Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Gung hay fat choy🧧🧧

    Happy year of the Ox.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Brrrrrrr! Cold and wet and dark! Not my favorite. Matches my mood when I watch the proceedings at the impeachment hearings. I have been obsessed with this for days. I fear I am on the opposite side of fence from Bob’s opinion. But as my grandpa used to quote ..that’s what makes horse racing! A difference of opinion.

    I am feeling very emotional these days. I do remember days in catholic school. The sisters only allowed handmade valentines and you had to make one for everyone in the class. We put them all in a decorated hatbox” (remember those?) All Valentine’s were handed out at a party. We then had heart shaped cookies and milk. We played games and took a bouquet of paper flowers to our moms. So dear to my heart..🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

    This is trash day and pizza night. Again with the cauliflower crust! Bleck! But I am determined to try to eat as healthy as possible. Pizza rarely fits into that category. However we limit ourselves to two slices fully loaded with every veggie I can stick on there.

    Vaccine news is very uplifting! Maybe by summer things could look a lot more cheerfully normal. We are still struggling with very little available vaccine. Our organizational plan Concerning equal distribution is faulty, at best. We are country rubes dealing with a serious problem. But we are stumbling along as best we can.

    Katie is set for her monthly grooming. It is an all day event and Katie does not cooperate. In the end, the house will be covered in dog hair, I will be exhausted and Katie will be ready for a game of ball outside in the rain and mud!

    Quick load of wash and trying to finish my valentine for John. Impeachment going on radio.
    Have a “boot-scootin” good day!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh dear I'm sadly out of touch. Haven't seen any of those movies. There again judging by the titles (deerstalker) I haven't missed much.

    The snow has finally stopped. It was confined to our area being lake effect snow. And it's warmed up to minus 9 Celsius. Minus 13 this morning.

    Read my Chinese horoscope for the year of the OX. Apparently a good year for making money. That will be a first! However, we year of the boar folk were also given this advice:
    Don't tell anyone your problems. 20% don't care, and 80% are glad you have them.

    Mmm, isn't that nice to know and shows you shouldn't read horoscopes, lol.

    LIN I think your friend was using the word basement for garage.

    Saw a little of the impeachment defence. Totally confused with all the twisted talk but know for sure I don't want a loose canon deciding my fate. I'm missing the tweets mind you. Very entertaining over a cup of tea. However, this isn't a political forum. It's a lovely chat and support group to cheer us up on miserable cold days. Wise man your grandpa PATSY.

    See y'all tomorrow.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cooooooold here, ice coating the trees, streets and roads closed. Warm sweater day. Before I start the dreaded cauliflower crust pizza, just wanted to say, I totally agree with Anne about our political stances. Lovely chat and support group. If our dear Buzz were still with us, she would add some pithy comment to cause us to giggle and think twice.

    Had to laugh when reading about Lin’s friend wondering about cars in the basement. John would park his old sports car in the living room if he could get it through the door. Seriously!
    Good grief! Stay warm, might be a good day for a cup of cocoa.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2021
    Once I realised the cold wind was still howling I wanted to stay under my duvet for the morning but George jumped up wanting cuddles so that got us moving, sort of! A mug of steaming coffee on hand after the pets have been fed (of course they’ve gone back to their beds after a quick garden visit) so I’ll organise a bowl of porridge with a dollop of my neighbour’s damson and crab apple jelly and read what the Chinese New Year has in store for us. I do know the Ox rarely comes round but is a thoughtful, gentle creature so who knows. 🤫

    Anne, I loved the percentages on who’s interested in our problems... so true! Beneath the MFP box for typing posts there’s an Ad for a clearance sale of clothes from China with a woolly that has “I’m only talking to my dog today” on its front. If I didn’t know from experience how poorly made the clothes are I’d be tempted! 😄

    When I was a kid in London we had a neighbour who spent his life tinkering with motorbikes in his living room. He died while I lived in Canada but remember my dad telling me the current motorbike found in the house sold at an auction for a small fortune!

