Just Do It December!



  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    edited December 2014
    Mihani wrote: »
    I think we need to get a resident therapist in here, we’re all bumming this week lol.


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Oh, it's always about the money Lucy ;)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi Sabine, glad you are still around!

    Go Karrie! You will do it, you’re the juicing champ!

    I got a bit back down today. I got almost nothing done. Loads of interruptions and diversions from the stacks of files on my desk and they not only didn’t dwindle, they increased! I am going in tomorrow and I hope I can focus without the phone and clients stopping by and such and can make some progress. Getting “caught up” is totally a lost cause, but a bit less behind would be super nice.

    Lia, the upcoming surgery on my hands has me stressed for sure. If I can’t type the way I am supposed to then I’m screwed. On the bright side, I haven’t been having too many problems lately unless I do things that require a lot of hand strength like mopping or scrubbing, which gives me a great excuse to slack on housekeeping. Haha! That OSG recipe sounds great, haven’t seen that one.

    Jean, I also found that if I set my calories a bit higher I did better. If I have my goal set too low where it’s almost a given I’ll go over then I seem to have a mental oh well go over a LOT switch. If I set my goal at more of a 1/2 pound a week range then I can come in under and feel good about it. Back to those mind games we play with ourselves. I have many internal discussions too.

    I realized last night after I completed my diary that I totally forgot to log the two hard ciders that I drank. That’s one of those things that could upset the whole calories in/calories out apple cart. I need to be more conscientious. Today was good. My lettuce was looking a little sad so I didn’t pack my usual salad and stopped at the grocery on the way in to the office for hummus and spinach wraps, tomatoes and arugula. My favorite wrap. Does anyone else have mfp friends from England? They call arugula “rocket leaves” which I think is so much cooler.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Good morning all. Well, after a couple of days of false starts with the juicing, I've finally got a day planned today that is all juice, all day. We'll see if I can make it stick...

    I started back on the treadmill again this past Saturday. In 3 mornings, I've done 21km (that's a half-marathon). Woot! Surprisingly, I'm not too stiff (yet, anyway). We'll see if I can make it stick...

    Fake it 'til you make it and all that, right?!

    This morning my daughter came into my bed sometime around 2am. My son was already in there too. As usual, they were crowding me off the bed and I didn't have any room to get comfortable. So I ditched them and went to sleep in my daughter's room. :smile: :disagree: Suckers...

    Got up at 5am, walked/jogged on the treadmill for an hour, had my shower, got the kids breakfasts & lunches ready, made my son's birthday party invitations, and made my juices for the day. All before 8:30am! I think later I will probably crash and burn...

    I hope everyone's week goes well! And maybe this week we can all be in a better place than last week. Cheers!!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    And maybe this week we can all be in a better place

    Thats sounds ominous. :confused:

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    mwah ha ha - so totally not what I meant....

    but it IS hilarious!!! :wink:
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    HI All,

    marathon paper work day. Almost caught up for the moment but.....it just keeps coming.

    Still struggling but I have to the gym a little more. More equipment project is almost done. Need to add more ram to the server computer and get the instal done. Then hopefully this never ending project will be done.

    Had class on Sunday but had a nice night Sat. night. Hubby and I stayed in the city. We drank jalapeno infused margaritas---spicy!

    Gonna be a busy 1 1/2 weeks before vacation. Leave for XMAS in Florida on Dec. 18. Yeah!
    Luckily, my parents are on board with my diet now, so I think I should be able to stick to the program ok, plus have lots of time to work out.

    Have a nice night all.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hey all, been a really busy couple days. Boss gets back from his trip today and I didn't get nearly as much done while he was gone as I hoped. I never do. Yesterday was exceptionally good as far as just feeling right about everything food-wise. I wasn't tempted to have any snacks, and I drank a lot of water. I'm not sure why but I have got away from drinking water throughout the day like I used to. It really helped me get through the day without giving in to the cracker cabinet.

    This week I am getting together with friends on Thursday and there is a party on Friday. I know I will be having a couple glasses of wine, but there won't be much in the way of vegan food at either place so I should be okay on calories. Still bummed I need to go buy a new outfit for the party Friday, but nothing to be done about it.

