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  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015

    Wow, you do have a lot more snow than we do.
    Good news Ang on both counts. Job interview and possibly another one, way to go!

    Also good to hear you are clear from your CT scan, must be a relief.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,444 Member
    Lazy life here on the beach. It's been very windy and chilly but the sun feels warm and I have a little color on my chest and face. Not bathing suit weather but walking the beach and hiking allows me to get some color on my chest and face. The storm never hit our beach but the waves were huge. Today they are also quite big and the sound of them crashing is very loud. Elgin Airforce Base is down the coast and the fighter jets flew over our beach several times today.

    Ang- that is a lot of snow. Glad your interview went well and you possibly have another to schedule. Good luck!

    Marla- Lent already and confirmation will come fast. This year is flying by just like last year. From your comments I sense raising a teenager is challenging you, LOL! I though age 15-18 was the toughest and then it all calms down. Zach may be challenging you earlier?

    Shirley- Saturday is almost here. Jamaica bound for you!! You will have wonderful temps down there. We have met many snowbirds and I think I could live down south 2-3 months once we retire. Anything to avoid the below zero temps and windchill, blah!

    Amy- You are having a time with your kids. This to shall pass but I know it is frustrating when you are in it. Hang in there!

    Hi L! We went out to dinner last night on Fat Tuesday. There was a party bus of people celebrating Mardi Gras that came in in masks and costumes. They were doing a progressive bar hop, 30 minutes each place. Great people watching!

    We went to a beautiful state park this morning to hike. It was on a sandy point that went out into the gulf and lagoon here in PCB. So many shells, sand dollars and starfish on the beach. We met a woman from Michigan and chatted with her for awhile. She's a snowbird and we asked her lots of questions about this area, costs, etc. I took an afternoon walk on the beach while Russ did some work for his job. I laid in my shorts by the pool but it was so windy I went up to our balcony. Now I have a gin and tonic, a little sun burn and my cheese and crackers. Life is good and relaxing!

    Enjoy your evening,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny your trip sounds wonderful!

    Only 3 sleeps until vacation. B)

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    And the hits keep on coming. After the parade I went to Saturday I tripped over an uneven sidewalk. The result--two hairline fractures in my hand and a nasty looking foot. I follow the saying, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." BUT it was a beautiful day with friends and sooo much fun.

    Yay, Ang, on your interview. That is a lot of snow!!

    Shriley - That is a lot of snow there too!

    Amy - You've got to be kidding about your daughter forgetting to wash dishes and clean her bathroom. My kids are my dish washers. I always tell them that it doesn't matter to me if they wash the dishes BUT if there are dirty dishes in the kitchen when I wake up in the morning, no cell phones for three weeks. The first offense was one day after that 3 weeks. They found out I was serious after taking them away the first time. They haven't pushed me for a second offense and the three weeks.

    The beach pictures on FB look so inviting, Jenny! Hope you are having a blast.

    Hi, Marla.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015
    Cleaning day today and we are going to dinner, Swiss chalet, I have a coupon.

    Two more sleeps until departure. B)

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    I have a follow up interview from the interview on Tuesday!!! Tomorrow at 11am. It's starting to look really promising!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    One kid done with ball for the season - one to go!
    - All this vacay-ing going on - rock on relaxing ladies!
    - L - what a time. I can't believe you broke your hand - does it get you out of work at least? ;>) Glad you had a good time anyway - you looked wonderful in your gown!
    - things with Zach are still stressful - I keep praying and trying to 'let it go'

    Long weekend - ball, ball, ball, piano recital and music practice - whoop!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - You are one busy momma!! Try and get a little me time when you can. :s
    Ang - Hooray! things are looking up! :D

    Jenny - I know you are in relaxation mode! :D

    Amy - Hi :D

    L - Sorry about the broken arm. What next? :o

    See you lovely ladies in a week. Leaving tomorrow and finishing up the packing today.
    Fridge all cleaned out.

    I will check in on the news feed mainly putting in exercise and if I feel like reading some posts. I will be walking the beach, reading, swimming, drinking, drinking, drinking, oh!
    and did I mention drinking and eating and try to maintain while gone.

