Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Llittle from me for now. Canada has broken four heat records. Same for today, rain and heat.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    edited June 2021
    Anne, no change in the weather for you. 😢 I am so sad you are facing more heat and rain. The rain missed us again yesterday and overnight.

    Jackie, and you are wearing fleece! What a difference. Where is your cold weather coming from? I still watch Max Out videos most days and Kerry is taking the dogs for a swim most afternoons as it is hot. Good of you to promise to call the lady back this weekend. If it is a sort of political and/or personality problem, I doubt there is anything to be done. But maybe talking will just be of help. My tour of Wales and Cornwall was interesting. It was actually a lecture with still photos.

    Patsy, sorry you lost your post. Thinking of you.

    I am doing laundry this morning. I was going to go to the grocery store this morning but I have both the wasp control company and the generator service coming today. It would be manageable but the wasp folks have just said they are coming today, no time frame given. Not even morning or afternoon.

    Well, I will do what I can today while waiting.

    Be safe everyone.


    A sort of fuzzy teapot photo.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    It was 74 degrees at 5am…coffee consumed and gym completed. Jean has been doing various household tasks and getting ready to meet her aunt (a beautiful woman who turns 88 in Oct) and 3 of her cousins. Here is a pic of Jean with her aunt circa 2019 and riding a 4-wheeler at age 85) LOL.


    Sandy - -That clip might have been for Patsy, but I enjoyed it too. Loved Frasier and reminded me of my sister-in-law in Scottsdale telling me the heat was a bit much for her. Today will be 106 and low 86. I agree on the hot weather vs. rain. It was 74 at 5am and I actually love it – makes sitting on the deck with coffee very serene before the gym or any conversation. Can’t say I watch any new game shows – but I do go back in time via YouTube and catch a Match Game, To Tell the Truth, Hollywood Squares (ah Paul Lynde) etc. From old game shows to weekly shows to entertainment in general, I am always saying to Jean – wow, they wouldn’t get away with that today. Glad comedians are speaking up about so much PC censorship. People need to lighten up…although I have never been a fan of comedians that can only use the “F”; not a prude, but don’t like it overused.

    Patsy -- “you don’t miss what you’ve never had.” As with most sayings – very true. I laugh when I think back to the start of the internet and I would download a single photo “while I ate dinner” because it would take that long! The “spinning wheel” can get me annoyed as well and does occasionally happen – more so on my phone when using WiFi. I laugh when I think of how amazed I was the first time I used a fax machine… To be honest, I could easily go back to life pre-internet as long as we kept todays medicine. So many people are “hooked” and can barely carry on a conversation (especially young people). Like you, I often think of the homeless / animals when it is either sweltering hot or ice cold.

    Lin – Thanks, but I almost never complain about heat. Even if we have a mild winter the cold can start at the end of November and not end to April. Conversely, it seems the 1st day of summer comers – I blink and it’s labor Day! LOL. Jean was in and out as usual yesterday mostly watering and a bit of clipping. It’s hot/sunny now with T-storms forecasted for the late afternoon.

    Glad you enjoyed the small gallery of Goya. I had no idea Goya had Zoom meetings….I love all their products. OK… a bit of lame Latino food humor. I actually do enjoy a good museum visit. I have been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art only twice. The first time was decades ago, but I was blown away. That is one huge place.

    Jackie – So true on reality TV and the 15 minutes of fame. Heck, even the news doesn’t seem to have much journalism tied to it nowadays. Every anchor wants to be a star when most only read a teleprompter. Ditto on the documentaries and dramas. Love a lot of British shows and why we subscribe to AcornTV….Grantchester, Foyle’s War, Endeavor, Happy Valley, Line of Duty, Luther… and more! Hope you managed a nice walk today along the moors. .

    Have a great day everyone! Bob
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Iffy kind of day so instead of pool I am taking Joe for lunch. I haven't seen him for a couple of weeks so he is happy. It is to be a beautiful weekend so I will get all the pool time I need. The handyman for my landlord will come later this afternoon to put in a false bottom in my vanity. He fixed the pipe which by the way only needed a washer that somehow disappeared (I might have lost it when I took pipes apart to clean then and put in a new stopper). But the leak showed me the terrible bottom of vanity and whoever lived here before me put down something that was all moldy when I pulled it out. The bottom seems rotted out and I could really use a new vanity but we all know my landlord won't do that so a false bottom it is. I bought a waterproof liner to put down when he is done. That's my day.