    Better get moving, going to be really crazy the rest of the week. Calendar is full every day.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited December 2014
    I hit the treadmill this morning - so I'm 4 for 4. Yay!! :smile:

    But I didn't fare as well on the juice yesterday :confused: I had to force myself to finish my first two juices, then I just kind of gave up for the day... Oops! :blush:

    I'm trying again today, maybe I just have to tell myself that I can do 5 days and if I'm still struggling, I'll let myself stop... I dunno. I can't seem to get totally committed to it this time around... I have 3 failed juicing days under my belt now... This morning's juice went down better. Maybe I'm just getting warmed up. (yeah, that's it)...

    On the bright side, I am down 2 lbs since I started on Saturday. On the not-so-bright side, I'm still up overall... :sob: (and I'm enjoying playing with the smileys today, if you couldn't tell...)

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi lovely ETL friends!

    I hope you guys are all doing well, sounds like I missed some good days for people! I was off work yesterday and this week was just insanity, so I haven't on a computer to check in with everyone. I think there is the resulting coincidence that I let a lot more slide when I'm not active with this group! I had a decent weekend (ie. 2/3 meals on each day) but with one junky meal on both Saturday and Sunday. I am getting in more consistent exercise though!

    Yesterday I was off with my Mom and sister and we finished all our holiday shopping and then some. I have a cookie exchange this saturday with my girlfriends and I had to make 42 cookies for it, which actually took me 2.5 hours last night! I never thought cooking was so tiring, lol, but I think I just usually choose easy recipes. The bad part is that I'm supposed to end up with 42 cookies coming home with me (which will likely all have sugar, dairy and eggs in them) so hopefully I can offload them to others...

    Karrie, GREAT job with the treadmill!!! Holy moley, that is a lot of km. You put my treadmilling to shame, while also encouraging me to log some more! How is the juicing so far today? Hey 2lbs is still an amazing amount, even part time juicing sounds like a good idea as a worst case.

    Terri, glad you are almost in the clear! I'm done after the 19th too. Counting down... I don't want it to go too fast because January is the worst month. Fantastic that your parents are on board now though, makes a big difference.

    Scott, you can't have enough Charlie Brown and Lucy, especially this time of year!

    Mihani, glad your hands are holding up for now.. only a little more to go. Is the office peaceful today? Your wrap sounds delicious! I've been having a lot of arugula suddenly lately as well. I heard about rocket, it took me so long to figure out what it was! Same with Italian menus/translations!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Karrie, awesome work on the treadmill! I can't wrap my head around trying to juice again, but I might in January.

    Lia, what kind of cookies did you make? Yay for getting shopping done. I will hit amazon next week and order my presents, and generally only have to make a couple stops at actual stores. I was looking at some vegan cookie recipes and may try to make some to give away. I used to do that (when I was vegetarian but not yet vegan so I could use my tried and true recipes) but I haven't had time for quite a few years. I'd like to wow people with some really good cookies and show them vegan isn't "weird". I have Isa's Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar and have never tried any of the recipes so it might be a good time to do that.

    Yesterday the quinoa in my salad had crunchy bits which grossed me out so I quit my salad halfway through and ate 2 handfuls of nuts which resulted in a stomach ache. I threw out the remaining quinoa in the fridge and made barley last night so I will have that in my salads the rest of the week instead. I have some cous cous, millet, and wheat berries on hand too. So many grains to choose from.

    Off to work! We are slammed with appointments this week. I am looking forward to the weekend for the sheer fact of having some quiet time in the office.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Mihani, ew to the quinoa! I hate when stuff like that happens. Hope you're feeling better today. I have about four boxes of quinoa to use but just haven't felt like it in awhile...

    I made Isa cookies actually! Definitely not the healthiest but they are delicious and I'm giving them away. Also I needed a large quantity and these fit the bill! Chocolate peanut butter pillows (my favourite combo) which are also great: http://www.theppk.com/2009/03/peanut-butter-pillows/

    I really want to make OSG's "Turtle" cookies, (http://ohsheglows.com/2013/12/18/turtle-oatmeal-cookies-with-pecans-chocolate-and-medjool-dates/ ) for my own and my family consumption this year though! But Christmas eve is two weeks away and as usual, December is crazy, so I'm not sure when that will happen lol.

    I got in some running sprints last night! I was so proud because they were grueling and today my legs are super stiff lol. Stay warm today everyone <3

    PS There is such a book as Isa's Vegan Cookies?!?! This sounds wonderful, you should definitely crack it open and share your finds! hehe
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'm pretty sure I slipped into a small coma last night. I did hear my alarm, but I think I only woke up enough to turn it off. Then I passed out for 2 more hours... oops!!

