Dec 21 - Dec 27 Challenge Thread.



  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    John, I noticed you were flying through the Primal Blueprint sections yesterday Good job with the focus!

    Jennifer, rest up and get well! Sorry to hear you don't feel well.

    Dentist appt this morning for the 6 month checkup. A couple of meetings at the offices, then thats it for work for the year. Whoo h
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. I'm in a much better place now. Had a very stressful week. Wife had a horrible reaction to Sulfa based antibiotic. Basically anaphylaxis plus extra stress on her liver. She was 3 ERs in 2 days, then admitted Friday. She started improving yesterday and just said she is going to ask the doctors about going home today. (Big sigh of relief) Now we just have to wait for them to come around and see the improvement.

    Glad to hear she is okay and coming around. That is terrifying! I have severe allergies to the -cillins, supha drugs, shellfish and a couple of others.

    Kevin, HAPPY Belated Birthday!!!

    Heron and Arturo, The pizza looks yummy. We made pizza on Saturday. Threw in a pile of stuff and it was delish:) Great to hear you enjoyed your party.

    Carol, WTG on the workout. Oh how I love strength training.

    Chris, BAM! Very nice mileage and you are not alone on hating the downhill. Me too. My friends and I have a deal on the uphills that we race them. Downhill...not so much:)

    TJ, You are sweet for rescuing him. We have a cat that keeps visiting. I am really worried about him with winter settling in. He comes to visit and it is the cutest thing with our cat. They meet at the full-glass, front door and kind of mirror one another. Paws up to each other and they drop and roll. We would totally take him in if our dog, who is usually a pacifist, didn't hate him so much. I think he would tear him apart. Hard to tell with cats if they are strays. He has a full tummy so he might just be an outdoor cat. We'll see. I keep scouring the sites for missing cats.

    Stacy, Woot! Woot! Awesome running:)

    John, Enjoy reading about your studies. It is very cool.

    Confession time. Other than any of John's challenges, I have not worked out in days. Busy and hit burnout. Need to stop with that excuse. Eating pretty clean until last night when I devoured a pile of chocolate. The hives that followed let me know why I can't do that stuff. I am off work for two weeks starting today. My goal is to eat clean during the day (I tend to not eat all day and then feast at night. Not a good thing) and workout. Off to accomplish something. In the mood to purge stuff so I might hit the black hole of a basement. Yuck!

    Have a great day and week all!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    aceronjr wrote: »
    Checking in (again) on the correct thread this time :D

    Yesterday's carb night was OK, had a few nice treats but overall it was a mild carb night which is what it should be. This morning only gained 2 lbs in water weight which is pretty good following a carb night. I have found that on carb night I find savory carbs more satisfying than sweet carbs. Enjoy bread and pasta far more than say pastry or candy. Still enjoy ice cream and sugar can sweetened soda however :)

    We'll see how I do tonight, have another Xmas dinner party to go to. Will try to avoid the carbs. Wish me luck!

    I'm just like you. For get the candy & pass the bread!! Hope the 2nd Xmas party went ok.
    Jen- feel better!!

    Hubby stayed in Houston but I'm down on the coast with my babies. Hoping to get out to do some sightseeing / walking with them (if we don't all kill each other first).

    Happy Monday!!!!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    And BIG CONGRATS on Module 5 John. U B Jammin!!!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    I love the VitaMoves videos. This is a great one.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Kris - Have fun and don't overdo it!

    Carol - have a great time with your Kiddies!

    Kin - Great Link, great variations. Now subscribed.

    thanks all on the support during my studies.

    Have a great day!
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks guys.

    Heron, I forgot about microchips. I'll have to find some time to go get him scanned. I'm sure he's someones pet, since his nails weren't long, and he wasn't super starved. He was a little skinny, though, and being at an intersection of two 4-lane highways, we didn't want him to get hurt. We put up fliers, yesterday. We also posted to a very large Facebook page in our area that helps with lost pets. Hopefully we can find a home for him soon, because our dogs are freaking out knowing he's in the garage.