    Porridge calls so wishing everyone a warm, peaceful day.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Your day began as exactly the same as mine JACKIE, cuddles under the bedclothes with Jilly instead of George, fed her, whereon she went back to bed whilst I prepared the porridge, but minus the jam alas.
    BIG news, it's warmed up to minus 12 after minus 13 yesterday. Snowed again overnight.
    Wonder what today will bring apart from long chats with Jilly Bean.
    Porridge calls, and I too wish everyone a warm peaceful day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) It's not that I'm so fast at knitting, it's just that I knit a lot. I don't do puzzles or much housework or visit with friends. I knit during zoom meetings and while watching TV

    :) We had enough of a snow storm that they cancelled the vaccine drive through clinic that was scheduled for this morning. I wore my Yak Trax when I walked the dogs before breakfast and will wear them for the longer walk at 6:30.

    <3 Barbie
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    After gym, went for a few grocery items….noted NY Post was reporting on Corrupt Cover-up Cuomo and unnecessary killing of nursing home patients…Flower case display was also offering “heart-shaped” containers of steak for $28.00 (LOL).


    Finished shopping and while at check-out the alarm went off and all customers had to leave. Froze outside for 15 min or more and then Fire Dept arrived. Figured it would be another 15 or more before re-entry so came home. And that was my morning up to 8:45am. It a little while, hope to watch Blue Bloods from last night with Jean.


    Jackie – Hope you have a warmer day today…you can see from above what we are experiencing and not bad at all compared to our normal winters. I must say, you give George the utmost care and love!

    Lin – As for your weather – always nice to hold onto the hope. I think we are all doing a “spring countdown.” You certainly are hitting lower temps than us and that wind can be a killer. AS for Girl Scout cookies, I was always addicted to the thin mint cookies and always ate too many. Haven’t had any in 2 years now. Good luck with the Prius.

    Sandy – Hope everything goes well with the glasses. As for the Trump impeachment, I hope you got to see yesterday’s reveal of all the false narrative and dishonest video’s spliced with sections deleted or out of context etc . The hypocrisy was unbelievable and meant to use emotion vs. relevant facts. I can see them trying to continue the circus to distract from so many other issues.

    That in no way means there aren’t “swamp” Republicans (I’d love to see Mitch and Schumer gone along with many others). I left the Republican party well over 10 years ago. Half my close friends / family lean left and some said they saw and heard information for the first time. One friend actually didn’t know the Charlottesville comment was proven to be a hoax ages ago, but continues to be repeated.

    Bottom line – Biden is our president and while I might point out a fact or give an opinion on a topic, I think everyone is entitled to be fully informed and make up their own mind. I never let politics interfere with friendship. Gotta love real tolerance, acceptance and diversity.

    Well, it’s after 11am and I haven’t been with Jean all morning – so it’s Blue Bloods time and then some lunch!!!

    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy day! Bob :)

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2021
    We set off on our walk shivering but still George determined at the top of the track to head for the neighbouring village then along a quiet road to a field where I can let them off leads to run. Only saw one couple with their 2 Jack Russells that ran towards George until he kicked his heels and had a noisy grump. Laughter all round then on we went. At one point the wind dropped and that made it feel warmer so even the birds began to sing. It only lasted about 19 minutes but was definitely a hint of Spring!
    I’ve been watching live rugby matches this afternoon but am now torn between a match between Scotland and Wales or a long documentary about the Moody Blues. The music is winning for now! Big productions on vinyl that must have been a nightmare to reproduce on stage.

    So Bob, did that mean no shopping this morning after the excitement of the arrival of the fire brigade? Heart shaped steaks, now that’s hilarious!
    As for politics, most beliefs are to my mind entrenched so I’m not inclined to try to influence others these days even though I have very strong opinions. Seems to me political issues and leaders around the world are open to interpretation so I’m just hoping I can be a ghostly fly on a wall when history books get written about the early decades of this century... crikey, where would they begin?

    Brrr Anne, cuddle up with the Bean! I’ve shut myself in my snug where it’s cosy and just indulged in 2 chocolate digestives with my cuppa so no sign of healthy eating! Oh well, comfort eating again!!