    Bob, your meme made me laugh out loud, I love those commercials which they are bringing back. Jean's aunt looks terrific and quite feisty. You should check out Buzzr if you love the old game shows, they are so good. I too, love sitting on my balcony with a glass of wine waiting for my hummingbird to say hello, usually before I start dinner.

    Lin, sorry you are trapped in your house waiting for repairmen but hope you find something to keep you busy. We might get rain today but right now the sun is shining so it might be over. It has rained everyday since last Friday so the sun is very welcomed.

    Anne, sorry about those broken records and hope you are managing to keep cool.

    Jackie, an electric blanket? Wow, what a difference in temps. I hope the sun is out today and you are able to do some gardening.

    Patsy, a lost post, the worst. I heard things are cooling down a little in Portland so I hope that is true of you weather as well. Bryanna loves her little neck fan, so I am happy.

    Have a wonderful day and stay cool, stay safe and stay healthy.

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2021
    🎶 What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours 🎶. I was up around 6am because George threw himself off the bed and rushed downstairs so I thought he must need to go out. No, it was Brady slipping in through his cat flap and George must have thought he was carrying a mouse. No mouse but George decided as he was up he’d pop outside and while I waited at the door I noticed we had clear skies and much warmer air so I had my shower and breakfast then took a walk round the village. Few people out and about but a lot of traffic.
    My hair is cut so once again under control, my car was loaded with cans of paint then I dropped into a supermarket for fresh produce. I’ve eaten far too much of all the wrong things today so will skip an evening meal.
    The wife of my shouting neighbour knocked at my door earlier to tell me they are going to put a fence up and didn’t want to upset me so where should they erect it! My response was it’s too late about upsetting me but to just stay off my property. A fence will be good if it’s high enough but if not I’ll attach trellis across the top and plant clematis!

    Yesterday’s cold air came from the east Lin so I assume the jet stream is all over the place again. I did see that the north of the UK had much warmer weather which is unusual but great for Max and his family's walks. It appears listening to the lady with problems does cheer her and that’s a start because she has an ME diagnosis but dealing with local authorities run by people I consider control freaks is never easy. All I know is she’s being unfairly treated and that immediately sets me off on a mission! That teapot looks a typical Victorian pattern and style that my aunts and great aunts owned when I was a child. Mass produced so probably still many sitting in cupboards round the country,

    Sorry you are suffering with the heat Anne. I’d read that many had died in BC due to the bizarre weather but hadn’t realised it travelled so far in your direction.

    More great photos Bob and Jean’s aunt looks full of spirit.

    Sandy may have posted while I type then pause to watch a Wimbledon match so I’ll wave. 🙋🏼‍♀️ Patsy and John too. Stay cool!

    A lovely evening so I might get the lawnmower out. Laundry in off the line first.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good afternoon. We haven't got the heat suffered by the poor souls on the west coast, but when you add the humidity we are in the upper 30s which is more than enough for me! Its a smidgen cooler today and I've actually turned the a/c off for now. The poor old thing ran for almost 3 days non stop. I wore the coolest things I could find. Old tee shirt and pyjama cotton bottoms! Nobody ventured over thank the Lord.

    I haven't a whole heap to say today. Struggling with online banking, making grocery lists out etc, the machine doesn't seem to want to cooperate, but I guess its me.

    It shows your male neighbour is a coward if he's sending the missus over to explain things JACKIE!

    I have to go back to the previous page as I seem to have lost a lot.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Exactly my thought Anne. They have been told they were in the wrong by someone but still no apology to me and the Incredible Hulk has had plenty of opportunities. Most bullies are cowards aren’t they!
    Humidity is draining so unless you have to, leave the online jobs for another day. ❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another pleasant day with high cloud taking away some heat. An early walk on a different section of moorland so the pooches had new smells to investigate. Home again I hung out washing in the rotary line then drove back to the town I visited yesterday because when I bought paint at the DIY store I made a hasty decision to buy a darker purple for the snug feature wall. Big mistake! It wouldn’t have looked at all good so I swapped the pot with my original choice and headed home.
    Coffee on the deck while next door is bereft of builders then a serious clean up in the shower room. Another not very healthy lunch with a bread roll I never usually eat just because they sit on my hips but it needed to be eaten up and I hate to waste food… excuses I know!
    My current battle is whether I watch a Wimbledon match or paint woodwork round the new loo. Tennis is winning at the moment!

    Thursday already but have an enjoyable one whatever plans have been made.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well its Canada Day here, but I guess not much going on with a lot of us in shock after the breaking news of unmarked graves of little native children being found. The catholic and the government of the day being the culprits. I simply cannot imagine having my children torn from me to go to one of these residential schools to have their language and nativeness removed, and then maybe die and placed in an unmarked grave with parents not being notified. Absolutely horrifying. I think so far four Catholic Churches have been burnt down on native land under suspicious circumstances.

