Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Anne - A most delightful post. I have somewhat given up on feeding the squirrels (I mean birds) at my house.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful week.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So wonderful to have you all as friends

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good day dear sneakers! It is very spring-like today. Cloudy with rain and sunshine with a huge dark rain filled clouds and rain in the sunshine. Very Oregon spring weather! Our squirrels are making themselves at home around here as well. I do believe we have a lot of mother-to-be lady squirrels running about. We have to be very careful of them because they are very interested in coming into the house. We have seen what happens when they get inside. They are unruly houseguests!

    Our Easter was relaxing and with a small indulgent dinner. I am dealing with an arthritic knee but did get in a bit of exercise. More today along with some house chores and a block of time in the dungeon. When I feel the need for a break, I work on the portrait of Mazzy. It is coming along and I will put a glaze on it for an effect I have been planning. Then she gets a frame and will be installed near the dungeon door.

    It is raining right now in bright sunshine! My granny would have said..."ack! The devil is beating his wife!" Not sure exactly sure how that little saying came to be, but it seemed to be important to say it.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Back to reality, no more sleeping in and less time on computer. Robby is worth it though, he is such a sweetheart. My Easter was wonderful and dinner with my friends was amazing. We all had steak and lobster and it was so good it was worth the calories. Two of the ladies gave us all a chocolate egg which I consumed today, another gave us all a little pail filled with goodies, which I ate the almond eggs and the other gave us bingo lottery tickets, which I did not win. I however, brought nothing and felt foolish so next year if invited I will make it up to them. I never buy anything but sugarless candy for my house and to be tempted with the Easter candy was something I had no control. Hopefully, I will shed the extra pounds from Spring Break and Easter but today was not a good start. I am so weak!!!!

    Very tired as Lisa had a meeting after work so Robby was here an extra hour. Just catching up on computer and then heading to the couch. Enjoy your evening and will be back tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,127 Member
    Good evening. I was up and zipping along this morning and set out to do some errands. I picked up things like packages of water softener salt, a replacement toilet seat and then a new chair for my deck. Then I went to get my glasses adjusted. Once again they are digging holes in the side of my nose. They adjusted them and would you believe, they are worse now? Both sides of my nose have deep red divots and I am somewhat distressed they cannot adjust them properly. They seemed fine when I first picked them up. They just keep bending them out wider and wider but it’s doing nothing. One day I think they’ll snap if they keep at it.

    I also went to a ladies dress shop and looked at the jewelry. My actual reason for stopping there was to see if a friend from church was working this morning. She wasn’t. Then made a trip to Costco and they had a nice camping zero glide chair that would have worked on my deck but I couldn’t find out the price. I went through three sales associates who kept saying they’d get a SIGN with the price on it but wouldn’t tell me how much it was. Finally got too irritated to stay longer so did a quick zip around the store and left. Got home, unloaded my purchases and found I’d paid twice as much for that chair as I thought it was marked. I only checked because when I saw the total I thought it was too high so I decided to look at the receipt. I didn’t want to pay that much for a chair. Had lunch, called Costco to get the price of that chair and then took the chair back and stopped at a card shop to purchase a couple of sympathy cards as I was out and I like to have at least one at home just in case. Home again and I have been hunting for some pictures and so far, no luck.

    The weather this afternoon was lovely. It might rain tomorrow but it’s okay with me. I am going to the afternoon weaving class at the yarn store. That’s an indoor activity.

    Going to look a bit longer for those pictures, take out the trash and go to bed early. I was up too long yesterday. I am tired out!

    Anne, love the picture of your squirrel. What a daredevil. I would think I’m not the best person for a taskmaster. I am much too soft!! So, who do we have that is very firm and no nonsense…..

    Buzz, I am sorry you do not have all the spring budding out and the nice side of spring. I’ll purchase an extra bunch of tulips in your honor. I must check to see if I’m on the reservation list for Trumbo but I doubt it.

    Jackie, I am glad the storm is past and doubly glad that you personally have not been without power. Wahoo, dear little Scruff’s momma will be home soon. Excellent.