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited February 2021
    JACKIE! I'm doing my best not to follow your tempting example of eating 2 chocolate digestives, or walkers Scottish shortbread in my case. We are indeed cuddled up on the sofa, Bean and I.

    The ex mayoress of Mississauga (Hazel) turns 100 tomorrow and looks as though she will carry on for another 100 years. She was playing ice hockey at 90 for goodness sake. I rather fancy living to be 100 now I've started to feel lighter and more energetic. No hockey, but a spot of snow shovelling maybe.

    This is me done for the day, along with politics. I echo Jackie's comments above.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited February 2021
    Happy Saturday! :) Snowing lightly and very cold but movie night is still on. It is to be bitter cold tomorrow so today is a better day for traveling. I still have to wrap the Valentine's Day presents for the kiddos but will probably wait until after the movie to give them their gifts so they watch the movie with us. We are meeting early at 4:00 so we get home early.

    Jackie, George makes me laugh, he is nothing like the lhasa apso I had. That little devil growled and snapped at me even when I went to pet him and he would pee on my bed pillow for revenge. lol I named him Brutus because he was so tough. Unfortunately I had to give him up when I moved to an apartment that didn't allow pets. I really hope he got a good home but the problem was that I put an ad in the paper for a home for him and expected no money.
    Some guy did take him and let me call him several times to check on him and then one day his number was no longer available. People suggested to me that the guy probably sold him to a lab for money. My heart was broken and there was nothing I could do. I learned a lesson the hard way that year and would never give up another animal.
    Sorry, just brought up sad memories for me.

    Bob, I think we have to just agree to disagree and not mention politics anymore. Annsie is right this is a forum for diet and health and sharing the good and bad times of our lives for those who want to listen. Your weather is like ours with freezing temps and more snow on the way. The new glasses are good so far, at first I thought my reading glasses were a little blurry but they say to give them a few days for your eyes to get adjusted to the new prescription. Will keep you updated.

    Barbie, I am tired after riding the bike for 60-90 minutes you are a real trouper. Sorry you second appointment was cancelled, did they reschedule?

    Annsie, I get up and start my coffee and then jump back in bed to keep warm until the heat kicks in after turning it up. I must spend an hour going through my phone before getting out of bed to make it and then have coffee.
    This cold weather is just too much, I can't wait for Spring like the rest of us. I did hear a bird sing this morning, is that a sign?? I think Patsy might be right about the garage, she must have been confused.

    Lin, I missed your post yesterday, we must have posted at the same time. Working on Christmas cards? I am assuming because you are wanting to use up supplies and not because you are in a hurry for Christmas. I love the snowman, so cute. When I was with Babe I did send cards for every holiday especially to the grandkids but now that I am alone and most of the grandkids are older I just give the young kiddos gifts and cards for Valentine's Day. Everyone gets cards for their birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas so they are not forgotten. Nice service from your Toyota dealer, I hope you get an appointment.

    Patsy, is John enjoying his extra calories or is he complaining?

    Time to ride the bike so I can have tacos for dinner, Lisa's parents choice this week. Stay warm and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi, very very cold again. It is just seeping in through the walls so I am turning up the heat.

    I am still working on the snowmen. Yes, I wanted to try the stamp I got a while ago and am determined to have lots of Christmas/Winter cards available in my card stash. So not using up supplies, just working on things. I will probably work on some each month this year. We will see. Meanwhile, oops, a friend and her hubby have an anniversary later this month. I need to check with a mutual friend, it could be their 60th and will try to make a card. I really do not make anniversary cards so have been searching for an appropriate greeting. I have something in mind for the card front. But that is for after the snowmen are colored. 🤣😂🤣

    I do not have a party affiliation, I am an Independent voter. That does not mean that I am without opinions. I moan a bit about our governor and am willing to stop if everyone else will put a halt to anything and all things political. I feel quite ill to see it here. There is enough in the world, I need an escape. If your feelings are hurt, I am sorry, just telling you how it affects me. If everyone wants to continue with that, I will just skip posts and think happy thoughts.

