Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    Just to clarify, when the blood pressure pills caused my veins to expand and burst it was the most horrifying thing I have ever experienced. A vein burst in my left eye causing blindness for months and even today I have a blind spot. The next day I had a most awful nose bleed. The doctor at the hospital said every vein in my left nostril had broken and I had a plug inserted which was very difficult to remove. I now have scarring which causes sneezing, The veins in my legs burst and I had huge red patches from the blood. Never had a problem with my legs before and today the veins are slowly subsiding. So you see dear friends as soon as blood clotting was mentioned and the dreaded thrombosis which some of my moms family died from my alert signals went full drive. I think the vaccines are wonderful and I was all for vaccination until all this was reported. This really needs mulling over for me, but not for you dear people. I tell you one thing I've never had the flu since 1957 when I had it really badly and I've never had a flu jab since.
    In short I think I would rather get the virus than the shot. I didn't intend to bore you, but this is where I am coming from if nervousness is showing itself.
    Hugs from Anne.
    PS. Another newspaper article says one of our top doctors thinks the Astra should be temporarily suspended but then another thinks it shouldn't. All very confusing to the likes of me.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PATSY. Very sorry your dear friend passed away. Really sorry. The loss of our friends and family leaves a huge hole in the fabric of our lives. Anne. Hugs for you three from us two.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,132 Member
    edited March 2021
    Happy Saturday. :) Back from getting my second vaccine. This nurse was not as good as the first or this one just hurt when jabbed. Fine now, came home and took Tylenol just to be safe. Riding my bike now before going for movie night.

    Lin, I asked the nurse there if donating was ok and she seemed to think because the shot goes in your muscle and not your blood stream it should be okay. The National guard kid, I mean guy said ask the nurse because he thought it might affect my immune system. I think I will cancel just to be safe. I appreciate your feedback, I would never take offence at anything you said.

    Anne, I agree with Patsy just ask your doctor for another vaccine. I really don’t think you want Covid, it is not easy at our age. Talk to your sons and you can all come to the best opinion.

    I like the new rug as well, at first I thought it was too dark but it matches everything in my dining room. I unfortunately ordered another rug but t tried to cancel 1/2 hour later and they said too late. Just refuse it when it comes . Ugh! Here is a picture but the one I have is nicer. (I think)


    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2021
    Finally took the pooches for their walk when George chose the longer trek. I think it did us all good so when we got home I had an early snack lunch then went outside to prune overgrown Buddleias and a fuchsia before watching the rugby. England lost but Ireland did play very well, England not so much!
    I’m now going to settle down to at least 3 episodes of Line of Duty and maybe the last 3 tomorrow before the new series starts.

    Patsy, I am so sorry for your loss but sense you and John lost your wonderful friend as you knew him some time ago. More and more people in the UK are opting for no funeral service but rather a party to celebrate a life and hopefully you will both have an opportunity to do something similar for him before too long. Doing nothing at all is surely not an option.

    Anne, I watched the little extra video set in the middle of the page Lin posted and am sure that Dr John Campbell is the respected doctor that Patsy has mentioned on more than one occasion. One of the effects of Covid is blood clots but he says in the video that only one case in every one and a half million Vaccinations has occurred. For all that I completely understand your fears so agree you should be able to at least ask your GP if you can have an alternative because peace of mind is so important. I do think the more you read about it the more conflicted you might become because there are so many varying opinions out there. It’s a personal choice whether you get vaccinated or not but I’m sure if you don’t do it now you can always have the option to change your mind in the future.

    That’s a bizarre teapot Lin but I’m trying to think where I’ve seen a similar design before. Maybe 1950’s when plastic took over our lives!

    Jackie 💕
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning and a happy Sunday to one and all. A pleasant Spring morning walk completed.

    Back home for a mug of instant coffee after yesterday’s excitement when my electric power shut off. I waited 10 minutes before phoning our emergency people to check if there was a local power cut but no, nothing so I was talked through the process of switching off everything in the fuse box and resetting. Still nothing so engineers duly arrived in less than an hour to find the problem and noticed that the fuse for point my mother’s percolator was plugged in was causing a problem so after 40 years I have to say goodbye to my British engineered Swan coffee maker!

    Some DIY jobs lined up for the day but that’s about all. I didn’t manage many episodes of Line of Duty so plan to binge tonight and watch the new series episode in the week on our catch up service.

