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  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    wow , What a difference a day makes ,

    I was pretty upset yesterday , My oldest decided to dissect my parenting of him and was really throwing what I would call emotional bombs at me . They were hurtful and oh so mean and insulting .

    He said I was never there for him and he never had a normal childhood and the list goes on and on . I was 15 when he was born ,so ya, I know his life wasn't all peachy and I never said it was . He said he wanted to set some things straight ? Like why did I go out ? Why did I marry my ex-husband ? What ? OMG . Why didn't I make his dad pay child support ? He said that by me not protecting his interest he had a *kitten* life ?

    Well ,He texted me all day until he starting saying things about how I never stayed in contact with my step dad and then I finally realized he was kind of thinking he was justified in picking apart my life with facts he knew nothing about - because I was in contact with my step father and called and visited regularly ,until he passed away . So I told my son that he had started to go too far way earlier , I told him he was not allowed to insult me or pick apart all of my decisions in my life and that I'm sorry he didn't have the kind of June Cleaver mother he wanted . He got me ,and I did the best I could and that this was not the kind of conversation we should be having via text any how . So he called me later on and was saying something about when he was 17 I gave a way his baseball cards and If I hadn't done that he would not owe student loans that those cards were worth so much money and I lost my mind and told him they were lost , I never gave them away and then he hung up on me ... What the heck ?

    anyhow , I'm better today because this is all craziness he created in his head to take the blame off of himself for getting a degree in Asian Studies which cannot possibly get him a job so it all must be mom's fault .

    Sorry I had to share this personal business but maybe one of you or someone you know went through something like this and can provide some insight .


  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Forgot to tell you guys it has warmed up immensely .it's -3 today
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Yay Shirley! WTG with 7 pounds down! I would also be devastated if my car was stolen.

    Marla- Hope all has calmed down.

    Ang- How are you? Is word out you're leaving your job?

    Amy- Hope all is okay with your son.

    I just finished the latest Grisham book, Gray Mountain. It was good but his typical rushed ending which drives me crazy. The guy needs to take a class in how to write a good book ending. Weather turning colder but no new snow yet. Love that I don't have to wear boots. Starting to prepare for our trip. I picked up some odds and ends today. The rental car is reserved. I need to make a list of what to pack and see how my capris, etc. fit.

    Well relaxing and going to bed early. Very tired today and my knees are bad again. The shots were short lived unfortunately.

    Have a nice super bowl Sunday.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    I am sitting here logging my food and exercise for the day (yeah! even if it was just a walk) and starting to realize how tired I am. Maybe I should not have taken off my make up and washed my face for the night! Then again it's been a busy day. I did laundry, cleaned, finished working on the library books to take to church tomorrow, did my baking, ran a couple of errands, went to our annual church business meeting, did some baking, perfected my resume, organized my closet and did some ironing. (Not in that order). I finally just curled up in my chair and read. I am surprised with how much I got done today!! It was a very profitable and tiring day!

    Next week marks my last day at my job. It's going to be a hard week. Might be a shorter week with the predicted 25-35 cm of snow coming in Monday! I will have to check the weather forecast again tomorrow, see when it's going to start and contact my boss about it if it's to start early in the morning.

    I've already found a job I am going to apply for. It's a government job! While I am about 6 months shy of the 4 years they state, I am going to submit my resume and see what happens. I will consider myself happy if I just get called for an interview. I have a superb reference in my boss, as he works closely with some of the people there and knows almost everyone there. It's a dream of mine to work for the government. I'm just going to apply to it and pray and wait and see what happens.

    The next several weeks are going to be hard financially. Living off only about 55%-60% of my normal income won't be easy at all. If I can keep getting days like today shopping, it would be great. EVERYTHING (except one thing - bus tickets) that I picked up today was ON SALE!! How great is that?? (Bus tickets never go on sale!)

    Well I'm off to bed now. Tomorrow afternoon I am invited over to a friends house. My friend that has Reid!!! I get to see my fur baby tomorrow!!! I certainly hope he remembers me. It's been over a year since my last visit there. I can't wait.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Amy - Sorry you have to go through this with your son. My older daughter and I clash a bit, I hate to say it but she is like me. I would have a sit down talk with him quiet and
    respectful and maybe you can sort some things out.

    Today Dave and I went out for breakfast at a local restaurant in town we like. He just left to visit his mom for a while and I have a few things to do before the Super Bowl game.