    Kris, we had one cat that was a stray for years and my mom kept feeding him, so he hung around until he eventually let her bring him in. He went from a scruffy, street fighter, to a loveable inside cat. We had another that was just a neighbors cat. He would walk over to our property during the day and hang out with our cats, then at night, he'd go back home. We could see where he lived from our door, and they even had another just like him. I always said that the other one was his wife, and he was telling her he was going to the office, but really just hangin with the guys, instead.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Happy Monday! So excited that I only have to work two days this week. :smiley:

    Hard part will be eating good while home for five days. I have tendency to overeat at home... but luckily Hubby doesn't allow a lot of junk to come into the house. LOL
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Hello to everyone. I'm back after a rough two weeks. My diet has been poor but I am down to 200 for the first time in 25? years. I was able to visit with my daughter for the last week while she was visiting from Germany, she brought chocolates. Appears that a lot of you have been very consistent this month.
  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    It could be a very happy Monday here. My wife's LFT started going toward normal. The real question is do the internal medicine docs want more than one set with a decrease... Still waiting to see them.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    John, I noticed you were flying through the Primal Blueprint sections yesterday Good job with the focus!

    Jennifer, rest up and get well! Sorry to hear you don't feel well.

    Dentist appt this morning for the 6 month checkup. A couple of meetings at the offices, then thats it for work for the year. Whoo h

    Thanks. I'm doing just that. Lots of rest and water.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Thank you Carol.

    Just finished listening to the latest podcast. Awesome to get to know more about Heron and Arturo
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Aaron, Happy to hear her LFT is better. A doc once told me that it was not unusual for it to get out of whack with a severe reaction as your liver is quite the powerhouse trying to filter stuff. A holistic person I used to go to said that sometimes the liver is out of whack and can bring on allergic responses. Your wife's was severe and I would think that is simply a serious allergy she has now. I have some allergies that act up and others that are severe. Unfortunately the severe ones have not gone away and I have to steer clear of them and carry around an Epipen. My LFT will be bad with a severe reaction. They didn't end up rechecking it as I felt better. Prayers going out to her for continued healing.

    Mark, Welcome back! I succumbed to chocolates:(

    Carol, Have fun!!! Jealous over here.

    Kim, thanks for sharing. Adding that one to the list.

    Stacy, Stay strong girl! You can make it and enjoy:)

    TJ, what a great story! Love it:) We keep hoping it is one of those cats that has a home but is more than happy to enter other people's homes to visit. The boyfriend keeps bringing treats out to him, but the kitty is more interested in lap, cuddle time. He even plays with you which makes our dog even angrier. haha

    Off to hit the treadmill after I finish listening to the last podcast. Arturo and Heron were awesome guests. What a cute couple:) BTW...could Jef have better skin? JEALOUS!

  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Happy Monday folks. Short work week for me, today and tomorrow ... then a long weekend to enjoy the Christmas holiday. Hard to believe 2014 is drawing quickly to a close.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Just posted the "Heron & Arturo Show!"
    Whether you are low carb, high carb, no carb... WHATEVER you're trying...Listening to others on their journey is a bit more ammo for your "No" Gun!
    Big thanks to these guys & Jef!

    Welcome back Mark!
    Great to hear Aaron!
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    I forgot to grab my lunch, this morning, so I had to go get something. Rather than drive, I walked to a restaurant. Granted, it was Taco Bell, but at least that's one win!

    For anyone that needs a New Year's boost and haven't seen my other post, I'm going to be trying out a Whole 30 for January. That's a whole month of no added sugar, no wheat, no dairy, and no "a few other things". If you want to join me, go take a look at the links I posted in the other thread. Let me know what you think, and we can have a little MFP support group.

    Carol, I just turned on your show with Vinnie Tortorich and I just had to laugh when he was talking about you being in your kid's room with the lion behind you! Mostly because my last few shows, I've been set up in my bathroom closet, lol.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Just Listened to the latest Podcast. Great Job Everybody!
  • leopardprintaholic
    Reporting in with a non-scale victory: LOOSER CLOTHES! Yippee! Tomorrow we are going to Olive Garden & because I eat ULC (Carb Nite), I'm thinking about ordering Ckicken Alfredo over broccoli (rather than pasta). What do you think? I'd welcome any ideas & input! Thanks Guys :) ~DebSue
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Kinda had a cheat day today. Spent most the day in the car going to and from a funeral. Ate badly... hopefully going to the gym later to offset it some.
  • jeffreyschmitt34
    jeffreyschmitt34 Posts: 46 Member
    Day 22 still rolling