Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited July 2021
    I couldn't say it better than JACKIE!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,124 Member
    And best wishes from me as well.



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    TGIF – to all Sneakers….

    Great day yesterday celebrating Jean’s birthday. We took a long walk by the Seneca River and had a wonderful lunch at a restaurant afterwards. I bought Jean the “hedge trimmer” she asked for… crazy lady…but also gave her a gift card to “Anthropologie” that just opened at DestinyUSA. I know she loves everything there and sometimes laments what she would but if younger – but there are some outfits I think would look great on her.

    The kids will be over Sunday to celebrate and sweet Melanie will be staying overnight…LOVE it! We will of course carry on the tradition of making pizza with Columbus Bakery dough etc. – it is a landmark over 125 years old and the finest tasting dough / bread ever. People will wait in line outdoors to get in. 6 yr old Brooke called late last night – her 2 front teeth finally came out…great call. The whole family called to “sing” happy birthday earlier. The Andrew sleepovers might be done – he is 13 now…LOL

    Tonight is outdoor music…

    Jackie – Love your yellow Rose of Sharon… I never knew there was “yellow” and had only ever seen shades of pink, purples and blues. Thanks for sharing.

    Anne – Now I just read your comment lol and see “yellow” was new for you too!

    Patsy – I agree that roses have a special appeal and love that they come in a variety of colors. I don’t buy them a lot… normally for those special occasions. Actually the last time was for Brooke / Melanie at their dance recital performance. As for Afib… not much to be done at this stage…done the gauntlet drugs and ablation didn’t pan out. Not sure about pace maker – they mentioned it 8 yrs ago, but said they would delay consideration until later, as they do need replacement etc. Oh well, I just go about my business and follow their guidance.

    Hope your weather improves and your wildfires get some cooperation. Here it has just been more than the average rain-wise…but still no complaints because even on rain days it seems the sun comes out for part of the day and it is warm.

    Lin – Re: entertainment I am not sure if you have access to Virgin River (TV Series – Netflix) but Jean just binged through the season and another woman I know did the same thing. They LOVED this current season. I opted out and told Jean based on last season it just seemed more of a woman kind of show. I was right because twice I came into the room and Jean was crying… you’d think it was The Godfather Ha ha ha .

    Good luck with all the projects it is amazing how fast time is passing. Christmas is only 161 days away!!!

    Sandy – Glad you arrived safe and sound in Jacksonville and that your flight was a smooth one! Enjoy your visit with your daughter etc. and swim your heart out. Love the pic of you with your “grand-dog.”

    OK – time to go pay attention to Jean a bit and I need a post-gym clean-up too!

    Have a wonderful day everyone. Bob :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,078 Member
    Have a wonderful day filled with love and happiness. You deserve to be pampered today. Thank you for being part of our lives.
    Happy Burthday!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2021
    Phew, a hot day for us so I was out on the moors bright and early with George and Betty. Just us, the skylarks and a distant cockerel but we didn’t go far because even with short back and sides George struggles in heat. Home for breakfast then out came the ceiling paint to be watered down and splattered all over me! Goes without saying my neck is cricked again!
    This afternoon I had every intention of dead heading a rambling rose but became sidetracked by a few other tasks so tea and biscuit in the shade and out I will go again. Still planning a visit to the allotment later to fix our broken compost and plant Chinese cabbage and turnips.

    A beautiful poppy Anne; the one thing I can’t grow! Is it bobbing in your garden?

    What a gorgeous pup Sandy… a black version of George! So glad you arrived safely but uncomfortable seats in planes are not advisable!

    Sounds like Jean had a wonderful birthday Bob AND received her hedge trimmer. Never did tell you the funny story about my neighbour buying his wife a grass strimmer… his language was not repeatable!!

    Must get on. Perhaps Patsy is awake! 🥳🍾🎉🎊💝

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dearest sneakers! Thank you so much for the lovely birthday greetings and wishes. You will never know how much it means to me. It amazes me how this group has become my constant companion. I mentally chat with you as I do my chores, exercise and my projects. John and I discuss the happenings of the sneakers over coffee most mornings. He knows you all and enjoys all the photos. I gave myself that gift of a whole decade and now I will try to scrub out the old year stated on my drivers license. Cheeky people! I will decide how old I am, and it is considerably younger than what that silly piece of paper says! You sneakers are more than friends, by the way; you are truly family.

