Senior Golden Sneakers



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hi there pals. We have been doing laundry, cleaning, sorting, etc. This afternoon I am going to take a few to read my British detective thriller. I am on Book 13 of the series.
    Lin..sorry about the pain. Hope you can enjoy some card creativity!
    Jackie, i just cut my hair too for our hot summer.
    Sandy, its lucky you are available for sitting. And, I think it is kind to reach out to see what is going on with Patsy.
    Anne, the grocery delivery situation sounds sci-fi. I still order from Walmart. I have good experience with it and no problems. Debbie will not get produce from them, but I am always happy with it. And its so easy to just pick it up. No delivery fee or tipping required. Actually, no tipping is allowed on pick up orders.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    A gorgeous day with more of a breeze. I’ve been for my hair appointment and shopped for groceries on the way home but barely finished lunch when the staff working on the CT scanner phoned to offer an earlier appointment so back I go! At least it will be a more pleasant evening and I’ll have time to water everything but expect I’ll get caught up in rush hour traffic!

    Anne, our grocery shopping is becoming more automated too so fewer check outs while we are encouraged to scan and pack our own. Where will all the staff go and what jobs will be available? I’m glad I’m retired!

    George slipped through the cat flap while I was out yesterday and finding a couple of packages by the garden room door, I’m guessing he chased the postman again but I have warned him and said to leave anything by the kitchen door since I don’t get passing traffic.

    Happy Wednesday

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) It is supposed to get to 77 degrees today so hoping to have a pool day for a few hours before going to birthday dinner.
    Obi, the pup, is doing well and Ewok seems to love him. Hopefully, all goes well when I am dog sitting.

    Jackie, George is a little trouble maker, hopefully he doesn't try to bite the mailman. Good luck with your scan. What color hair did you get this time?

    Joy, yes, they are lucky they have me to help them with kids and dogs or they wouldn't be going anywhere. I don't mind if I am not busy but there are times I would like to say no. I just remember asking my mom to sit for my four kids so I could go on a cruise with my first husband and she said no.
    I told myself I would never say no to help my kids if needed and I was indeed needed many times. lol

    Anne, so far no response but he might think it was spam email, we will see. I do like self checking although I do feel bad for the employees who were probably let go. Right now I think Walmart has a shopper to do the shopping and a delivery service to deliver. Those Canadian fires are messing with our air quality especially in New York. How is it by you?

    Have a wonderful day and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited June 2023
    Quickie from me. Our blue skies are grey and we have a VERY strong smell of wood smoke from all the wild fires burning here and in Quebec. I won’t let Jilly Bean and her little lungs outside today! Mike who lives further north is wondering how far down the burning forests will affect him. Meanwhile I’m very worried about my ex who lives on a forested hillside in quite an isolated spot in Quebec. Hope he’s okay and not evacuated.
    More later,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    edited June 2023
    :'(Anne, I'm so sorry to hear about the change in your grocery delivery. We are so happy with the nice man who chooses our groceries and brings them to the car every Sunday morning. I can't imagine having a some AI character choosing my apples. Is there another store in your town that does delivery?

    :)Sandy under the circumstances I am sure that Patsy's son will understand our concern and not be offended by your reaching out. What a clever thing for you to do.

    :) We had a busy day yesterday in contrast to never seeing anyone. First the woman we bought our house from dropped by on her way to a care giving job nearby, then the dog groomer came to bathe and trim Bessie, then a neighbor brought his Tesla for Jim to see since we are considering buying an electric car.

    :) Another warm day today but it will be pleasant in the house thanks to our heat pump system. I watered my newly planted seeds early so they will have water in their little roots. The pumpkin and sunflowers seeds started popping up fast, now the marigolds are showing but the zucchini is extra slow as is their way.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    The only other store who does delivery is the chain that bought the AI facility BARBIE, and they’ve been joined by the store I’ve been using since the pandemic shut in. I used to shop for years at a wonderful little organic store but being small they didn’t deliver. I really loved that store and although I hate asking for help I’m rather hoping one of the sons will offer to help me with a weekly shop there again. Otherwise I guess I will have to continue making friends with the robots. Its not that long ago that I walked the distance with my shopping cart. Maybe I can again. The sons don’t want me to do this, but what the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t grieve about.

    Meanwhile, it’s still very hazy here with the smell of a camp fire! I think Jilly has got cabin fever, me as well but I’m washing so frequent trips down the stairs and copious cups of tea help the shut in feeling.

