Dec 14-Dec 20 Challenge Thread



  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    Haha that's such a cute cat! Every office should have an office cat :).

    Heron thanks for the suggestions! I currently have 1 pair of compression shorts and 1 pair of running shorts which I wear together and reserve for my longest runs. I got the compression shorts on sale so they were only like $15 (UA). I love them. I went and bought some more UA running socks as well the other day because they were on sale. I've pretty much decided I will only buy stuff on sale since they inflate it so much... I was thinking about biting the bullet though on some compression leggings. I'm fortunate enough to have a giant workshop turned home gym in my backyard with a sweet little space heater and treadmill so my training isn't completely halted by cold weather :). And yes that is like 70% of the reason I bought this house.

    I've never actually tried anything from Duluth. I've heard their quality is top-notch!

    Kris, hope you had a better day yesterday and today! That sucks about the ACL! Those things seem to tear so easily... I'm constantly worried about my knees because that can take you out of the game. I'm glad to see it hasn't taken you out!
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    3 Mile RX today


    I didn't feel great running today. The leg didn't bother me any though! I think I'm slightly dehydrated. It's crazy how something so small as not drinking enough water this morning could have had such an impact on how I feel. One thing I like about being healthy is that I know what GOOD feels like and am much more aware of my body's subtle cues. I took the day off today because I had 4 hours of PTO that wouldn't carry over to the new year so I decided to make it a long weekend. Heading to Amarillo in 2 hours or so for some shopping and (unhealthy) food :).
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited December 2014
    Ok, lunch down. I took some hits but did make it out alive. I didn't bring enough ammo to take out the dessert pizzas though. :)

    Seriously, I did eat more than I really should have but not so much that I felt sick. Overall I did as well as could be expected when confronted with an endless barrage of pizza attacks (how am I doing on the military references John - hehehe).
  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Looks like I cut it too close back on the 7th
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    No, Arturo, you're good! My math/time change was off. You're ok as long as it is before midnight your time. :)
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Kris, those panties won't move. Try 'em!
    Kevin, that's great that you are doing the walk, jog.
    Stacy,love that you have a therapy cat!

    Well, I my hurt knee.... and I am very sore. I was sore shortly after my session and I am still sore. We were practicing a new move where I'd kick and my partner would catch my kick, get me off balance by turning slightly and tiptoeing on their feet then they'd pull me towards toward by taking a step back; As I am falling forward, my partner would throw a right punch. It was a fun session but somehow I hurt my knee. Its not too bad...
    I am going to a Christmas party tomorrow and I am actually contemplating wearing heels... LOL
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Good day today. Took Mom out to celebrate her 77th birthday and NO CAKE! No dessert at all, and just a nice cobb salad for lunch. Score!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    edited December 2014
    I made cauliflower crust pizza. I like the taste. It's no pizza dough but still taste good. I put ham, bacon and Dublinger cheese.
    Thank you TJ for the suggestion!
  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning folks! I'm up late, listening to Carol and John on YouTube on the big screen through Roku at the moment. It's going to be an interesting weekend. Going to a dinner Xmas party this evening ... carbs! Tomorrow night, Sunday, have another Xmas gathering with our Husky rescue friends. So might end up having a double carb night.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Good morning everybody.

    Heron, that pizza looks really yummy.

    Imabizzybee, Happy Birthday to your mom and great job staying away from the desserts. :)

    Montana_girl, Mikey looks like he owns your office. :)
  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    It's Saturday. Enjoy your weekend!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Saturday Folks! More later.
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Good morning! Heron, that pizza looks wonderful. A cauliflower crust?! Is it actually crusty that you can pick up a slice, or do you have to eat it with a fork? My mouth is watering. I haven't had pizza in nearly two years...

    Off to the gym for bootcamp!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited December 2014
    Stacy, your kitty looks right at home at the office. Fascinated by the idea of a therapy cat. Based on your desk picture, I'm guessing your cat is fairly calm and loves being right by and petted. My two are of the "I love to cuddle when I want, on my terms, for 60secs then I'm off" variety. So great that you do this!

    Heron, I keep meaning to try a cauliflower crust pizza. Must do it.