    Keep well and safe.
    Jackie 🐑🐑🐑

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    Everybody at viewing the baby lambs,..............aaaaawwwww! Another reason for giving up meat.

    Well I'm going to do what no Anne has bravely done before, go and get my shot but only if it's anything but Astra. I shall ask when I get there. They won't tell you beforehand in case of a mass exodus I guess.

    Michael came over and actually had lunch with me. We looked like one of those old movies where the lady of the manor sits at one end of a long table and his lordship sits at the other end. My table isn't that long, my kitchen isn't that long, but it served to keep our distance! Which maybe was just as well because later a fellow employee phoned Michael to let him know that one office junior had been off partying last weekend and was now off work with Corvid. Everyone was being tested who had contact with the idiot. Fortunately it doesn't affect Mike, but as Mike said, his firm have been extremely lucky so far. I'll tell Mark I think as an added boost for him yelling at Derek and Bev who are now staying with them temporarily. Those two had joined up with a group of friends to party last weekend. That affected me as well because Mark and Mary Jo didn't pop by for their usual visit - just in case.

    Golly, talk about saved by the bell. I almost lost my post but being swifter than usual managed to press the save post button in the nick of time! Amazing!
    To continue, Michael took Bean for three long walks, me in tow for one. Consequently my little girl is having trouble waking up this morning which usually happens after a Mike visit. Mike needs a much larger dog with longer legs. Jilly Bean will gamely go where no Bean has gone before - like her mom - if it means sticking like glue to him wherever he strides.

    And I better get moving. Oh, sorry about your Moms percolater JACKIE. Expect about 6 years with a new one.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    What a great morning! Started out in 20’s with sun for BlinkFitness and then washed the car. Weather for today and the upcoming week looks fantastic for March. For the 1st time ever, my sister said today will be BYOS (Bring Your Own Sandwich) Sunday and she will still have all the desserts etc. For me, it’s a win. Already bought large Romaine lettuce leaves to replace bread and plan a solid while albacore tuna sandwich with a side of no-sugar pineapple and perhaps some almonds.


    Jackie – What a great Sunday morning pic!!! We LOVE “Line of Duty” and subscribe to AcornTV but not sure if Season 6 is available for us yet… we will binge quickly when it is… Right now we are ineo “Endeavor” – just wish the episodes were a little shorter… harder to binge 90 minutes more than twice a day. Sorry about the coffee maker – you’d think they would last longer than 40 years! :D

    Annsie – You’re right about the cuteness of the baby lambs. As for meat consumption, while I haven’t given it up entirely I am amazed how little we consume now. I always wanted huge portions and now it is pretty much 2-3 oz and mostly chicken. Conversely, I eat more veggies now than ever and can’t believe it is me.

    Glad you will be getting your shot…we got the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and our 2nd shot is April 7th. We are fortunate and had an easy time scheduling at a local pharmacy. Best wishes.

    Sandy – Congrats on the 2nd shot! Sorry about the jab pain. I have blood drawn about every 6-8 weeks and occasionally get a not-so-good tech.– even while using a “butterfly” needle. Jean donates her blood (O-negative) on a regular basis… (It’s good for all trauma patients, premature babies, and cancer patients, but also the only blood type that can save O Negative recipients.)

    Love your new rug...and can sympathize on the attempt to cancel. I know Jean has run into that same situation of trying to cancel within 30 min or so and told “too late” and to just return.

    Patsy – hmmmm pizza and wine! Sounds great for any day – hope it was great!

    Lin – I will pass along your decoration comment to Jean. Love the lamb tea pot!

    Have a great Sunday and wishing everyone the best of health. Bob :)

    A friend posted...she has a great sense of humor...


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)We just came home from picking up our groceries. It was another wonderful experience and we reminded ourselves how much we like it. There were a few things not available but several things I couldn't get before that I got this time. We won't be going hungry.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,132 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Mass completed and it is a beautiful sunny warm day. I am going to try to walk outside instead of riding my bike today. Movie night was good, Charming was the movie, I think Lisa and I liked it better than the kids.
    A video call with my kids and then the walk and will probably go visit Joe if he can tear himself away from March Madness. I am sure he will want to visit just for some company.