    It will be a very low key day today. I will have our usual Friday night cauliflower pizza. Then a sugar-free cookie and my new addiction….cherry cordial ice cream. This is seriously delicious ice cream. I don’t allow it in the kitchen refrigerator. It must be kept in the freezer downstairs. Frozen rock hard to discourage sneaking a spoonful in moment of weakness.

    I am picking out a selection of hard cover nice books to give to our little library. I have a rather large library and John and I are the readers in the family. Our son reads only non-fiction and then only on the computer. The same with our daughter and her family. John and I love real books. Hard cover with pages and a book cover with the authors picture on the back. But they do take up space and it is easy to suddenly out grow the available book space. I am way past that.

    Again! Thank you so much for your birthday wishes. Come join me for cheery ice cream, I have plenty.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I've just had a maple/walnut ice-cream to celebrate your birthday PATSY.

    Actually I've got little done today because I was out fetching the garbage bin in when my new neighbour came over and we chatted for one whole hour. He seems a very nice man and asked me where I originated (obviously not Canada, lol) this emboldened me to ask where he was born and apparently he left Afghanistan as a new baby when the Russians turned up sporting tanks, big guns and not at all like British soldiers who tend to give kiddies their chocolate bar rations. Mom, dad, five brothers and one sister then set off on a perilous journey on wild mountain paths dodging the mines pointed out by local children. After many countries and adventures Canada finally came to the rescue and they came here as refugees in the eighties. Phew, made my trials and tribulations pale in comparison

    So I've sort of celebrated Patsys birthday doing "nuffink". Which means I must do something to earn my old age pension. So ta ta for now.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,124 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hello. Laundry is completed for today. Emails answered, physical mail sorted, green beans and tomatoes picked. Ha, and actually cleaned and eaten as well. I will need to water the containers this evening. This morning I decided to skip watering as it was a buzz fest out there again. Loads of bumblebees! I did not want to irritate them.

    I have the various papers out for the card class a week from Saturday. I need to get going. There are many steps, different types of stamping and loads of coloring (Copic or India Ink I think).

    Finished trying the little tips from last Wednesday morning’s class. And I did not care for all of them but several suggestions are useful so I will use those.

    Patsy, wishing you the bestest of the best in life today and always. ❤️🎂❤️ that is a no calorie birthday cake. Enjoy your time with John and Katie.

    Anne, you did learn a lot about your neighbor. Quite talkative fellow! And what a life story!!

    Sandy, I love the pup. I hope you are having a wonderful day. I am sure the visit will seem much too short.

    Bob, happy belated birthday to Jean.


    Enjoy your weekend. Sounds like some fun!

    Jackie, I have visions of you splattered with watery paint. Oh my! I hope you got your Chinese cabbage planted. I think when I was on the farm, we called it Napa cabbage. It was an interesting plant and tasty.

    Happy days everyone.


    An art piece. Teapot made of wood.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another beautiful but hot day. Wall to wall blue skies and 30c which is in the 80’s Fahrenheit so once again I took George and Betty walking at 7am and as soon as I saw somewhere safe to park on the side of the road I did so we could make the most of an early breeze… disappeared now! An observation from our stroll; away in the distance a young man walking his dog heading in our direction as we climbed a hill and judging from his pace and trajectory I guessed we would come to cross paths. That’s exactly what happened with him staring at his phone with headphones in his ears so if I hadn’t quickened my pace we would have collided but do you know, he was totally oblivious to my existence! Such a gorgeous day with stunning views but he must have been watching something incredible not to occasionally look up. I know it’s a generation thing but I understand why the term snowflake is used to generally describe them!

    Anne’s neighbour’s story is similar to that in my latest novel to read. The Beeper of Aleppo has a similar modern day heartbreaking journey from Syria to the UK via Turkey. Sad that nothing changes!