    With that said, I am moving on today. Back to my little world of colors, and paper and glue. And emails and texts from friends.

    Be safe everyone. And have a happy Valentine’s Day tomorrow. Here are several personal sized teapots which seemed appropriate for such a cold day.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sandy, It wasn't my appointment that was cancelled. It was the drive through second vaccine for people who got their first one on Saturday January 16. Those people who were scheduled to get the vaccine today will be able to go one of three days next week. We are the lucky ones who got our vaccine at the doctor's office and will go back to the doctor's office for the second jab on Friday March 5.

    :)Bob, heart shaped steaks sound fabulous and a lot of fun.

    :) It's still snowing, I walked with both dogs for 15 minutes, then with Sasha alone for another 45 minutes, then alone for another 30 minutes. My yak trax made allowed me to be safe.

    <3 Barbie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    (I do not have a party affiliation, I am an Independent voter. That does not mean that I am without opinions. I moan a bit about our governor and am willing to stop if everyone else will put a halt to anything and all things political. I feel quite ill to see it here. There is enough in the world, I need an escape. If your feelings are hurt, I am sorry, just telling you how it affects me. If everyone wants to continue with that, I will just skip posts and think happy thoughts.)
    The above was from LIN and I am totally with her. We all need an escape. I liked my little world of Sneaker friends simply pottering in our own worlds and like her I will just skip any posts containing anything political from any country. Email with friends maybe, but not here.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Still very cold and windy. That’s darn unpleasant! Katie has made many trips outside but only for a few minutes at a time. It is like she just not believe how awful the weather is, so back inside to sit in front of the furnace register. Like I said, this girl is a hothouse flower.

    I wrote a love poem and did a tiny water color for John’s Valentine. Had to laugh about my effort to up John’s calories. That crazy guy just smiles and eats what he always eats. My efforts are making little difference. He is still skinny and I worry about him constantly. My mom used to tell me that as we age we sort of get concentrated. We get more intensely like we have been in our youth. Oh no! So I am and always will be messy, hopelessly romantic, sentimental, silly and I have an uncontrollable urge to hug and kiss people I love and care about. I adore Valentine day!

    I remember reading when I was in college that no one can change your mind or teach you anything. You do that yourself with info and tools offered sometimes by others. To that end, I hereby promise to with hold all my political claptrap. Posts from our dear Lin are just too important and dear to risk losing. do know that chocolate is an important medicine and a food group all on its own! Seriously!
    I suggest this might be a Red sweater day.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Here's my small jug of tulips to share with you all. Have a wonderful day and skip the housework!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited February 2021

    Very cold here, with wind chills minus 20 degrees. More snow coming, it's been a long cold spell for a lot of us.
    Movie night was the movie Epic, very cute. Gave the kiddos their Valentines gifts after the movie and they were happy even though the candy hyped them up. lol My new driving glasses were great so all in all I am happy with my purchase. Zoom call with my family at one and then possibly another with friends at 5:00. I need to ride my bike to get rid of extra weight from yesterday and will eat healthy today. Such a roller coaster. lol

    Annsie, love your tulips, thank you for sharing. Also love your vase, it is very pretty.

    Patsy, I love the romantic side of you, writing a poem and a water color is just fantastic. I hope your night was as romantic as you are. <3

    Barbie, glad I was wrong on your second vaccination and hope it has warmed up.

    Lin, great idea to start early with your cards, then you don't have to worry about last minute cards. I am sure you are in this cold spell as well, so keep warm. I also had to turn my heat up a notch.

    Watched my Mass on TV so now it is time to eat. Stay warm, stay safe and stay happy.

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Sunday. Le Mistral wind continues to howl and drive us all mad!! It is warmer but with that comes the rain so a soaking walk this morning after a visit from the builder to discuss removing old internal plaster. Major work but I’ve suggested he go at both rooms at the same time in order to speed up the process. A nice man that appreciated my hope to retain character. He will start in a few weeks thank goodness!
    Another rugby match to enjoy but that’s the content of my day.