    Let's see more from AJ
    Wants my macros much more balanced at meals. I need to strive for a one to one ratio of fat to protein (grams not carbs) at every meal. Have to rethink my overly fat heavy morning of coffee, coconut oil and heavy cream. And add protein ( from food not a powder). In the last week I've gone from 3 cups each with half tablespoon of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons HWC to 2 with half tablespoon coconut oil and half tablespoon HWC. Now to figure out the protein thing balanced with fat. Looks like I will get closer to a three meal a day girl than I've been.

    Speaking of coconut oil. She suggests on carb nites in early spikes to be as low fat as possible, but where you would use butter swap to coconut oil (even at dinner) ....less likely to be stored as fat in that carb spike. Save the true fatty treat for the spike just before bed.

    Her consultation take in form covered all bases not just food. Stress (top stressor and how you manage), sleep, goals, dieting history (how much, how long, barriers to success), family support, fitness routines, exercise schedules. Very comprehensive as were her suggestions. As I mentioned before she talked about the only way to succeed was to do all if it. Not just the food.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Good morning! Back in the office today. Will be so happy when this project it done. Putting in the extra hours now so I can have Christmas Eve off and the day after Christmas off (both days are work days for us). With any luck I can get the bulk of this project done today and finish it up on Monday and Tuesday.

    A lot of stress eating the last couple of days, but I know I will get back on track soon!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Happy Saturday All! Seems I broke the log in streak yesterday. Crazy day and I have not been able to get on here. Making this a quick post since I have to do a bunch of running around today. Will try and catch up later with all of your posts. Survived the two Christmas parties yesterday relatively unscathed, but the boyfriend drove my car to the pet store and was hit in the parking lot. Thank goodness he and the other driver were not hurt, but you should see my poor car. My 2010 baby was still like new and now...not so much. Spent the night on the phone with insurance crap. Ugh!

    Have a wonderful day all!!!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    kris3b wrote: »
    Happy Saturday All! Seems I broke the log in streak yesterday. Crazy day and I have not been able to get on here. Making this a quick post since I have to do a bunch of running around today. Will try and catch up later with all of your posts. Survived the two Christmas parties yesterday relatively unscathed, but the boyfriend drove my car to the pet store and was hit in the parking lot. Thank goodness he and the other driver were not hurt, but you should see my poor car. My 2010 baby was still like new and now...not so much. Spent the night on the phone with insurance crap. Ugh!

    Have a wonderful day all!!!

    Oh no Kris! :( Happy to hear nobody was hurt but sorry that you're car was.

  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Hey all. I am 31 as of today. Hope to treat myself to a steak at some point.

    Kris glad no one was hurt!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Happy Birthday Kevin!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Ok, lunch down. I took some hits but did make it out alive. I didn't bring enough ammo to take out the dessert pizzas though. :)

    Seriously, I did eat more than I really should have but not so much that I felt sick. Overall I did as well as could be expected when confronted with an endless barrage of pizza attacks (how am I doing on the military references John - hehehe).

    Jennifer: I had a very similar day yesterday. I had my "No" gun and did GREAT day all day long. I was victorious over the catered breakfast AND the catered lunch at work. Then went out with Caroling to an Irish pub for a Christmas Sing-a-long and there were three choices for dinner. Call it "Carb Nite" or "Putting some Life into Living" or just enjoying myself… I had a couple of glasses of sugary sweet wine and some fried fish and chips. I passed on the chips but I thoroughly enjoyed the bread pudding dessert. We had a blast!

    I didn't feel guilty and didn't over think how the insulin spike was good or bad. Just got up this morning and went to the gym to make extra use of the energy I should have after all those carbs.

    I would have felt HORRIBLE if I did this a month ago. But I've been pretty good most days with eating healthy so overall, December is shaping up to be A-OKAY.

    AND I HAVE YOU GUYS TO THANK!! THANK YOU AWESOME GROUP!! Love reading all the posts and getting the good vibes from them.


    PS: Extra special thanks to Chris and all the folks who are not in it for the winning anymore, just in it for the community. <<<Big Holiday Hugs>>>