    I started the MFP squat challenge today. I will see how well I do since my left knee is a little sore today. I already put some bio freeze on it to help it.

    Have a good day, we are supposed to get a lot of snow heading our way. It stopped us from going skiing this morning because they have a winter warning out for today.
    Since we go over to the states to ski we don't want to get stuck there.

    Don't forget Downton Abbey is on if you are a watcher.

    Enjoy the game if anyone is watching.

    Ontario, Canada

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    I saw Reid today!!! It was so nice to see my fur baby again. I miss my cat. I did pick him up. He's gained a lot of weight since the last time I saw him cowering in the basement. He's certainly not a scardy cat any more! He lets men and children put him! I couldn't hold him for long as he didn't seem to like it. He kept staring at me as if thinking "I know you. Why do I know you?" My friend says I need to come back over again soon as he will probably remember me better.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Too short of a weekend. I wish I had one more day. I got a few errands done this weekend, went to church and relaxed.

    Amy- Is your son going through a life crisis of what do I do with my life? Where do I go from here? My middle son went through some bad stuff in high school and got into a lot of trouble. He was pretty nasty towards me and I couldn't reason with him. He began to live at his Dad's full time until he went to college. Luckily he turned himself around and began to appreciate that he had two sets of loving parents and not blame everything on me and the divorce when he was a baby. It's tough to hear the things they say to us even if we know they aren't accurate or when they hit the mark... Hang in there!

    Ang-I'm glad you got to see your cat. That must have been a nice reunion. Good luck with your job prospect. I hope you get the interview and the job.

    Shirley- Did the snow come? We had cold temps and wind today but no snow. We took the dogs to the dog park to run. I should have worn my face mask.

    Hi Marla and L! Off to shower and go to bed. Busy day tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Amy - sorry to hear your clashing with the boy - I'm sure no matter how old they get they will always have the power to slay us with their criticism even when it is not warranted - I pray he can get settled in and restock and come back to you with some better conversations

    Ang - good luck!

    Shirley - we got a fairly heavy storm around here - and though the accumulation was only around 6 inches - the blowing is terrible and the snow/ice pack is awful. They actually cancelled the city school - I think that's only the second time in my twenty years here!

    The ball tourney is over - and I heard a lot of grumbling about why they didn't cancel Sunday - but what the heck people - your kids spent the night here in town - even if they would have cancelled the tourney - you still would have had to come get your kiddos - I mean not that any of us would have turned them out - but I'm guessing you wanted them home - or you would have said fuhgeddabouddit - I am feeling upset with our coach - he physically yanked (grabbed the front of his jersey) Zach out of the game Saturday and I saw nothing the warranted his anger at Zach and then sat him the rest of the game. He also only played less than half on Sunday - as a starter and not seeing any horrendous errors or bad temper or attitude I am upset. I know I have to shake it off b/c as I always say to myself if you want them to play more you have to coach - but I also feel angry when the others play worse and get more time - as a lower classmen last year he got almost no time playing and getting experience last year and this year the younger ones have gotten more than equal time with what he is getting. And the yanking him out. Grrrr. A few more games, a few more games - coach can bit my booty and deal with Bernie's anger when it blows - I ain't trying to soothe the bear the next time

    Tiiiirrreeeeed - I think the boys enjoyed coming over- they were really only there for a few hours - from about 8:30 p.m. to 9 a.m. - they played xbox for a couple of hours and then we got them up a little before 8 and fed them and packed them off back to school
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sitting at the computer with an ice pack on my right side of my back. I have knot by my
    shoulder blade. Good thing I have a chiropractor apt tomorrow.

    Jenny - Yes we got the snow blizzard today. Missed Yoga class this morning. There was a wall of snow around the cars. Couldn't leave.

    Have to go my back is spasming. Yuck!

    Will comment later.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    I am so glad I got off early yesterday BEFORE the storm started!!! I was reading nightmare stories of normal 20 or 30 minute drives, taking anywhere from 3 to 5 HOURS for people to get home!! Today we delayed opening to noon. One of the lawyers picked me up on his way in, which was really nice. NONE of the sidewalks out where I live were plowed yet. (Certainly hope they are by tonight!) As I was leaving, I looked at the people I rent from, and he had JUST finished shoveling the snowbank from the snowplow. I told him he had perfect timing in finishing that for me so I could leave! It was easily over my knees.