    Patsy, I always struggle to give books away and have never got into reading them on my laptop so during lockdown the collection expanded. I’ve been searching for an antique bookcase on eBay and it does appear from the prices they’ve become popular again so I’m sure reading a real book is back in fashion.
    I’m with you on age numbers; why shouldn’t we pick one we like as we mature. I’m happy with 40 and of course mask wearing helps me live the fantasy especially with my blond locks that are rapidly turning ash in the sun. 😎

    An amazing teapot made out of wood Lin. How on earth….?
    Chinese cabbage and a row of Pak Choi planted and we came home with strawberries, gooseberries, courgettes, peas and our first early potatoes (not so early!) that I steamed to enjoy last night with smoked mackerel and salad.

    Hello to Sandy and Bob, hopefully both enjoying summer sunshine. I’m thinking Jean will have been out very early to test her strimmer! 😄

    My ceiling has another coat of paint rolled on this morning so I’m splattered again. Large roller washed in a bucket and I paused to post but will get back inside to finish a coat on the beams then I can continue painting walls. This means my snug is almost ready to move back into so hopefully not long before electrician Paul returns to finish his work.

    Stay safe everyone. Anne, I do hope you managed to get a new 2nd vaccination appointment today.

    Jackie 🥰
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I had to laugh at predictive text turning my Beekeeper book title into a Beeper! 😅😂

    My ceiling in the snug is finished just in time before my neck cracked altogether! I’ve walked away while it dries and am enjoying lunch on the deck under the parasol. Peace and quiet as the builders next door have departed so I might attempt some gardening in a shady area.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Gorgeous garden Jackie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,078 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Very hot in Florida, spend our afternoons in the pool. My daughter makes healthy low carb dinners so hopefully I will lose weight or at least not gain. They are having game night tonight with friends, so that will be fun. We went to dinner last night with my grandson as well, had a great time. Every night before bed we walk Dexter for a ten minute walk, my fitbit says I gain 40-45 calories doing that. Every little bit helps. Here's another picture of Dexter doing stand up paddle boarding. 😂😂

    Keeping up with posts, happy belated birthday to Jean, the garden is beautiful Jackie, interesting information from your neighbor Anne and good luck with zoom and the cards Lin. Patsy hope your birthday was a success.

    Time to eat breakfast and get out to the pool, have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dears! It appears we had a small shower early this morning. As I let Katie out in the back yard, I see the deck is wet and there are standing puddles on the deck. The sky is blue and I can feel the temperature rising. So that bit of moisture will soon disappear.

    I am again chewing my nails about my dear John. He says he feels a bit lightheaded when he gets up from sitting. All my research has told me this is a common issue and happens with age and his meds make the problem even worse. As I cautiously suggest going to see our Doc, it is met with great resistance. So I am back to watching out for him and suggesting activities that keep him engrossed but not on ladders or on the roof or using power tools.

    We did enjoy my birthday. We heard from everyone. John insisted on reading all your birthday best wishes and e-cards. We had great chats with our daughter and our son. We had lovely chats with my Alaska friend and the wife of our late musician friend. John had a huge bouquet of flowers delivered. He also ordered a bottle of my favorite cologne and perfume. So I feel properly blessed and remembered. Thank you all again!

    Back to the problem of books…it is a real time sink, going through the book shelves and stacks of books either read or planned to reread or never read but want to read. Oh my! This is hopeless. And to make matters even worse, I think John has ordered a couple more from Amazon.

    Stir fry tonight. I will have to include some chicken for John. He is getting fussy about my veggie dinners. I decided to try eating with chopsticks again. In an effort to slow down when eating. That was interesting. I used to do that all the time. Now everything ends up in my lap. How does a culture for thousands of years exist using two long sticks as their utensils? And they make such delicious and nutritious food. Mysterious!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,124 Member
    edited July 2021
    Good afternoon a sunny day, just over 80 degrees F and a bit of a breeze. Looks like I will be watering again this evening. I was going to pick green beans this morning but once again it was bumblebee heaven out there. I snuck out around noon and they must have taken a lunch break. 🤣 It is amazing how loud they are and how much flying around they do before finally deciding on a landing spot on a blossom.