    I guess that makes today a rest day, 'cuz there's definitely no time to fit in a treadmill session anytime later today... Drat! Oh well, a day of rest after 17+ miles (28kms) in 4 days is probably a good thing...

    Yesterday I only juiced for bfast. And today I don't even have any juice made. *sigh* I dunno if I can do it right now... Today I'm going to focus on eating a TON of veggies with hummus for lunch and then a stirfry for supper and some fruit for dessert. Maybe having a perfect ETL day is just what I need right now.

    My son's birthday is next week, so I'm going to start baking up a storm this weekend. I'm going to make some vegan, gluten-free cupcakes (just like last year), and I think I'm going to make some vegan turtle cheesecake tarts, some OSG elvis bars, and some vegan blonde brownies. That should be plenty, I think...
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Hey all! Just catching up on the last couple of days posts...I have tons of class work to go do, and am staying home this afternoon to do it. The flooring guys just left, so it is all quiet for a few minutes before the school bus arrives and the 14yro rolls through the door. I am munching on raw veggies and hummus at the moment, a little poorly timed to be lunch, but it was too late for "lunch" when I got home, so it's a snack to tide me over til dinner. We will be having boiled dinner that my mother made...not vegetarian, but VERY heavy on root vegetables and very tasty. I am going to make a fresh beer bread (need to get started, lol!) which probably isn't ETL either but frankly, I haven't had a whole lot of food today and I'm making the bread. Rebel. lol.

    I had a good day of C25K today, along with using the elliptical and bike. I have found I can easily get a little carb happy on these days, so, so far, so good with avoiding that trap.

    Lia, I think making cookies and stuff like that is just exhausting. When I was a kid/teen, I loved to bake cookies...now...well, maybe it is partly just because there is so much other stuff we need to do with our time...and I can't just sit and eat them, which sure takes from the fun. Knowing how many calories are in a tablespoon of chocolate chips..not sure if it is good or bad for mental health?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Lia, the barley in my salad has been really good. Next week I’m going to make a batch of wheat berries. I’m going to keep experimenting with different grains in my salad. I’m finding that if I throw half a cup of grains into my big huge lunch salad it is more satisfying and I don’t want to hit the snack cabinet. And yes, Isa has a cookbook devoted to all things cookie… theppk.com/books/vegan-cookies-invade-your-cookie-jar/

    Karrie, love the new profile pic! Maybe trying to start a bout of juicing during the holiday season is too much to contemplate. The birthday treats sound delicious!

    Jean, hope you got all your work done, and that the remodel is progressing smoothly.

    I went out with friends tonight and had a good time. Got a manicure before I met them. First time in probably a year. I have red nails with sparkles on top so it looks very Christmas like. Tomorrow night is a holiday party, but food won’t be tempting since I don’t think there will be much there I can eat other than salad. I went to Kohl’s and bought a pair of black dress slacks and several tops so I should be able to feel halfway good about the party tomorrow. But I still need to buckle down here. I’m just all over the place. I do great for a few days then blow it out for a day or two and on and on. I was thinking about it today and I realized that I lost about 15 pounds right when I quit smoking, and since then nothing. But at least I didn’t gain weight when I quit… still, I should be over that excuse by now it has been a year and a half.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Hi All,

    We got the machine syncing Yes! But I guess I bought my windows copy from a sketchy outfit: keep getting an error from microsoft to enter a legal key :(. Always, somethin.

    Anyway, so excited to be getting rid of paper in my office :).

    Hubby came home last night really discouraged from his work :(. I think he may be looking for another job. He has been with this company for 19-20 years. I have been looking to replace one of my jobs and went on the interview yesterday. Looks really promising but they want Sat and Sun. :(

    Eating and exercising has been erratic but somehow I lost some weight this week.

    Goal today is 1 hour of cardio when I get home from work.

    Everyone have a great day
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Terri sorry to hear your husband is having a tough time with work. I hope he finds a new job that is more rewarding.

    I had a blast at the party on Friday night, and there's another party coming up next Saturday, and then we'll be rolling into Christmas. I didn't go overboard on food since as I suspected there wasn't much for me to eat there, I just hit the salad bar. I did enjoy 2 glasses of wine.

    I went to the grocery yesterday and stocked up on stuff for my salads this week. I want to have another good week before the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day food and wine fest. Need to get on amazon today or tomorrow and get my presents ordered. I haven't bought a single present yet!

