Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well, we missed YOU PATSY! Try not to disappear again! Me? I've been 37 years old for the last 48 years, but sometimes act as if I'm 7. For instance I was dying to try a cartwheel the other day but thought maybe not a wise thing to attempt.
    Heavens! better get moving, I've only done 6127 steps so far today!
    Talk to all you kids tomorrow. Annsie.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited July 2021
    Good afternoon. A Zoom meeting just finished up and no more until tomorrow morning. Another class on card making tomorrow. Gift card holders (which I believe I am able to do now after making two recently) and several larger tags. I don’t use many tags. But I will watch the class and see what tips I can pick up.

    Interesting start to the morning. A power outage. Anyone else still have things that need to be reset after even a short power interruption? Even a flash means resetting the clock on both my microwave and my stove. Touchy!

    Sandy, busy time for you as you finally get to the packing for your trip. I hope the travel is without problems and the weather is agreeable in Florida. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Bob, sometimes it takes forever to find words to express exactly what you wish to. Same with selecting images often. Did your sister like the TV show Vegas starring Urich? Or did you? Yes, I watched all the Rocky movies. It certainly had little to do with boxing however. I think I have seen that horse image before. Someone must have copied your work. 🤣

    Jackie, I did not see your post from yesterday. Another MFP page refresh problem I seem to have from time to time. Hello Brady and George. Both looking sharp! I would try for more treats too. It is my nature. I think perhaps he will not be successful in this quest. Interesting study of AFib. My dad had no sign of that problem and had a full physical just 3 days before he had a stroke which the doctor told me came on due to an episode of AFib. He was then on a blood thinner for the remainder of his life. It would be wonderful for a discovery in treatment and/or prevention of this condition. Good of you to help with this. Meanwhile, paint, paint, and more paint. I can well imagine you have a crick in your neck. Not your normal neck position.

    Patsy, so happy you are back with us. Good hunting! I am glad you are tenacious in hunting us down. There must be so much smoke in the air from the massive fires. I hope you and John and Katie find things to do that are enjoyable and maybe a bit silly. I miss that. Our Mah Jongg group laughed, giggled and we were generally silly. I wish we could get together again. We need 3 people but only 2 of us are vaccinated. Darn! I know I am laugh deprived!

    Anne, what big changes are going on in your neighborhood. I hope everyone will be kind and friendly, including all new animals and pets. Enjoy the sunshine.

    Off to see if there are more green beans to pick. It was kind of wet this morning. I am looking forward to cooking whatever I find. Even if just a few.

    Be safe and happy everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I am posting again trying to establish myself back as a forum member. Currently I have to use the big long address that Sandy was kind enough to give me. Any ideas on how to do that? I know Sandy is not available due to her travel activities. I am amazed at the complexities of these algorithms. Anyway, I do have that address to sneak in the back door, so to speak.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Hump Day all ! Going to be a humid day today with a mix of cloudy, t-storms, sunny and clear with a high about 82 --- I think the weather person covered all bases. LOL Awoke before 5am, but still need to leave for the gym first. Should be easy now that coffee has been injected into my blood stream.

    Jackie – Of course the first thing to catch my eye is George looking up directly at me… cute. There was a time when I enjoyed painting a room and looking back with pride once completed… you depiction of messy rollers, splatter etc reminded me that – I don’t enjoy that anymore. LOL

    Glad you like the horse-drawing humor – it does reflect my talent. As for Afib, over the years I have done a lot of research re: paroxysmal AFib (comes and goes) and permanent AFib, (mine). Many celebrities have one form of AFib – Barry Manilow, Roger Moore (ok no more LOL), Gene Simmons etc. I agree with you on the tiny ECG for monitoring. Since I am always “in” AFib and never have a normal ECG I wouldn’t use BUT most people go in and out and I would think that would be useful.