    Beautiful tulips Anne and I can see why you would want a pretty flash of Spring colour to take your mind off the outside cold.

    Sandy, George certainly has his snappy moments even with me and can be rather protective of treats I give him so Brady and Betty sometimes have to scurry away! There’s many a time I’ve had to tell him he’s lucky I put up with his grumpy behaviour! That was unkind to suggest your Lhasa was probably handed on to laboratory when it was probably no more than a case of his new owner moving house. My neighbours have always said they will adopt him if I go first but they’ll have competition from Robbie the smithy!

    Patsy, I agree with your mother that we tend to slip into what I know as a second childhood and for me I feel I can now make up for the rationing that existed when I was small. I delight in buying a few treats that weren’t allowed back then... no one to say no you can’t!
    Enjoy your day with John. ❤️

    Ten minutes left in a close rugby match so I’ll sit back and concentrate then light the fire.

    Hello to everyone I missed.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member

    Already been a busy morning…usual treadmill etc. Jean and I exchanged VD cards and gave her flowers etc. Social media popped up with a pic I had posted of my mother & me years ago - I was a bit younger. Getting ready to head to my sisters soon for a small Valentine’s Day lunch.



    Jackie – Good catch…. I did let a couple hours go by and then returned to the scene of the crime (grocery store)! As for politics, I agree…especially during these times. Love that you are into rugby. I follow vicariously through Rod Stewart's huge love of Celtic Football Club. As for the Moody Blues, I guess it’s a “Question of Balance.” Just a little humor while I sing:
    “Why do we never get an answer
    When we're knocking at the door
    With a thousand million questions
    About hate and death and war?...”

    Anne – Hope you make it to 100 and beyond… Just this week I mentioned to Jean that Norman Lloyd was still with us at age 106! Remember him mostly from the St Elmo's TV series, but other appearances as well. As long as someone isn’t suffering I love when the hit these milestones.

    Sandy – Hope you have a great time with the kids and enjoy the movie. I am sure they will be excited to get those presents! As for politics, I agree. I had planned to bring up the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 but won’t. LOL.

    Glad you are adjusting to the glasses. It seems we are the same in that area and need a change every couple years. The weather is freezing and the latest forecast is for snow to start Monday night into Tuesday morning…figures… no snow for days and EARLY Tuesday I have an echocardiography appointment and then a cardiologist appointment. Actually no big deal, I will just leave earlier.

    Lin – My granddaughter would love that penguin teapot. Her top loves are penguins, sloth’s and Paris… she definitely has Paris on her bucket list.

    Barbie – The heart shaped steaks was clever, I did find it a bit odd that they really had them in the same case as the flowers. Pretty sure “Sweeney Todd” would be a fan.

    Time to shower and hit the road…. I will leave you with some Valentine’s day humor… Bob


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    The jug is really a water pitcher SANDY. It's a part of my dinner and tea service. The maker and small pottery are now closed because the owner/maker is now retired, so I gather they have become collector items. It comes with everything. Teapot, various size milk and creamer jugs, two sizes of six mugs, gravy jug, quiche holder, teaset, dinner service, egg cups, well you name it. I love the set and part was bought for me by the lads from work when I retired so it's even more precious.

    It's actually warmed up a bit here. Minus 8 centigrade warming up to minus 4 later. I had two cushions standing on the window sill to keep the cold air out and when I removed them there was an ice build up on the inside behind them. I've never had that before in this country but a common occurrence in the U.K. in the past before double glazing. I think the seal must have been damaged when the window A/C was removed. I'm sure Mark will fix it eventually but for now I'll stick to cushions until this Arctic blast drifts away.

    We had snow overnight and when I woke up this morning, some angel had snow blown the long drive. Jill and I slept through it burrowed under the duvet which is amazing because there's not much that escapes the Bean. Now for a bit of detective work. Who dunit! Darren or Barrie.

    I'm enjoying Valentine's Day. The sun is shining brilliantly and I'm sure spring is not far behind such an unkind winter.