    Bob, funny meme and very true. I am just going to refuse the delivery so I don't have to lug an 8 foot rug back for the return. I already started the refund process. Your weather is a little better than ours, especially that 70 degree day on Thursday, we are going into the 60's for the next three days. I will reschedule my blood donation after my two weeks of marinating, I am common with A+.

    Anne, I agree with you and would not take the Astra after reading about it, good decision. Does Michael ever pick Jilly up while walking when her little legs get tired?? No partying for anyone until they are vaccinated, you tell them Annsie!!!

    Jackie, beautiful pictures, do they dogs get upset with other animals? Do the lambs get upset with the dogs?
    Holy cow, 40 years with a coffee pot, mine last about a year as I buy cheap ones but think a better purchase is needed for my next one.

    I better eat something and get ready for zoom call. Hello to all I missed and have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Had to smile SANDY at your comment about Michael picking the Bean up. She loves to go on long walks but just occasionally if her paws get too cold she will plonk her bottom on the sidewalk and he has to pick her up for the last few yards home. Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Rainy day but nice weather is promised this coming week. Hey! They better keep their promise!

    After all the family have left we will try to organize a regular schedule of visits to our late friends wife. If she seems to want our company. We always felt that our musician friend liked us better than his wife does. Letting go of our friend has been hard. A lot of years and lots of concerts and jazz nights. Dinners and lunches with many outrageously naughty jokes. And I do mean naughty! Our friend had a sense of humor that often had my cheeks burning red with embarrassment. We miss him terribly!

    Anne: I want to say, you are showing tremendous courage when it comes to this vaccine. I put myself in your shoes and I suddenly realize how risky this must feel for you. Yet it seems absolutely necessary that we all get some sort of Covid protection. I know this sounds really odd, but you and I know that no one is going to care for our little fur babies like we do. We took them on to raise and spoil and they became our best friend/companion/ family and our responsibility. We have to take care of us so we can take care of them. I do I sound deranged?

    Jackie: oh no! A broken 40 year old coffee maker...that was a dear friend. Do you like strong coffee? MY French press coffee maker makes delicious coffee but you do have to fuss with the whole process. I have one that I use upon occasion. I normally use my cousinart brand coffeemaker. Makes good coffee and they last 5 or 10 years.

    Barbie: getting out and about, have a pleasant little errand is great. We feel the same way about things like that.

    Have a lovely Sunday.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    If you are deranged PATSY then so am I. Little Bean means the world to me especially today with, just like you, losing old friends and knowing that no one can possibly spoil her or love her as much as I do. She's been a god send to me during this pandemic and because I talk to her so much she understands an awful lot, and that's coupled with being a very intelligent little thing. You hit the nail on the head when you wrote we have to take care of us to continue caring for them. I'll be okay, just a bit paranoid after the previous "blood letting" episode. I'm glad you will watch out for your friends wife. The bad time seems to be six months after a death when folks begin to drift away and carry on with their old lives.
    Believe me, I also miss a very fun filled family and friends of my own generation. We adapt to life's changes though and Katie and Bean help us.
    Hugs to you three from Anne and Bean.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,191 Member
    Good afternoon friends. Online church this morning and then sorted out all the bills that needed to be taken care of this week. Online bills paid, checks written, online $$ transferred. I would like to drive to the credit union tomorrow to deposit a check moving money from a different bank to the credit union. Not essential tomorrow but would like to do that while it’s on my mind.

    Finished reading a mystery. Aha, it all came together. Found another unread book in my TBR books that I think I will read next.

    Yesterday and for a little while today, I sorted through several containers of extra supplies. I was surprised at the things I found. Out of sight, out of mind for certain. I would love to have a room with lots of storage units with pidgeon holes for each type of pen, pencil, marker, shimmer pens, etc. I would instantly know how many of each I had. Boxes hide things!

    We have a week in store with lots of rain according to the forecast. Today it is sunny and windy.

    Patsy, I am sorry for the passing of your friend. Hope you can find a way to provide his wife some comfort with virtual visits if not in person. I am still sending cards to four friends who lost their spouse over the years. I don’t know when I should cut back on the number of cards I send or if they prefer I give it up.

    Jackie, wonderful photos. What cute fuzzy lambs. I am astounded that you had a 40 year old coffee pot. Oh my gosh! I no longer have a coffee pot. I just do a pour over now when I want coffee. It works fine. I was always going to get a French press but never got one and I can live with what I have now. I hope you are okay with the change to whatever coffee pot and/or method you end up with.

