Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) The big snow missed my area although some other areas had as much as 12 inches of snow.
    Looks like I won't have any problems getting to the kiddos today so all is a go. It is still very cold so again grateful for heated seats.

    Annsie, Annsie, Annsie, I really wish you wouldn't shovel snow. I know it makes you feel better but shoveling is so dangerous for the "more mature" group. 20 inches of snow is just too much, stay in and stay safe. Your turque sounds great and at least you stayed warm.

    Barbie, I do love Amazon Prime for that reason, things are delivered in two days. Even though your snow turned to rain keep warm.

    Jackie, oh my goodness, sounds like a scam with your package. Did you pay with credit card, because I would cancel or dispute payment. Isn't just refusing the package a cancellation? Sorry about your tire but glad you got it fixed with no hassle.

    Lin, we are cold, but not that cold at least not today with the sun shining. I was hoping for 12 inches of snow but only if I could stay in my own home. I really am ready for Spring and walking outside.

    Patsy, I used to love to ski, but just on beginner hills so no moguls. People enjoy playing on the beach in the rain and cold? What is wrong with them? lol

    Bob, good luck with your appointment today and I do hope you weren't snowed in.

    Time for breakfast. Have a safe and warm day my friends.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Update. Barrie the snow fairy (250 lbs of him) showed up with his trusty steed the snow blower. So my pretty looking snow filled drive now looks like just another drive again. I think Bean is getting hoarse from all the excitement to bark at.
    Ski's? I used to ski but I gave my skis away years ago! Wish I hadn't now.
    Sandy asked how I walk for 30 minutes in the house. Well it's a long house Sandy. I start by marching through the back room, into the fairly large kitchen and carry on to the long living/dining room. Then I can detour to the side and into a very long narrow bathroom. I love how I start off creaky and end up a young rejuvenated chick thirty minutes later.
    Anyway no more shovelling today which pleased Mike and Mark no end.
    Jigsaw will be quite boring after that.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello? Are you snowed in? Remember that poem about being snowbound? I am sure Anne will remember it. It was a favorite. Anyway, we have cold rain and right now, just overcast.

    Watched An old favorite movie last night, The Fabulous Baker Boys. With Michelle Phiffer and Jeff Bridges. Oh my! Some pretty steamy scenes. Great music!

    Had a lovely chat with our son on Sunday. Wednesday we are scheduled for for another chat. It is such a hit or miss thing with our daughter.

    I am dealing with SAD this time of year. Dark and dreary skies for days on end, that can turn me into a pacing caged disorganized mess. I have my happy light turned on. So I am cleaning out kitchen drawers, waxing cabinet door fronts and listening to NPR. Aaaaaaargh. More Covid news and Political crazies, and weather extremes in the news. Must find some music, Vivaldi or Elvis seems right.

    I have not located any green sprouts or daffodils shoots outside yet. My Valentine Flowers are holding up great. But of course they are on the dining room table.
    Next I will tackle cleaning out under the kitchen sink. Good grief! Nasty stuff under there.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening. We are on a track to a bit better weather and still a promise of temperatures around freezing by early next week. Everything is still pretty much working around my house, not that everything worked going into this cold spell.

    I finally trekked out to get my mail late this afternoon. Ooooh, plumbing & heating trucks on the driveways of several of my neighbors. Fright!

    Would like to check in with several of my friends but I am not sure if it is a good idea. I called a friend the other evening and she was on the verge of tears about a problem in her house. I hope she called her son, her daughter, or her brother to get some advice.

    I wrote to my cousin late this afternoon. They live in Texas and I am concerned for them as well.

    Please everyone, be careful.

    All best wishes.


