Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    edited July 2021
    Happy Monday!😃 I came to spend the night with Ewok so Bryanna could spend the fourth with friends. He had some CBD to calm him and then I wrapped him in blanket and we stayed downstairs until midnight.
    Lisa wasnt happy that I wrapped him in her blanket because her mother is very allergic to dogs and happened to be with a couple yesterday so her eyes were like they had sand in them. Just bad timing.I assured her that the blanket will be washed as I am doing as I post. Will also wash the sheets and towels so everything is clean for Rob. I will be picking him up later this afternoon and I am sure Ewok will be happy to see him.
    I got to the pool both Saturday and Sunday so I am good. I have to start getting ready for my Florida trip next Wednesday, meaning getting my hair and nails done. Time is just going too fast.
    It looks like all who celebrated had a wonderful 4th. Love all the pictures. My brother starts therapy this week and is doing much better. Life is good and I am grateful.❤️

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We’ve had unsettled weather although I did manage to walk with the dogs across the top moor in sunshine after a bit of a climb. Painting in the new loo is finished but I did discover there is still a small leak so have messaged Dave to ask him to pop back… just when I thought I’d seen the last of them! Rain arrived around lunchtime but not before I managed to dead head rose bushes and cut back brambles shooting out across our shared pathway from the neighbours’ drive.

    Tennis is still interrupting my painting plans but tomorrow morning, after a pedicure, I’ll get masking tape down where needed because heavy rain is on its way so no point thinking I’ll be gardening.

    Looks like you had a wonderful birthday Jeri and have delightful photos to prove it.

    Sandy, Ewok was a lucky boy having you to keep him company while celebrations went on. I hope you weren’t told off about his blanket… I’d have done exactly the same and you have probably saved them a fortune in kennel fees! That Florida trip has come round quickly hasn’t it but then I feel this year is disappearing in a flash!

    Haha Bob, you’re right of course because the older I get the less inclined I am to put up with nonsense, especially from the bully next door. I’ll have to dig the old Cadillac out from the rear of my garage!! 😅😂🤣. Enjoy your lakeside walk with Jean followed by a sensibly priced Mexican.

    Anne, I hope Harry’s house doesn’t collapse when finally emptied. Who knows, maybe it’s contents are all that’s holding it up. 😧

    I loved the pink teapot Lin. Looks like the perfect way to end a shopping spree! Yesterday’s was also charming in its own rustic way. I can see I’m missing out on so much sticking to my Brown Bess teapot!
    We Brits can barely take care of ourselves these days, never mind the old colonies!! 😆🤣

    Patsy, I’m guessing Katie is feeling a whole lot better after her grooming session. George is currently behaving like a puppy now his thicker coat has been removed. I forget sometimes what a tiny dog lives under all that fur! Not too many loud fireworks for you all to deal with last night I trust.

    Evening meal almost cooked as heavy rain begins to smack on the kitchen skylight. Not exactly summer weather but at least I’m no longer living in the garden room!

    Take care everyone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hello everyone!

    It is a rather warm sunny day with temperatures over 90 degrees F. There may be a break on Wednesday but chances of rain are still not good. I was out early this morning watering my plants and looking at the demise of more of them. Yesterday was blustery here and the plants had a rough day.

    I am sticking close to home. Anyone else have hours of fireworks last night? People were shooting off things during the day but after dark it was crazy. Two houses on the next block over had near professional shows and the municipal fireworks were visible from my house if I stood outdoors and those went on forever. Apparently they had 2 years worth of supply to use up. 🤣🤣 My neighbor ran by my house from around the corner. When he saw me looking at him, he slowed to a walk but cut across the neighbor’s yard to get to his house faster. He was not there long and he walked by again in the other direction. As soon as he was past me, he started running again. That was odd!

    Jeri, good to see you and what a wonderful time with your family. Everyone together again! It must have been so amazing. Everyone looked so happy.

    Sandy, you were kind of look after Ewok. Fireworks are so difficult for many dogs. My friends purchased a thunder coat for their dog and out it on him for the 4th of July. It didn’t do any good so they sat in the car with the dog, which seemed to be the only thing to calm him a bit. Sorry you got in trouble for using the blanket. Trip to Florida approaching fast! Yippee. And i am glad your brother seems to be doing better.

    Bob, wahoo, another great group of photos. Hope you are having a lovely afternoon. And no more bushes near that electrical box. I have utility easements on my lot and if they have to dig up things or take down my fence in order to fix something, it’s my problem to put things back together. I always hope they do not have to dig into things.