    I have been working on cutting and stamping the inset pieces for these cards. The problem is I have never done this before I don’t know any of the tips and techniques that would make this easier and the outcome much better. The printed instructions aren’t very helpful. I think it is assumed that you familiar with the techniques. Well I am not! Hopefully I will learn next week. I did try to watch a video on YouTube but again, it is assumed you know all of the techniques and they fly through things. They don’t want the videos to be too long. Well, what’s the worst, I mess up. Won’t be the first time. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Will get back to trying to tax my brain after I finish this post.

    Jackie, I adore your garden. Delightful place to sit. As you were saying no construction was going on, I was giggling because there was road repair going on here with jackhammering breaking up concrete. That is LOUD!!

    Everyone, I keep lots of books too! They do not fit on my bookshelves. I do donate books from time to time to the local library for their sale. But overall, I have waaay too many for my house. I empathize with everyone trying to keep books in order and in finding enough shelving.

    Patsy, I am sorry to hear John is feeling light headed from time to time. Low blood pressure? You might want to check it when he is feeling that way. I hope it doesn’t persist. I am happy to hear of your lovely birthday. Oooh, perfume and flowers. Perfect!

    Sandy, Dexter is funny. What a crack-up! Glad to hear you are having a wonderful visit.

    Anne, hello! Did you manage to get an appointment for your second shot? How is your family? Your son is still working yes? Lots of hours? I am still reading about hot housing markets and high rates for rentals in so many locations. A friend, whose granddaughter is a realtor in this area, told me she was told our market is cooling down. I am surprised by that. We do have one home in this neighborhood that is still FSBO. All of the other properties have sold relatively quickly. I hope you and Jilly are having a happy day.

    Hello all our missing Sneakers, Barbie, Diane, Jeri, Bob, and Connie.

    Be well.


    A more traditional teapot.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I trotted off for my second Pfizer vaccination in pouring rain, had it and trotted back in pouring rain. I think I was the only oldie in the vast place. All other participants appeared to be quite young, even the jabbers.

    So far no ill effects and when I got home Jilly greeted me with squeals of joy and had to have two treats for being a good girl.

    Its stopped raining and much activity next door measuring for a new drive. When I put on the radio whilst doing my morning trot a man was bemoaning the fact that his house roof got blown off in the tornado which struck Harrys new spot up north. He said he only moved in two weeks ago but his voice didn't sound like Harry the Lads.

    I sometimes feel light headed when getting up Patsy. I just take a little sugar [half a teaspoon] and its gone. I don't know if this helps but I assume its because I don't eat sugary things on a regular basis and my system seems to need that boost once in a while.

    Off to do something productive before I start feeling sleepy which happened last time with the first vac.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    7am and off we trotted in a gentle breeze. An hour later we returned to the car huffing and puffing but happy to have walked.

    I’ll be pottering outside until it gets too hot then I’ll be painting walls again. Yesterday evening I spent a couple of hours at the allotment watering and chatting to the lady who works the adjoining plot. She initially rented it for her husband but he left her a couple of years ago for a younger version who apparently can’t cook and doesn’t like housework or gardening so I’m guessing he’s already regretting his decision! Rachel is the nicest person you could meet so we had a great time talking.

    I will pop back later but must add Patsy, please persuade John to see your doctor. My blood pressure is generally low and I’m often swooning but I think high pressure can have a similar symptom. Better to investigate and know what’s going on so deal with it… I know, he’s a man!!
    We know you read our posts John so please, for Patsy’s peace of mind, talk to a doctor. 😍

    Happy Sunday one and all.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited July 2021
    Morning all, I went to bed pretty early, because I felt sleepy but otherwise none the worse for being poked yesterday. Mikes coming over this morning I think and I believe is going to treat us to a pizza from the Italian "The Boot", so I won't linger, but that's if they are still in business. To answer JACKIE, the poppy isn't from my garden, [I wish], but from Mary Jo's. I have grown pink ones in the past, but none this year.

    My new neighbour is thinking of growing veggies in containers next year and is going to ask my advice.....AH.

    Enjoy your "day of rest" everyone.

