Weekly Post: 11/2/2014-11/8/2014



  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Neonbeige wrote: »
    :(:( It is a fail today 781 food. ME SO SAD!! Should have not tempted myself with cheese after the work out. Although my work out was 2 hours and 15 mins I consider anything over 600 as a fail. Better luck next time. May be during the weekend. :'(


    Don´t put yourself down!
    Honestly, maybe you restrict yourself too much? When I read your statement lately ("I am doing Low Carb and clean eating (no refined or processed food). I do not drink soda since it is processed. I sometimes allow myself to have a drink like once every 2 to 3 months. I occasionally have sweets may be once a week. My latte takes care of my sweet tooth."), I got a bit sad. Because for me this would not be doable long term.

    Anyway, you can do it! Like said here before, there´s always a next day...

    @Neonbeige, honestly I have no desire to drink soda. I do not find anything healthy about it. The last time I had soda was April 2014 and I feel there is nothing that I miss. Diet drinks are worst. I haven't used artificial sweetener since Jan 2014 and have zero desire for it as well.

    If I want sugar, I will use sugar. Nothing artificial. I still enjoy my fruits!! And my dark chocolate. I allow myself an occasional sweets, once I start I don't know how to stop. It is an addiction that I want to prevent. If you give me a box of danish cookies I can eat the whole box. So I don't put myself in the position often. :s You know AA for alcohol, I am AS for sweets. I hope you understand to stay away from it.

    Also I allow myself to have a few drinks like the night before my 50th birthday. We had karaoke and dancing. I had a ice tea vodka. It was worth it that evening but waking up to a bad head ache wasn't too cool.

    Don't worry I am happy!! :):D Don't be sad for me.

    Haha, sorry. Maybe I over dramatized a tiny bit :-D
    I also don't care for soda, that was not my point. But low carb... That is punishment for me. I mean I have two kids and we baked (baked? Really? Looks wrong) cookies last weekend. How am I supposed to stay away from them? That would be like forcing Edward not to stalk Bella :-D

    But I am also okay only eating one or two... Or three, depending on the calories I have left. But for breakfast I want my bread, especially on the weekends. I have the feeling the more I restrict myself the faster I will fall into old patterns.

    But luckily we are all different. I didn't mean to judge or so. It was just like: What? Not this or that? And then also fasting? Uff!

  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    awesome sub @snaps. i still indulge in mcdonald's ice cream cone on the regular! it's that small treat that goes a looong way to keeping me from eating a whole pint of ice cream! instead of removing it, adding it in a portion-controlled way like that definitely helps.

    Thanks (for the post before). And yes, this is exactly how I am able to go on :-)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    @Foamroller - when I calculated my calories in vs calories out (which is not technically allowed in 5:2) it was a negative number. I ate less and burned more. So I guess it was good. I would say a grade of Fair. <3;)

    Since October 27 when I joined and started 5:2, I have lost a total of 4.50 pounds bringing my weight loss to 13.5 and getting me closer to my healthy BMI which is 18.5 pounds away!!! :D So near yet so far!!!

    You are doing fabulous - don't give up just yet. It honestly does get easier and easier. You will also have good day and bad days. Dr. M even says not to fast when you're ill! So listen to your body. If one day doesn't work then the next might be just perfect!

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »
    :(:( It is a fail today 781 food. ME SO SAD!! Should have not tempted myself with cheese after the work out. Although my work out was 2 hours and 15 mins I consider anything over 600 as a fail. Better luck next time. May be during the weekend. :'(

    Tomorrow my officemate is taking me out for my birthday - I said my birthday was 2 weeks ago and you came when they took me out. She said no it doesn't count. This is the 4th time different people / groups too me out. I guess pity for me turning 50. :o:)

    Comparisons are relative.

    Edit: I'm not trying to invite 5:2 mutiny. What I wanted to say is:
    - Don't beat yourself up over your mistakes and take it personally. Forgive yourself slip-ups. Don't look back, look forward to what you can improve:)
    I agree wholeheartedly with your statement...sums it up perfectly!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    angela233Z wrote: »
    back on track this week - i fasted on Monday and Thursday and saw a new low on scale today :smile: I weigh myself everyday and log in MFP, so my graph is up/down but it makes me feel better.

    Awesome job!!!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    My first gain since starting 5:2 this week. :( Went up 1.2 lbs this week. Can't even say why it happened. :/ Didn't dive into the Halloween candy (had 4 pieces). Ate up to my TDEE calories. Did my regular exercise routine. No longer dealing with TOM. Don't think I was eating high salt (though did have some hummus and crackers yesterday). Is it a normal part of the 5:2 journey to gain a whole pound for no particular reason?