    Jackie, NO, not another small leak! Argh. You just cannot shed those contractors. Congrats on the progress with the painting. Good job. I hear of your rain and I must say I do wonder where our rain has gone. 🙃. Good luck on the new planting of peas by the way. Did you have a talk with the lady having problems regarding the allotment and/or people in charge of things?

    Anne, neighbors still packing? Aren’t they at the final deadline for moving? My gosh, your dream of moving along with Mark and family sounds tremendous. Think there’s any chance at all? How exciting!

    Patsy, did you enjoy your holiday? Have the temperatures dropped in your area? Did Katie stay calm through the evening?

    I need to get back to my chores. I am not sure if we have trash pickup on our usual day this week our not. I guess I will have to look that up online. Sometimes we are delayed, sometimes not.

    Oooh, a hummingbird just flew by the window. So cute.

    Be safe and healthy my friends.


    Am interesting teapot. Oh my!


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    A very hot day here. The same for tomorrow and Harry and Joyces move. When I opened the blinds early this morning there wasn't a sign of the car and the truck and I wondered if they had done a moonlit flit but no. They arrived back around 10 minus the car and Harry proceeded to load the truck again. The usual dustbins, buckets, planks with the whole lot topped with all the ladders which he'd nailed to my fence over the years. He's just got back from leaving them somewhere? Like Jackie, Mary Jo wonders if the house will tumble down when there's nothing left to prop it up and she also wonders if everything was all dumped in a corner to hide a hidden flaw from prospective buyers. When all is said and done I'm going to miss them. Definitely the most interesting neighbours I've ever had. But, as Mark says, better keep quiet until I know who is moving in. Who would have thought retirement could be so interesting after all those years of sitting staring at a typewriter or computer at work

    And that's about it folks. I agree with all said before me and thank JERI for a lovely peep into her birthday celebration.

    Anne. How do I find the hearts and flowers and glasses of wine etc on a laptop? I think they are called emojis?

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Weather is PNW mild again. And the new air conditioner sits unused but I am glad it is here. There must be some kind magic in being prepared for any emergency. Like a heat wave or extreme ice storms.

    The 4th of July fireworks were beautiful. The neighbor put on a show also lots of town businesses chipped in to buy fireworks for the city and they were shot off from a barge in the river. Katie wasn’t too upset by everything. She barks an occasional disapproval but all in all she enjoyed being up late running in and out of the deck door. She had a chewy treat as we had ice cream at midnight.

    I will fix chili casserole for dinner. That way we can have leftovers tomorrow. Yea…cook once, serve twice! John loves it and so do I.

    Our phone land line isn’t working so I am using our smartphone for everything. Not John’s favorite but he likes it better now. Our ancient flip phones are very hard to see and use. I simply refuse to try to use them anymore. So some sort of change is on the way.

    Loved seeing all the photos and send a belated Happy Birthday to Jeri. Lovely to see her birthday party.

    Sandy: I loved seeing that sweet Ewok cuddled in his blankets. I bought Katie a thunder jacket a couple of years ago. But Katie doesn’t seem as upset anymore. Not sure how or why but am thrilled. She still gets upset at thunder storms.

    Lin: your neighbor does sound odd. I think he is very curious about you. I would be nervous about him but he might just sort of nosy. Living alone takes special care. I used to constantly tell our daughter that years ago as a young grade school teacher, living alone in rural Colorado. Someone did break into her garage and stole her snow tires. She was careless and even left her house unlocked many times.

    Anne: glad you have an air conditioner. I don’t do very well in heat. I think my brain gets inflamed and I am not very nice.

    Keep safe and remember a mask might still be a good idea…….
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    We hit 35 centigrade today and again tomorrow PATSY. I hate it. I don't think our colouring helps! ❤️🙃 Hey, I've found the emojis! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    Good day. My containers provide joy from time to time. This morning it was a tiny handful of fresh green beans, a small tomato and a small zucchini. Another sunny hot day, nearing 90 degrees F already. I am happy I watered the plants this morning when it was a bit cooler. All sorts of bugs are on the move today.

    I was cutting a few weeds and was hit in the head by a Cicada killer wasp. Oh yes, they are preparing for the seasonal onslaught. I called the pest/wasp control people and requested another treatment to combat these wasps. They will return on Friday. We will see what they can do. They were just here last Wednesday. I am losing faith in their control measures.

    Anne, so will you be able to observe moving day? From a cool house of course. And congratulations on finding your emojis. 👍🏻❤️👍🏻

    Patsy, I am glad the temperatures have retreated. Excellent. And cook once serve twice is a very good idea. It is wonderful that Katie was not extremely upset by the fireworks.