    See you later!! B)B)B)

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

    I start on Monday. The timing could not have been more perfect. I got two weeks severance pay from my last job. That ended today. I start Monday. It's perfect timing. No stress or worries about how I will pay my bills! I'm also getting a higher pay then what I was getting. Much higher. I set a goal last year to have my credit cards paid off by the end of last year (I got them paid off with my tax refund) and my line of credit paid off by the end of this year. With the new pay I will be getting, I am well on my way of making that goal! The increase in pay also has another benefit - I can increase my grocery budget to afford my fruits and vegetables. The prices my be cringe worthy of what they cost, but I will have a higher budget to afford them!

    Shirely - Enjoy your vacation! Please bring some of that warmth back with you to Canada when you come back, but be sure to share it with Nova Scotia!!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    So , I worked on Thursday and babysat on Friday . It was pretty sweet babysitting . I just love those grandbabies .
    My Daughter is so weird. Lol I tried talking to her about helping out and she started crying and carrying on like I'm the meanest mom in the word - she's telling me she is a different person now - ha - since last week I guess - buy still she has not even tried to help out with anything . she could clean her bath room , wash dishes or sweep the floor , vacuum , anything . Not that I need help at all , It's just that she does nothing for anyone other than her self and I give her money .
    Anj, So awesome about the job !! and the pay increase . I'm so happy for you .

    Shirley ,yay vacation soon .
    Jenny , your vacation looks amazing !
    L - OMG ! POOR YOU ! Did you fall in front of people? How awful for you .
    Marla, Love seeing your basketball pictures ! hugs to get you through those teen years - and beyond !
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,444 Member
    Congratulations Ang! I'm so happy for you. No worries, increased pay and better for your eating habits. Win, win, win! Can't wait to hear if you like it.

    Shirley- Hope you're having a great first day on your vacation. Pina Coladas, strawberry daiquiri, etc. Don't forget the little umbrella :)

    L- Oh no!!!!!! I can't believe you are injured again. This has been a hard year for your body. What is your healing time? I hope you aren't in pain.

    Amy- You have an amazing sense of humor when dealing with your kids. They don't know how good they have it. I would be more of a tough love type mom. If you're 18 or older and don't go to school, then get a job, help with rent, food, and household chores. If you don't like it, find somewhere else to live. You are a very patient mom :)

    Marla- Enjoyed your bball pics on FB. Which one is done with ball and when do you finish both? What's new with Zach?

    Our trip was wonderful! We enjoyed driving down and back together, time for the two of us by the beach, explored the coast east and west, ate lots of fish shrimp and crab and met some snowbirds and picked their brains on spending months in the south during the winter. Life is so busy at home so it was nice to reconnect. We made some decisions about how we spend our time at home, communicate, etc. to strengthen our marriage and improve our quality of life. It was hard to come home to sub zero temps and wind chill advisories. At least the sun is out. I go back to work in the morning and Russ will take the day off, pick up the dogs, get groceries, etc. Our cat is so happy we are home and has an evening with us without the dogs.

    Time to relax and unpack.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Ang - congrats on thew new job - hope it turns out to be everything you want it to be
    Amy - I agree with Jenny - you have an awesome sense of humor - and way more patience than I do!
    Jenny - as of Sunday afternoon - it.is.finished. Both boys are done with their seasons and Zach is likely done for good with basketball. Sniff. I am so going to miss seeing him on the court. So much potential - just nobody really took the time to draw it out. It was also piano recital yesterday - unfortunately it crossed times with the ball game - so Zach missed his first one in eight years (and he had some great piece this year and had actually really practiced them hard.) - Caleb went and thankfully my folks, and my sister and niece and nephew went to the recital so it still felt special for Caleb. I was afraid he would pout and make me feel guilty enough that I would end up having to skip the ball game. I LOVE music and pray my boys will continue (and so it seems they will) - but I knew yesterday's game was a finale I didn't want to miss - the game didn't go the way any of would have wanted and I am so over coach (grrrrrr I can't freakin' believe him - don't get me started) but still so happy Zach did it and totally left it all on the floor this weekend. He was a beast. He is also still totally killing me with the attitude with his homework and I am beyond freaked out about the end of quarter in two weeks. Mmmmmpppfffftttt - I will continue to pray and do my new attempt at praying out loud over him to try to 'open his heart' to what we want for him.
    Jenny - sounds like an awesome time for you and your hubs - sometimes vacations end up being more work than work - but this sounds relaxing and just what you guys needed.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    hello from Jamaica,

    Typing on the beach it was 87F today B)B)

    Jenny, I have had mudslides, dirty bananas, carribean seas, and Make my day is
    my favorite.