    Sandy – Glad we have the same drawing talent. If Bob Ross hadn’t died I’d be so much better (loved his show). We are in 1000% agreement on living with family – visits are different than “living with.” I always believed older people should maintain as much independence as they can handle. Sorry about the gloomy day but assume the mani/pedi/eyebrow put a smile on your face. Happy packing!

    Anne – I am blushing at the comments concerning my drawing abilities. Not everyone appreciates my style. I am taking your advice and will put my camera up for sale today and buy an “artist kit” with the proceeds.

    Patsy – Always amazed and touched by the environmental challenges you have faced. Loved your comment: “We all count our blessings about whatever health condition we enjoy… who knows what illness will develop and diminish our quality of life.” That is why I want to do as much as I can handle. Not everyone ends up 100 yrs old and doing the jitterbug. As for “aging” you are correct. I have friends/relatives that are 35-65 and act 90 wasting the possibilities. Conversely, I have friends/family in their 80’s and 90’s that can’t be held down and do all they are capable of doing. It’s almost like you’d like to ask some younger people for some of their “life years” since they aren’t using them. LOL

    Lin – No one knows card creation like you! You are fantastic. I do enjoy making special cards for special people… but admittedly there are those less important times when “Dollar Store” cards come in handy. LOL. Both my sister and I loved Urich in just about everything…while I liked him a lot – she swooned over him. Re: boxing I followed pro boxing closely in the days of Ali, Liston, Sugar Ray etc and not much at all today. Love most of the Rocky movies, along with Golden Boy, The Chamo, Raging Bull, Cinderella Man, Million Dollar Baby, Raging Bull, Requiem for a Heavyweight – OMG – didn’t realize just how many I enjoyed. Thanks for the heads-up on the horse image – I can’t believe some people. Ha ha ha.

    OK – one more cup of coffee and then the gym. HAVE A GREAT DAY! Bob.

    Ps. Our Rose of Sharon is in bloom!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Just a quick hello and will be posting from Jacksonville the next time you read my posts.
    Hoping for an on time safe flight with no problems. My daughter will pick me up and then the fun will begin.
    Have a great day!

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2021
    Sunny and warm around 22c but after a long walk on the moors I hung washing out then spent time in my cottage doing “odd jobs”. The most recent was to remove an antique spice cupboard from a kitchen wall and take it outside to spray with a strong woodworm treatment because there are signs the pesky things have been boring into the pine. Strong is the right word because even outside it gave me a slight headache. I need to cut the grass but too hot at the moment ( not by any American standards I know!) so decision time later on painting or cutting!

    Safe journey Sandy. Look forward to hearing you are with your family.

    Bob, I’m fascinated by your Sharon rose and more than a little jealous because mine is yellow and I’ve never seen pink before.

    Patsy, when I use my iPhone to get into MFP a few times a link appears in a google search which allows me to cut corners and not have to sign in so hopefully if you use Sandy’s link Google will offer you the same after a couple of visits.

    Tea finished so I must get on but will return once the sun goes down. 😎
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    A weird sort of 29C day which translates as stick the a/c on Annsie. Mike appeared because he managed to get an appointment with the local barber which meant Jilly got a much longer walk than with me. He arrived looking like a neantherdal with long shaggy hair and departed shorn and more human. He was here around 2 hours which isn't long but sort of disrupts one's day.
    My two Rose of Sharon [bush and tree] are also bursting into bloom and look just like Bobs. I've never seen a yellow one over here Jackie.
    Jilly is snoozing after her exertions and to be honest I feel like joining her.
    So, a quick pop in to say Hello for now,
    Anne. 🙃
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! Edging toward noon and we still have our marine layer. The weather is so odd and our wildfires could really use some cooperation. A nice drenching rain to help the firefighters is my constant prayer. That fire in eastern Oregon is so hellish large and totally out of control, it makes my palms sweat and my heart beat faster.