    Sandy, well done, already working on returning the unwanted rug. Excellent. I hope you are enjoying the afternoon. People were outside this morning and I heard lots of kids playing and yelling but nada this afternoon. Maybe the wind blew them away.

    Barbie, I am so glad your grocery pickups are working out so well. I am looking forward to driving to the credit union tomorrow, even if it is raining.

    Annsie, I am glad your boys are so careful of your health. And good for them on calling people out for inappropriate socializing. It does have consequences. Hello to Bean!

    Bob, I love that illustration—it is too true! I would take your weather next week. Ugh, a couple of inches of rain expected. Argh. A day with 70!!!!! Wow. Hope you enjoyed your sandwich. It is easier than picking through what is served.

    Sunday’s teapot.


    The oddball teapot with two pouring spout looked like a snail to me when placed on its holder. I wished there had been some sort of description with that one.

    Be well.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just a quick note for now. Michael phoned with bad news last night. A second employee has now tested positive for the virus and he's in Mikes area so Mike will have to get tested. Mike was over on Saturday taking Bean out for a walk. I keep my fingers crossed for him because he had the virus right at the beginning over Christmas.
    Hope today is a good one for us all Friends,
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Monday to all…. Glorious morning! The sun was a bit blinding driving home from the gym. Despite cold temps that early, it felt great. Sang a bit of "A Beautiful Morning" - written by Felix Cavaliere (Rascals) . (Trivia: Felix went to college locally at SU).


    Over the weekend, my daughter and son-in-law held their 2nd annual at-home daddy/daughter dance. This is normally a school event (until Covid). They literally get dressed up with suit/dresses etc and have their own dance… so cute they also sent videos/photos. While they are all very computer literate etc., they don’t really do social media – so I used an effect to distort a bit but give you an idea of how they “party-on.” I find it heartwarming. They are great parents!


    Missing them and the sleep-overs.

    Today’s plan: This morning we will be hitting the road with the sun roof open and soaking up all the vitamin D we can.

    Sandy – Smart move on simply refusing delivery. I hate making returns. That meme was funny, I do hate it when I am shaving and all of a sudden this old guy blocks my view…looks like he could be my grandfather. :D . Jean has a couple of favorite online local masses she likes to watch. It seemed strange last Friday at a funeral to actually be “inside” a church etc. It had multiple sections blocked off and communion was done in a specific manner. BUT…it still felt good!

    Patsy – Hope you get some of that nice weather. So sorry about your friend…it is nice to have fond memories of those we have lost, but doesn’t mean there isn’t a touch of sadness as well. For me, the worst losses were the unexpected ones when you don’t a chance for those last goodbyes. And no – you aren’t deranged with regards to the vaccine etc. :)

    Annsie – There is nothing like a loving pet and I understand about the “caring” concern. We always had Jean’s dad to come to the house when out of town to feed and play with Sabrina as we never wanted to board her – she was abused before we got her and not sure she could handle the stress.

    Hello Lin – As you can see above, it will be a wonderful day. As for the sandwich, it was delicious and I also cooked a side dish of mushrooms, green peppers, onions and squash. For dessert – I packed two pieces of sugar-free dark chocolate! Yum! Nice Sunday tea pot – hope you have a great day!

    Hope everyone enjoys this Spring day! Bob
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: I know you are really upset and nervous about this current problem with Mike’s co-workers. Thinking about all the “what if’s.” However on the good side, you have showed good safety measures when Mike has visited. Your lunch at on-site sides of your dining table, walks outside for Jilly and Mike sound safe. The tests are a great idea. Maybe you can get one as well. Various places have test kits for you to do it yourself at home. Check your health department, call your doctor, if you have a Walgreens or Walmart they might have the home tests. Now there is a protocol to help people with Covid. Mike might be just fine since he already had Covid earlier. Keep in touch with Mike and devise a plan. We do that. It helps and truthfully we have never had to use any of our emergency plans. I think there is a connection! I feel sure you all will be fine. Keep in touch and let us know how Mike is doing. And YOU!
    Stay safe, dear friend.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,132 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another beautiful day and I will be walking. Yesterday I walked a mile because it was too windy and my first time out walking this year. Today I hope to get at least two miles, I hope. I went to visit Joe and will probably do the same today. His family wants him to move into an assisted living place but he is trying to hold off. I know he is hoping the pool opens this year and he loves visiting with everyone at the pool. Since we are both vaccinated and waiting to marinate I will take him to lunch in a few weeks with safety measures.

