What was your fasting BG today?



  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    JaneKnoll1 wrote: »
    JaneKnoll1 wrote: »
    4.2 because I did my big run yesterday.

    You're doing the Army Run in May and training now. So, what is 'a big run"?

    I'm training and do Couch to 5K. I just ran week7, Day 1 and it was the longest run yet in the training (I never ran Precious to January) it was 5 min walk, 20 min run and 5 min walk...darn near killed me lol!!! It's the Tamarack Race Weekend I am doing...just 5K . :D

    I never run, I know it would kill me. If God wanted me to run, he would make sure something was chasing me :D
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    My BG this morning 6.0 (102). Everything seems to be working, exercise, low fat and digestive enzymes.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    My BG this morning 6.0 (102). Everything seems to be working, exercise, low fat and digestive enzymes.

    Mine this morning was 6.0 or 108, I stand corrected.
    Shinycrazy, if mine gets as low as yours, I start the shakes and headaches. The lowest I can go is 5.3 (95.4) and still feel fine.
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    Today was 109 yesterday was 89...I've been sick for the last three days, so I don't know where it will be tomorrow
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sort of low for me 69
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    7.3. (131.4). Late night snack.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    121 this morning. but weight is down.

    Good morning to you all.
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    116 today. I'm still under the weather. Hope it gets better
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    138 @ 1129am today.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    123 at 11:45 PM today, but it was 167 at 8 AM in the morning ... some days!
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    5.7 (102.6) that's what it was before bedtime too! Something must be working better now!
  • shippan
    shippan Posts: 46 Member
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    138 this morning, 123 before bed last night.
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    111 this morning.
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    156.... but 2 months ago it was over 200, and close to 225, so I am thrilled.
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    motown13 wrote: »
    156.... but 2 months ago it was over 200, and close to 225, so I am thrilled.

    Well, it's always a good sign when it's going down; and it's only been two months. My doc told me it can take quite awhile before things start pulling together. Keep up what you're doing and you'll continue to see positive results.
  • wdnisbet
    wdnisbet Posts: 518 Member
    115. Compared to the last few years I have been doing better for a few months. Doc even lowered my insulin doses last week because I had a few readings that were low the previous month. But I think he may have overdone it. I really don't like a fasting over about 100.
  • JaneKnoll1
    JaneKnoll1 Posts: 406 Member
    4.8 fasting and pre-run..4.9 post run and after my first breakfast. Feeling great!
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    97 @ 911am today.