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Anne, I am so sorry about the air quality due to the fires. I meant yo write and tell you we are thinking of you.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Thank you JOY. The air quality is supposed to be worse today and I wonder if my groceries will be delivered. Worse though is thinking about all the wild life caught up in these dreadful fires. The bears, deer, small mammals etc. At least the birds can escape. And then the poor fire fighters. So brave, and all the people displaced. At least little Bean and I can stay inside and not breathe the air and small particles which is something to be very grateful for. I watched a programme last evening about the Niagara peninsula. Such a beautiful area and one which I once loved to walk in. We are very blessed to live here and mainly by fate and not by choice originally. I never expected to love wild Canada as much as I do.

    Just praying for a really good dowsing of rain.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited June 2023
    Good morning all. Our wind has picked up again and still easterly which is weird. I won’t say I’m missing the Atlantic weather we are used to but everything in nature is confused right now. I’ve never seen so many May blossom trees laden with white and sometimes pink, flowers. Everyone is commenting on what looks like beautiful cottton wool dotted around the landscape and it’s even opening the eyes of a younger generation that usually barely looks up from iPhones!
    Yesterday’s trip back to Bodmin for the scan was slow and I arrived 5 minutes late but partly due to the vehicle being parked around the back of the store whose car park they were using, so difficult to locate. I left George in my garden with Brady this time because they were hunting for something so I knew he would go straight out again if I put him in the cottage! It felt I was being rushed so the receptionist didn’t think I needed to fill in a form, walked me to the scanner and left me so when the technician arrived she asked for my paper. A friendly girl from the far east with a very strong accent so there was some confusion there. Also about my bra not being wired because when it’s hot I use soft elasticated ones that I bought when experiencing a radiotherapy heat rash! Too much information! She rushed me to complete a form then a male technician hung over my shoulder pointing at boxes, asked if I was diabetic and when I said no, snatched the form away! I was in the scanner longer than the first three months ago and when finished she asked if I had surgery on my kidneys so I hope they scanned the right area! Now I wait for someone to contact me.

    Sandy, well done for finding Damon’s business. I wouldn’t know how to start looking. I expect so long as Patsy and John are alright he will want to check with them before responding. My hair is now bleaching in the sun so my appointment was for a cut only and a shorter one too. Here is its colour, blowing in the wind!

    Anne, news of your fires hadn’t reached us when I last looked but so many natural disasters happening, plus man made bombing of a dam! I try to keep up with modern technology but find more and more that it doesn’t keep up with us! Independence is so important to us seniors but please don’t risk a fall. No buses I assume?
    I’ve just found an article about the fires that says there will be forced evacuations in parts of Quebec so that might include your ex.

    This morning’s early walk was long and I think it exhausted both George and Betty but I don’t plan to go out again so they can snooze all day. We might get a welcome rain shower tomorrow evening so I’m going to spend today gardening.

    Enjoy the day everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited June 2023
    The sky is so grey it’s blocking out the sun and for the first time ever in June the FURNACE JUST CAME ON to warm me up in the shower!

    Have you all seen the photo of the Statue of Liberty! Well you can’t see it it’s gone obscured by
    the smoky air!

    We live in troubling times. Fire fighters are arriving from various countries and I believe the US is sending water bombers. As you can imagine, very little else on our news stations with the tv weatherman frantically searching for rain in our area.

    JACKIE, not at all a pleasant visit to the hospital for you, BUT on the bright side, your hair is very pretty. I Hope that all is well for you.


    PS, we are advised to dig out our Corvid masks if outside for an extended time. The worst out of control fires are in the Ottawa area and across westwards and north of us for Ontario.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited June 2023
    JACKIE, if you read the BBC “top stories” internet today, you will get a good idea what it’s like over here because it’s the top story. Explains better than me.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited June 2023
    Anne, I’ve just made a point of watching our lunchtime news to check what’s going on with those fires but typical British media, they are more interested on the effects on New York City! I’m sure they think Canada is just a vast area of trees and lakes with not much going on! The usual question I’m asked if my once living in Toronto comes up is was I close to the Rockies! 👀. I’ll look at the BBC App before getting back to my garden. Don’t go outside without a mask. 😷

    PS nothing to be seen. A dreadful stabbing of tiny children in France and the floods in Ukraine. Perhaps you get your own news on the App. depending where you live.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited June 2023
    Well, we are the same as New York JACKIE and the smoke is blocking out the sun making it decidedly chilly for June. Mike just phoned on his way to work and it’s 17C inside his car. I’m wearing a winter sweater. Few dogs out walking yesterday so owners are being sensible. Jilly - like queen Victoria - is not amused.
    Re your Rockies comment. One of my friends once got a message from a relative who said “Bill” is flying into Toronto, will you please meet him”. To which the friend who lived in Vancouver at the time replied, “you are closer than me, meet him yourself”. It’s hard to comprehend the vast distances over here when you live on an island and a two hour trip with two kids feels like going to the moon! Lol.
    Enjoy your garden, wish I could enjoy mine!
    PS. Not sure but I believe well over 200 wild out of control fires in Ontario and Quebec.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) The birthday dinner was a success and tonight I have another dinner date with Cheryl and her friends. First I have my meeting and an errand.
    Love this picture of Ewok and Obi, they are good friends.

