Just Do It December!

Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
Good morning ETL'ers! Another new month, and I'm ready to Just Do It! November was up and down, and I've just maintained. Lost a few, gained a few. I am planning a really good streak between now and Christmas. As usual, my exercise is hit or miss, and I'm going to work on my consistency there. As for diet, I am going to continue as I've been doing, but watch the portions more closely. Started December off right with a smoothie this morning, packed up my salad for lunch, have grapes and an apple for snacks. I'd just like to get back down to my low by the first of the year (6 pounds) and I know I can do it!



  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Yay, thanks for kicking off December, Mihani! I am with you as usual. I maintained during November. I got myself going to hot yoga more regularly though and I have muscle back in my arms again!! Yay!! So I hope that overall, it's working slowly. I need to get my eating and sweets under control (as much as I can for December...lol).

    Terri, happy to hear the cat scan was okay. How is everything feeling this week? More normal yet?

    How was everyone's thanksgiving weekend? and shopping bonanzas?

    I had a healthy start to my morning - banana and apple - partly necessitated by the fact that it took me twice as long to commute this morning... there were three different accidents on my route today, but I'm lucky I wasn't in them! Have a good Monday, all :)B)
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Wow. December already - that's crazy talk!! I am NOT prepared...

    Like you, Mihani, I need to become more consistent with exercise. I had a great start last week, but then it trailed off - I was sore and walking around like a little old granny. Didn't help that my kids were being a little clingy and jumping into bed with me in the middle of the night - not just one of them, but BOTH of them. And they feel the need to cuddle up against me, which means I have NO room to move at all!! Talk about waking up stiff as a board!!! That just made my little granny shuffle all that much worse...

    But I'm almost at 100% today, so I will be back at it tomorrow. I really need to plan a good streak before Christmas as well, because I'd really like to wow 'em this holiday season!! I think I might go back to juicing for 10-15 days. I need a jump start here...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Sounds like being more consistent is the theme for the month. I got off to a good start yesterday. I was re-reading parts of Eat for Live last night to reinforce my commitment to getting back on track, and I am going to work on getting away from the snacks. I have been wanting to eat things like luna bars and crackers and such for a while now and I am reminded that eating snacks gives me more calories than I need and makes me want to eat more. I'm not eating snacks because I am really hungry, just because they are there and I'm not doing myself any favors. So the goal for the rest of the week is totally eliminating between meal snacks and eating enough nutrient dense food at meals to carry me to the next one.

    I'm running late to work better get a move on! Last day before the boss leaves for vacation, yay! I have a huge to do list of things that I want to get to while he's not there bugging me.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Good morning,

    I am with all of you. I need more consistency. I think I need to start planning out my day better so I become more efficient or I need to take a week just for organization of home and work.

    My headache is down to a very dull ache but it is still constant. So weird :(

    I am up a little bit. Need to get back to the gym and watch what a eat a little bit better. So, glad all the Thanksgiving food is gone.

    Everyone have a great day.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Terri, I'm sorry to hear your headache is still lingering. As you said, sounds like we all need to get some "oomph" going for December. I was re-reading parts of ETL last night and remembered how great I felt when I was fully on ETL and totally concentrating on nutrient dense food and I really want that back so I hope I can keep the momentum and motivation going.

    Lia, how goes avoiding the sweets? Did you get to hot yoga this week?

    Karrie.. I am SO not ready for December either. I am not sure where fall went. Seems like the leaves started turning one day and then autumn was over. I hope the kids are feeling better/less clingy this week.

    I do think, without all of you, I would probably have put 15 pounds on instead of 7... I <3 our group!
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    December! When did this happen??? I feel like a mad person. Our living room floor was done yesterday, it is beautiful. Today...they are working in the kitchen area along with some hallway and nooks. Tomorrow...dining room. Then, as far as flooring goes, they will have to start moving upstairs. That is the part I am really dreading. We have to move out of our bedroom for a while...lots being done. The chaos is setting my nerves on edge and I have to remind myself every day to be calm and settle my mind. My dad is putting a huge closet in our basement, which I will be thankful for. He is not here yet today...but coming. I need to get out by the horses for a bit, and be to work by 2 for a meeting, work at 3.