    Bob, I know that feeling of being in a physical Church and receiving Communion. When I went to my BIL funeral Mass everyone was spread out and masked but it still felt good to be there in person. Yes, looking in a mirror can be scary, I am not sure I will get the confidence to put on a swimsuit if our pool opens, but I love the sun and floating in the pool. What a beautiful idea with the dance with dad at home. Those girls will always remember that and you did a great job with the photo.

    Annsie, did we know Mike had Covid in December? He is so careful I am almost sure his test will be negative. I understand your love for Jilly, I miss Daisy so much and probably will not see her again. Please keep us updated on Mike and try not to worry.

    Lin, I will be paying some bills today as well. It was very windy here yesterday so I hope it is calmer today. It felt really good to be outside and getting some air. I even ordered a lounge chair to sun on my balcony incase I don't get the nerve to wear a suit at the pool. lol Pretty teapot.

    Barbie, hope all is well.

    Time to eat and get moving. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    Hi PATSY, no I'm not too concerned, we just have to wait and see. We have all practised very good safety measures and I don't think I'll catch it even if Mike tests positive because we have kept our distance. Just mentioned it earlier because it just shows how contagious the virus is and even if vaccinated please stay safe and don't let your guard down. I do know Michael wears a mask at work and has a shield all around his desk. Great advice and I do thank you. If Michael tests positive I will get tested as well mainly because you can't have the vaccine if you are positive.

    Have you managed to see the latest Line of Duty JACKIE? I saw it had very good reviews. I actually sat through the very first of the series again yesterday. Confession. This was because I fell asleep during that first session and missed a bit and I have to admit I missed quite a lot. Really enjoyed it but felt shocked at the ending which I had originally slept through! Guess, too much Christmas pud!

    Catch up on housework day today. Shame doing housework on such a gorgeous day which more or less matches BOB just below us on the map. Must have a peek and see if any bulbs are poking through. Poinsettia getting bushier by the minute.

    PS. Michael's had the test but has to stay home until the results come through.
    SANDY, Mike and all the guests picked up the virus on the plane back from his friend's wedding Xmas 1918. He was very ill but nobody realized it was the start of the Chinese virus back then. He found out he'd had it in March 2019.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,191 Member
    edited March 2021
    Hello Sneakers. I did my errands this morning and just returned home. I go out so infrequently that some days it feels quite alien to be driving my car. I did not get my out of state Easter cards in the mail though. There are just a few of those. If I get them stamped and sealed, I may drive down to the post office drop off again. We will see. I do have most of my trash and papers collected to take out to the curb tonight.

    Need to think about a grocery order. I put some items in my cart for Whole Foods delivery last evening and this morning 3 of them are unavailable. Ooops. Will think about that later.

    Sandy, glad you are getting some fresh air and are visiting with Joe. And as far as moving to a facility, who knows these days, that might not be safe. In this state, facilities are not required to report the numbers of staff refusing vaccine. I think there are some numbers on the number of residents who are vaccinated. Anyway, all decisions seem to be quite difficult. I am glad you are getting a lounge chair. You will be set for this summer!

    Patsy, how are you and your family today? Is the spring family gathering still in the works?

    Bob, oh my gosh, look at that expected temperature! Wow! I am so green eyed. Actually I do have green eyes. Heeeee. Enjoy your day and I know you will. The daddy daughter dances are so popular here and I think last year one place did hold a dance but with relatively few people allowed to attend.

    Annsie, time will tell I guess but Michael may still have immunity. I hope everyone will stay well.

    My friend and her hubby are fully vaccinated. The only thing they did was go to one grocery store, masked of course, to get some ingredients for a little personal celebration. They are being very careful now. Her shoulder surgery is coming up soon and she wants to be certain she will test negative.

    A more frivolous teapot today.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Problems last night logging on to MFP, something about service provider not being available even though WiFi was working.
    Back from an early shop, everything put away and porridge consumed so next is my walk with George and Betty. A cold day so envious of the warm temperatures some of you are enjoying.
    Back later... hopefully!