Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    New/Used carpeting it is. At least I am getting some spring cleaning done as I have to empty all my bookcases and entertainment center. Hopefully, I will love it because there ain't no going back. lol
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Cold, cold, cold even with occasional sunshine. A short walk round the block guided by George. I think he’s still tired after yesterday’s long walk and lots of time in the garden whereas a Betty will go anywhere I go, tired or not.
    Two melon shoots appeared in their pot last night so more excitement amongst my seed trays! I’ve cleared the mound of laurel branches and Debs today finished the final small amount of painting on the end wall so we could remove the ladder then hang another bird house on the back wall. Sparrows and blue tits already checking them out!

    Cute video Sandy. This evening I watched a short documentary about what they called grey misinformation about so many situations, including the virus and how it seems it’s mostly users of social media tending to believe it. There’s no persuading my ex gardener who thinks every counter belief is another conspiracy!

    Dear Buzz, I do miss her and all those words of wisdom.
    I remember a Judy Lin. She was posting here when NZ had their previous earthquake. Good to know she’s safe and well.

    Patsy’s cushion search reminds me I still need to get my dining chairs recovered. How long has that little project been hanging about? I must search out yet another reupholster.

    Two big giggles at comments in your post Bob... living on the edge! How will we cope when the world is yet again our oyster? Really though, my out loud guffaw came at the thought of no party invites for those 3 wise monkeys!

    A satsuma then bed for me. Lots of cold fresh air has done me in!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Jake had a slight headache and some fatigue this morning from the second jab but he took a nap and some Tylenol and felt better by afternoon

    :) I figured out how to pair my new Bluetooth headphones to the TV then ordered another set to replace the ones for my phone that I broke.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Carpet guys are here installing new carpet. It is very, very light so I hope I can keep it clean. Nice and thick though which will feel good to walk on. I think I will look for some kind of throw rug to put under the two tables. It is going to be a long day with them here but they seem to be doing a good job. Will post pictures later.

    Barbie, I heard to drink plenty of water the day before and the day of and to take tylenol after the shot. Mild systems are much preferred to the virus itself. Good job on pairing your new headphones.

    Jackie, I am glad you are able to spend time in the garden, we are supposed to reach 60 today but I think I am stuck in the house. Even our video call is postponed to later.

    Hello to everyone else, just wondering where is everyone??

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello, well we've reached minus two but it's supposed to be springlike tomorrow.
    I'm exhausted just watching Michael and the Bean. He rolled up at ten because he felt like taking the Bean for a nice long walk. "That's all Mom" he said. Ha! He took her for three 20 minute walks which is a lot for a small short legged dog! In between they played "chase the dog around the coffee table" and "tug" with a small tiger (tigger) she got for Christmas. He's just gone home and Bean is already fast asleep and I'm about to join her!
    I've always thought I have only one cousin left, that's Helen in Australia. However my dad had a brother and he was uncle to my four cousins. They lived away from us and although we exchange Christmas cards we were really out of touch. The eldest is three years younger than me and was a nurse for years but gave that up to run a guest house in the Yorkshire dales. Judith her sister is five years younger than me. She went off with her husband to Turkey where she taught English and art. Back in the UK she still teaches art but is about to give that up because she wants to concentrate more on her own painting. The boys are boys of course and I can't see them wanting to start a full time get together with a distant cousin. So instead of one cousin sending me lots of emails I've now got three!
    Maybe now that we are all in our 80s and them recovering from the virus everyone thinks it's time to get properly acquainted.
    Lovely sunny day here but cold with a killer wind.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just you, me and your carpet Sandy! 😆. Sounds luxurious and just the sort I’d be spilling coffee or red wine on!

