Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! We HAD some sunshine but Mr. Sol took his rays away and rain clouds jumped in to fill the skies. Oh well, it was nice for the time it was here.

    Reading all about possible reactions to the vaccine so we would be prepared in case. I think we will be right as rain, as my Gram used to say. Good to know that the second shot is the trouble-maker.

    I really had to trim Katie pretty close. She matted up in two or three weeks. She is sporting a very close trim and she has some tuffs sticking out that will be trimmed after she recovers from her grooming experience. 2 hours on the grooming table almost puts Katie into a full fledged frenzy. I have to sneak in a small trim when she has calmed down. What a princess!

    Anne: I know exactly how you feel about offering to pay for those acts of kindness from your neighbors. My dad used to say that generosity makes people happy...both giver and receiver. I agree. The problem with shortbread is that it is rarely ever chocolate.

    Sandy: our kids were really picky but they loved the most horrible things. Hamburgers, pizzas, Mac and cheese were their favs. They would have lived on those things. That and breakfast cereal. Thankfully, they grew up anyway. Damon is now a great cook. Andrea, our daughter, really can’t boil water successfully. But they work it out just fine.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Last night I didn’t get to bed until after 1.30 because after watching an episode of the 2nd series of Line of Duty I decided I couldn’t wait until next week to find out what happened next so went on to the BBC catch-up website and ended up watching 3 episodes that took me to the end of that series. Now on to Series 3, probably another 6 hour marathon!

    I usually only weigh myself once a week but hopped on the scales before my shower this morning and saw another pound lost. I won’t log until Friday though because anything could happen between now and then!

    Back from a rather wet walk although still quite enjoyable. George decided to take us through the neighbouring village and on to the field where I can let them off to sniff and run. Nobody about other than one lady pushing a pram with a lookalike Katie in tow! Probably more sedate than Katie though!😉. Spotted catkins in the hedgerows so not long before I’ll be sneezing on our strolls!
    Yesterday afternoon my neighbours dropped in to discuss seeds and what we hope to grow at the allotment and in our respective greenhouses this Spring. We also made a plan to cut down wayward bamboo growing in the hedge between us today but that was when the forecast was for a dry day. However it is beginning to look brighter on the coast so I’ll live in hope.

    I dare not look back and risk losing my post so will just wish everyone a safe, peaceful and healthy Sunday.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning.

    Another Alice in Wonderland teapot before I forget. 🙃


    Well, back to gray skies and snow. They have said around 3 inches this time. A positive factor right now, it is well above zero. Actually in the 20’s.

    Church online this morning. Watercolors and paperwork this afternoon. I did get some laundry finished yesterday and paid some bills. Okay, I chatted with friends and watched my usual Saturday Facebook Live event. Excitement unlimited!

    Jackie, the weather will get better someday. I think yours will definitely be lovely and we will still be slogging along in the cold and mud. 🤣😂 I should probably look ahead on my calendar and give myself a target date for planting a few tomato seeds. Do not want to be too early though and end up with spindly too tall plants to plant in my outdoor pots.

    Annsie, good morning. Very nice of you to pay your helpers. My handyman will do lots of things around here for me but it all goes on my bill so I never feel guilty. Some folks do things for me, like rolling my trash bin back to my house when they walk by but honestly, I never know who does it. That happens only once in a while and I never see or hear them. Well, I hope you are not having another snow day. ❄️❄️❄️

    Patsy, has Katie recovered from her traumatic grooming experience? And have you recovered as well? That is a lot of work. My nerves would be frazzled! I hope you and John and Katie are having a pleasant weekend.

    Sandy, looking forward to hearing how movie night went and what you watched. I have now fallen asleep during two different movies this past week. One day I will see the ends of each!

    Be safe everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Oh shoot, I messed up and lost my post, I will be back later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Will try again. Our weather is just like Lin's, warmer but more snow tonight. Icicles keep crashing down off my gutters but no damage, just loud. Other than a video call with my kids and the bike I might just have a pajama day. The movie last night was How to kill a dragon, one of three in the series. It was very cute and even though the kids were maniacs Lisa and I enjoyed it. Rob and Lisa both liked my stew so I was happy and brought some home so no cooking tonight. I will be going back for Bryanna's birthday celebration tomorrow and again on Tuesday for my regular sitting day. Busy week with an eye doctor appointment on Thursday.