    PS. Michael just phoned. He's not coming over because he's got a very bad headache. Isn't it ironic that I don't. I think its his pillow because he get quite a few after sleeping. Too soft.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,124 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hello! Another sunny day here. Near 80 degrees F right now. I was out early and the bees do get up early although I thought it was the birds who were the early ones! Grabbed a couple of tomatoes and what may end up being my last zucchini. More watering this evening. Have a few marigolds blooming in some of my veggie containers. And lovely butterflies have been flitting by to visit.

    My church is having a special service today folding in both Christmas in July (an annual event) as well as some history/founders information. Hope all of that will be streamed as it sounds interesting.

    I have had the Sunday morning news programs on in the background as I have been sorting things. Yipes! I am quite depressed and alarmed with all the frightening news. Continuing droughts, 20 year lows in water levels in reservoirs out West, the potential that water will not be forthcoming with the lack of winter snows the last few years. I guess I was not aware of the amount of ground that was left fallow this year due to lack of water. It is quite likely the U.S, will have fewer fruits, nuts and vegetables given this situation. 🙆🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

    My state has a relatively low % vaccinated. I thought it was better since my county reported around 60%. The state is in the low 40’s. Rats. Anyway, I must turn the station for goodness sake.

    Jackie, lovely photo and glad you got your walk. And a lovely conversation yesterday with another gardener who sounds like a wonderful contrast to your neighbor. Happy gardening and painting. 😎👍🏻😎

    Anne, I am sorry Michael will not be coming a visit. Darn headache. I am glad to hear you seem to be doing well after your second shot. Excellent. I have a book that must be returned to the library so will be working through that today.

    Be safe everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,078 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Kristy and Carl are at their church, I tried to watch mine but couldn't get it to work on my IPad. Card night was fun except for some remarks about blacks and gays that I ignored but upset me. I think I am one of the few liberals in this State!! I texted with Lisa who is not feeling well, she thinks she has a sinus infection, but she did get tested last week to be sure and she did not have covid. She will be here tomorrow and we will play but by ear whether we leave Tuesday or Wednesday. Did I tell you her dad is cancer free? Pool day again and later a zoom call with family before game night.
    Vacations are great!!💖

    Anne, glad you got no side effects from your shot, but sorry Michael has a headache. It sounds like my our new neighbor and you will be friends. How old do you think he is?

    Jackie, another great picture of the pups and beautiful walking area. Keep cool, I do by floating in pool.

    Lin, good luck with cards and yes Dexter is a character.

    Patsy, happy to read you had a great birthday

    Ok kids are back and I am still in pajamas. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A happy day to you all…it is sunny but so far not too hot. Our wild Fires are still too scary to talk about. I fear another horrible summer with so much devastation. We must all be careful. As we often say here, life has changed here on earth. We need to respect and care for our little planet.

    John is planning on mowing today. He will be mainly riding the little tractor, so I think he will be fine. It is good for him to be outside. The dizziness was okay yesterday. I am in negotiations on a call to our doctor. So far, I see a slight glimmer of hope in that regard, maybe he is thinking about it.

    Today is Sunday Baroque and chili. It is easy and has lots of veggies. Instant pot chili. Beans, onions, green chilies, tomatoes, bell peppers, and chicken. And spices. What’s not to like? The calories are not too bad. I will also serve John some tortilla chips.

    Exercises are first on my today list as I listen to the concert. It is such pleasant music and has a very upbeat positive sound.

    Anne: I am thrilled that you are now fully vaccinated. In two weeks your body will have been building antibodies to ward off this ugly Covid. Ben if the delta variant flew up your nose, it wouldn’t be too bad. They say for people who are vaccinated it is more like a cold in symptoms. So you will be much safer now.

    Jackie: I had no idea it was so complicated to paint plaster walls. I would have just found a good water based paint and slapped it on…maybe two coats for good measure. By the way I love that scene with the ruins in the background. I also love that the ruins seem really old and it has not been fenced off or covered in graffiti. In the USA we would have done something horrible to that little scene. I love my country but we do have trouble being good stewards for our land.

    Lin: find some music to listen to instead of the news. Good advice that I never take! I have already tortured myself with the news today.

    Sandy: interesting experience there in Florida. That was my experience as well. I felt like a fish out of water. My beliefs and comfort level was truly tested. There are good people and bad people everywhere as you have noted. Be safe and come home after a lovely visit with your family.