    Anne, I am sorry about your air quality and dip in temperature. Please be careful and be sure to wear a mask outside. The pictures they show are amazing with the orange colors. Very sad for those who might lose their homes and especially for the wild life.

    Jackie, love your hair and jealous it is so thick. Enjoy your weather while you can, you never know when it is going to make a drastic change.

    I hope everyone has a good day in spite of the weather, just enjoy the day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited June 2023
    Hello. I had just about finished a post when the phone rang and it was a friend who had lots to discuss and darn, the iPad screen went blank and yep, you guessed it, I lost the post.

    Summary—we had cooler weather today, the neighbor had a massive tree trimmed today so there was disruption all day long. The heavy equipment damaged the street and as they were dropping tree parts, my house rattled and shook!

    I worked on cards for a while but found leaning over didn’t work well. So, I have been sorting and cleaning again. I found a container of things from my dad’s office that I have never looked through so I did that this afternoon.

    Sandy, I love that picture! Glad the dogs are getting along.

    Jackie, your hair looks fabulous.

    Anne, sorry for the air quality problems. And also sorry about the grocery delivery issues.

    Joy, so have you run out of visitors now? I hope you are enjoying your days.

    Be safe everyone.


    A face!
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited June 2023
    Morning, maybe good news all round here. For a start my furnace switched on again so I could eat my porridge without shivering.
    RAIN is in the forecast. North of us have already had some blessed rain. Michael’s area for example.
    I had one laugh though. Our news showed a USA newspaper with the headlines “Blame Canada”. As though us Canucks can control lightning bolts!
    But best of all was my grocery order. For a start my usual delivery man won’t be laid off, he is being transferred to the new facility and I’m so pleased for him. Secondly, my order was very small because most of the things I wanted were out of stock and hadn’t been all that good the previous 2 or 3 weeks because as I now realize the warehouse was being closed down. What I did receive was absolutely top notch quality and I can only conclude it came from the new facility although our “zone” isn’t scheduled for changeover ordering yet. Anyway, maybe AI won’t be so bad after all with all his steel boxes scooting around filling orders in 5 minutes. Well that’s until some disaster, lightning bolts, ice storms etc closes the place down.

    It’s still grey outside but not so smoky. So… a much better frame of mind I’ll scoot off myself for a shower.

    So glad Ewok seems to be fathering little Obi.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is started and therapy at 1:00pm. We went to the theatre for our dinner last night to only find out the whole theatre was dark. How they took reservations when the restaurant was closed is beyond me. We ended up going to another really nice restaurant but of course we didn't have the coupons for dinner so had to pay for our dinner bill. Cheryl will be calling and demanding more for the inconvenience which knowing her she will get play tickets as well as the dinner tickets.

    Anne, I am also glad Ewok is loving Obi, I am hoping that makes my dog sitting easy. Glad it worked out with your groceries and you still have your nice delivery man. Also glad the air is clearing up and rain is coming. We are expecting some rain Sunday which is also needed here.

    Lin, sorry your back is still hurting. It must have been annoying to have your house shake with those tree trimmers. Our landscapers start at 7:30am which always wakes me up and annoys me. But at least I got an early start to my day. Interesting tea pot.

    Good morning to everyone else and I hope you enjoy your wonderful Friday.
    One Day at a Time

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning to all. I am just out of shower and sipping a nice glass of ice water. Debbie and Lori and I going to run some early morning errands.
    Lin….I, too, feel sorry about your back problems. Especially you enjoy the card making so and its not conducive to sitting and creating 🙁. Maybe some physical therapy will help.
    Sandy, how strange about your theater tickets. I will sound much like an old woman, but i will say it anyway….things arent like they used to be! Miss the old days, I do.
    Anne, dont want to picture you siting and shivering over your mush.
    And yes Lin, the family is gone for now. The five living in San Diego will come back in August. Just four of us here and my family living in Georgia will come out in August. So I am hoping for a houseful then.
    They usually make a long weekend Friday thru Monday. Its lots of food to buy and lots of meals to plan and premake, etc, But of course I am not complaining.
    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    The sky is no longer orange grey, just a light grey now and the sun is doing his best to shine on us all. That’s because it rained ALL morning, a veritable downpour of a rain which cleared a lot of the wood particles I guess. Whatever, I’ve just eaten a lovely fat avocado to celebrate and am wondering if it’s safe to take Jilly Bean out into the garden as she isn’t into wearing a mask.
    Life’s good,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited June 2023
    Hello! We did not get any rain today. The clouds parted during the afternoon and things warmed up. The forecast indicates we may get rain for a portion of the day tomorrow and Sunday as well. We will see I guess. I watered some of my plants late this afternoon but if the rain continues to miss us, I will have to do a more thorough job.