    Week 10 - -1.2 lbs (-0.54 kg)
    Total loss as of 11/07/14 8.6 lbs (3.90 kg)
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    edited November 2014
    jknight001 wrote: »
    My first gain since starting 5:2 this week. :( Went up 1.2 lbs this week. Can't even say why it happened. :/ Didn't dive into the Halloween candy (had 4 pieces). Ate up to my TDEE calories. Did my regular exercise routine. No longer dealing with TOM. Don't think I was eating high salt (though did have some hummus and crackers yesterday). Is it a normal part of the 5:2 journey to gain a whole pound for no particular reason?

    Week 10 - -1.2 lbs (-0.54 kg)
    Total loss as of 11/07/14 8.6 lbs (3.90 kg)
    I know that you know the answer...and I think you know that I know (that you know)...so...
    You need to be reassured...so I'm going to do that...YOU ARE GOOD! YOU ARE FINE! You are making all the right moves.

    If you waited 2 hours after a good (ahem, scuze me) wee-wee then you'd be reporting a loss instead. You're talking about 20 oz's of water there, that's a mere bottle...or kick off your shoes and drop your pants and jump back on the scale if you really need it this minute.

    Did I mention you're good? Yes, I see it there...and I'll say it again tomorrow too after you've woken up and lost 2 lbs in your sleep.


  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    edited November 2014
    jknight001 wrote: »
    Is it a normal part of the 5:2 journey to gain a whole pound for no particular reason?
    Hey, I hope you understand...that twisted little post up there was me encouraging you. You go through these threads daily and respond to everyone needing a kind word...don't think that's lost on us. I'm sure that if I went back and read just a few of your recent posts I could easily cut-and-paste together an inspirational response...but I prefer do do it in my own goofy way.

    Have a good one...you deserve it.

  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    @jknight001, I weigh in almost daily because I enjoy seeing how the scale changes. This far into the journey I have seen some crazy trends. I really only try to keep tabs on the highest and lowest of the week. Obviously, the days eating TDEE I'm up because of just eating more food and the extra water retention from more carbs or just any food. After fast days, obviously lower for the same reason- less food means less water retention, etc.

    What I've seen? Crazy 10 pound swings! However, the one thing I can tell you is that your lowest of the week will be lower again next week! Just because it went up doesn't "really" mean anything. Change your mindset to almost wipe your weight record except for the lowest of the week. Then just work on getting back down to the lowest number, whether that's a few days or a week or two.

    Definitely has helped me out in the mind game!
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    edited November 2014
    For me, since I have so much to lose, this helps me focus on just continuing to move forward and taking it a bit at a time.

    Also, it helps me not get overwhelmed by the WHOLE journey (the weight loss and then maintenance FOREVER!), but instead just what I need to do today.

    I'm not going to lose it all in one day or one week or month. As long as I keep chipping away at the lowest number...however long it takes, I feel successful because I'm not throwing it all away and watching it go back up as I have time and time before!
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    Finished my last day of Whole30 yesterday. I lost 17 lbs since October 7th. The combination of Whole30 and 5:2, for me at least, has been a complete success. I am going to keep doing 5:2 until I get to the wt I want to be at. May cycle back to Whole30 again or do a Whole7 variant. Will also try and stick to an 8:16

  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Thx so much @orlcam and @thecarbmonster. I really appreciate the support.

    The whole thing just caught me off guard. For 9 weeks I had been steadily losing a bit at a time until the 9th week when I lost a whole 2 lbs. That was very exciting! It just surprised me to gain one of those pounds back a week later 2 1/2 months into this journey. :o

    I love this group! You all keep me going. <3
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Sorry I am back let us see what happens. Should be fasting today but I can't I am taking prescription strength Naprosyn for intense head ache. Last month I was at the ER for that. So I won't take my chances this month. The joys for being female :'(
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    @Foamroller - when I calculated my calories in vs calories out (which is not technically allowed in 5:2) it was a negative number. I ate less and burned more. So I guess it was good. I would say a grade of Fair. <3;)

    Since October 27 when I joined and started 5:2, I have lost a total of 4.50 pounds bringing my weight loss to 13.5 and getting me closer to my healthy BMI which is 18.5 pounds away!!! :D So near yet so far!!!

    You are doing fabulous - don't give up just yet. It honestly does get easier and easier. You will also have good day and bad days. Dr. M even says not to fast when you're ill! So listen to your body. If one day doesn't work then the next might be just perfect!

    I am back.....I pray that I can do this.

  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Sorry I am back let us see what happens. Should be fasting today but I can't I am taking prescription strength Naprosyn for intense head ache. Last month I was at the ER for that. So I won't take my chances this month. The joys for being female :'(

    Check out Mygrafew. I took one a day and it made a huge difference for me each month.
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    jknight001 wrote: »
    Sorry I am back let us see what happens. Should be fasting today but I can't I am taking prescription strength Naprosyn for intense head ache. Last month I was at the ER for that. So I won't take my chances this month. The joys for being female :'(

    Check out Mygrafew. I took one a day and it made a huge difference for me each month.

    Will that help me even from heavy women problems? They go hand in hand with the head ache. Thanks