    I haven’t seen any other posts today. Is this a trick by MFP?

    Be well everyone. I have a class and/or presentation each day for the remainder of the week. Wahoo mi hope I learn many new things or at least a couple. 🤣😂🤣


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    edited July 2021
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Looks like a hot and muggy day with temps in the 90's and real feel of 100. I guess I will be in the water on my floater chair to keep cool and even then it might be too hot.
    Ewok was thrilled to see my son and my son was thrilled to see Ewok. Rob said he is attached to his hip and follows him all over. He did that with me also, I think he is missing the kiddos, he will be so happy when they all come back home. <3
    I made my appointment for nails and Bryanna will be doing my hair on Friday, all that will be left will be laundry and packing and my ride to airport. I have my meeting this Thursday and then meeting friends for Fish Fry on Friday night. This month seems to be flying by but aren't they all??

    Anne, I am grateful for central A/C but not so much with the bill. I try to keep it as high as possible to remain cool but this unit is so old it is not very efficient. Today is Harry's big move correct?? Curious minds want to know what the new neighbors will be like but hopefully they are friendly and nice to you.

    Patsy, I think I will invest in a thunder jacket for Ewok once I am done with traveling. They aren't cheap but well worth the money if they calm him down, although the blanket worked like a charm.

    Lin, Lisa got over it quick, she loves Ewok so she understood. Sorry your friends dog was so upset, Daisy gets like that as well. Babe used to take her in the basement and turn the TV up full blast. Not sure how he handled it this year living with his son. Love that teapot, very cute.

    Jackie, all is good with Lisa and Ewok, she knows how much I love animals so she understood. They are very grateful for Bryanna and I dog sitting so he could stay in his house and be happy. They will give Bryanna some money since she stayed there for most of the two weeks. I didn't mean to make it seem like she was angry just cautious with dog hair for when her mother visits. I am happy I have no allergies to animals since I love them so much.

    Bob, looks like you had a great 4th. Love the pool, is that your daughter's? Thanks for sharing the photo's.

    Time to eat breakfast and get ready for pool. No sitting today which feels so strange. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny and warm today. But the real issue is a major breakdown in the kitchen sink. The plumbing under the kitchen sink is leaking and under the sink was full of water. I had unload all the stuff under the sink and dry that out. John went scurrying off to Home Depot for repair stuff but to no avail. He couldn’t find what he needed and he could not fix it. So tomorrow at 8:30 am the plumber is to come. It is very upsetting for John to call for help but in truth we may be getting old………too old to do any and all repairs ourselves. For John that is a huge confession. Not for me. I am happy to hand off some of those tasks to hired and competent professionals.

    I have been reading the samples of new books on iBooks on my iPad. Good grief! Where are all the good new books? I don’t mean those opinion books authored by the lunatic fringe. I mean real page turner books that make it hard to to put the book down. Oh well, it is a message from the house cleaning god to get back to work!

    Went through some of my stack of unfinished and scrap painting projects. I happened on an unfinished painting I was working on of my dad. That was such an emotional moment, I had to set it aside again. I will work on it again but not right this minute. I want to figure out a painting of Katie-MoMo-Mazzie just for fun. I might try to do it in colored pencil or conti crayon. But to get the big difference in colors, I will need to do it in acrylic but I am not going to paint with oils ever again. The smell really bothers John.. it is not worth making John sick.
    As expected…..lots of new cases of Covid. Visitors with kids and no masks or vaccination! Go home crazy people! Get vaccinated or stay inside your home and never venture out.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oops, so sorry, I went to bed without saying hello! Truth is I fell asleep watching rubbish on tv when I should have been reading a decent book. Yesterday afternoon I spent longer than I like to admit assembling a handy work bench that had minimal detail or diagram. So proud I got there in the end so when I cut up all the pieces of wood left behind by Dave for kindling I’ll be less inclined to saw my hand off!

    About to walk the pooches round the block before being picked up by the lady that needs help with allotment and local council issues. Just like MI5 spies we will drive to a cafe on a local beach, thereby hiding away from village prying eyes, to pour over emails and hopefully find a way forward for her.
    Coffee and cake so there goes the diet!! 😋

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning friends after a stormy night of rain, bangs and flashes. It was terribly hot yesterday - 33 deg with a humidex of 40 but today it is positively chilly.