    I am VERY consistent regarding exercise, so that is a plus :-) Food comes and goes. Not a lot of success since a few weeks ago, but I admit that my diet could be better. I think the thyroid thing is still affecting it, but, so is my stress level. I may just have to say, "You are doing ETL, strictly"...for some time period. I may just say a week, to make it seem less daunting. I don't seem to have the out-of-the-blue motivation that I had the first time I really connected with ETL, so I guess I will probably just have to do it the hard way, saying I "have to"....Ugh. I have come to hate logging, even though I know it is a useful tool. I just don't wanna, boo hoo. If I really stick to ETL, though, I never had to log. It's just good to know, I think, where you are in intake. Hmmm...Well, I need to psych myself up, if I want to meet my goals...and I am really goal oriented and determined, so...I better make a plan here. I think part of it is that I used to do some guided imagery...it was for dealing with a different stress in my life, but it made eating better so much easier as well. It's just a matter of fitting it in. Sigh.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys :) Happy wednesday. I feel totally out of sorts today and keep finding myself spacing out staring at my computer screen! Doesn't feel like a productive day, but I'll work through it lol.

    I hear you Jean, I am coming to the same realization. I have slipped pretty far from my previous adherence to ETL and so I think I just have to be pretty strict with myself. Last night I realized I had bread or crackers or carbs ALL day long, at every meal and snack. No one I feel puffy! Haha.

    How is everything going Jean? Have you hired workers as well or is your dad only doing part of the renos? Being with the horses and sticking with your exercise is probably helping out!

    Mihani, I've been better with the sweets but bad with the carbs. I made it to hot yoga though! I loved it and it really helps me reposition my thoughts on ETL too. At least I'm really aware of how good foods make me feel while I'm working out versus bad foods. How have your first couple of days of December been?

    Karrie did you get to try the treadmill again yet? Hope you had a better sleep last night!
    Terri, hope you are feeling back to normal today! Good luck with the gym too.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    And mihani, likewise! I <3 our group too! It's always in the back of my head so ETL is never too far from my thoughts! haha
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    no, I was a bad girl last night. I stayed up until nearly midnight watching the mid-season finale of the walking dead. Then I was all shocked and upset by how it ended, so I couldn't fall asleep afterwards. When my alarm went off this morning, I completely ignored it. I need to smarten up.

    And I have been eating a carb with every meal (and snacks) for DAYS. I need to get my act together. I have crept up on the scale again, and I can't be okay with that.

    I started sewing a new blouse for myself on Sunday, and last night I finished the main body of the blouse - it's got front, back, collar and facings on it - just needs sleeves, buttons and a bottom hem to be complete. BUT, I tried it on after I got it all attached to see how it looks, and it was tight at the waist. Didn't look flattering at all. I'm probably going to have to lose 10 lbs before I can wear it!! NOT cool... So that was kind of a kick in the pants for me...

    So here's a specific plan/goal, to make it official:
    Starting tomorrow, I am going to go 100% ETL for the rest of the week. (I have time to cook & prep meals tonight).
    Starting Sunday, I am going to juice again - I'm going to stick with it until December 23rd, although I may take one night off for my son's birthday party on the 14th, or maybe I won't - will see how I feel on the 14th...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Jean, you are such an inspiration with your exercise with all the hurdles you’ve had. I need to take a page from your book. How much longer do you estimate the renovations will take? I hate logging too, and if I am 100% ETL then I don’t need to log, but I haven’t been 100% in a while so it is useful for me to keep tabs on what I’m doing.

    Oh Lia, the spacey can’t get your mind focused days are awful. I have those too sometimes. I am off to a good start with December. I seem to have got at least a bit of my mojo back.

    Karrie, I think that’s a kick in the blouse not the pants lol. Sorry that the shirt isn’t fitting right, but your goals sound great and we’ve all seen how great you do when you get determined! And you have that blouse to wear to look forward to. I have a very important party to go to next Friday and I have a beautiful dress that I want to wear, but there is no way. I may have “only” gained 7 pounds, but my lack of working out makes all my clothes look hideous on me. I am going to have to go buy a new pair of black dress pants and a shirt, and a nice red cardigan, and that will get me through this year’s parties, but it is really discouraging to know that I have things that I could have worn had I not spent half this year bagging my good intentions.