    Bitterly cold again but lots of sunshine. I took the dogs on the moors and bumped into a chatty dog walker I occasionally see who talked and talked until I felt frozen to the spot. Luckily the builder phoned about a half hour in so she went on her way and I decided I had to get back to my warm car for all our sakes. I did stop for a brief chat with the gentleman that walks a gorgeous Westie, is a carer for his bedridden wife and was adamant the last time we spoke he wouldn’t be having the vaccination. Something has changed his mind because he is now trying to get an appointment but because he missed his original allotted time he’s finding it difficult.
    I managed my first cut of the grass in my garden and spent time planning where I can move everything out of Dave the Builder’s way because he hopes to get started next Monday. Any advice Sandy? 😊

    It’s going to be -2c tonight and not much warmer tomorrow so lots of layers on.
    I hope everyone is well. Enjoy your Sunday.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited March 2021
    Good evening

    I have been doing little things around the house, put in a Walmart grocery and gardening order for tomorrow, I also placed a small order with the hardware street not far from me but I waited and waited. They never contacted me to come and pick it up. I guess they must have been very busy given the good weather. I was ready to go and didn’t want to start a message that I wouldn’t finish.

    Sandy, well, is the carpet project finished now? I certainly hope so. What a lot of work for you with the packing. Looking forward to photos.

    Barbie, I am sorry Jake had a reaction to the second shot. It sounds as if he recovered well. I hope you both continue to do well. And congratulations on figuring out the headphones. Wahoo!

    Jackie, wahoo, more new sprouts emerging. I think you will get the chairs covered when you get around to it. No worries. You are accomplishing so much.

    Anne, what a great development, more cousins equals more email! Happy Bean, what a lovely day with Michael. It is a happy tired out!

    I think I will watch some of the long anticipated interview this evening. I am not at all sure I will make it through the entire program as I am not that interested right now.

    I have dug out one of the books I purchased in the last year. It is by an author who passed away in the past year. I have been looking forward to reading it.

    Well, I have nothing interesting to share, I spoke to no one today and exchanged texts with one friend. She was just relating side effects from their second shot.

    Be well everyone.

    Here is a happy teapot. I love the cheery color.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Carpet is in and I love it! I am getting two matching throw rugs, one for under the dining table and the second under the table by my couch. That way if anyone spills anything it should save the carpet. Back tomorrow I am exhausted and hungry.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Wow Sandy! Lovely. For some reason I thought they were doing bedrooms. Not!!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Super SANDY, and guess what, same colour as my LR with a multi coloured rug under the coffee table. I've had my carpet for years and I wouldn't say it collects dirt despite Jilly Bean. Didn't say that earlier because it's your personal choice. My colour is a very pale oatmeal. Anne.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Sorry it came out so big. How do you make photos smaller? Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2021
    We don’t mind a bigger, cute as ever Jilly Anne! 😊

    A beautiful Spring day so walked on the moors with a heavy frost underfoot then popped into town to see Les my 95 year old friend. We were going to sit in his garden but Betty and George ran all over the place and we had to keep calling them back. The kitchen table was a good alternative with a cup of tea until Les’ carer arrived to prepare his lunch. Bought fuel and then Betty’s kibble at the vet before heading home. Stormy weather on the way from Wednesday onwards so I’ll make the most of this glorious sunshine.

    Wow, that’s a plush carpet indeed Sandy. Sink your toes in and enjoy!

    Everyone Keep safe and well. Happy Monday.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, if your photo was selected from your gallery there should be an option underneath to pick medium or small.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hi JACKIE, I can't find an option on my old pad and you all nearly ended up with yet another photo of Bean. I'll just have to stop posting photos until I get a new pad if I ever do. Anne.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    A quick pop-in to say alive and well. Busy weekend and also intentionally disconnected from internet 50% of the time. Celebrated Granddaughters & son-in-law birthdays Saturday with food, games etc.,


    Sunday we did get hooked on Amazon Prime PBS “GRANTCHESTER, a young vicar and a veteran cop join forces to solve baffling murders around a placid English village in 1953.”

    This morning while on treadmill I ran into my niece who snapped a selfie of us. Don’t let he funny expression fool you…she is a tough cop and handled her share of “situations” on the rough side of town at night…but she is fun and has a great sense of humor.


    We are headed out in a bit (but need to clean up), but hate when I don’t at least check-in.

    Will be back later to catch up on reading posts. Hope all is well with everyone. Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited March 2021
    Hello, just picked up my groceries at Walmart. Still no word on my order at the hardware store.