    Patsy, yes, yes. I love spring-like weather. I don’t mind being fooled this time of year because some day it is going to stick! It really will be spring!! Hope you’re not stuck in the dungeon for too long each day.

    Sandy, back to your real schedule!? By the way, I gave everyone, children and adults what is the all-time favorite with these people--peanut butter and chocolate. I got two types Reese’s candy and a number of kids and adults immediately opened them and ate some. So I guess I am somewhat evil by giving something that I wouldn’t eat. Haaaa.

    See you soon.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    At last I think almost all the "Important; Tax Information!" envelopes are stuffed into the pile awaiting our accountant's visit! He, also, has moved, as his wonderful partner had a disastrous stroke and can no longer do the work. The good thing is that although Life Care Communities sound costly, more than 40% of our monthly fees are Tax Deductible. If anyone ever considers eventually moving to a community such as ours, make certain you check on the tax status before signing anything! The "buy-in price" was also eligible for that discount, and the year we bought in, I think the IRS owed us money!
    Alongside the sumptuous lamb, ham, and all the fixings, I learned today there was a huge stuffed goose that I missed! I'm afraid of buffets and their effect on me, so I just don't look at the main aisle anymore!
    Tonight, the entertainment was a 1994 British film "The Wedding Gift" that was such a tender,
    loving, almost comedic story of a couple dealing with the wife's undiagnosable condition we now know as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ! It was based on a true story and just beautifully done! It should have been a real tear jerker but for the deft handling that made me smile at the humor and love shared by the two people!
    Back to my bad bedtime habits, so I'm begging off now and will be in La-La Land pronto! Sleep well, dear friends...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    probs wit comput r. opfully back soon! Tink I av a virus.... damn!! Would b funny if not so annoyin !!! Spot t missin lttrs.....

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh no JACKIE! e h and g. Reading your post aloud, it sounds like sinus problems! Everyone seems to be getting virus's these days, human and otherwise. Good luck on a fix. Anne.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    managed to find on screen keyboard but being a touch typist am finding it far too slow but at least will be able to communicate until the problem is sorted. Am now going to take my frustration out on hen house cleaning before all my hair is torn out...... ahhh!!!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited March 2016
    Help! Don't tear your hair out! Especially with the gale force winds helping. I'm a touch typist, but find with time Ive got quite fast on the iPad screen keyboard. At least we know where the letters are!! Could it be a faulty keyboard connection and maybe, unfortunately you need a new keyboard to plug in? But then, what do I know about the mysteries of electronics. Never mind, JACKIE, Squeak and the feathery gang are benefitting! I guess Scruff is back home?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,127 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good day. Although I think I got a bit more sleep I am very tired and have a long afternoon in the class I signed up for a long time ago. I wonder if I could cancel? Tomorrow I am to have lunch with a friend. Just found out there is a virus sweeping through my church, apparently 1 - 2 days of fever, and gastric problems. One lady got it Saturday evening, one of the babies on Sunday morning, another adult Sunday afternoon, and now I have heard of at least 4 more yesterday. Come on immune system!!!!!

    Back to some sorting. Still have not located that one photo I am searching for. Perhaps that is one that I had already tossed out.

    Take care everyone.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lol, Jackie, sorry but tink ou ar. rite

    Work, work back to it, Phoebe
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi all
    we are off to Walmart. this morning. Which they are trying something new. We can order grocer on line and they will have them ready for us when we go there. But we are not using it today but may when I don't feel like going and Jerry can pick them up. I don't know how it work yet. remind me Of when my daddy had the grocer store. He would take orders on the phone and deliver it to them Back then there was not so many choice of different food available. In the forties..

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Just stopping by to say "Hi". Read all the posts and cannot contribute ttoo many to answer.
    Life is great and I am enjoying every minute of it.

    I have committed to myself to eat better and buckle down to lose at least 15 lbs. Also the weather getting better so I plan to walk more too. My eating habits were just getting out of hand.