    I did well today, but man I’m swamped at work. Just overwhelmed and starting to feel depressed, which I am prone to in the winter months anyway so it’s not good. I can’t seem to get a handle on everything and it is really getting me down. It is what was causing me to dive into the pretzels and crackers and such, which is so stupid. Starchy snacks don’t help me get the work done. I made it today with no snacks other than some grapes so I’m calling that a win.

    All I can do is keep at it, and maybe by New Year’s that dress will fit me again. :)
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Mihani, I am with you on the discouragement. It's hard sometimes, especially knowing that I *should* be able to wear something that I've already got (or fit into a blouse in a size that I've made before), but I can't, because I didn't make my goals... And it's nobody's fault except my own. Darn accountability...

    But truly, I find it overwhelming sometimes. I often wonder how I'm supposed to fit everything into a day, or even into a week without sacrificing sleep, a clean house, time with my family, or time spent enjoying my hobbies. I cannot do it all!!! I need a clone... Preferably one that goes to work full-time so I can do everything else.. :smile:

    Oh well. Today I'm imagining that I've got a judgy girlfriend over my shoulder all day watching everything I eat. Maybe that'll work for me.. lol...

    And I'm back to fake it until you make it. Tomorrow I'm getting back onto the treadmill. I'm looking forward to xmas break because I'm at home for 2 weeks. So I'm going to have a great jump-start into the new year. If I'm really on a roll with juicing, I'll take off the 24th and the 25th, and then continue juicing into the new year.

    Wish me luck! On the bright side, today my boss is taking us out for lunch and I've already pre-ordered a giant veggie platter with hummus. Yum!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Are we all on the same wavelength or what?? I had a melt down last night at home, lol, for almost exactly the same reasons as you two! I am feeling super overwhelmed and super sorry with myself for not fitting into some of my favourite clothes. I feel like I've been dieting for my entire life and trying constantly to be healthy but it's not been hard enough, and I'm still feeling fluffy and uncomfortable, and I also know I'm the only one to blame lol. I hope it ends soon...

    Also work has been constantly busy since April and I'm so close to the holiday break and some time off... the commute has been bad lately because of weather and all of the things together has made me feel like I'm at the end of my rope this week. I know next week is much less busy though so I'm hoping to rejuvenate! That and knowing I have a couple good eating days under my belt really helps my sanity in other areas actually.

    I feel like I've got some mojo back finally too. yesterday I had no problem saying no to things and was completely satisfied with a big homemade salad for dinner. I was looking forward to it. I've got a healthy day lined up and plan some treadmill time tonight. The tight clothes are really motivating me too this time around...

    Sorry for the mega vent, but I feel like you guys understand totally! Although it's funny to hear because I feel very very inspired by all of you and your dedication. It's really amazing! I also have no doubts you'll both fit into your blouse and dress in no time.

    Mmmmm delicious, enjoy your veggie/hummus platter Karrie!
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Liapr I am with you. Feeling like I need to get my mojo back too.

    Still struggling but starting to feel better. Starting to lift weight again since I got cleared from the ortho doctor. Although, starting really slow. I plan to start really increasing the weight after Xmas per dr orders.

    Working on getting caught up with paper work and finally a long term project is ending soon. Have been working with tech support to get everything in office to synch! what a nightmare.

    Have a great day.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I think we need to get a resident therapist in here, we’re all bumming this week lol.

    I am so with you all. I can’t possibly keep up on all my work and the housework and have even a smidgen of a social life. I’m perpetually behind and something is going to have to give soon. My boss and I have been talking more and I think he is really starting to get it, just how overwhelmed I am. I am very conscientious about my work and I feel like I’m slipping lately and not doing the job to my own standards. He’s not unhappy with me, but he doesn’t see the hundreds of little non-priority things that aren’t getting done because he doesn’t think about them. When I tell him he says oh well you’ll get to them when you can and I look at him like he’s from another planet, because at the current level of my workload I will never get to them. I really think we are just going to have to hire more help, but that’s a worry when you wonder what if things slow down and the money gets tight. And I know from sad experience if you don’t get the right person in there then you’re worse off than before. And all this worry and stress is affecting my diet and working out, definitely.

    But, for whatever reason I felt more hopeful and upbeat today. Maybe venting helped! Maybe it is true that misery loves company, but knowing y’all are struggling too for some reason makes me feel less like a failure and more like just another wonderfully imperfect human.