    Tuesday walking to do some shopping, picking up Sangters Rum cream and maybe some
    clothes. Already bought a bib for the baby from Jamaica.

    Thinking of doing Yoga on a paddle board in shallow water mind you on Wednesday and
    maybe a manicure.

    ang- Awesome on the job!!

    Sending sun your way and heat.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,444 Member
    It was hard being back at work today. I had 4 home visit appointments and the kids were ornery. I didn't get much language out of them but got lots of "no!" Oh well, that's what you get with 2 year olds. >:)

    Marla-I'm glad you got to see Zach's last game. Why is it his last? Won't he try out for high school ball? Our high school was big so they had freshman, sophomore, JV and Varsity teams. I totally get it with coaches and coaching. I still get riled thinking about our experiences. My main beef is not teaching sportsmanship and being good losers as well as winners. Team members need to support one another, not dis one another. All students should have the opportunity to develop their skills. It should not be all about the win and the coaches win record. Well I'm sure you get my drift. I didn't mean to let it all out but obviously I still have opinions about it all :\

    Shirley- 87? Sounds wonderful! I love your beachy drink choices. I've never heard of that rum but wish I could come to your house for a cocktail when you get home! I had a drink called a Miami Vice in Florida. It was half strawberry daiquiri and half pina colada. It arrived with one side of glass red and the other white. It was a great combo. Enjoy your vacay and relax :)

    L- Great picture of you and hubbie on FB. I caught up last night with reading posts. Any news on your injuries?

    Hi Amy and Ang!

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    I went for a follow-up appointment for my hand and wrist this morning and left with a diagnosis of strep throat. So, Shirley, that's what's next. Can you believe?? I've taken the whole adage of things coming in threes to things coming continuously for three months.
    I. AM. OVER. IT!! As far as the wrist and hand, no better but no worse which was a huge surprise. I certainly didn't keep it completely immobile. But I do not want a hard cast. I was told to expect 6 weeks to recover. My top three difficulties: 1. ironing clothes; 2. brushing teeth; 3. putting on deodorant under my left arm. (bra on/off is a close tie for third). Writing sucks, starting my ignition with my left hand is a difficult, zipping is odd. Blah Blah Blah

    79 yesterday 33 today. What the What?? All of the state offices were closed in North Louisiana today due to sleet and ice. I was to travel there today for my training session tomorrow. I got half way there and an email came out declaring closures for tomorrow too. Around I turned. Glad to be at home tonight. I'm sure the attendees would be very glad too, knowing that I'm "Typhoid Mary" these days.

    Your basketball pictures were fantastic, Marla! Sounds like your boy killed it this weekend. Way to end it!!

    Amy, I agree with everyone else. Where I would be freaking out, going every shade of bat $h!t crazy, you keep a sense of realness and humor. I'm sure equally as frustrating for both of us, but your approach makes me smile.

    Jenny, your vacation sounds like it hit the spot. Sorry it was so short for you. My BFF and I used to drink strawberry daqs and pina colada mixed with amaretto and called them Thelma and Louise's. I swear that's where at least 30 of my pounds came from. As much as I love them, I will not fall back into its wicked goodness.

    Huge congratulations on your job, Ang. So glad the timing has worked so well for you and a pay increase is the cherry on top. Way to go! How's the commute?

    Shirley, I like your vacation plans? Drinking, eating, shopping, beaching. It all sounds fabulous! Hope to see some pics soon.

    On to a dose of antibiotics, ice packs/heat, and a pillow! Make it a great week.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Jenny - I doubt Zach will play any high school basketball unfortunately - his recent coach never did anything to make him feel like he had any knack or feel for it (bunch of crap - because he has the potential) of course his dad is no better - he never worked with him either. Azzez. He is going to weight training at the high school and says he is going to play football - so we'll see. That seems odd since he only played one year of midget football because he didn't like getting hit - but as with anything with Zach he has the ability to do almost anything. I'm sure most parents say that - but honest to goodness the boy has so much innate talent and a strong ability to learn easily. He is not aggressive though so....we'll see.... he is enjoying weights and already is lifting very well and I am very proud of him doing that. Watchful waiting on the follow through. And a Miami Vice - mmmmm... sounds divine.