    Having got that off my chest Michael should be arriving soon but I haven't told Bean or she'd be hanging around the back door for half a hour.

    Started watching Katla on Netflix. Its an Iceland production and interesting in a disturbing way. I wonder how the plot will unfold and hope its not a damp squib ending!

    We are having an Amys marguerita pizza for lunch with a big salad followed by ice cream and I better go start cleaning lettuce, spring onions etc. before my lad arrives.

    Hope today is good and not so hot for those suffering.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    The temps today feel like a normal summer day here. In the 70s and some clouds drifting here and there. It is so comforting to see the weather behave in a normal way. Our town is totally open now and many are not wearing masks at all. The variants remain on the horizon like a scary monster hiding right around the corner. We are still skittish about our socializing. As the summer progresses I know we will get more comfortable about getting out and about. Our circle is slowly enlarging. Very slowly!

    A long time MFP pal and early adopter friend has suggested a new roomba vacuum for me. I know John will be foursquare against it. He would be a very late adopter. But I get to choose my own birthday gift so I will most likely give it a “whirl.” I am looking at iRobot website and having fun looking at the options. The problem here is that we are always in need of vacuuming the floors. We track in pine needles, sand, leaves, dog hair, etc. constantly. Drives me insane! I am hoping for a little help in that regard.

    Anne: when I read about those heartbreaking unmarked graves, I had a lump in my chest for hours. Like you I can certainly understand the bitterness and anger towards the church. That old saying “absolute power corrupts absolutely!” Rings true either in religion or politics. The sad thing is that the church does so much good but these horrible things wipe them away from our view.

    Jackie: for me, you are at the point where the remodeling effort is now fun. I know there is always a mess created when painting but what a glorious upheaval. There is so much action and reaction in tennis as well as tension. It is not my nature to sit calmly watching any sport. I need to totally become involved. So I am exhausted after watching sports…football, basketball, tennis are my favorites.

    Hello and happy Canada Day to you Canadians! Hello and Happy Thursday to you all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    edited July 2021
    As I was leaving to pick up Joe my niece called me to tell me that her dad, my brother wasn't doing well. We decided to have a facetime call so I could see him and it broke my heart so I cancelled Joe and went to her house to see him in person. He had 2 falls over the weekend and the aid that comes daily thought he might have had a seizure as he bit his tongue badly. My niece and I think he had a small stroke. He knew who I was and all the other family members who were there but he is talking gibberish. I ended staying the night and slept on the couch to be near him but he would fall asleep only to wake up talking gibberish sometimes very loud. The aid came before I left to go home today and she thinks hospice should be called because she thinks he is going to get pneumonia from the way his chest is rattling. He does have asthma amongst so many other things but my niece said he never rattled like that before. I know what the death rattle is but I can't be sure that's what is happening. I had to come home and get some rest but told my niece to keep me posted if anything changes for the worst. My brother is going to be 88 on August 8, my only living sibling.

    On top of all that I forgot my mask and after hugging everyone I asked if they were all vaccinated and none of them are. My nephew said he had Covid so he was told to wait and he is not sure if he is going to get one. My niece's husband also had Covid so they know it is real but still they are not getting vaccinated. My niece is going to get vaccinated because she is going to go to Jamaica with me and the rest of my family next March. Hopefully, I will be fine although I told them I had the virus in my vaccine so I hope they don't get Covid from me. SMH.

    I really need to take a nap, I am more than exhausted.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sandy: good to know about your family’s not getting vaccinated. You will need to keep a check on yourself in case of breakthrough Covid. Even if that were to happen, your vaccination will reduce the severity. Maybe you can have a heart to heart talk with your family about getting the shots. They are free, don’t really hurt, just a small reaction if any, protects themselves and others. Why not? You are living proof that they aren’t dangerous. You already know all this but I was concerned for your family.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Sorry you have had such bad news SANDY. Your vaccination. as Patsy says above, will protect you somewhat. Have a good nights rest tonight. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    Thanks everyone. Good news today, my brother had a TSI mini stroke. His gibberish is getting better and they will start therapy to make him stronger. No hospice so he should start getting stronger soon. It was scary but I am relieved he is not dying at least not yet.
    As far as his family and vaccinations I said my peace but I have no control over anyone else. Let's just hope that I will be fine and the next time I go I will wear a mask.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy, I was watching a video update just now by the scientist whose programme I’m volunteering in researching every aspect of COVID and he confirms, as Patsy and Anne commented, 2 vaccinations should protect you from the worst symptoms should you become infected. You may already know that the Delta (Indian) variant symptoms are more likely to be similar to a cold so although highly contagious not so nasty.
    Rest and sleep tight tonight. ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    edited July 2021
    Best wishes to everyone.

