Dec 21 - Dec 27 Challenge Thread.



  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    3 miler to start my week

    8:00 (-0:05)
    7:07 (-0:53)

    23:12 7:44/mile (treadmill)

    Need to drink more water. Opted to eat before I go out for board games tonight a friends house. I chalk that up to a win (as opposed to pizza).

    Have a good night!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Quick check in from phone
  • leopardprintaholic
    Thanks to this group, for 2 weeks I've been guzzling water like Otis (from the Andy Griffith Show) guzzles moonshine! You all are a good influence on me ...
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Tuesday morning and and day two of home in bed. UGH!!! On a positive note, I feel better than yesterday.

    DebSue, Woohoo on the water and especially the non-scale victory!!!! Go girl!!!!

    John, congratulations.

    Kris, just wanted to say hi. That's all. :)
  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning, y'all. Hoping and praying that my wife's lab trends continue to improve this morning and she gets to come home today.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Good morning, y'all. Hoping and praying that my wife's lab trends continue to improve this morning and she gets to come home today.
    In thoughts and prayers lad.

    Happy Tuesday Folks! Well got er done last night. Am now a Certified Primal Blueprint Wellness Expert. Couple that with the Certified Disability Sports Specialist Cert and $1.25 I can get a cup o coffee at Dunkin Donuts. B)

    Jen - Rest well get well.

    Chris - Good call on the meal, some good times on the run, the dreadmill is a way to train for the time you want on your runs. Not the funnest way to run but a useful tool.

    Debsue - Take em any time you can get em! NSV's are the real motivators. U B Jammin'!

    Jeffery - Keep it rollin Lad!

    Kevin - Bummer on the funeral, Today is another day

    Well got to get rollin, Keep your ruckstraps tight and your eyes on the trail ahead. See ya at the top o the hill.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Arturo and Heron, Great show! I agree with Carol. I am pulling all kinds of helpful tidbits from here and the shows.

    Aaron, Prayers continuing. I hope she is home and well for Christmas.

    DebSue, Congrats and did you have the alfredo? Yum! haha on the Andy Griffith shout out. We recently went through and AG marathon.

    Kevin, Did you make it to the gym?

    TJ, Great job walking to the Bell. I am fairly certain that I would do the same if the boyfriend did not take the car for work (other one is still out of service). Yesterday and today he made me a sandwich because as he says "it will keep you from munching on junk all day" Nice, huh? LOL Yesterday I did keep opening the fridge all day looking for munchies. He knows me well.

    Chris, Way to go on the run and hope you had fun at game night.

    John, WOOHOO on being certified!

    Jen, A big HELLO to ya! :D I am happy to report I was drinking my water this morning at 4:45 am. I was too tired to know what I was doing!

    Strength training is happening this morning. Not sure what I will do yet. I messed up that training plan I was following. I crave structure, but fight it too. I will pick up heavy things and put them down. That is my plan! Did a boring walk on the treadmill yesterday. Should have just got my butt outside, but was in hermit mode.

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Woo Hoo! We now have a Primal Blueprint Expert among us! Congrats John!!

    DebSue- the Alfredo over Broccoli sounds like a winner. Posted the ingredients from Olive Garden's site for you on the carb nite FB post. All cheese & cream... so much better than all pasta & breadsticks!

    Aaron- more prayers for your wife.

    Chris & DebSue: did the water challenge & that week I felt great. Already drinking less again. Need to step it up!

    TJ: I'm done for the Whole 30. Have always wanted to try it! Bathroom closet?? Ha! Wayne's World big time. ;)

    Kevin: sorry to hear about the funeral. Others are bigger things to focus on than diet on some days. (Hugs)

    Jen: get better already!!!

    I WANT LOOSER CLOTHES!!! (Feet stamping!!!)
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    DebSue - Carol posting on the CarbNite FB page has helped me connect those two dots. Enjoy your trip to Olive Garden.