    L - 79??? Good grief - it's been single digits for the last week and talking another dip negative in a few days - enough mama nature - enough! I hope things heal fast - I would be up a creek trying to go one-handed - such a clutz I am. I love that - Thelma and Louise's. Heh.

    Caleb made the spelling bee so that is consuming him right now. He firmly believes he is going to win - and I am trying to prep him for the likelihood of that not happening. Most kids who do these spend the whole year drilling for this thing. Not a couple of weeks. I'm sure this will add another fun bit of drama.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,444 Member
    L- I liked the movie Thelma and Louise and the drink sounds tasty. I can't afford to gain weight so my drink in FL was a one time treat. How inconvenient it must be for you. We really find out what skills we take for granted when we are injured and have to adapt how we do our daily living skills. Bummer! Glad you got to stay home due to weather but too bad you were already on the road when you found out. 79 sounds wonderful! Dropping to the 30's is the extreme we usually experience, one day warm, the next freezing.

    Marla- A good thing about football is there is room for every student. They find their niche and make a lot of friends. The discipline of weight training and football practice is a good way to spend time when not studying. Good luck to Zach. I hope Caleb does well with his spelling bee. I use to love spelling in elementary school, especially when we had class competitions with a spelling bee. I usually won or was second place. Good for Caleb to take on the challenge.

    Shirley- Catch some rays for me. I'm having a hard time adjusting to being back to work after a week of relaxation :'(

    Hi Ang and Amy!

    I bought a treat, chocolate/vanilla popcorn mix, in Florida for my neighbors who watched my cat. It was a huge bag of flavored popped popcorn, very yummy. Well the cat knocked it off the counter and the dogs had a feast while I was showering this morning. Grrrrrr! They looked and acted guilty! Didn't even rush to eat their breakfast. Plan B- I'll buy them a box of Dilly Bars or Cupcakes from the cupcake bakery. Bummed!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    oh dang Jenny - but I totally just watched one of those video collages yesterday of 'cats knocking stuff off counters' - how weird!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,444 Member
    It happens around here once in awhile Marla. I just don't know if they are all in it together or if the cat is trying to open the container and accidentally pushes it off counter. Then the dogs snarf it up! I dropped off Dilly Bars today and said thanks to the kids.

    I got a lot done at work today so I can relax and not do any paperwork tonight. I do need to wrap a birthday gift for a friend.

    Colder than normal! Tired of this weather. We made it out of Florida in the nick of time. The drive home would have been brutal if we left a day later. Feeling grateful we had a safe drive.

    Well stay warm, out of the rain and wind or whatever weather you are experiencing in your part of the country.


  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    I am so sick of snow!!!! We got more of it today. (But then it warmed up and turned to rain and then cleared up and the sun was shining by the time I got off work - all in the space of about 5 hours) I so can't wait for spring and warm weather to melt all this snow. It's just so gloomy out. This weekend I need to pack away all my snowmen ornaments and bring out the spring decorations. I want spring!! Actually can we skip spring and just go to summer?

    Work is going well. I need to take an early bus as the ones that should get me there on time were getting me there at 8:59 or 8:58 the first two days! I took one this morning that go me there around 8:30. Getting home is a challenge as well. Monday I did something stupid and stood on the wrong side of the street and caught the wrong bus home. I didn't get home until almost 7pm Monday. Yesterday they needed me to stay late and help them with something. I didn't get off until 7:15 yesterday, but they put me in a taxi and gave me a voucher for it. (Don't think the taxi driver was happy with the distance he had to take me.)
    I am also getting my exercise at work. The office is in a house and is spaced over three levels. The kitchen and bathroom are in the basement. The printer we need to use is in a back office. The lawyers are upstairs. I'm constantly going up and down stairs and up and down the hallway. I was thinking today I needed one of those step counters to see how many steps I take now in a given day.
    I've got two more days with the girl who's training me and then she's gone and I am on my own. I certainly hope I can remember all that she tells me!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    wow. I don't know if it's this new 'bladder' rx I'm taking or raging PMS or just too much winter - but I am SERIOUSLY fussy today - hormones, hormones go away -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,444 Member
    Ang- great that you can be so active at work. Burn those calories! Too bad your commute is longer but I hope you like your job.

