Just Do It December!



  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Haha! I have no doubt there are patterns out there for knitted cows! I know there are patterns for knitted dogs, cats, dinosaurs. I belong to Ravelry --great site for knitters-- mom taught me to knit when I was a teenager; only recently have I really started to learn to knit beyond scarves. I've got a sweater done for me to put together after the Christmas gifts are done.
    I will have to check out that recipe book. I have been making things from the Forks Over Knives cookbook, and of course Dr. F's cookbook -- I love that one. I'm getting pretty good at modifying other recipes to fit ETL guidelines. My cooking has greatly improved. FOK is a good book but it is heavy on the grains. I feel better without a lot of grain.
    Mihani, I hope your dogs are both on the mend.
    I too don't spend much time on the regular forums. I can only bang my head against the same brick wall for so long, and then I realize I don't have to. Even with family, unless they ask me about ETL with sincerity, I don't say anything anymore. As my brother said to one of my unbelieving sisters, "You can't argue with her results."
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys!! Sorry I haven't been around the last few days. Like all of you, and the general public, this time of year is nuts!! We hosted a fun party on Monday night and I'm all ready for tomorrow. Volunteered today at my friend's bakery because I know they have a crazy xmas eve.

    My food is also allllllllll over the place. I feel permanently out of sorts! lol. Obviously my own fault. THis is my favourite time of year but I always dread it for the food reasons...

    Merry Christmas all of you!!! <3 you guys!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    lisabinco wrote: »
    "You can't argue with her results."

    I love this!

    Lia, I'm with you on food all over the place, crazy. The past couple weeks have been great some days and other days just horrifying. My starchy carb cravings are in high gear and I am doing little to resist them. Glad your party went well.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone! <3
  • pop418
    pop418 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm back! Super busy fall - work, family, etc.
    decent exercising, decent eating.... But, lots of time of relative mindlessness....
    So, I'm two days into vacation and rocking it! Lots of time to chop veggies, cook, make actual meals. Took a long run in the rain, went to pure barre class. Even just had a sushi dinner - just a rainbow maki, nothing fried, mayo drenched, etc.
    my goal for now is to use these 12 days of vacay to get into stictly good habits (90% etl?), and then sustain them (at least 75% etl) after that.
    Looking forward to catching up with y'all!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi Pop! Happy to see you. If I recall correctly you had started a new job, how's that going?

    Hope everyone else had a nice Christmas. Mine was lots of fun. Good food, good wine, lots of laughs with the family.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Merry Christmas! Hope everyone had a wonderful day/week/Chanukah/holiday celebration!

    Welcome back Pop!! What's your plan for vacay, aside from ETL?

    Lisa, how do you find the FOK book? Besides heavy on grains, is it yummy and pretty adaptable?

    I got a crock pot along with a vegan crock pot recipe book! I'm excited to try them out, I've never used a slow cooker before! We had a great Christmas, so much fun with the family, but I ate everything. I felt so sick pretty much all day! So I'm starting today with a green smoothie... I have to revisit my green smoothie recipes and try out some new ones I think. I tried cucumber in this one and it is all I can taste. :s

    Mihani, glad to hear you had a great Christmas too! Are you relaxing today and this weekend?

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    liapr wrote: »

    Lisa, how do you find the FOK book?

    Good thing it's not 'Forks Under Knives.....' :wink:

    I'll post more, if I ever develop some kind of plan. Lately, I've just been winging it. Which hasn't been working that well.

    I hope everyone has enjoyed the 'holidays,' and has a Happy ETL New Year !!!

  • pop418
    pop418 Posts: 69 Member
    Ok, well, yesterday was kind of a flop. Not a terrible one, but certainly not good. Fine! I'm moving on! I'm about to go for a 4.5 mile run. Then headed to a party for the day, but I will be conscious of my choices there.
    Lia, I love my slow cooker - I was thinking of making a white bean/kale soup tmrw.
    Mihani, thanks for asking - new job is awesome!!!! I love it! (Though I'm not going to complain about this nice, long vacation!)
    Sloth, winging it is tough. Mmmmm, wings......
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Lia, I like FOK, but agree it is heavier on grains, more Engine 2 style diet. I have liked the recipes I've tried so far, and that's where I found the chocolate pumpkin loaf recipe which I love. I have a crockpot but rarely use it so if you find you like the cookbook let me know.