    Another good day behind me. I was running late this morning so I just threw some oatmeal, chia seeds and raisins in a container and added water and heated when I got to work. Salad for lunch. Dinner is going to be a big pile of stir-“fry” veggies with brown rice. I am totally craving some crisp cooked veggies tonight, that’s a good sign. I have bok choy, broccoli, green onions, water chestnuts, bell pepper and shiitake mushrooms, will add some bragg's, garlic and ginger. Nom nom!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Love the thread title! I'm still around, and enjoying your posts!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Juicing starts tomorrow. I WILL fit into my new blouse by Christmas!!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Yay Sabine! Nice to see you. :smile: How is everything going?

    And Yay Karrie, I have no doubts that you will! You'll have to post photos of this new wardrobe, I'm actually so impressed and in awe. Good luck with juicing tomorrow.

    Yay Mihani, glad your day was better too! Mine was actually better too, post venting! Lol. I had a really good eating day and got in some exercise last night and it made me feel better. Also like I have some control over my life, ha!

    Mihani, I hope your boss realizes soon, or at least in January, because I can't imagine you'll be able to double your progress with very sore hands/wrists! It's true though... I think our office could use another staff member badly, but we are so wound up with real estate that the worry is always... what happens if the market dips a bit and we have less business? Laying off someone is a horrible thought. But otherwise the pressure on the current staff is really high...

    I am out of salad for this week so for lunch, I'm going with a trusty OSG simple lunch recipe- toast with avocado, hummus,and tomato for lunch! With some fruit. I think I'm going to make a nice healty pasta dish tonight. A bit high on carbs but healthy at least.
    - Have a great weekend everyone :)
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Good Morning all!
    Yesterday went pretty well...I actually loosened up my goal, then came in way under (at the prior goal). Setting too low of a calorie goal seems to backfire for me, I always seem to be over, it feels to restrictive, I get so tired of logging. So we'll see how this feels. It was a good ETL day, as well. Or I should say, ETL-type....lots of great bean/veggie soup, raw celery/pea pods and hummus, but no big salad. I need to get to a grocery store...put that on my list, hahaha. Sunday. I will be out of town Sat afternoon to Sunday afternoon, so no sense in buying good greens today.

    Lia...we have a contractor, and a guy with him doing flooring. Other workers did the roof, and when we get to the master bath, there will be a plumber/electrician and carpenter. The guy doing the floor is also doing the tile. I like the flooring guy which is good cuz he will be here the most, lol! Except he takes smoke breaks on occasion in/near the garage, so then it smells, ick. I suppose I could complain but he does pick up after himself, and we just let the wind air it out quick. They start upstairs next week, which I am dreading. Everyone was getting pretty tense and on edge, and finally we just had to have a conversation about the realities of time. We have until May to be finished, and at this rate, will have no trouble reaching that. But we need to chill out a little in the meantime. Too much strain.

    I am debating doing C25K outside today..it is a balmy 28 degrees, lol! And I don't want to wait too long to add in a tougher surface (but use my squishy practically orthopedic Hoka running shoes). As in, I don't want to be doing 4 miles on a treadmill then be trying to backtrack to shorter distances outside. So I was thinking of doing one day per week outside, snow and ice permitting.

    I also have clothes from days gone by. I had given myself til June 1, 2014 to get into them or get rid of them, but I cut myself some slack when I found out about the thyroid thing. So now I need a new deadline...it is sooooo frustrating! I too feel like I have been at this forever and while I know there were roadbumps that were beyond my control, it is still frustrating. Sometimes moreso, because even when I was doing everything "right", no results...talk about demotivating. At those times I feel like it is important to keep the big picture-overall healthy choices, in mind, rather than just weight or size as the primary parameter.

    I have a lot of mental discussions, lol! But I think it is important to try to keep size stress in check...as that in itself creates problems reaching our goals...
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    edited December 2014
    Very true, Jean... I've been trying to think that I'm doing this for the health and "feel better" aspects, and less "look better" aspects, although that is a big part. I'm sick of feeling so crappy and run down, and reading people's success stories that stick with ETL really seem to find they feel much better. Trying to keep that in mind now because I find that kind of motivation is a bit sturdier than just trying for weight loss sometimes lol
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Although the thyroid thing must be super frustrating... you seem like you've been dealing so well/level-headed with it though! You'll have to post some before/after pics of the renos too, I love seeing reno projects!