    I am still trying to reestablish the My Groups site on MFP. Currently getting into the sneakers is a monumental effort. I can do it but always by accident. I never see a constant procedure that could be repeated with expected results. It is always ….”hey! I found you. Great! Now how did I do that?”

    Those blossoms look so lovely. I love roses of all colors and species. Even the word, ROSE, brings a smile and a warm feeling. But in truth, all flowers do that for me. But roses have a special appeal.

    Today we will try for a quick phone chat with our son, Damon. I chatted with our daughter yesterday. She has decided she has a kidney stone and a gall bladder stone! This without any diagnosis or tests. She is one of those people who “enjoy bad health.” She is so dynamic and a force of nature, but she is often a handful. I am hoping she will get distracted and dive into one of her many designing projects. I am not kidding when I say her ability to design almost anything is scary amazing. Not just mother pride talking here!

    I must have slept on the wrong side of my pillow. I am so draggy this am, I guess I need more coffee and better music.

    Bob: not sure how one deals with permanent Afib. You obviously have become an unofficial expert. But your attitude has be an important med, whither one has afib or not.
    Sandy: safe travels, my friend. Have fun and tell us all about your adventures.
    Lin: I can’t help feeling some of the people receiving your card creations don’t deserve them. They are true works of art.
    Anne: interesting new neighbors. We had a Muslim MD here in our area. Public opinion drove him away. Sadly his expertise was needed. He and his wife were understandably aloof and standoffish. I think Canada is much more accepting of different cultures.
    Jackie: I am totally hopeless with computers or digital devices. I just blunder along. I would enjoy painting. I love the smell, and act of applying color to any surface. It is calming and makes me feel good. I even like cleaning up after. Okay! I know that is just plain weird.

    Coffee and toast. Then, sweep kitchen floor and maybe a quick mop.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited July 2021
    Good afternoon. I made a quick trip to the library this morning to return some books and got home in time to watch the class. Well, most of it. Terrible noise started up as a home not far from me is being re-roofed today, some road construction is underway and a neighbor is getting a new driveway so they are breaking up and removing the old concrete. I missed some of what was going on as I went out to see what was going on outside. Now I need to look for the replay so I can fill in the blanks. And there are a couple of things I want to try.

    After lunch I threaded my way to the grocery store. I need to drive up that way tomorrow morning for a haircut. Construction on my street, construction and road closure on the street I normally use to cut over to my usual thoroughfare. Road construction has one of my normal paths totally closed, another one is also under improvement and although you are able to get through, you do have to wait for the road crews to let you through. More and more streets are flagged for installation of new fiber optic cable.

    I think they are trying to catch up for the slow pace of last year’s work.

    Patsy, I am sorry you are having troubles getting to the Sneakers group. I am lucky. The only times I seem to have problems are when the server for the community is down and when they have logged me out of community and I need to login again. I hope things straighten out soon for you. I will let you and Jackie paint. I am not good at slopping paint on walls and detest cleaning up all the mess.

    Anne, a very hot day. I am glad you have your A/C running. Happy day for Jilly and happy day for your shorn son Mike. Is it relatively quiet in your neighborhood now?

    Sandy, happy trails and best wishes for a wonderful visit.

    Bob, that was a relatively long list of boxing movies. I admit I probably haven’t watched all of them. I do plan to start watching some episodes of Vegas. One of these days. Your Rose of Sharon is beautiful!

    Jackie, I have never seen a yellow Rose of Sharon either. Seems exotic to me! I hope you have stopped the wormwood problem. You are 100% busy all the time.

    Back to my tiny chores. I dug out a large stack of Christmas card materials. They will haunt me as the calendar progresses. 🎄 I am not sure I will make Halloween/Fall cards or Thanksgiving for that matter.

    Be safe everyone.


    Now this is beyond a teapot. A teapot shaped building!

    “ National Tea Museum in Meitan County, China and at the same time the world's largest teapot with a height of 73.8 m and a diameter of 24 m.”