    Lin, love the Alice in Wonderland teapot, one of my favorite movies. Thanks for the reminder to pay bills.

    Jackie, I have done that as well with movies and stay up too late. I don't know why we get upset if we sleep in since we live alone but it kind of throws the day off. George makes me laugh for being in charge of you and Betty, he must be the boss. :D

    Patsy, I had a granddaughter who would only eat hot dogs and she is now in her 30's and beautiful and healthy.
    I would like to see the kiddos eat better but they are not starving and they are all healthy. Ewok was groomed yesterday and looked beautiful with his very soft fur. He was given a bone for his stressful day and was very protective of it with my son so my son was concerned. I later went downstairs and said hello and took his bone, he was not happy but no growling just a little jumping to try and get his bone back. I told my son he wasn't aggressive but probably stressed and he is fine which relieved my son.

    Annsie, how nice of you to give the kids and the guys money for helping you. I didn't mean to pry, I was just curious if they charged you. I really am into the old Monk series and old game shows on Buzzr and GSN. I do watch movies if there is nothing else on TV but I have so many shows I watch I have to record most of them to catch up.

    Hi Barbie, Jeri and Bob.

    Better get ready for my video call. Have a great day and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Sandy, I think it’s How To Train Your Dragon. If it is ‘kill’ I need to hunt for a different series. I do like dragons so have seen at least 2 in the series I believe.

    Sorry you are having snow. Ick.

    Online church kept freezing up this morning. They restarted their video but I think I got the message being conveyed. ❤️❤️


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Mikes just driven home and Jilly as always didn't want him to go. She runs back and forth barking and throws her purple baby bone at him. However, after a game of chase me and then hide and seek she has fallen asleep exhausted. She did con three walks out of him in the four hours he was here. I wanted to go with them but the sidewalk was a sheet of ice and had me hurrying home.

    And that's really my day so far. While Beans asleep I'll have a go at my jigsaw and watch a bit more "Wanted" on Netflix. It's moved from Australia to New Zealand now and what a beautiful country NZ looks.
    So friends have a lovely afternoon, morning, evening depending on your time zone,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Sandy, I think it’s How To Train Your Dragon. If it is ‘kill’ I need to hunt for a different series. I do like dragons so have seen at least 2 in the series I believe.


    You are so right Lin, thanks for correcting me. Cute friendly dragon named Toothless.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi Sandy. Yes, that’s the one. Fun movie!!!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning! The sun is trying hard to show itself and because I need a couple of items from the farm shop I’ll take the car out and get the pooches up to the moors. Not much planned, Robbie popping in for a signature on an inspection form then gardening and and a general Spring clean outside. The heating inspector was apparently insisting he be allowed into my home but I’ve said I won’t be letting strangers through the door just yet whereas I trust Robbie totally.
    The bamboo didn’t get cut down yesterday as my neighbours went out somewhere so I’ve potted up lots of seeds and the tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergine and pepper trays are sitting in my dining room on the old window seat in the hope they get established before the plaster gets knocked off the walls. I also cleared a rockery at the far end of my garden and was delighted to discover plants I only put in last summer had survived the freezing temperatures. Unsurprising not the California Poppies but I found a seed packet to scatter once we warm up a bit more.

    Love the Cheshire Cat teapot... looks like Brady at his naughtiest! 😸

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Quiz time. What's happening outside right now? Clue: Sigh.
    Wash day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    The sun is out and the temperature is rising. That should take care of some of the few inches of new snow. Under the snow, the roads are solid ice. Also good that sun and higher temperatures should help that situation.

    I spent the afternoon and evening stamping, water coloring and using colored pencils. Didn’t sleep well. I really could use a nap. I need to get started on that tax spreadsheet. At least I have one named and saved with a pile of papers ready!

    Per the calendar, I need to think about making birthday cards again. Later. 🤣😂🤣

    I have seen this teapot before and have considered trying to hunt it down. Another Alice in Wonderland design.


    Annsie, I am sorry. ❄️❄️

    Jackie, my gosh, seeds planted! Good for you. Trying to set up my new light crossed my mind again this morning. Must be a message from spring. 🤣

    Be safe my friends.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Whew…. Going to go back later and try to catch up on posts I missed…had issue and got MFP message of a “problem.”