    We have another snowstorm that is supposed to be coming on Thursday. I blame the groundhog in our area that saw his shadow. Well then again, it's not his fault he saw it, the sun was out when the pulled him out of his warm cozy borrow. I will just keep my eye on the weather. Thursday is still two days away, the weather can easily change a dozen times between now and then. That's Nova Scotia for you!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    fortunately the roads are better today - still slick but not as treacherous - frankly if it wouldn't have been a Monday and 800 people wouldn't have gotten paid if I flaked - I would have stayed home.
    L - saw a pic from your weekend ball on FB LOVELY!! What fun. Oh and another explanation I got the other weekend for box out - is 'butt in the gut" - :>) Did you get too yell camping yet? I am ready for ball to be over - this season just needs to be over before I say or do something unfortunate
    I have to register Zach for his freshman classes this week. Gah. The pressure. It's like college - all these elective choices, getting in the right 'cluster' good grief.
    Shirley/Ang - hope you are either cozy at home or all scooped out with any injuries! Stay warm! This also should of course go to Amy too - did your blizzard pass and smooth out?
    Hey Jenny!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I hate this tablet, just lost my post.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    I don't need to shovel! That's what my landlord is for. :D

    I got a ride into work work with one of the lawyers and my parents were there when I got off so I didn't need to take the bus today! VERY glad! Seeing how the sidewalk plow hasn't go out here yet! Even coming home tonight the sidewalks on my street AND one side of the main street I live off of (the side I would get off the bus on) was still NOT plowed!!! On my street, there are a couple of businesses. They were plowed and there were HUGE (over my head huge) snow drifts at the end of the sidewalk before their driveway. There was also no footprints in the snow! Easy to tell that people were walking down the street and not the sidewalk! Not exactly safe!

    Three days left at my job. Hard to believe! It's been hard to get anything done this week! Yesterday I got off before the storm started (so glad I did! Traffic at rush hour was insane! Took the lady at the bank 1hr 30min for a normal 20min trip - That's actually the best I heard) We went in late today as the roads were still a mess (still are in places) It's hard to get things done with only 2 half days! I'm determined not to leave tomorrow until 2 main things are done! I'm trying to get certain things done so I don't leave them for the other girl to do (especially when it's things she's never done before!)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Hi I'm here. Missed a day again!

    Started snowing today. Haven't seen fresh snow in awhile. Slow going on the roads but not too much accumulation.

    Ang- Wow quite the storm you got. Must look beautiful! When are you done with your job? This week?

    Amy- How's it going with your son? At some point as he matures he will realize that what he said was not the completely the truth and he'll understand more than he does now. Hang in there!

    Marla- I feel your pain about basketball. I remember those days with coach decisions, unfairness, etc. Still feel sour about it. I need to let it go.

    Shirley- How did you hurt your back/shoulder? Hope you feel better.

    L- You looked gorgeous in your FB photo! How are the Mardi Gras festivities?

    I went to see my financial guy today. At least account amounts are increasing as of now. Russ and I wrote our wills and health directive this week. I always freak out a little when the two of us go away together (even a weekend). If something happened to us at the same time, the boys need to know who to call and what to do to get life insurance and money from retirement and investment accounts. Hate this stuff!

    Well watching Mark Harmon, NCIS. Love this show.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    more snow - smeh
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    Jenny - It only looks nice when you are nice and warm inside looking out at it. Once you get out and try to traverse around on un-plowed sidewalks and poorly plowed sidewalks that's entirely a different story!

    Can't believe I only have 2 days left on my job. Wow. I don't think it will be easy on Friday. Though I do have a peace about this that I can explain comes from God and those praying for me. I'm just going to have to wait to Friday and see what happens. Even with the rain/snow storm coming Thursday into Friday I still need to make it in. Trying to get a last couple things done that I don't want to leave for the other assistant here. I got a most of one thing done today (ran out of time to finish it) and hope to get the other done. It really all depends on the other lawyers and if they need me to do anything. One wanted me to do something today but I told him I was trying to get final reports done and he left me alone to do them. Tomorrow he might want me to but I really want to get one more thing done that might take 2 full days to do. I need to talk to him first. He said he might keep me casual, 1 day a week, to help get caught up on anything. I will just have to wait and see.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    I was awake most of the night with a sore throat, sinus head ache and cough. It started two days ago but I thought it would not go any further. I stayed home today to relax and sleep. I feel bad I missed my students but I'm sure that is where I'm getting these recurring colds and flu. I'll go in tomorrow no matter what. I can't miss more days if at all possible.