    Sandy, I hope you did not encounter the virus. Sending long distance hugs.

    Jackie, glad you swapped out the paint for your first choice. I need lessons from you my friend. You must have our quite the fear into your neighbor. You tamed him.

    Anne, I hope your day was a good one. I still send good wishes for Canada Day. I still like your country very much. I don’t know any country without some black spots in its history.

    Patsy, I hope you are doing okay. A friend in Portland said in their area, the weather today was more temperate.

    I have lost track of all the messages today.

    I went to Walmart today. Good Lord. Trying to find grocery items was a nightmare. Entire aisles had been swapped since I had last been there. I spent an hour and didn’t come home with much.

    I am watching Season 3 of Spencer now. And started on birthday cards for July.

    Be safe everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a cute teapot Lin? It must be so tactile I would have to carry it about like my stress ball!
    I’m not so sure my neighbour is tameable… once a bully always one but I find it easy to ignore him 😁

    A busy day with tennis matches to squeeze in as well. We’ve walked on the moors then I stopped at the local bus shelter to hand over another box of prescription painkillers for Jamie’s Scooby. They are apparently now going to try a monthly injection similar to one offered to us humans as vets are getting good results.
    Tomorrow’s forecast is thunderstorms so I have to cut my grass and pop to the allotment to plant more pea plants, pick whatever is available and do my best to net our strawberries to protect them from a cheeky squirrel 🐿

    Anne, I was reading a couple of weeks ago about that horror story you mentioned that was still happening in the 90’s. Then there’s the other horror of hundreds of First Nation women and girls disappearing while local police show no interest, even when they turn up murdered.

    Clouds overhead so I’ll get my lawns cut while I can.
    Jackie 👩🏼‍🌾
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello everyone. As LIN mentioned no country is blameless for the past. Australia was mentioned previous to Canada. Maybe something will be done now for the native Canadians who lack safe drinking water in many places. I think Trudeau asking for no celebrations was heeded. A very quiet day and evening with no fireworks at least here lighting up the sky.
    Talking of Trudeau he seems finally to have shaved. I am informed that instead of singing OH CANADA, OUR HOME AND NATIVE LAND, the real natives sing Oh, Canada, YOUR home ON native land.

    Its my Dads birthday today. 119 years old!

    Yesterday, if quiet, was enjoyable. Mike came over and he managed to cut the grass before the rain and thunder rumbled past.

    So glad you received good news SANDY.

    Tomorrow is Mary Jos birthday and the end of lockdown with everything opening up. We will again be able to buy things such as light bulbs! and replace my broken blinds....I hope.

    All for now. So far, at least for now, no unmarked burial sites found in Ontario.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    Happy Friday! :) It is a beautiful cool day here so I am making it up to Joe and taking him to lunch today. It will be hot over the weekend so will be able to enjoy pool. I will be Ewok sitting Sunday night as Bryanna is going out with friends. Rob will be home Monday and either me or Bryanna will pick him up from airport. He did drive to Jacksonville to see his sister so that made me very happy.
    My brother continues to do well so I can breathe again.
    I went to bed early and got plenty of rest so I feel good today.

    You sneakers are the best therapy a person can have so thank you for always being there.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning! Looks like we have a cool marine layer today. It would be a good day to groom Katie but I am really dealing with allergies today. Tons of pollen in the air and I seem to be particularly sensitive to it right now. I will tend to her monthly grooming session in the next day or so. She will also get a nail trim and her ears cleaned. Yikes! Not her favorite thing but it must be done.

    I had a very restless night so it will be slow going today. I am not very good at naps. John loves the afternoon nap. I will see how my energy holds up.

    I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Things are opening up again. Our national park and all campgrounds are full. No vacancies left all season. That means tourists are back even with the cost of gasoline. I think there is one charging station locally for electric cars. I haven’t seen one yet. I would love an electric autonomous car. I have never liked driving but I like riding in a car.

    There will be fireworks in our town out over the river. I hate that part. I know there is always fireworks debris in the water. Sad to see. Hard to clean up the mess. There has been so much tree and plant die off during our dry hot weather, we have extreme fire risk. So fireworks over the river is the safest way. They shoot them off from a barge. Very pretty.

    Be safe dear ones!