    I am attending two Zoom presentations today/this evening. Both are art related. One is “Docent finds” and the other is “Meet the Artist” and both sound interesting.

    I watched/listened to “the interview” last evening while fiddling with a jigsaw puzzle. Will you watch it Jackie? If so, I will be interested to hear if you have any comments.

    We have been promised an end to our unseasonable weather and back down to average temperatures. Someone even used the “S” word. Which is not that unusual for this time of year. My backyard has one tiny snowbank remaining.

    Bob, you know some interesting people and seem to be related to quite a few of them. 🤣😂🤣. Celebrations look quite lovely. Have a good day. And by the way, I loved Grantchester! Enjoy.

    Anne, a large picture of Jilly is fine with me. She looks quite comfortable. 👍🏻❤️👍🏻

    Sandy, are you tired today after all the excitement yesterday? I would be! Looking after the kiddies tomorrow?

    Barbie, do you knit all year round? Thinking of you and Jake having your second shot. A friend told me the other day that they have it all marked out on the calendar—their freedom day. Not that they have huge plans but it is their freedom from the virus symbolically I guess.

    Hello Diane, Jeri and any other Sneakers who might drop by.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Monday! :) We are headed into the middle 60's this afternoon, so I will visit Joe outside and get some fresh air. Tomorrow is supposed to get to 67 so maybe I will be outside with the kiddos if the snow has melted. I am going to make chili for tomorrow so I can use the ground beef that came with my Omaha Steak order. I am sitting early Wednesday as Lisa has a foot doctor appointment. I will stay for dinner as Bryanna will be joining us to celebrate my birthday. I love the celebrating but not the aging part although I prefer that to the alternative.

    Lin, yes, I am exhausted from yesterday especially since my back is hurting. At lease my house is really clean with all the furniture being dusted and knicknacks also cleaned. I ordered two rugs so will post those when they arrive.

    Bob, fun times for you and your family, always great to be together. I am hoping that I will be able to see my son in May if he can get vaccinated, his wife was able due to asthma. But he is in good health and only 57 so he has to wait. Cute picture of you and your niece and thank her for her service.

    Annsie, don't worry about big pictures, especially of Jilly. I make my smaller on my computer but none of us mind the big pictures so keep on posting. Once I get past looking at Jilly's adorable face I see your carpet is similar. Once it was down I loved it, it is so much richer than the old stuff. There wasn't enough for the bedrooms but it still looks fine as they are in the same color group.

    Jackie, you are so social and have many people to talk too which I am sure helps break up the monotony of the pandemic. Is your 95 year old friend vaccinated??

    Time to eat and take a nice hot shower to help my back. Enjoy your day, I hope the sun is shining.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny cold day here with some high thin clouds out over the Columbia. So things are looking very springy. There is this very odd thing that keeps happening for me. Often (but not always) your posts here will be missing part of a sentence and sometime a small part of the post is off to the side but still jumbled up. Is anyone else having that? Is it something I am doing?

    We will check into Grantchester. We are in desperate need of new entertainment especially while exercising. I need diversion to keep me distracted while I exercise. I am hopeless! I hate exercising! But I am also in desperate need of it just to keep upright and on my feet.

    We didn’t remember to check in on the big interview. I would have found it amusing I know. John might not have been able to drum up any patience for it. We are a pair! But on some level after more than 50 years, we have kind of worked it out.

    Oh Sandy! A birthday! Of all of us, you are the one who looks and acts like a teenager, even still babysitting. I know you can handle white carpet. I really should have mud brown but I have a blue-green that hides most dirt but shows up Katie’s sticks and other things. A yearly rug shampoo tells a very ugly story indeed.

    Anne: you are another one who seems to be able to keep white carpet looking white. I don’t even understand the whole concept. There on the lovely clean white carpet sits an adorable little BLACK doggy. Complete with little bone. Katie’s toys are dirty and slobbery. I usually have one or two toys in the wash every day or so. White carpet is just plain scary!