    Stay safe Ang!

    L- love your photo on FB in your gown. Beautiful!
    Marla- we got a couple of inches yesterday but today was blue sky and sunny. Very windy and cold. Tomorrow will be even colder, blah!

    Hi Amy and Shirley!

    I made my list of To Do's that need to get done before our trip and also a list of things to consider packing. Looks like a cold front is headed to Florida so we'll see about packing for two climates.

    Have a nice night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    oh darn Jenny - I hope you have plenty of sun and warmth on your vacation! And feel better!!!
    - basketball tonight for JV boys away in Battle Creek - meet with the registrar tomorrow about Zach's classes (yikesyikesyikes) JV ball tourney this weekend - rounding the corner on it almost being done thankfully -

    Bernie took himself to the clinic yesterday I guess he decided he was ill - it seemed to hit fast - but apparently isn't the influenza

    later dear ones!!
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    Hello from an overcast and cool Louisiana.

    The film crew has packed up and left town. I've missed the excitement the last few days. When I left for work this morning there were a few people repainting doors and window frames back to the original colors. All of the "shop" logos have been removed, the cars and trucks from the 60's and 70's are off the streets, the wardrope trailers are gone along with the telephone booth (which neither of my kids had ever seen).

    Our Krewe's Mardi Gras Ball was a lot of fun. One of the couples that I invited had never been and they had a ball. I worked backstage so I didn't get to see the tableau but I could hear a lot of oohs and ahhs. Guess I'll have to buy the video. The second ball that we attend is this weekend and I get to wear my gorgeous new dress. Just hope it fits. I took it to be altered and picked it up Monday and asked to try it on. The seamstress convinced me it would be perfect so away I went. Yep, you guessed it...took it back yesterday to have more altered. I can say that she did a beautiful job the first go around. I cannot see a single stich. I was so worried because I paid way more than I wanted (or needed). I MAY be able to go to the Krewe of Orpheaus Ball. It's the Krewe Harry Connick Jr formed. Fingers crossed.

    Amy, I'm so sorry to hear about your son's words. Love him through it.

    Ang, good luck with the government job you are hoping form. Federal, correct?

    Jenny, hope you are feeling much better. Our fronts in the south pale in comparison to yours. I'm optimistic that you'll have perfect weather for your much needed vacation.

    Marla, we are wrapping up basketball too. Or so I hope. I found out last night that if they win Friday night we are in the playoffs. I bet there will be some boys "camping" on purpose! I haven't gotten to use the term. It's all juniors and seniors playing so they know to stay out of the lane. Although some one was uttering "3 seconds" repeatedly the other night. Good luck with registration. Another milestone!

    Shirley, how's your shoulder? Your vacation is right around the corner too, is it not?

    Back to work I go.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    My shoulder blade is better, still using the massager on it but it is improved.

    Going to my daughter Kathy's tomorrow to get the nursery set up. Dave will be doing
    the painting and the rest of us will be getting things ready. We will pick Kristina up at the Go Train on Saturday and she will be joining us. On Sunday the 3 of us are going to do an
    Aqua Fit class where Kathy lives. I guess she joined and is doing exercises with the as she calls it "Old Betty's". You know, peeps my age. :p I guess I will burn some calories before I go home.

    Got my instructions in the mail for my colonoscopy on Tuesday. I can't wait until this is over. Then I can concentrate on getting ready for my trip and getting my clothes ready to pack.
    It has been 10 years since my last one, they do them every 10 years right now. I hope I take a few pounds off from this. The prep is worse than the procedure because they put you out (lightly) they call it Twilight. I also have choir practice on the same day but I don't know if I will make it or not.

    See you after the weekend.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    L - Provincial court actually.

    With a lot of prayer (and still more going up!) my resume has been submitted to the law courts. I can only wait now.

    One more day left. Wow. Hard to believe. Going to be interesting getting in for my last day. We are currently in the midst of the THIRD snowstorm in a week! Getting tired of it! We are supposed to get 15-20 cm tonight (6-8 in). I need to get in tomorrow though. A few last minute things to do. I just hope I can get through the day without a lot of tears!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    ANG - Good luck on your job prospect, fingers crossed !

    I just got back from Yoga Class and now getting ready to go to Kathy's. A long drive so I better get going.