    See you all the next time, hopefully with less weight on this body.
    Stay healthy and be happy.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Chris, Nice you could check in and happy to hear all is well. I know what you mean about the gaining
    of weight, I am still on maintenance and its not because I want to. I did 75 min of Yoga and 15 mins on
    my bike yesterday and I gained this morning. grrr!

    I see my post of Molly's picture is not here and I checked it to make sure it printed okay. My whole
    post here seems to have disappeared. Is MFP trying to tell me something. Hmmm?

    Today was a cool but sunny day and I did get the 30 mins walk at the arena with Dave and have gotten
    my 10,000 steps in today so I feel I have accomplished something anyway. I finished laundry and
    will practice a song from choir I am not comfortable with yet. We have a performance on Saturday
    we are only singing 3 songs so it will be short and sweet and we can relax and watch the other
    singers. It will be songs from Broadway plays.

    So I will try again to print my dog Molly's picture. She was our last dog and is now in doggy heaven.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well I found my post and picture of Molly on another Group. Sorry for the confusion. I guess I was
    the confused one!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) We had a beautiful day so I took Robby in his stroller for a mile walk. We ended up at the park where he played with his bubbles, found a stick and played in the dirt. Typical boy and I laugh with him all the time. It is garbage night and almost time for dinner so just checking in. Shirley Molly was beautiful, I picture all of our furry friends romping around heaven making everyone laugh. Lin Be careful with that virus especially with the cause of Patty Duke's death ( sepsis from a ruptured intestine). Jackie Sorry about your computer virus. Marie Hope you enjoyed your shopping at Walmart. Chris Good for you for committing to a better eating plan.Phoebe I think you lost your calling as a comedian.

    Have a great night!!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Still tryin to solv my kyboard problms but I tink you can work out wat it is I'm tryin to typ. Ann you ar probably rit tat tr is itr a loos connction, dust or a fil tat was placd into quarantin by t anti virus proramm took kyboard information wit it! If I'm not carful I mit bin talkin in a stran accnt!!! O wll, I'm off to bd and will try to solv t problm tomorrow.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone. We have had a lovely sunny day in the 60s. It is so exciting to think about spring and warm weather. The sunshine does wonders for ones emotional health as well as our physical health.

    Shirley: I loved the photo of your sweet Molly. What a jolly friendly face and wonderful eyes. Dogs are such great creatures. We are lucky to share our lives with them.

    Jackie: I had the same issue with my pc a few years back. We ditched that computer so we didn't ever really solve the problem. Our son is a computer animator and thinks any computer over 3 to 4 years old is a dinosaur. Well! We are pretty much dinosaurs ourselves, so we use ours until electricity can no longer run through the wires. I love technology but have no idea how to use most of it.

    Lin: this virus that is sweeping the nation is pretty scary. There are normally healthy people who have become seriously ill. A good friend who is a vet was hospitalized along with his assistant. The nursing home here has seen more deaths and pneumonia than normal this winter. We have had our flu shot, but everyone one else has had theirs as well. You are wise to be cautious.

    Tonight John checked out a shoot 'em up movie, The Angry Eight. It is a Terrentino movie and he always directs violent crime thrillers. I think I will be upstairs with the yoga DVD. We are having my famous Desparado bean soup for dinner. That and a piece of Santa Fe cornbread, we are GOOD to go! I have noticed that strong flavors in food are a bit more satisfying. For me, a cup of the bean soup that has a lot of firey spice, is enough. I guess that seems pretty much reasonable.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Aw, gee whiz, JACKIE! I've been through that and it may be needing an updated driver for either the cursor or the keyboard. Maybe Google can advise? So frustrating!
    I got a new haircut today and the results should follow!
    Where is everybody today? We had a wild thunderstorm that leaked through many spots on the new roof! Wonderful concert tonight and he stayed way beyond his paycheck, I'm sure! Everything from Pagliacci to Sinatra! Oh, these Italian singers!!!
    Way behind on email. JACKIE, let us know how you make out! Bet it's not a virus~...
    <3 Buzz