What was your fasting BG today?



  • wdnisbet
    wdnisbet Posts: 518 Member
    I hate to admit this one. 239. I ate a very small piece of pie last night. I'd been planning to have some for the occasion and I enjoyed it and took some extra insulin. But this reading is just excellent confirmation that this kind of treat must be a very rare thing.
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    239 at 1135am (I was off my diet for the last week).
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    wdnisbet wrote: »
    I hate to admit this one. 239. I ate a very small piece of pie last night. I'd been planning to have some for the occasion and I enjoyed it and took some extra insulin. But this reading is just excellent confirmation that this kind of treat must be a very rare thing.
    239 at 1135am (I was off my diet for the last week).

    I've had days like that when I'm doing everything right. An occasional treat won't kill you. They're learning experiences <3:)
  • JeffS435
    JeffS435 Posts: 133 Member
    went low last night to 41 and may have over corrected. This morning I was 168
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    jsimms435 wrote: »
    went low last night to 41 and may have over corrected. This morning I was 168

    Wow, that is low. What do you mean by over corrected?

    7.8 (140.4)
  • JaneKnoll1
    JaneKnoll1 Posts: 406 Member
    4.4 (79.4) and I can't believe how stable and ok my blood sugar has been for the most part since being off my metformin!! I eat 1950 calories divided into 3 meals and 3 snacks and I thought it would drive my sugar through the roof but at the 3 hour mark when I have to eat again lol its returned to high 4s or low 5s. I am less nervous but still super watchful. I see the dietician on Friday for evaluation and I get to go on one of the scales that measures everything but the kitchen sink! Excited!!!! The good news is I seem to be maintaining and not losing!
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    119 :)
  • JaneKnoll1
    JaneKnoll1 Posts: 406 Member
    jsimms435 wrote: »
    went low last night to 41 and may have over corrected. This morning I was 168

    Yikes glad you are ok!!!! I tend to over feed my occasional low too. Hope the rest of your day goes great!! Were you exercising or what do you think caused the low? If I exercise hard in the morning no matter eating properly or not my sugar will drop by 4pm and be in my boots by 6 so if I "feel" it I will eat an extra something like 1/4 of a kashi or fibre 1 bar and a few almonds and that is enough to reverse it without effects either way! Have a great day!!
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    Yea! My A1c went from 6.3 to 5.9 over the last three months. :) Today was 119 FBS
  • JaneKnoll1
    JaneKnoll1 Posts: 406 Member
    Yea! My A1c went from 6.3 to 5.9 over the last three months. :) Today was 119 FBS
    EXCELLENT!!!!!! Well done!
  • wdnisbet
    wdnisbet Posts: 518 Member
    Good job, leanmachine
  • wdnisbet
    wdnisbet Posts: 518 Member
    106 today.
  • JaneKnoll1
    JaneKnoll1 Posts: 406 Member
    wdnisbet wrote: »
    106 today.
    Great job!!!
  • cloudy68
    cloudy68 Posts: 65 Member
    That is a great improvement in your A1C, leanmachine -- you worked hard for this with your diet and exercise plan!
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    6.9 (124.2)
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    104 :)
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    8.3 (149.4) Here's something I just thought of this morning. If you wake up hungry, and your FBS is high, could it be because your liver was dumping glucose during the night?
  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    90 today. Doing better the last few days. Getting A1c next week. Weight still going down.
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    cloudy68 wrote: »
    That is a great improvement in your A1C, leanmachine -- you worked hard for this with your diet and exercise plan!

    Thanks, Cloudy68. :) Today was 119 again. I hope to be in normal range next time.
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    JaneKnoll1 wrote: »
    Yea! My A1c went from 6.3 to 5.9 over the last three months. :) Today was 119 FBS
    EXCELLENT!!!!!! Well done!

    Thanks for the support Jane :)