    See you on Sunday.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    Ontario, Canada

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    it's Friday - yay - except there is still ball, ball, ball, ball and more ball this weekend - sing at church for C, 4-h meeting and jr high youth group - eerrrrrgggghhhh - weary mom
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Man my laptop is freaking me out . It didn't want to charge ? anyhow . Stress overload this week .lol
    I'm not sure wht my son is going through , he got into a fight with his dad and thats even more of a mess - his dad co signed his student loans and my son is not even trying to help pay them and when my ex talked to him about how he was being disrepectful by saying all the same things he said to his half brother and sister about his dad that he said about me ...he started yelling at his dad saying he never paid child support and so he has to pay off the student loans he's gonna pay for what he did to him? wth? I'm not sure what all this is about
    - He's angry because when my mom's ex boyfriend passed away last years he didn't leave him anything? he keeps saying how terrible we were as parents and that we were never there for him . I finally broke down and told my husband last night because I feel like my son is taking advantage of my mother in Louisiana by using her car all the time and if he wrecks it she will just be out of luck because she only has liability on it . but she says just to let him be because if we do tell him no , that he's never going to shut up about it .

    Sorry I have nothing possitive to say rigth now .
    Marla , I have no idea what I would do in that situation I'm sorry that happened to your son.

    I am now writing every thing down so that when I do go back to Louisiana in March I can start to let him remember all the good things we did do for him ?

    L, I'm trying to love him through it lol but yea this is rough . I still love him so much though .

    Anj, good luck , have a great time in transition !
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well today was my last day as an official full time employee. I'm staying on as "casual". They are going to bring me in about one day week. I can work a certain number of hours without it coming off my EI. I will just have to wait and see what happens at this point and time.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Hi everyone! I was too tired to open my computer and check in yesterday. I have a head cold with major congestion in my sinus' and head. Some sneezing jags and occasional sore throat symptoms. I went to work yesterday and today and got many things done that were needed. Still a couple of things left to do at work before I have my week off.

    My lists are made for packing and the To Do's. I will begin to tackle all this weekend. The dogs are scheduled for baths, we are getting haircuts, and I've cancelled out on book club, knitting group and church group (yes all in the same week) so we have our evenings to get ready for the trip. Groomer, laundry, packing, dogs to sitter and pick up car rental then away we go.

    L- 50's and 60's would feel like a comfortable heat wave. I just want to walk on the beach and hear and see the ocean :) Post a picture on FB in your new gown. What is a Krewe?

    Shirley- I totally agree colonoscopy prep is worse than the procedure. Good luck. I'll be due in two years. Countdown to Jamaica! Have fun decorating the nursery. My friend at work just told me today that she is due with her first baby. This is the friend who got married last February that I wrote about a lot because her boyfriend just wouldn't pop the question. They are ecstatic about the baby. I can't wait to see your pictures of your new grand baby when they arrive.

    Marla- Hang in there with bball. Busy nights and weekends. Before you know it school will be out and you'll be preparing for high school. I thought freshman year was a fun one. Everything is new again, meet new friends, and more to choose from for activities.

    Ang- Do you have to shovel your own walk or driveway? We have hardly any snow. Weird! The east coast has gotten it all.

    Amy- I'm so sorry you are having tough times with your son. He's going through a rough patch. How old is he?

    Well I'm getting ready for bed soon. I seem to go to bed earlier and earlier these days. I'll be 54 in a month, maybe that's it? LOL! I'm trying to decide if I should dye my hair again or let it go. I have some gray coming in which doesn't look horrible but my base color (natural) is much darker than it was when I was younger. Don't like it so much but it is closer to my mom's natural color than it use to be. Any thoughts?

    Night for now!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    I spent half the day "getting our affairs in order" for the boys. Our wills and health directives are written, just need to be witnessed and signed. I recorded all important info boys would need to know (contacts, accounts, wishes, etc.) Whew!

    Weather is looking good for our drive to Florida. East and west coast have all the problems.

    This week will go fast with all the things we have to get done. I have to get things in order at work before I leave. A couple of items that have to get done and files to be given to next provider of service at age 3 for some.

    Well gray and gloomy day. I'm going to let my mind rest for awhile.

    Have a nice night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    so fun looking forward to your vacation Jenny - woot! And even though it's stressful and not fun getting your 'affairs' in order - it has to be a relief having that in line

    Amy - it sounds like your son is definitely going through a rough patch and I am praying it will smooth out quickly and everyone will get back on track

    Ang - sounds like things are going well - good deal!