    Just a Snoopy teapot.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I watched a British drama on Netflix today. The title is "Safe". Wasn't sure I would like it at first but I got hooked and it had a very good ending. I don't think anybody would have trouble with the accents. Just thought I'd mention it in case we all get snowed in again. Well some of us.
    Goodnight, Annsie.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Yes Anne! I saw that movie and I loved it. JulieAnn Moore is in it and I really like her. The message is also interesting, don’t you think? We are watching a favorite of mine tonight, Hugo. It is one of the most beautiful movies ever. The art direction is incredible. Adorable story as well.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    My neighbours small Spring garden next to my footpath and yes, that’s daffodils!
    Louise who lives there joined us for our morning walk so we had a catch up on respective news. She’s still not 100% after her bout of COVID, mostly a lack of taste and she lost 14 lbs in weight.
    While I pottered in my greenhouse yesterday George discovered a rat hole near the chicken run and dug until he was covered in dirt! Into the shower with doggy shampoo until it was all washed off but it nearly plugged up everything! He’s looking shaggy and gorgeous again.
    The courier returned with the package from Turkey expecting me to pay that invoice and when I asked if he had ever tried to call his helpline number he said it was bad enough working for them, never mind phoning. He’s now updated and will hold the package in his van until the seller settles with them.
    Sandy, I think it’s more a case of a company not knowing what they are doing rather than a scam. Their rating has dropped from **** to ** in the past few weeks so I imagine I’m not the only customer to have a problem. I must check but I paid through PayPal or credit card so will get my money back at some point if necessary.

    The snoopy teapot gave me a smile this morning Lin so thank you!

    Lots of snow and bitter cold in America and Canada 🇨🇦 judging from our news so please, stay safe.

    Grey skies and more rain just started to fall so I’ll follow Patsy’s example and attack some housework!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    We are still minus 13 centigrade, and yes lots of snow and cold over here, but it was just lovely knowing that daffodils still push up and a reminder of what they look like! Pretty little spring garden JACKIE. I am thinking of buying lottery tickets for the first time ever!

    None the worse this morning for all the shovelling and walking yesterday. I will be very annoyed if the virus finds me and does me in after all this fitness lark. I'm not really on a diet, more a fitness campaign of eating less and moving more. A life change...........I hope! Poor Jilly had to use leftover dog training pee pads yesterday the snow was just too deep for her short legs. When I opened the back door she got the message with the icy blast blowing in and was a very good girl using her pads all day. I think she could get used to an indoor lav in a Canadian winter! I don't blame her. One of the advantages of having a very small cat size dog!

    Well the sun is shining through the window and Bean is starting to shed fur, hope springs eternal, but before we get too optimistic we are promised more snow on Thursday and Friday. Maybe a last blast?

    Annsie, thinking daffodils!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Yesterday we had two big adventures. In the morning we went through the bank drive through to deposit the check my friend sent for baby blanket knitting costs then picked up take out at our favorite Chinese restaurant. After lunch we went to curbside pick up at the library to pick up three books, then to curbside pickup at Walgreens to get some items we can't get at the grocery store.

    :) Clear skies and slightly above freezing temp today which will be perfect for dog walking.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hello, a bit of improvement in the weather today. Only -11 degrees F wind chill. Actual temperature is still below zero but it should be above zero later today. Many little things to do around the house today. And I want to remove some things from my car before they pick it up tomorrow for the service appointment.

    I was able to get in touch with my cousin in Texas. We don’t really keep in touch but I was concerned about them so I sent an email. They have had a few power outages, a couple of hours at a time and sent along photos of all the snow. Their Covid shots are also rescheduled due to weather issues. He is just looking forward to the weather straightening out so he can get back on the golf course.

    And I did call my friend who was so upset the other evening. She was able to get someone out to her house Monday evening. I don’t understand what he did but installed some shut offs and told her she did have a frozen hot water pipe but it shouldn’t burst as they caught it early enough. Anyway, when things get warmer, she is to open the valves and if there’s a leak, she is to call him back. She seemed much happier.

    Another extremely distraught friend started texting with me. She sent in her passport renewal with the form and check. It has gone missing in the mail. Tracking isn’t working. Expected mail has not arrived and her husband made a trip to the post office, they say things were delivered to them. A renewal of some sort had tracking from the sender and it shows as delivered, they didn’t get it. So what is happening with their mail, it is just so odd. But she is very upset and is planning to file a police report for stolen documents, and plans to get new credit cards, inform social security, Driver’s License people. I mean she is crazed. I did ask her if she needed proof of actual identity theft before starting any of this. She didn’t hear me. I suggested she start by freezing her credit with the 3 credit bureau try to stave off more problems. Again, she didn’t hear me. So, I just commiserated with her.

    Well, that is more than you wanted to hear!