    Today’s exciting activity is laundry, cleaning bathrooms and making enchiladas. Today I need to really get and stay busy. Maybe a call to some friends later this afternoon. Ordering new yoga I would ever be able to really do yoga.........bawhahahahah! But the pants are comfy but not terribly attractive.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I did spend my afternoon outdoors and painted a first coat of oil based clear protection on my greenhouse. Betty and Brady sat inside while the door was open but George definitely didn’t like the smell so sat by the pond watching Debs and a friend cut off the top of high bamboo between our properties. As we all finished our jobs Louise came home from her first day back at school teaching and made us all cups of tea. A lovely way to finish before the temperature dropped dramatically. While I was in town I noticed children in their school playgrounds and it looked wonderfully normal and another step out of lockdown.

    My feet are up with Betty and a rug over my knees while Bob Ross paints what he referred to an exciting scene. Looks like Autumn colours!

    Sorry Anne, you’re right of course, it’s the new ipads and phones that offer extra options. I hope you can get yourself a phone one day if only to carry on your walks with Jilly, just in case!

    Great photos Bob. Interesting that you discovered Grantchester which was one of Lin’s favourites.

    A smart teapot Lin and I do rather like its style.
    No I won’t be watching the interview because from little snippets I’ve heard on radio news today it sounds self indulgent and far too ‘oh poor me’! A silly comment about not realising she had to curtsy to the Queen when Harry is supposed to have told her all about the protocol before they married and that she felt stifled, throwing in the Diana card... really? Then there’s Harry saying he fell out with daddy who refused to pay his security bill when they got their multi million dollar Netflix deal which is so trivial in the order of things when we are all dealing with the economic fallout from the pandemic. Welcome to the real world Harry! I’ve spent time with several people today and not one has brought the subject up so I guess the British public don’t care although I’m cross an episode of a new series of Unforgotten has been moved to make room for the interview tonight and I can’t find it!! I bet you wished you hadn’t asked but I would be interested in your opinion. Did you see it differently?

    Bob Ross’ painting was magical tonight! Now time for a last cuppa
    as I’m now watching another art programme about Tom Roberts, an Australian artist.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Back from errands!

    Lin – I love the way you say “interesting people” LOL… I just tell them they are crazy and I hang with them just so I look more normal. Ha ha ha. I do come from a large family (many I still have not met in person, given they live in AZ etc and I haven’t been back there to visit since 1991. It’s sort of like the UN… family & friends come in all sizes, ages, political leaning, religion etc. I can’t even give you a total – there were 7 of us and some of my siblings had 7 or 8 kids of their own and they are now grown and have their own families. Makes life interesting. Hope you get your hardware order OK and enjoy those Zoom presentations. We are binging on Grantchester. Season 1 completed, as well as episode 1 of Season 2 -- 

    Sandy – Congrats on the new thick carpeting! I really should replace the carpet in my “office” room upstairs, but it really isn’t a room anyone sees but me…maybe someday. Reminds me of my youth. The first job I had after high school was working at a carpet distributorship – first as a warehouse worker, then made warehouse manager and then promoted to office…all within 24 months. Fun times.
    Just saw your photos… the carpet is GORGEOUS!
    As for family, it is great to be together and I hope you are able to see your son in May. I keep checking on line re: vaccination as I have an April appt, but will go sooner if something popped up quickly. I guess they are doing J&J (weird scheduling only 10:30pm til 6am) and Pfizer (during daytime) right now. Watch those carpet spills. LOL

    Anne – Minus 2 doesn’t sound inviting. It was 13 when I went to the gym this morning and tomorrow should be 40’s…BUT Wed/Thurs it should hit 60!!!!! Love it! Wonderful you now have 3 cousins to share news and memories with instead of just one. I think connecting with family and friends is the best thing about tech today – it’s the only way I get to see what many are doing between career’s, marriages, babies etc. You’re correct about getting properly acquainted. I hope to do some re-connecting in person when this pandemic is under control. Most regrets in that area are related to putting things off. I had always planned to spend a lot of time with my AZ brother in retirement and then poof…. Gone in his sleep at age 61 without warning…and lost 2 other “close” male family members in their 60’s as well…. Since then I have tried to adjust my thinking re: plans… more “doing” and less “putting things off.”

    Hello to all other Sneakers.... Bob