    Hope y'all are having a great weekend!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys!
    Sorry I haven't been around for a little bit. I'm sure just like you guys, I can't figure out where the time is going!! I was so organized and ahead of the holiday game in November, and now all of a sudden, I'm realizing that I'm missing this or that! I'm off after Friday though so it will give me some catch-up time and time to wrap and all of that too.

    I missed hot yoga last week but got in other workouts instead. Karrie, the sprints killed my legs and I totally thought of you mentioning you hobbled around for a couple days because I did the same. Back to hot yoga tomorrow though and hopefully some more treadmill time. I find Christmas cookies or treats seem to be part of my daily routine lately...

    Great job, Terri!! Obviously you're doing something right, erratic or not! Poor hubby, mine is feeling the same thing, but it's been on-going for many months. I think he might be getting to his breaking point soon, and I kind of hope he does. How did your interview turn out?

    Mihani, awesome re the party!! That sounds lovely, especially the wine! I have some good groceries on guard too and at least hope that I am eating more healthy than unhealthy lol. How was your outfit for the party? Hope you felt beautiful!

    Wowzers Karrie, gorgeous new profile pic!! PS I've always wondered about the elvis bars, how were they???

    Jean, it's really so true. I like having healthy baking around so I don't eat other crap, but I find it's so time consuming and at the same time, worry about having fresh baking around lol. Beer bread sounds delicious by the way. How is the c25k going and the foot doing with it?
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Happy Monday! It sounds like, busy or not, people are getting in a little fun and enjoyment too! We can't be all stress all the time, at least I hope not. I worked this weekend but did go to "Sunday Funday" after work for dinner and a drink. I took good food to work and stuck to it, but did have a couple of very tasty cookies that a patient's family brought. I had a very stressful 1:1 patient, but that fortunately went very well.

    I did my C25K run outside this morning! Week four...I wanted to incorporate outdoors and different surfaces sooner rather than later...but it gets pretty cold here. So for whatever reason it is 45 degrees here in WI, foggy as all crazy get out, but "warm"...it was so weird, but nice. A strange mix of steam and frostiness, lol! I was aware of the location of the fracture in my tibia a couple of times, but it wasn't overly painful, so we will just see how it feels going forward. I guess a little soreness is expected, pain is not.

    Time sure is going fast. I have a lot of classwork to get done, and that will be most of the rest of today. I do need to get a few "business" things done, then on to paper writing. Yeah. lol.

    Lia...hot yoga. I have never done it. We don't have it locally that I know of, just "regular" yoga. Beer bread is sooo tasty! And easy! The taste kind of depends on what beer you use. I have done both sweeter and more savory breads, they all go over well. There is also one that uses flax and fresh cranberries, I LOVE that one, but it is of course fairly high in calories. I do cut down on the butter that gets poured over the loaves before baking...it really makes a tasty (of course!) crust but I find it is quite good with much less, to cut vastly back on the calories. I am not sure what one would use for a vegan alternative???
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Thanks for the kind words about my profile pic! :blush:

    I haven't made the Elvis Bars yet - but I will get to them sometime over the weekend - I'll keep you posted. They look so delicious!

    Lia, sorry that you were hobbling around, but I'm really glad it's not just me! It was a lot better the second week.

    I realize that it's only Tuesday, but this week has been *SO* busy that I haven't had a chance to get on the treadmill yet, and I'm not even sure if I can squeeze it in!!! (oh no!!) Hopefully I don't have to start all over again, 'cuz that first week of sprints is NOT fun!!

    Sunday I hosted the family to celebrate my son's bday (it's a whole party week for that little turkey this week!) I had 14 people over for supper & cake. What a mess... Then last night I made 60 vegan cupcakes for my son's hockey team wind-up. Gluten-free, too! They're not even gonna know the difference... lol...

    This week is a complete write-off. Busy, busy!
    - my daughter is in a performance at the globe theatre,
    - my son has his hockey wind-up.
    - my boy's 7th bday,
    - party prep to do for Thursday (make even MORE cake! ugh...)
    - the kids' party at laser quest - thankfully not at my house!!
    - an ugly sweater pub crawl. I have a DIY kit and I just have to try to find time to make it good & ugly. lol...

    On Sunday I get to relax. Maybe. I'm not hosting Christmas, so there is that to be thankful for!!

    I hope you all have a better week than me. I'm exhausted just thinking about it! Give me strength...