    Marla- I'm sick of winter also. We had a nice sunny day but freezing. I guess we could get several inches of snow this weekend, blah! March is always a bad month for weather here. I hope we see spring early April at the latest.

    Nothing new here. Still adjusting to being back at work. Long week and very tired. Falling into bed at about 9 each night.

    Well sleep well and TGIF!

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    OMG !

    I only thought I was busy last hitch !!! Seriously I was at work last night until 10:30 pm ! . We close at 6 pm I was doing drug testing and still drawing blood at 6:30 pm . I tried to speed up the process by doing the paperwork later dadada. The clients still had like a 2 and a half hour wait even though I was just getting the work done and I ended up having to work so very late ! . I was exhausted this morning at 4:30 when I woke up . I wanted to get up at 4 to work out but I have been so busy at work since Monday I haven't even been able to have lunch - I did bring up some things like slimfast shakes and the atkins shakes thank goodness. I actually had to apologize and tell the office full of clients that I needed 5 minutes so that I could drink one. literally only drank a half a bottle of water all day yesterday because I didn't have time. then at about 1 pm today - you could hear crickets in the office hahaha.
    - Exxon is opening a new place up here or some project is starting up so they are sending their employees in for blood work to test for TB because TB is so prevalent up here in the villages of Alaska . So that's what is making the clinic crazy - but I can't ship to the lab on weekends so that's why they aren't sending anyone over right now . ( sigh of relief )
    My company is kind of expanding our clinic ..Not sure yet how it's going to work yet but we are changing the office around and emptying one room and making it into a patient room for like sick or injured patients -( right now I only do occupational , like audio's ,fit testing for respirators , lung testing and drug testing , shots and blood draws . ) oh and I always work alone . So starting on the first we will have a Physician assistant here. I'm not sure how that will work ? I'm usually too busy to babysit a P.A. Lol I don't want to help someone who will likely sit and watch me work most of every day and then expect me to help them when they have a few patients a day ? I shouldn't say that though That's mean . maybe they won't be like that - but the few I have worked with.... lol you know ,I'm a lowly nurse hahaha. man I need to get this meanness out of my head ...I'll let yall know how this works out . I'm sure this is why I got that raise hehehe.

    Oh did I tell yall my sister got her CDL to drive a school bus ! Hahaha she is so funny ! I can't wait until I can ride with her when I'm visiting , although .... she's a fast driver ...I hope the bus will teach her how to slow down . she is very serious about doing this for a living . She say's she is too old to work in the lunchroom at school anymore because the work is too hard the pots and pans are too heavy . I'm telling you if she says it's too hard , then it is because I don't know many people who work as hard as my sister .

    Marla, I watched one of those cat video's too ! so funny
    Jenny , I remember you guys saying something about dilly bars before , what are they ? Maybe it's best I never find out haha.
    Shirley , I'm so lonely for some warm weather ...Have a great time.
    L . wow 79 to 30 that's crazy talk . no wonder bad things keep happening .
    Anj . I know how you feel about the snow - I'm sick of it too !

    Thanks for the vote of confidence in my parenting skills lol;
    I am not a really high strung person . Except during PMS . I am not really me at that time .

    Well, I hope I can write again tomorrow !

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    for goodness sake - 13 below this morning. Am I stuck in a snow globe?
    - Busy gurl Amy
    - Jenny - post vacay yuck

    Tis Friday!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Going home today we had our last walk on the beach this morning. B)

    I kept up walking everyday and did my squat challenge and finished this week. It felt good that I could do it. My knee did have a little pain on the last few days. I don't think I will do the intermediate challenge that would do my knees in. I don't think I maintained my weight but won't be weighing
    myself for a few days until I get rid of this sodium and back on track.

    I will read your posts when I get back and get caught up.

    Our car is picking us up at 11:00 am and still have to shower and get those long pants back on. :(
    Back to the North snows and hope the temperatures will rise soon.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,444 Member
    Weird, I wrote yesterday and thought I posted it but I guess not, huh? Oh well.