    Anne, glad to hear the air is improving. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 wonderful news…. Did you and the Bean go outdoors?

    Joy, aha, more visitors later on. Definitely something to look forward to! FYI, I do a lot of my card work while standing but I have to bend over for many of the processes. That’s what hurts. I finished the die cut today but did them 2 at a time. Lots of stops and starts.

    Sandy, what an odd deal with that restaurant. Bizarre! The world does run oddly these days.

    Hoping everyone is doing well.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I’ve enjoyed the tiniest amount of rain in the night to water the seeds but not enough to even begin to fill water butts. It feels fresher but we are expecting another heatwave! George and Betty had a shorter walk around the village before I met Sheila at the local post office for coffee and cake. She still needs to walk with the aid of a stick but I could tell she has improved slightly. We left our dogs at home as her little Rosie is struggling to walk and mine were happy to go back to bed but after coffee walked a little way to ease her back and chat to a few dog walkers. It was a lovely couple of hours and I’m now home contemplating, should it be more gardening or some housework? I think the garden will win!

    Another weekend. Where is this year going?
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Where is this year going JACKIE. Up in smoke, lol. Although it looks a heap less hazy today.
    Wonderful news. The four children who survived the plane crash in the Colombian jungle have been found. God bless the 13 year old! Which tells me something hopeful. When the rest of the world has finished blowing us all to kingdom come, the indigenous people will survive to carry on.

    I didn’t risk taking Bean out yesterday, but maybe today. Very few dogs have been out walking the last few days. So things are starting to look more optimistic if not for UKs Boris and USAs Donald.

    Have a wonderful smoke free Saturday!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Great news Anne about the Colombian children and doesn’t it say everything that their grandmother thanked Mother Earth. Indigenous people have held on to knowledge the rest of us lost hundreds of years ago! Sounds like Canada received rain just in time to ease the forest fires so more good news and I might think the disappearance of Boris good news except doubt it’s truly goodbye!
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    JACKIE, I read Boris might go back to his first love, journalism. That should make his critics in parliament cringe I think. The pen being mightier than the sword. No, he definitely won’t disappear, far too larger than life to fade into obscurity.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited June 2023
    Happy Saturday! :) Sheets are in the washer so I will have clean sheets to come to next Sunday. Hope to get packed before family video call so I can go to pool a couple of hours before going to mass as there is a mass being said for Babe in our old church. Will probably leave from church to go to Rob and Lisa's. I have groceries being delivered there tonight so I can have my own food. I don't plan on leaving their house for any reason other than the party tomorrow and if needed a run to Target so I will just bring comfy clothes. I will miss my desktop computer as I have an old IPad and the screen is much smaller.

    Time a moving so I will just wish you all a great weekend and will check in from my new location.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, well, no rain yet but the forecast remains the same—-rain and storms expected later today.

    Using my paper cutter and die cutting machine today. Some 4th of July cards *may* be finished in time to mail. 😁

    Hoping all of our dear Sneakers a very happy day. ❤️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Anne, Boris has an estimated £3.5 million new home to pay for, plus 7 children with am 8th on the way and 2 ex’s, so he will need a job! 😁
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited June 2023
    JACKIE, he is indeed a busy boy! I read that his old haunt The Telegraph has just come up for sale! There is Speculation that his newly knighted pal Sir Will Lewis, a former editor, might be interested! A possible joint venture? Now that could be interesting with Boris now knowing how parliament works. Interesting times ahead I think. Pure speculation of course, but he has quit rather suddenly. Gosh, ain’t my life boring!
    We’ve been out in the garden because although the sky is still grey, one can see little white clouds.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Up early to walk the pooches because I’m now going to a doggy first aid course being run by George’s groomer. Honestly, I would rather not but felt I should support her in a new venture because she has always been so good with George. A long day so I hope there won’t be any trips out through the cat flap!

    Anne, Boris has been given sight of a damning report about his parties during lockdown that’s about to go public and how he lied to Parliament, so it’s probably a case of jump before getting pushed!

    Happy Sunday everyone. Hugs to Patsy and John wherever they are. ❤️