    Jackie, I adore that little garden. The bunny is sweet, especially since it isn’t one that actually eats plants. It is nice to see live plants. Hope for spring indeed. You are seeing it. We live with hope. George certainly was trying to dig those pests out. Sorry he got so incredibly dirty. That is hard on your drains. Now what can you do about that rat hole? Is your arm healing up? I am sorry for the problem with your package. I trust you will get it all sorted out but it makes the blood boil while going through the process.

    Annsie, still with you in the dead of winter. We are expecting some snow later today. We are told it will not be a lot. I am happy to hear you did not hurt your back. You will have to put Jilly on stilts or something if the snow stays deep and the temperatures cold. Poor little girl.

    Barbie, what a lovely day. It sounds great to me. Just the types of things that I like to do. Just got a call from the library, more books to pick up. Next week.

    Sandy, how was your time with the kiddos? Everyone feeling well? Still in love with your car?

    Patsy, yes, not enough sunlight yet. I have my ‘daylight’ lamp on everyday for a while. I don’t know if it is helping, but I am able to see better. Party on with your music!

    I am listening to all of your movie recommendations but did not get Netflix (thought about it seriously for a while). I have lots of books to read and I have started trying to do some coloring on those ‘want-to-finish-this-project” ornaments each evening for an hour or two.

    Hope you are okay Bob.

    Tea set



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    This looks like a lovely place.

    Three Pilchards Inn, Polperro, Cornwall~
    Photo: Baz Richardson

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    A friend sent this to me and I thought Annsie and Jeri would like it.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Been there LINDA,, and talking of pilchards, are you all having fish today because it's Ash Wednesday. I'm cooking a lovely piece of Atlantic salmon. Originally bought for me and Michael, but with him not over, me and Jilly Bean. Lucky Bean, salmon isn't cheap!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited February 2021
    SANDY, LOVED "we are Canadian". It's time Canada blew its own trumpet I think. The writer forgot so many other achievements like the discovery of insulin for diabetics etc.
    Annsie, thank you so much.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Heatwave, we might get up to 28 degrees today. Grocery order was put in yesterday for pickup this afternoon. Will also go for a drive by to receive ashes later. My church is just sprinkling the ashes on our heads because of Covid. If I understand it right I don't think I get out of my car which is what I am hoping. I also will call America's Best to see how they want to handle my glasses which still makes my right eye blurry.
    My friend had surgery this morning for a 90% blocked carotid artery. Her roommate told us the doctor said all went well and she will be in recovery for two hours. I do pray it is an easy recovery and she can enjoy life again.

    Annsie, I am not having fish but no meat on Ash Wednesday or Friday's of lent. Although I am above the age of fasting I still try to fast. I don't give anything up as I did when I was a kid but I think that is fine. I hope you were able to open the video with the Canadian song written by an 87 year old man.

    Lin, beautiful picture, wouldn't it be wonderful to visit it in person? Sorry your friends are having problems but glad you cousin is fine in Texas. I also have a cousin in Texas who fosters kittens and she has been without heat since the storm. She said she is lucky she has a gas fireplace but she is missing her morning coffee and they say the power might be out until Friday. I had my passport renewed as well but it did take a long time for it to mailed to me.
    The kids were their wild selves at times but still give me some wonderful memories. And yes definitely still love my car.

    Barbie, do you feel a tiny bit safer now that you had one vaccine? Glad you had a good day of exciting adverntures.

    Jackie, it is just frustrating when the company doesn't co-operate. I had ordered some makeup from a company and didn't see the small print that said once accepted there would be a subscription of $40 every other month. I called and said I am sending it back and they said it didn't matter I would have to pay postage to return it and still pay the initial $20 I sent for the product. I ended up getting a credit on my credit card for the purchase but not the postage.

    Patsy, I loved The Fabulous Baker Boys. Winter humdrums along with Pandemic Fatigue is hard on a lot of people.
    Someday we will be able to leave our homes again and enjoy each other. Hang in there.

    Bob, we are all hoping all is well with you.

    BTW, my buddy Joe got an appointment for the vaccine on Thursday, I am really happy for him.

    Have a good day and stay warm and safe.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We have rays of sunshine that peeps out between the rain clouds...hello sweet sunshine, where have you been lately? Cold and wet here in general.

    This is our mid-week chat with Damon and our daughter, Andrea. our daughter, is as always a mystery. Will we chat? Is she in a mood to visit or maybe not. Family dynamics are always interesting and sometimes frustrating.