    I am posting this on my newsfeed, but I have bad news about my old pup. No sign of infection so that means there are issues with the kidneys. We're going to start her on prescription food that is easy on the kidneys and do more bloodwork after a couple weeks to see if any changes or holding steady. :(

    I am giving myself one more day to indulge in leftovers, then tomorrow back on my basic plan. I know what works, I just haven't been able to keep it going for a while. Spinach and fruit smoothie with chia seeds for breakfast, salad and fruit for lunch, something simple in the way of beans and cooked veggies or soup for dinner.

    Anyone have big plans for New Year's? I am just going to have dinner and watch a movie with one of my brothers. We do that most years, and I'm home in bed well before midnight. That's what happens when you get older!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I got to talk to my regular vet today about my old pup and I feel much better now. He said the kidney values are only a little elevated and the change to the prescription food should keep her doing well for a good long while since we have caught it early. Yay for some good news. I've been pretty worried about her.

    I had an excellent day today. I beat back the starchy cravings at work. They were pretty bad. And I have given in so much lately that my body was rebelling and determined to win the battle of wills. But the brain or willpower or something won. So yay for that too!

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    I got to talk to my regular vet today about my old pup and I feel much better now. He said the kidney values are only a little elevated and the change to the prescription food should keep her doing well for a good long while since we have caught it early. Yay for some good news. I've been pretty worried about her.

    I had an excellent day today. I beat back the starchy cravings at work. They were pretty bad. And I have given in so much lately that my body was rebelling and determined to win the battle of wills. But the brain or willpower or something won. So yay for that too!

    This is great!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Aw great news, Mihani! I actually breathed a sigh of relief for you! Glad to hear it is something manageable for your old puppy.

    I've been totally on and off, mostly off, this week, and I feel so ready to ETL NY! I am gearing up for my "all" approach and will be pretty strict. I realized yesterday how uncomfortable I felt in my body on the subway yesterday. It was one of a million wake up calls I keep having lately (and partly ignoring!).

    I'm off today, so my plan is to set up a 3 week meal plan. Not so that I have to stick to it strictly, but mostly so that I can use and re-use it and have a game plan at the grocery store. And so that if I come home confused about what to have, I have something to refer to. I'm really hoping to compile a list of quick healthy snacks to tide me over after work especially. Also, I've told everyone around me about my plan to go PB vegan in the new year so that I am accountable and also so that no one brings me or offers me tempting things haha.

    For NYE, my best friend's boyfriend offered up his cottage to us, but last week found out he had mono... he still wants us all to go up, and I know mono isn't something easy to catch, but I am very hesitant.... and leaning towards games and movies with my sister and her husband instead! What about you guys? Your NYE sounds lovely too Mihani!
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Glad to hear there is some decent news about your doggie...so hard to watch them move through life as we do. Same with my horses...one of mine gave me a scare the other day...he looked like he was dying...even when I got out there and he got up, he didn't walk around right away...but then he did, and he looked at me as if to say, "What?" Grrr....

    I haven't been doing much logging lately. Just so tired of it. But pushing ETL at every meal, goal is to have at least 2 of 3 meals adhere to principles, and keep any goodies to a minimum. Still Christmas stuff sitting around, but I am doing well with it. I have been doing C25K. I repeated week 4 because of some research I did on bone remodeling. Guess I won't be running outside today though, woke up to 10 below zero! Ran at the Y yesterday in my "orthopedic" shoes, lol! Otherwise, have been trying to decide what else to do. Decided it was time to work on some strength, not just all this cardio (which, on the big burn days, tends to drive appetite as well for me). So have done two strength workouts this week, the first is from the remake of P90, the second was a kettlebell cardio DVD...heavy cardio but also a strength component. That worked me over! WOW!

    I work on New Year's Day, so no big plans here. Probably going to be a loooonnnggg day, so mostly, going to need to get some sleep.
    I finished my class with two days to spare, lol! It went well but I am taking January off so I can get some work done with this remodeling stuff. This created a LOT of extra work and stress...it is almost time for them to be in my room/bathroom/closet now so I am going to have to do a lot of work on remaining calm...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Lia, I like your idea of the meal plan. I have been telling everyone what I’m doing too. I’m so ready for Nutritarian New Year! Either NY plan sounds like fun to me.

    Doing great on the workouts Jean! Do you know how much longer the work on the house is going to take? Congrats on finishing your class!

    I am tired, long day at work spent mostly on things that made my brain hurt and I want to go to bed extra early tonight. My energy level was up today though, thanks to 2 days of eating only good nutrient dense food and drinking lots of water. I should try to remember that.

    Thanks all for the kind words about my old pup. I know she’s old and things are going to keep going wrong as she ages, but this was a big relief that her kidneys can be kept healthy with the right diet.

    2015, here we come!