    Photo restorations completed. Normally it’s a single photo, but this time it was a half-dozen. Back to some normalcy with some things to catch up on today/tomorrow.

    Temp in low 30’s that actually feels warm with snow showers. Lunch ready to go… Chicken Salad Lunch (274 cal). Shredded Chicken, Shredded Lettuce, coleslaw, Homemade coleslaw dressing, Organic Spring Mix, Bell Pepper, Cucumber…

    Annsie – Obviously you would be sweltering in the temp I mentioned above LOL. Thankfully, only 25 days until Spring! Lamb chops sound delicious. Like salmon, my mother made great lamb chops – but mine never seem to taste as good as I recall. Think I might order them out at a restaurant the next opportunity I get. Actually, I don’t see them on many menus around here.

    I might take a quick look at that Netflix "Wanted" you mentioned. We just binged-watched “Big Sky” an ABC crime drama thriller series created by David E. Kelley and recommended by a girlfriend of Jean’s. Must say it didn’t seem like one of her kind of shows. I wasn’t hooked until the last 10 minutes of Season 1 Episode 1. This also has characters less than wholesome…but some surprises. We watched at odd times but completed all 9 episodes…awaiting the next Season.

    Sandy – Looks like we are all getting excited with each degree the temp move upward and every ray of sunshine. Hope the movie and stew were good. I recall as a child just mildly liking stew and by my 20’s loved it. Love homemade stew and soups vs. processed. Happy bike riding!

    Lin – Love the Alice in Wonderland teapot – lots of lessons in that story: “Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.” You must have loved that warm shower… gotta say they always agive me a fresh and relaxed feeling. Nice job on the butterfly puzzle…soon we will have the company of real ones :)

    Jackie – Looks like you are one of the ones that got passed over for some nicer weather…sorry! Glad everyone is getting their vaccinations. My appointment isn’t until April 13th – but if I see things opening up at a local pharmacy, I might try to get it before then.

    Barbie – So true about the electricity, water, and internet. While most of us are grateful for all our necessities…not having then even for a brief period of time certainly reinforces that feeling.

    Off for now…time for lunch. Happy Monday to all. Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Sandy cannot get to the Sneakers right now. She is off to celebrate Bryanna’s birthday.

    I hope she is able to return later. MFP does not like me today either.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh dear! Another cold rainy day. But it could be worse, we don’t have our famous ice storms. Those are nasty.

    Lin: Alice in wonderland is so wonderful and full of great images. I had a fabulous picture book as a kid with those old scary drawings. I loved them! Then a few years ago when Johnny Depp etc came out with that absolutely amazing film I was as thrilled as I was with the old Disney version. An Alice in Wonderland teapot is perfect.

    Anne: another snowy day....I usually fill the house with music and turn on my happy light. Then comes more coffee and sometimes a cookie when I am feeling really naughty. I am not recommending my snack but the light and music really does help chase the blues away. Your jigsaw puzzles confound me. I seem to have little patience for them. I often find myself trying to force the pieces together. Again! I do not recommend this course of action.

    Jackie: I saw a travel YouTube channel on London. For a country bumpkin like me, I would be totally terrified but fascinated by it at the same time. I accidentally bumped into that addictive TV program, The great British Baking Show, or something like that. Holy Cow! I had drool dripping off my chin after watching only ten minutes. You British really know how to bake! I always thought the French were the great chefs but after watching that show, I might disagree about that.

    Sandy: hope all is well with you and family.

    By the way, our vaccine clinic was cancelled because of weather related delay in receiving the vaccine shipments. But we are on the case! Setting up new appointments. Eventually we will get our jabs and look out! I might just come to see each and everyone for coffee and a chat.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm going to settle down to watch "Wanted" again. It gets very exciting at times. New Zealand, where we are now is a very beautiful country by the look of what we are shown. However you can keep Bangkok from earlier!
    It's finally stopped snowing and we've climbed to 4 degrees centigrade. However before I get too excited we will have snow again in a hours time.
    Definitely need an exciting programme to liven up an otherwise dull and dismal day. I made potato salad for lunch, ever hopeful. 🌹🌹🌹🌞🌻🌻🌻