    A very large removal van turned up at 8 am yesterday and three men proceeded to empty Harrys house. They finally had everything packed by 2:30 and Joyce came over to exchange emails and have a little snivel. I like Joyce, she was always out working whilst Harry did his hoarding. I found out that the pond fish are safe swimming now in a friends bigger pond.

    Joyce took off for her new home up north and Harry with another chap proceeded to load two trucks with the last of Harrys treasures. Piled high, high, high. Harry was so red faced I hope he hasn't had a heart attack! He was just turning the street corner in his departing truck when at 3:30 up rolled a huge removal van, a smaller van and five cars out of which jumped 3 men and about 5 young women.

    At this point I don't think they are the actual owners of the house but rather extremely energetic helpers. Everything was in the house by 5:30 including a snow shovel which is a good sign that the new folk know all about Canadian winters. When I got up earlier and opened the blinds not a sniff of five cars, a huge removal van, and a smaller van. Just a few pizza boxes neatly left on the doorstep. An obviously empty house!

    I really miss the lilac bush which kept me and next door private, so instead will half close the blinds on the one side of the house that has a window until the lilac recovers in maybe 5 years!

    Ha! So most of us have had cut down bush issues and now we are all experiencing water leaks. Isn't that odd and I should add that yesterday not one person wore a mask including Joyce when I got the fare-thee-well hug.

    I'm going to dig my acrylics out as well PATSY now the "the winter of my discontent" is unloading trucks "up north" and I've nothing to grouse about HOPEFULLY!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’m back from lemon drizzle cake and a couple of mugs of black coffee. I should have taken a photo of the sparkling sea where we sat but became so engrossed in the discussion I completely forgot!
    The issue is a gentleman who volunteered to be our association secretary because lockdown didn’t allow an AGM and vote, asked a couple of people if they wanted to be treasurer and Chair then set out to ignore our constitution, forget transparency and spend funds without consulting members. I didn’t know this because he took my name off the mailing list! I’ve promised I will compose a polite email to the gentleman as an ex secretary reminding him his position is temporary and his approach autocratic!

    Patsy, a suggestion was made to me yesterday to pay someone to paint the downstairs rooms but like John I can’t quite give up my independence! Probably also something to do with the 3 months having people in my home.
    Your painting projects sound fascinating but emotional on all fronts. Maybe cathartic too if you can bring yourself to start.

    Anne, I’m watching a Canadian tennis player called Shapovalov in the men’s Wimbledon quarter finals playing brilliantly although he’s up against a giant of a Russian!!
    Another interesting day for you I expect as your new neighbours return to settle in. Pizza is very North American!!

    Sandy, I expect you are heading for the pool again today before a busy couple of days. I hope the storm in Florida hasn’t affected your family.

    Nice teapot Lin; not so sure about the wasps! My tomatoes are slow to develop this year so I’m thinking I’ll still be eating them at Christmas! Have enjoyed a couple of cucamelons but they are tiny so barely a mouthful.

    A quiet day after the noise yesterday of grinding, cutting flagstones next door. Hopefully their patio is completed and I await their fence erection with interest! 😄

    Back to the tennis then England play an important football match this evening .

    Have an enjoyable Wednesday everyone and stay safe.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    A very young Woman has appeared. She appears to be Indian and has a small Yorkshire terrier on a leash which makes her okay in my books. Anne
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    😄😆🐶 Anne! All is good with the world!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    edited July 2021
    Happy Wednesday! :) I am later than usual in getting to the pool but still will get a couple of hours. Lisa and family are fine, they did get a lot of rain but today is beautiful. I was worried but grateful they are all okay. Thought about grocery shopping but will wait until after my meeting tomorrow. I don't want to buy too much as I leave a week from today.

    Annsie, anyone who has a dog is okay in my eyes. Jilly might have a new playmate through the fence. It still had to be kind of sad to see Harry and Joyce leave after all those years even if he was a thorn in your side. I have a feeling you will like your new neighbors and possibly become good friends.

    Jackie, I do hope you get it all sorted with the association. You do amaze me with doing your own painting, I wouldn't even know where to begin. Will be waiting to hear about the new fence.

    Lin, I missed your post yesterday but sorry about the Cicada killer wasp although I never heard of this before. Can you explain? Never mind, I googled them.
    Cicada killers are unlikely to sting you unless they feel threatened, and the male has no stinger. The best course of action is to leave them alone and let them feed on cicadas. On the other hand, yellowjackets and hornets can be quite aggressive and do readily sting humans.

