NOVEMBER 2014 - Move Your @ss Challenge



  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,337 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:

    LEANZ - You are for sure up to date now and have MADE GOAL!! Congrats!! :drinker:

    CECI_O_K - Congrats on your great 10K performance!!

    Sorry I was a little slow on this update and missed doing it last night, but we had a little health scare with the family dog. Took her to the vet this morning and thankfully he believes some meds are all that's needed. She was having trouble standing and walking and her hind legs kept giving out, but he thinks it's nothing more serious than an ear infection at this point. Sure hope he's right....she is getting up there in years...almost 15 I think.

  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Let's go for another 1000 miles this month

    01-11: 80.08 miles
    02-11: 22.03 miles
    03-11: 34.04 miles
    04-11: day off, just couldn't get moving this morning
    05-11: 41.06 miles
    06-11: 26.81 miles
    07-11: another forced rest day - to to get home early
    08-11: 34.24 miles
    09-11: 75.04 miles
    10-11: 34.02 miles
    11-11: 34.88 miles
    12-11: another forced rest day - to to get home early
    13-11: 37.06 miles
    14-11: 35.10 miles
    15-11: 70.07 miles
    16-11: 31.15 miles
    17-11: 34.10 miles
    18-11: 36.41 miles
    19-11: 34.32 miles
    20-11: 36.41 miles
    21-11: 34.02 miles
    22-11: 80.35 miles
    23-11: Rest Day
    24-11: 33.29 miles
    November Miles: 844.46

    YTD Miles: 11358
  • 319Sara
    319Sara Posts: 302 Member


    Strength and Stretch was cancelled today because the building was flooded -- melting snow and rain over the weekend. Therefore I rode the home bike for two sessions adding up to 6.93 miles today. That means I've reached my goal of 100 for November the day before we leave on our Thanksgiving trip. Yea! I hope to add a bit more, but we will not be where there is a gym or exercise equipment. And, of course, I have to try to control my eating midst all the temptation.
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I got in 19.3 in spin class today. I suspect, unfortunately, that I'm going to end the month at only about 75% of goal. Oh well. The purpose of this challenge is to get me to move, even when I don't really feel like doing it. And I had a LOT of really pretty valid excuses not to exercise this month - and MOST days, I didn't use those excuses because I wanted to get as close as I could to goal. So, I'm really happy that I did the challenge this month, even though I way over estimated how much I'd be moving!

    MTD: 187.91
  • angelmo8
    angelmo8 Posts: 242 Member
    11/24- 4.5 miles walk/run


  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    Finally got out after three back to back shifts. Friday night was so busy I walked four miles at work (I don't log those). Last night I was orienting a new nurse with a raging cold, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed (and ODing on Vit C). Almost didn't make it outside, there was thunder and lightning when I got out the front door. It was only a few mins, so I went walking. It started raining when I was at the complete other side of the lake, so I did some unplanned jogging. It let up again and I ended up with 3 miles total.

    @Dave - hope your dog is doing better.

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    49.64/45 miles complete
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,842 Member
    Exercise total for


    (Exercise bike 31.36 miles & walk 1.25 miles)

    **total 32.61 for today

    ***805.13 miles done and 144.87 miles to go... :)
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    SCORE! What a great last week, Raiders won (now we are 1-10) and I hit goal today! Still dodging rain storms, but at least got the miles in. 'Oh bonus miles, oh bonus miles, oh how I love thee! (My Holiday Carol)

    11/22 - 12.0 miles biking
    11/23 - 1.0 miles walking
    11/24 - 12.0 miles biking

    Total: 156.0 miles


  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    3.80 miles on the treadmill. ( 3.15 walking & .65 jogging)


  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    updated ticker


  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    11/22 - 3.0m hike
    11/23 - 20.0m bike ride
    11/24 - 1.9m walk

    MTD - 131.9miles

  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    As of 11/23, I've walked 44.23 Miles.


  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,337 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:

    CONGRATS on making GOAL to 319SARA, BLUIZ13 and ANACONDA469!! :drinker::drinker:

    @Karen - Thanks, keeping my fingers crossed. It's been a rough 24 hours but I'm just glad it's something that should be treatable. Hopefully the meds will start helping her in the next day or so. She went out to go to the bathroom last night and it was drizzling so of course she tried shaking her coat to get the rain off and she got dizzy and fell over...poor girl. :neutral_face:

  • jennwhite34
    jennwhite34 Posts: 534 Member
    11/23 - Rest Day
    11/24 - 1.05 mile walk

  • wanderan
    wanderan Posts: 1,369 Member
    adding 5.76 miles

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Today was a good day! Hit the gym with my daughter and our trainer...won't be able to move tomorrow but that's okay!

    Monday - 6.03 miles


    I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    24 Nov 3.1 miles
    25 Nov 4.4 miles

    MTD 160.44 miles

    @Dave - hoping the dog is improving - can feel your worry!
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    I am back off holidays so bringing this up to date.

    8 Nov 4.16 miles
    9 Nov 2.75 miles
    10 Nov 5.92 miles
    11 Nov 6.23 miles
    12 Nov 6.12 miles
    13 Nov 5.38 miles
    14 Nov 8.59 miles
    15 Nov 5.37 miles
    16 Nov 2.62 miles
    17 Nov 6.38 miles
    18 Nov 4.95 miles
    19 Nov 2.22 miles
    20 Nov 2.66 miles
    21 Nov 3.93 miles
    22 Nov 2.21 miles
    23 Nov 2.84 miles
    24 Nov 6.62 miles

    Total walked over holiday 79.95 miles

    Total walked to date 115.48 miles
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Sorry to hear about your dog Dave. i have dogs and know how worrying they are when they are not well. Hope the meds work.

    On a brighter note I was reading from the bottom up and thought it was your OH that was not well but I couldn't understand why you sent her outside to go to the bathroom. I had to search for the original post LOL.
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