    Ash Wednesday is always solemn for me. My grandmother was an old fashioned Irish Catholic. Sometimes I wonder where in the world those old Irish cultural habits come from. She had many tales and things she did that were common back in day but now seem Archaic and often just plain strange. Like never hanging the wash outside on the clothesline on Ash Wednesday. Never go anywhere on Good Friday because the devil walks the streets then. Always bless your house and home before retiring, to keep you safe from all evil in the night. Oh there were many more.

    Katie’s hair is also starting to mat up even though she had a grooming session a couple of weeks ago. I also think she needs her nails cut again. It must be spring! Katie is starting her spring growth.

    This time of year is not very pretty here. Things look very bedraggled and dodgy. The whole town needs a good coat of paint or attention with a scrub brush. The comb webs are everywhere. I dust and vacuum and the next day they are back. I am sorry to tell you, Jackie and Anne, I stomp on those spiders when ever I see them.

    I am far from fit but I do exercise almost daily. It doesn’t do much to help me lose weight either. However it does help with my blood sugar, my arthritis, and it helps me keep what ever mobility I have. I will never be able run full out to or skip again. I have to just do that mentally now. I am okay with that.

    Stay safe and warm,
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh PATSY, you should listen to your old Irish granny.
    "If you want good luck throughout the day,
    Let the spider run away".
    Just saying. Anne, lover of all creatures great and small except fleas and mosquitoes.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sandy Getting the vaccine doesn't make me feel any safer. Rather it feels like we're doing our part to make the world safer. We have no plans to do anything different anytime soon
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh Anne, how sweet that little Jilly Bean knew to use her pee pads. What a clever girl! A week ago we were freezing and the ground was solid ice yet bulb shoots are popping up already after a couple of warmer days so I’m sure it won’t be long before your garden will be blooming.

    Lin, I watched some news coverage of the awful weather in Texas where some had no electricity or water. No frozen pipes for you I hope. My arm is slowly healing I think and because my skin tends to be allergic to sticky dressings so I get an itchy rash, I helped the last dressing off rather than wait for it to drop off in its own time. I’m not impressed with the surgeons stitching and think I’ll end up with an interesting scar but the alternative could have been worse!
    The rats in their hole have been offered some bait and I’ve covered where George dug down with a hefty brick!
    The Three Pilchards pub was a favourite haunt back in the 80’s but I haven’t visited in a few years.

    Sandy, I had a similar experience online when I was conned into a monthly subscription without knowing. When I spoke to the credit card company I was told they were getting a lot of complaints because apparently the clause about the payments was on page 7 of their terms and conditions knowing few people read that far. I didn’t get a refund but was just happy to get out of their clutches!

    Poor spiders Patsy.... That’s all I’m going to comment!
    Your Irish gran must have been influenced by fire and brimstone preaching in her younger years!
    I’m certainly not as agile or speedy as I used to be but that old saying use it or lose it is certainly true so I make sure to move, lift, stretch at every opportunity whereas sadly, a friend just 2 years older spent most of last year’s lockdown sitting in a comfortable chair watching tv and refusing to walk anywhere outside her apartment and told me recently she now has to use a walking frame.

    Oops, way past my bedtime. The wind is howling down the chimney again so my plan to set the washing machine to do a load of laundry before I get up is out on hold. That gale outside would blow everything to kingdom come!

    Nite, nite

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited February 2021
    Morning all from me having breakfast with more snow about to pay us a visit. Was listening to the news and the announcer announced one third of US military are refusing the vaccine. I still feel cautious about it.

    Meanwhile Darren has found a job so won't be clearing my drive this winter and I'm glad I still have an arrangement with Barry.

    Briefly, had a long phone chat with Maria who says she's worn out cleaning up after Tony and things are getting much worse. Counting my blessings!! I wish I could be of help practically. She's looking forward to when we can go out together for a coffee. Me as well. I'm hoping Barry is okay because he breathed on me yesterday. Well, about three feet between us as he explained Darrens now working. No mask.

    With the snow scheduled to arrive late morning I'm pretty sure my groceries will arrive early to dodge it.
    Must scoot and get showered and dressed before and if they arrive.

    Hope everyone stays warm!! The poor Texans.