    I better get moving, I just ate breakfast and it is lunchtime, that's how slow I am today. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Looks like a warm day ahead. But the big news is that the kitchen plumbing under the sink all had to be redone. The pipes were corroded and rotten. The plumber was here at 8:30 am. I was up until after 2 am, so I am tired and mean! Katie exhausted. John is beyond exhausted. I don’t want to stress him more so I hope he gives in to a long nap. The dishes are washing in the dish washer, counters are wiped down and I have put everything back under the sink after washing the under sink liners. Kate has barked, growled and warned the plumber to watch his step. This is her house……she means business.
    Life in the fast lane reluctantly,
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hope so SANDY, but it didn't help finding screwed up coco colo cans on my lawn. However, maybe it was the professional movers who were the culprits.
    Never a dull moment PATSY!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hello everyone. Finally, we are getting a rain shower! I am so excited. I hadn’t watered my plants and finally gave in and took 1.5 Liters out to each container around noon, as the sun was coming out again. It took a while but I do not care that I apparently wasted my time, we have rain!

    I attended the card class this morning and did make an easel card. I have always wanted to make one but wanted to start with something simple. We made four cards this morning and the instructor asked that we look through our scraps and leftovers to see if we could make more cards based on the designs we used today. Ummm, maybe.

    I also cut out one almost dead zucchini plant and there was a big fat white worm eating the stem. Argh. That’s what I get for using organic stuff like the essential oil, the bugs probably rolled in it and were unaffected. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    My other task has been to try to figure out what is up with one of my email addresses. Late yesterday, I stopped receiving mail and my iPad said I had no password associated with the account. But of course I do. I checked it multiple times. I opened the mail from Safari via the web site and all was well. On my iPad and iPhone, not at all. Odd.

    Anne, so the new folks have arrived and have a dog. Very good start. Time will tell!

    Jackie, well, that sounds quite bad. Cutting communication off with some members, installing people without consultation and spending funds. Prosecution if all is not made whole again? Having coffee out with a lovely view was a good choice.

    Patsy, wow, what an ordeal. Hope everyone gets some rest and that no additional leaks surface in other areas of the house. Your unfinished paintings sound very emotional and would require just the right attitude and a high energy level to tackle them.

    Sandy, great idea to wait another day to go shopping. That trip is coming up soon. Wahoo. The Cicada killer wasps are the same pest that bedeviled me last summer. I couldn’t go out onto my deck without being buzzed or rammed by multiple wasps last year. I would grab my hose, turn it on and spray them with water and then they would leave me alone long enough to pick tomatoes etc. They got so bad they were chasing me to the mailbox later in the season. They are a fright.

    Well, I have nothing too interesting to add.

    Best wishes everyone.


    Teapot time


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) We have a nice cool day with temps in the 70's. I have my meeting and then grocery shopping.
    Bryanna doesn't know if she is coming for dinner, she might have to stay later at school since she was off for a week do to summer break. Nothing else exciting going on today, mentally packing and I have to keep it light because I can't bring my big suitcase for the drive home, not enough room. I put in the request to hold my mail while I am gone, getting hair done tomorrow and nails on Tuesday so I should be ready to go on Wednesday. It will be wonderful to see my daughter after more than a year and a half.

    Lin, oh my gosh, that is horrible about the cicada hornets, I would have freaked out. That teapot is odd, not sure I would like tea out of it. :p

    Anne, I don't think it was your new neighbors who would throw pop cans on your lawn, I think you are right in the movers. Have they officially moved in or did they just stop by to see what has to be done before moving?

    Patsy, I am so sorry about your plumbing problems and hope that is the end. Nothing worse than being without sleep and functioning through the day waiting to go to bed. I can't nap either and it makes it so hard. I hope you got rest and had a good night's sleep.

    I must call one of the members to see if she is going to meeting so I can give her a ride. She is in her 90's and doesn't drive so I am not only her sponsor but her friend and drive and pick her up when she is able or wants to go.

    Have a great day and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    Hi, almost time for another class. I went to Whole Foods this morning. Too early as it turned out, shelves and freezer sections were quite bare. After I put my groceries away, I made my Thursday morning call to my friend. Our chat was fairly long. She is quite concerned about the Delta variant. Her niece came to visit yesterday and my friend found out she was unvaccinated and my friend was quite concerned. She tried to gently talk her into considering taking the shots but she said she didn’t think her niece was paying much attention to her.

    Sandy, another busy day. Be safe and I hope you get all the items you want at the grocery store. Oooh, no large suitcase!! Argh. That will be difficult to manage.

    I hope everyone is well.


    I would have tea from this lovely set.
