23/11/2014 to 29/11/2014 Weekly Post



  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    That was one of my staples last winter. If you replace the beef with ground chicken, you can reduce the cals a bit more and it's still yummy. Precooked meals will definitely help you stay on target.

    3L of spinach-veggie soup and a veggie-meat loaf will be on my menu a few times this week.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    I trim and grind my own pork loin, use 99% fat free turkey, and 80/20 ground beef (chuck)...then I cook it completely and drain and wash with hot water. When you do this the beef is brought down considerably. It requires you to add the meat towards the end (after the tomatoes cook down), but it is still great.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited November 2014
    Maybe you'll like these... Scuol, Switzerland on a snow shoe hike last winter.



  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Oh wow...you took those? They are nicely done. I'll crop them a bit and work them in this winter.
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    @flumi. The view on the 1st pic is amazing, and the second pic is so pretty.

    @Orlcam. Thanks for sharing your experience. No thanksgiving here, and just getting over a bad cold or maybe it was flu. Started with a bad throat moved on to shivers and aching. Decided to abandon fast until I felt better, so started back today. 27 hours in now, and just off to bed for me. Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend/holiday/thanksgiving.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    @jknight: you are absolutely right on track! Well done!

    Today is my monthly weigh in...the one I always post on my profile... Down 300g from last month, up 800g from yesterday...those rolls a friend brought into work were carb and sodium loaded. That get's me everytime. Oh well, some foods high in potassium and lots of water and I will flush it out again.

    I didn't know about this trick. Ty for sharing!

    To all newcomers, welcome!

    @orlcam. I appreciate your always self-reflective thoughts. I agree 100% that analysing what and why things go wrong sometimes, is the path to succeed in the long run. Guilt is toxic. Bad loop.

    I read somewhere about someone testing game theory with "smartest strategy " ... apparently in all long term relations the strategy that pays off best is: Forgiving, but not forgetting.

    The relation we can't run from is with yourself.
  • bananabeannn
    bananabeannn Posts: 110 Member
    Hi all! I'm new. Considering doing this 5:2 plan, I've never heard of it before. I've got to check my work sched, but I'm thinking Tuesday would be a good fast day and also perhaps Thursday. I'll make up some soup that will be super filling and nutritious but low low cal. This is my plan for those days. With some much needed coffee for brekky.

    I have always found that when I don't eat breakfast I'm able to eat less overall in the entire day. The whole breakfast raises your metabolism thing never meant anythign to me cause I ended up eating more than enough to compensate for that.

    What do you guys eat on your fast days? Is anyone doing it on Thursday and wanna keep in touch?

  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Wow flumi_f, those pics are gorgeous! You are fortunate to have lived it.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    I'll make up some soup that will be super filling and nutritious but low low cal. This is my plan for those days. With some much needed coffee for brekky.

    I have always found that when I don't eat breakfast I'm able to eat less overall in the entire day. I ended up eating more than enough to compensate for that.


    ^^This is a smart way to start! I'm big on homemade veggie soups with a bit of lean protein on the side on fast days. Usually I do lunch and dinner. I definitely skip breakfast on fast days, because I get hungrier earlier. I usually do Mo/Th. So I am fasting today too.

    Have a good start.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited December 2014
    @jknight001: This is one fact I am VERY aware of ;-)
    @orlcam: Yup! I was in awe, when I walked through that fairy land!

    @foamroller: I'm a chemical engineer, and the biochemistry of the body is always interesting to me ;-). I read up on this a bit due to a friend on mfp. The body needs quite a bit more potassium than sodium. I don't remember the exact ratio, let's say 3:1. Before processed foods, that is what people were eating. Todays processed foods have turned that ratio around. This is one cause for water retention.

    I really don't eat alot of processed foods and no ready meals. Still I noticed a few years ago, that certain foods cause an overnight weight gain, while others do nothing even though you would expect it calorie wise. I started tracking my potassium with my foods on mfp and noticed, for my body it is a question of potassium* and sodium and grain carbs.

    Example: Raclette (melted cheese) with potatos and a bit of wine...high in fat, high protein plus potassium from the potatos have no effect on my weight.

    Sushi with soya sauce or a pizza / pasta cause me to retain 1kg of water overnight! The grain carbs and sodium with only small amounts of veggies get me everytime.

    Now that I know this, I still enjoy pizza and pasta once in a while, but I don't freak out the next day on the scale. I just make sure I get loads of high potassium foods in the next day or two. This explains why I'm up 2-4lbs every monday morning. I flood it out again with my Monday high veggie, low sodium, lost of liquids fast ;-) and all is good again by Friday. Just in time to enjoy another Weekend :p

    *Potassium levels on MFP are often 0 because they are not on the label. As I log raw ingredients, many of them have been controlled by MFP (the entries w/o an asterix).