Dec 14-Dec 20 Challenge Thread



  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Heron, I'm glad to liked it! How did it work out? Did you have to do anything special to get it to work?
    Cynthia, mine didn't really work as a pick-up pizza, but I bet if you made the slices relatively small, it would hold up.
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    6 mile RX today

    9:03 uphill
    8:32 downhill

    Goal was under 50:00. Came in at 51:12 8:32/mile. I have some work to do!

    Mile 2-3-4-5 all had a lot of incline/decline in it. I really like to run uphill, but I really don't enjoy downhill. I know that sounds wrong but the adrenaline I get from running up a hill and beating it outweighs the exhaustion. Downhill is tougher because I have to try to slow down or else I'll get too tired.

    This week I did 17.01 miles total. My average pace was 8:23. I really want to get that to 8:00. Luckily this is only week 3 out of 12 for this program. Next cycle of 12 weeks I'll do speed. I'll finish this cycle up in February, start cycle 2 on March 2. That will last me until May. Cycle 3 will start in June where I will work on strategy for my race in October. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to work on strength between now and then as well. I miss lifting weights :\.

    One time when my friend and I hiked La Luz trail in the Sandia Mountains (Albuquerque) we were about 3.5 miles in and we saw the trail kind of fork and we didn't know which way to go so we turned right and found a pretty steep friend just looked at me and said, "Let's take this hill" which meant SPRINT up it. We sprinted to the top of that incline as fast as we could, started walking on what we thought was a trail then stopped because the trail seemingly disappeared. We saw two girls hanging out sunning on the side of these rocks just laughing at us so we asked them where the trail was and they pointed back down the hill and said that this was just a lookout point. We weren't embarrassed. That hill looked like it needed some action.

    Bowling practice today! Have a good one everyone!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Checking in real quick, on my way to a Christmas party.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Rock on Carol! Don't let the fact that you had something you shouldn't have get you down. Yep, we're both admitting we did it but not stepping into old habits.

    Great dinner tonight with some more 'fake' meat. Hehehe.... Sauteed some 'chicken' strips and mushrooms with some teriyaki sauce. I couldn't even tell it wasn't real chicken. Added a few carrots too.

    I'm still drinking my water. I've been adding a couple drops of peppermint oil to a glass or two as a little bit of a pick me up. Two weeks now with no soda. Woohoo!!!!!

    If you're looking at my food diary, don't take it as the gospel. I put in most of what I'm eating but for things like salads, I tend to just put an estimate on calories. I know the calories calculated are only approximations, but they're close. I just post it to show what I'm eating, for the most part. Plus it does help me stay accountable as I have to log what goes into my mouth (remnant of my Weight Watchers days).

    I hope everybody had a great Saturday. Heron, hope you had a great time at the Christmas party.
  • jeffreyschmitt34
    jeffreyschmitt34 Posts: 46 Member
    day 20
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    I cheated a little.... Schlotzky's pizzas are so good.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    I cheated a little.... Schlotzky's pizzas are so good.

    OMG, I used to eat those all the time. They are yummy.
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    Checking in before I forget. GO BEARS (it's a rest day).
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Hey everyone! Tried something new as I was inspired by the 2D nail challenge to do so. I did the 30min circuit workout at Planet Fitness. Haven't done machines in a while but the way they have it set up, you have to do a rotation of steps between each machine and your heart rate can get up pretty high if you want it to. I loved the red light/green light feature so I didn't have to think about anything. Loved it.
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

    17 Miles this week Chris... WOW! that's awesome!
  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Checking in.

    Kim - interesting consult. What Jeff has told me is that it's fine to have a pure fat meal with no protein (i.e. coffee with cream/oil/butter), but if you do have protein in a "meal" then it's important to have fat equal to or more than the protein. Also, I wonder why AJ thinks you might store the fat you take in during Carb Night. The way I've heard Kiefer explain it is that as long as you've truly been ultra low carb for the 6 days of the week, then all the mechanisms in your body that would normally store the glucose and fat are suppressed and essentially turned off so your body can't store the glucose and fat during this short period of insulin spike. The insulin spike resets your body so that your "good" hormones don't remain suppressed for too long. But that is also why it's important to be ultra low carb after carb night to re-suppress the fat storing mechanisms. All this is why Kiefer says there's no need to eat "clean" carbs during carb night because it just shouldn't matter. So you have me wondering if this is one of the "differences" between Men and Women that Kiefer has recently eluded to when it comes to CNS?

    Yesterday's carb night was OK, had a few nice treats but overall it was a mild carb night which is what it should be. This morning only gained 2 lbs in water weight which is pretty good following a carb night. I have found that on carb night I find savory carbs more satisfying than sweet carbs. Enjoy bread and pasta far more than say pastry or candy. Still enjoy ice cream and sugar can sweetened soda however :)

    We'll see how I do tonight, have another Xmas dinner party to go to. Will try to avoid the carbs. Wish me luck!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Checking in from my phone real quick. Had a great time at the party last night
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Quick check in. Sorry I have been absent. Was doing stuff for work today and had to even drive into the office for a bit. (((hugs))) to all and starting tomorrow I am off for two weeks. Plenty of time to catch up! To any holiday travelers heading out early...Merry Christmas:)
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    edited December 2014
    Moved to correct post.