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited July 2021
    I think you are right Patsy. Canada IS very accepting of different cultures, but that's what we are composed of. Gone are the days when it was just French, indigenous, or British. Every nation under the sun resides here and on the whole harmoniously. My new neighbours will simply blend in with the rest of us Dutch, Irish, Portuguese, Thai, German, Croatian, West Indian, New Zealander, South African, African, Polish, Brits, Hindu and that's just our walking route for little Prussian/Mexican Jilly and me. Good job we all speak English! Including Jilly Bean!
    Waking up a bit. Time to get moving especially as I've only done 6844 steps so far today.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’ve been trying to think where the woodworm had come from and of course quite early on in the restoration work when some cross beams were discovered to be rotting, Dave cut them out and new beams were added alongside to give support. It wouldn’t have taken much effort what with all the dust to fly and settle into antique pine. I’ve left the spice rack outside overnight and will hopefully be able to screw it back into place tomorrow.
    Painting won over grass cutting so I’m now halfway through 3 layers on the ceiling and halfway round with first coat of the lighter colour going on 3 walls. Modern decorators paint is a breeze to work with and has low odour so gone are the days of paint fumes or the need for strong cleaning agents, just warm soapy water and in no time brushes and mixing pots are clean. That just leaves me to be cleaned of splatters!

    Oops. nodding off so better get to bed,
    Jackie 😴
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    A good morning observation from me. Yesterday I walked for just over four miles around the house and garden. Now if I can do this many miles in my tiny cottage, how many miles do the Royal family and the rich walk around their palaces and stately homes? No wonder they all look in shape and slim! Come to think of it I've yet to see a fat footman, butler, or corgi.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. I’ve been on the go since 7 am which I know is late by Bob’s standards but grocery shopping was completed and again I’m shocked by how much my weekly top up has inflated. It was warming up considerably by the time I was ready to walk with the pooches so I took them to an area on the moors where it’s open hoping it would be airy and as I clambered out of my car 2 ladies on horseback trotted past and one called out ‘what a lovely breeze!” so I knew we were in the best place. Unlike Anne, not many steps but enough to stretch our legs.
    A few plants have been potted on in the greenhouse and slow but sure I’m working my way through the what to keep or throw away piles. My wormy spice rack is looking awful with its small holes o I may discard it and opt for a new one. The pine china cabinet is still to be treated so that might turn out to be another item beyond help!

    That’s an amazing teapot Lin and I love the fact a cup has been built next to it. PLEASE, let’s not think about Christmas even though I know you have to plan ahead. 🤫. Construction everywhere is probably a good sign for your economy and jobs but a shock when they all start together. Enjoy your hair appointment; you will feel a lot better for it I’m sure.

    Patsy, I’m so sorry you have the worry of fires again as the weather continues to go slightly nuts. Awful flooding in Germany and Belgium currently as it seems Mother Nature is determined to continue to throw extremes at us.
    I admit I’m finding the late evening wall painting relaxing so long as I recognise when to stop. I might, just might, finish the smaller room by this time next week.

    So sorry your 2nd vaccination was postponed Anne. It does appear 2 doses will protect us enough from the latest variant so we won’t get too unwell so do keep nagging whoever.

    I do hope Sandy is safely in Florida with her family. We’ll no doubt hear at some point.

    A breeze continues to make the air pleasant so I’ll pop back outside to tidy. Definitely lawn cutting this evening once it cools and allotment late tomorrow. I have red Pak Choi and Chinese cabbage seedlings to plant out. Also, I bought a pink Hibiscus at the supermarket and must research how best to care for it. They thrive in the Mediterranean but not so sure about the English climate.