    Can't wait to listen to the Heron & Arturo show!

    Great, great job, John on the Primal Blueprint certification!!

    Nice weigh in this morning. One pound down. I'll take that. Slow but steady.

    Curious what I'll be on Jan 1 tho.... I plan on being fairly relaxed today through Christmas, and again on New Years Eve (hubs b-day in addition to the traditional). Mom arrives today, she want to try a local steak place, so that's on menu tonight. Easy to eat UL (ultra low carb) there, but they make the best roasted rosemary potatoes which I've avoided the last several times hubby & I went. Will have those tonight. And probably some sort of dessert on Christmas Eve. *And* considering making some type of monkey bread or similar for Christmas morning. Oh the horrors, baked goods, sticky sweet carbs in the morning. ;)

    But back to plan on the 26th. And AJ wants me to do a full reorientation starting Jan 1.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Weird... typed up a post, hit "post reply" and nothing. Huh...

    Anyway, just checking in, saying hi, and hoping the next 8 hours fly by so I can start my time off! LOL

    Looks like everything is doing well!

    easmythcrna - hope your wife gets out of the hospital today!

    hmrjmr1 - Congrats on the Primal Blueprint Certification!!

    Carol - I also want looser clothes! (But apparently I'm not willing to work for it by eating healthy or exercising! LOL)
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    One other thing...I repost this annually to my blog on this day in rememberance of my father and as a reminder to the men in my life.

    Get your prostate checked guys.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Awesome deal and major congrats Hammer!

    Kris, I did make it to the gym. A friend has a black card thing at planet fitness, so I went with him. Not real fond of the machines, I prefer the feel of free weights but it's still a workout.

    Heron and Arturo, great podcast!
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Kris, my wife usually has the car during the day, so if I forget my lunch, I'm walking! There's a poboy place across the street that makes a pretty good and cheap chicken salad, but I just wasn't feeling it.

    Carol, it's actually quite nice, lol. The clothes dampen echos and there being two doors and 2 rooms between myself and the dogs, there's less background noise.
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    edited December 2014
    I think life may start getting back to normal a little. I put my daughter on a plane back to Germany this morning and i am back to work for the second day in a row. Still working on the diet thing I have to learn how to cook for myself again, tall order after 20 years.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Kim, thanks for sharing your post. I am very sorry:( (((hugs))) out to you and I will try even harder to get the boyfriend in to get checked. Men need to realize that prostate cancer can take them quickly. It is not always a 20 year, slow growing cancer. Someone in my father's congregation is hospitalized for it right now and is expected to pass soon.
  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Last day of the work week for me ... woo hoo!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    I will catch up with all the awesome posts.
    Today my foster is going to his forever home. A fantastic family family came along and everybody just adores him. He will have a big brother that is just as playful as him. This is a bittersweet moment for me. I am happy for him but sad to see him go. He is a special dog. I rarely cry when a foster leaves but this one stole my heart! He came to us shy and unsure about the big bad world and he is leaving a gentle, inquisitive, affectionate, goofy, calm and happy dog.
    Could we have kept him? sure! and he would have been happy with us. But I know he will be happier in a home where he has a sibling. This is the tough part with fostering, you have to take a step back and know what's best for THEM.
    I will miss him so much!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Thank you everybody for the well wishes. I'm feeling much better now. Another day of not really eating much but I did drink a lot of water.

    Heron, sorry to hear you're losing the pup but good to hear that he's going to a good home. He is adorable, btw.

    John, congratulations on the certification.

    Carol, I think we all want looser clothes. I have so many in my closet in smaller sizes that I really want to be able to wear again.

    Kris, I see you are going to do the challenge in January. I need to read about it again and perhaps I'll give it a try with ya (and everybody else who's going to do it).
  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve! And it WILL be aa Merry Christmas in this house. My wife was released (she says paroled) from the hospital yesterday.