    Amy- Dilly Bars are from DQ. They are like ice cream bars with ice cream on a stick and dipped in chocolate, butterscotch or strawberry coating. I like the butterscotch bar. I had bought a vanilla/chocolate popcorn combo in Florida for my neighbors since they watched the cat. While I was sleeping the cat knocked it off the kitchen counter and the dogs ate it. Plan B was the Dilly Bars.

    Marla- a little nicer today, atleast the sun is out. The temps aren't as bad as the last few days. We are expecting snow on Tuesday. Bummer because we don't have much left and it would be nice to get an early spring for a change. I don't think that will happen this year.

    Shirley- Sorry your vacay is over and you have to come back to the northern weather. I hope you had a good time in Jamaica.

    Hi Ang and Amy!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Hey ladies ,

    I have to be quick - my boss is up here hahaha,
    - I was able to sleep in for weather today - so nice . I didn't get to come to work until 1 pm ! really bad weather 0 visibility it was a phase 3 weather condition so no vehicles can be on the road . I slept till 9 am !
    Dilly bars sound amazing !
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    another weekend gone - GAH! Four weeks until confirmation. Double gah! At least my invitation came back from the photog Saturday - I hope to finish addressing those today. Zach picked his confirmation verse this weekend - and ugh - I swear he just closed his eyes and and picked one - oh well, any verse can work was just hoping he would pick something that really 'spoke' to him - he sort of started his faith project - I give him a 4 and half for amount of work done - I was really wanting more a dent made in things - but this is not how things go. I pulled the screens out and cleaned the inside of the window sills. Yuck. I need to get the deep cleaning stuff going. I was feeling ok about it until my washing blew up Saturday night. Awesome.
    - Third quarter ends Friday and I am strung so freaking tight. I want things to magically go back to how they were first quarter - and I know that's not going to happen I just can't seem to do it right. I get the right words out (I think) but the implementing of getting it done just never happens. And then of course in the mix of this turmoil (well for me it's turmoil nobody else really cares) is the presentation Wednesday during chapel for something from the Elks for whatever prize Zach won for his Patriots Pen essay - so there is something chest puffing going and the drama of sub par grades and such. Gah. Gah. Gah.

    Welcome back Shirley - sounds like a lovely time and boy, I bet baby time is getting close now!

    Jenny and Amy - it was finally a bit warmer Sunday. Thank goodness the weather has been ridiculous lately. It feels like this could be a March blizzard year. smeh
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well we are back home safe and sound. I see the snow piles are still high and it has been snowing Sunday most of the day and we did get more last night. :s At least I did get a reprieve from it, but the rest of you must be getting pretty sick of it.

    Well we had a wonderful time and would go back to the same resort. It was a much smaller
    place than we are used to but more intimate and you got to see the same people every day.
    I love to people watch and wonder what's their story? We did meet a nice couple from Indiana
    and we shared information. They are going to be coming around our area in the summer so we
    might get together depending what is going on. The resort had one restaurant, one bar and the food was good so we couldn't complain. Entertainment was a Jamaican band ,hometown boys,
    and they played on sporadic days. There were 50 rooms and very clean. The receptionist desk
    was open 24 hours. We did have a handle break on our toilet but they fixed it right away.

    So now the rest of the story, when we got up on Sunday morning we had no water. Yes, the pipes were frozen. We called the Town and they have had 400 homes without water. So we are on day 2 with no water. Dave did run a hose from our neighbor and when the water is pressurized we can have a shower and do dishes. This is only a temporary fix until they come and will probably have to dig up our front lawn.

    We have filled up our tub with water so we can flush the toilet. We have large jugs filled and bottled water for drinking. I am going to try and cook meals today.

    Leaving this morning for a hairdresser apt. and then getting food. No food in the house due to

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    edited March 2015
    Grrr! I posted about an hour ago and even reread it (I know that I did because I saw a typo that I needed to fix and just left it -- lazy!). I logged back on to see my weight progress and noticed a "1 day streak" and that my weight I entered yesterday isn't captured. So, Jenny, maybe you did post and the fitnesspal gremlins ate it. I hate that I've logged on for about 50+ days and now I'm back to one. I hate even more that I lost my post.
This discussion has been closed.