    Take care everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I have arrived safe and sound in Jacksonville. Although the seat on the plane was just horrible for my back, it was a good flight. We played some games and had a good night. Will be in pool today although it is a little cloudy. It is wonderful being with my daughter, son in law and grandson after two years.
    Have a good day, I will leave you with a picture of my new grand pup.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone! Our weather continues to be somewhat cloudy and mild here. Eastern Oregon is still on fire and very hot. The firefighters say that it will burn until this fall. It is still 0% contained. Thank goodness for our air purifier. I still smell the smoke at various times during the day.

    Our son has finally finished his canvas replacement. It has been quite a process. Next he will have the huge boat hauled out of the water and have the hull inspected and cleaned. As I have said, owning a boat is like having a very expensive girlfriend. She is always wanting something.

    I am still having problems getting into the forum. I am still using Sandy’s huge address. I cannot get My Groups established again. But I am lucky to have this address that Sandy gave me. I can still get in and post. I will keep trying various strategies. MFP is remarkably unresponsive.

    I do think walking is a a great exercise and keeps us up and operating, so to speak. My joints and crippling arthritis limits the number of steps I can take. However there is a routine that exercises most muscles that I use. It is recommended by National institute of health for seniors. Walking is included in the recommendation. So great work Anne, Jackie and doggies!

    I am determined to try to avoid depressing and paranoid thinking. It is my curse. Music, exercise, and planning a small adventure is my current prescription. Thank goodness for you active and positive sneakers. As our dear Buzz said, life is too short to include toxic people. I’ll include avoiding toxic thoughts to that. It is lovely to chat with you all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    We've reached 92 by my thermometer, and by me because I wanted to watch a programme on TV and fell asleep and missed the whole darn thing. So guess who is walking to get a stiff back and crick in the neck oiled again.

    Actually PATSY, I'm on a sort of do it yourself renewal. Did you read the last week in January that I felt I had to do something to get back in shape after a disastrous 2020? Two teeth pulled, a bad bee sting, sciatica which really did me in and I put on weight.+ etc. Well I lost 9 lbs in weight and I'm .still striving for another 2 but I started walking in earnest. My knee kept collapsing on me at that time. Well. 6 months later and every day for at least 30 minutes it's really paid off because the knees no longer buckle and I'm actually really enjoying the walk about. I sure didn't at first. It's become a hobby you might say. Now - if I could just take a few years off the face!

    I know this isn't possible for everyone but it really suits me and I'm beginning to forget what arthritis feels like! The sciatica was hell frankly.

    I so agree that life is too short to include toxic people. Confession coming up. After thirty years of putting up with one lady because she did me a favour all those years ago I finally said enough is enough after two particularly cruel and scathing comments she made about my appearance in public. Her husband said it was jealousy of all things!! Goodness knows why - as she was and is blessed with an easy lifestyle. We never quarrelled but I gently eased myself out of her life.

    PATSY, you are a dear and lovely lady with lovely John and sweet doggie Katie. Please stay as you are. We all enjoy you so much and your posts. A real tonic on OUR bad days.
    Love from me and your friends on this post
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Hello all.

    This morning I got my haircut, stopped for a couple of things at a store in that area, stopped by Dollar Tree on my way home. Got my bag in the house and made my Thursday morning phone call. Nice long talk. Started to listen to a Zoom presentation and started making my lunch when the phone rang. I quickly scarfed down my lunch and called my friend back. We had a very long chat about her dental problems, the upcoming special events scheduled for this Sunday’s church service and much more.

    So my day is kind of out of whack and a sinus headache has me ready for an ibuprofen and a nap.

    I am sorry my friends. I will return when my head isn’t pounding.

    Be well.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well.....I am back but can't remember what I wanted to change before I got locked out. Lol.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Patsy, dearest friend. Today is yours, all of it, so have a wonderful time with John and Katie. ❤️ I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I told you that your friendship from afar warms my heart and your posts delight me as I get a glimpse of a lady so full of love for her family and those critters that occasionally wander into your life! Bless you lovely lady for all that you bring to us Sneakers.

    Hugs across that pond. 🥰