    Another weekend of ball over. Whew. They split our JV boys up into two teams since there are so many of them and one of the other schools dropped out - the 'white' team (which Caleb was on) ended up 3rd and the 'blue' team took 1st. The rest of the games are all away - we go to Seward Thursday night for both boys - just 'regular' games - then back to Seward all weekend for the huge C Club tourney. If I didn't have all those four legged things at home I would just get us a room down that way - alas - we will drive, drive, drive and drive some more. Piano recital is two Sunday's away except that is also Zach's game ever also. Don't have the brackets yet so don't know if we will be able to make that work or not. Of course this could also be his last recital ever so either way will be a shame if we miss one. Zach suddenly decided to do the double block biology next year and while I don't doubt he 'can' do it- but with this years drama am worried sick that he 'will' do it. He is committing to all those hours for football and there will be homework with that advanced class - siiggggghhh - must let go - tomorrow is parent/teacher conferences - not looking forward to (there's a first - usually its just the typical they're doing good, just work a little harder thing - who knows what this session will be!) I have an appointment today to see if they doc can come up with anything to help with my lingering supreme gotta go urgency that hasn't gone away from the UTI at Christmas. So over that.

    Cool video on FB L!

    Have a great week!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    Last night it started hitting me that I had NO job to go to today. :neutral_face: It's not a good feeling. I watched some funny videos on youtube to get me laughing. I think it helped but then I tried to sleep. Emphasis on the tried. I think it was well past 3am before I finally fell asleep and STAYED asleep. I hope that's not going to be a repeat every day!

    This morning I went to the gym for the first time in over a month. :smile: I started the Goodlife 20-Minute Fit-Fix. Weight training. Needles to say, I am started to feel it!! I had someone guide me through it today and I might need to be asking for help the next time, or even the next few times I go! The only gym equipment I've used before today was a treadmill, exercise bike, and an elliptical. This was something completely new! Some of them felt weird, as it was my first time using them. The last one was the abdominal machine. I can barely do a sit up or crunch, let alone trying to be pulling weights up with me at the same time! That machine was a total fail! Tomorrow I am going to my first class. I'm trying my hand at the body pump class. It's a the strength training and endurance training I want and it also tones and shapes. Two great things in one. It is an hour long class, so I hope I ca get through it!

    My plans for today are to clean. I've been letting the cleanliness of my place slide. I haven't been motivated to get up and do anything. Today I need to tackle the cleaning, starting with my kitchen!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi gals,

    I had a long post and just lost it on my tablet. I guess I must hit something and the whole thing disappears. Live and Learn.

    We left on Friday and it wasn't a great drive up with the snow and roads. We picked Kristina up at the train station and we all went to their local pub for a fish fry. It was nice to have the 4 of us together again, it has been a long time. Fraser was out West (B.C.) with his buddies for a few days so we kept Kathy company in the new house.

    Our weekend was good with the girls and Dave. Kathy and Fraser's house is lovely and big and I can see them there for many years to come. Kathy has popped again since I last saw her but she looks good but is tired all the time, expected.

    Dave and I gave them some extra money to buy a new dishwasher, theirs is very loud and they can use only one cycle. So they can use the money for that or something else they need.

    On Saturday Dave painted the nursery and the girls and myself went through all the baby clothes. She has clothes from age newborn to age 5. These clothes were given to her by Fraser's sister. So by the time we got done she had 3 bins of clothes labelled and ready to go. We took the rest to Goodwill after taking Kristina back to the bus station so she could get home. She had some things scheduled she had to get back to.

    On Sunday, Kathy and I went to Aqua Fit class which she joined. It was a good workout for 45 min and 15min stretching. After that we went back to her house and got packed and started home. The roads were not the best. Dave ended up shoveling Kathy's driveway 4 times while we were there. We saw a few accidents along the way but made it home safe and sound.

    Nothing but liquids today, all day, getting ready for my procedure tomorrow. I am missing my coffee and of course food. :\

    Marla - I hope you get some answers from your doctor, you have had this for a long time now. Good luck!

    Jenny - I bet you can't wait to get to your vacation, where are u going again?
    I hope you get rid of the virus and feel better soon.

    Amy - So sorry to hear about your stress with your son, may things work out sooner than later.

    Ang - I guess you are getting blasted with this snow too. We had more today and they are calling for freezing rain. Enjoy your time off, you have many years to come of working and you will look back at this.

    Shirley - Jamaica is looking really good right now!

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