogate mom to them. It was before I arrived on the scene and he has been remarried a long time. Way to long a story. I liked him and for years we all attended the same church. The girls are all married etc. but it is very difficult for them. It wasn’t expected. No idea about funeral yet.

    Jean has some running around to do this morning, as do i. Sadly, we finished all 5 Seasons of Grantchester on MASTERPIECE on PBS in ONE week. Often in the wee hours.

    Annsie –So sorry to hear about the long-term care home and 82% number. You have it so much worse in your area than we do. Overall the numbers are relatively good here by comparison. Glad you are raking in the cash…not everyone can get a 1% return LOL. As for the gullible Prince – that made me laugh. Jean and I from day one said to each other “What is he thinking?” She was my least favorite character in “Suits”. Hoping the USA news stops covering her so much… just crazy.

    Jackie – That’s exactly it… slippery slope…been there / done that and I have come too far to ever go back. May 13th will be 2 years since I started my new lifestyle. I won’t mind gaining even 10 pounds if it is muscle. I am actually down to a size “medium” in some things and no more than a large – Losing 235-240 pounds has been life-altering from an activity standpoint.

    Sounds like a pain in the you know what with regards to your pension, taxes etc. and then there is always the worry of inflation of prices and deflation of currency value. Death and taxes as they say! Hope the car is looking nice. I love a clean car, but only wash when I see 3 or 4 days of good weather forecasted – so I can enjoy the clean look a bit.

    Lin – Love the multiple dog breed puzzle! A fun project on a wet, overcast day. It probably felt good to clean out the refrigerator etc. It’s something, I sometimes put off but when I do it – I love opening the door and seeing clean shelves all organized etc.

    Patsy – Good luck on all your cleaning. As for harry and Meghan – I see her as spoiled and opportunistic. I do not believe most of what she says. It is a joke when she says she “gave up her career.” She has done well establishing a new life anchored in her $15 million dollar 18,000-square-foot in Montecito. Not a fan of their current actions at all. But then again – no one gives a hoot about my opinion and I am to the point of not caring what they do – unless it relates to a deposit to my bank account. LOL

    Oh well – Time to head out. Wising everyone a great day. Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Hello everyone. I looked at the calendar, 3 hours of Zoom meetings today. The first starts in a few minutes. A two hour Boot Camp in sustainable farming practices and cover crops. That may sound quite boring but I hope to learn a few things. There is also the possibility that one of the folks involved in the farming operation that rents my farm may be speaking. I would like to hear him.

    I saw this photo today and thought, oh my, wouldn’t it be lovely to see this for myself? What the heck am I thinking? I won’t ever do that so will enjoy the photo!

    “ Snowdrops, the latin name, Galanthus nivalis, literally translates as 'milk flower of the snow'.

    📸 Woodland with Snowdrops. Colesbourne Park, Gloucestershire, England.”


    I hope to be back later to write a bit more but need to get ready for the meeting.

    But here’s a teapot.


    Waves and best wishes.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) No snow today and hopefully it warms up enough to melt what we got yesterday which was about an inch and a half. Got the second rug packaged again and will return it before going to sit. The new one arrives Friday and I really hope it fits because if not there will not be a rug under my dining table. My son asked if I could make chili for him again and I told him to get the ingredients and I will make it when I get there, so he said ok.

    Lin, enjoy your zoom calls and learn something interesting. Signs of spring with your teapot.

    Bob, sorry about Jean's friend, always hard to lose those we love. Looks like you had a great St. Paddy's Day meal, your sister must be an amazing cook.

    Annsie, we have been warned once we get our two shots to still stay cautious. Wear a mask in public and social distance until we have herd immunity which will be hard since so many people are refusing to get the vaccine.
    We were told if everyone in your group such as my four friends have been vaccinated and waited the two weeks after the last shot it would be fine to have lunch/dinner with them without our masks even indoors. I follow the advice of the experts and wish everyone would listen. It amazes me that most of these people probably vaccinated their children from childhood diseases but are afraid of the Covid vaccine.

    Jackie, this time I am going with my heart because I like the one I ordered even if it is plain. It will serve the purpose for which it is intended and that is to catch any spills or dropped food protecting the carpet underneath.
    I do hope George is okay, I hate to hear he might be hurting. I am really glad I do not have to file taxes as long as Babe continues to agree on filing jointly.

    Hi Patsy and Barbie.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi there! We have a sunny day here. Oh and I have a observation about brain fog. There was a time when I was studying to become a phycologist using art as a diagnostic tool. Somewhere along the way, I just decided I liked art and art history better. But I remember a series of lectures on the effects of isolation on children and babies. They stopped developing mentally! As adults we seem to go into almost hibernation when we are isolated. But I did more current research and as it happens, more sunlight, more contact with nature, other animals and people and we wake up again. So, do not dispare my dear sneakers, I think we are still the same amazing, fun, stylish, charming folks we always were. We are just doing a pandemic hibernation. This is, of course, not any startlingly new info. I believe you all knew this without reading a textbook. I have been trying to exercise my old wrinkled brain with crossword puzzles, sudoko, and brain puzzles offered by AARP.

    I am finishing our annual St. Patrick’s day letter. Had fun picking out photos to include and John did his usual great job of layout and photoshopping. I am so unskilled with the computer, it is just laughable. Yet our son and daughter and John are great with the computer. Where did I miss out? To make matters worse, if I can just get done what I want...that is enough for me.

    Oh my! That photo of all the snowdrops took my breath away. If anyone were to happen upon such a scene, it would truly be a life’s peak moment! I remember a similar moment. We’re we returning from a visit with family, when we lived in Colorado. We came across a small mountain pass near Carbondale, Colorado and saw an incredible sight. A forest of golden Aspen and a full double rainbow arching over them. We stopped and watched the drama. I almost wept looking at the beauty at that special moment.
    Okay! I am beyond sentimental.

    Tossed salad with Turkey, balsamic vinegar, garlic, and olive oil dressing. French bread slices for John. I am still worried about John. He has lost another pound and while his energy is good, he tires very easily. Doc is keeping an eye on osteoporosis and other concerns. He is allowed a dessert before bedtime. (Two cookies) It does help him sleep better.
