January 2015 Miles tracking



  • neurex
    neurex Posts: 58 Member
    That's quite a change from a 5K to a 6+ mile obstacle course!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    neurex wrote: »
    That's quite a change from a 5K to a 6+ mile obstacle course!

    We knew going into it that it would mostlikely be longer than a 5K since last year was 4.5 miles. We had figured it would probably be close to 5 miles. The way I figure it, more bang for the buck. It actually works with my half-marathon training schedule. That day was supposed to be a 5-6 mile run (at least 1 hour). I will definitely get that in now.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    NSV: I have reached my 100 miles in January goal yesterday! :smiley:
    I'm so happy & proud of myself for actually achieving this goal & ahead of time.
    Last time I attempted to get 100 miles in a month I fell short by 20-30 miles if I remember correctly.

    Having my fitbit has really helped keep me motivated, each and everyday.

    How's everyone else coming along?
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Past the halfway mark only a day or two behind pace. That is much better than I expected. I went for a 5 mile run today. It ended up being 5.4 with warm up and cool down. It was slow and deliberate but I got it done and felt great after. Next week it is supposed be near or above freezing so I should be able to get some miles logged!
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    I need to run a lot this week to catch up. I'm struggling as of late to keep motivation with food and workouts. Half Marathon in less than 2 months so there's zero time to let up.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    jemsurf wrote: »
    I need to run a lot this week to catch up. I'm struggling as of late to keep motivation with food and workouts. Half Marathon in less than 2 months so there's zero time to let up.

    I get the lack of motivation, I call it the 3 week blues. I am able to stay motivated and commited with excitment & gusto for 2 weeks, but then when I start getting tired & life starts getting in the way I start to faulter. This is why I love the group challenges, they help keep me focused & hold me accountable :smile:

  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    40 miles to go with only 10 days left to the month. It is technically do-able but highly unlikely that I will hit my goal this month. I am okay with that. This has kept me moving much more than I would have been if I had set a lesser goal. I would rather miss a high goal then set a goal that would cause me to underachieve. 9.5 weeks until half marathon..Need to stick with it!
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    mamarundrc wrote: »
    40 miles to go with only 10 days left to the month. It is technically do-able but highly unlikely that I will hit my goal this month. I am okay with that. This has kept me moving much more than I would have been if I had set a lesser goal. I would rather miss a high goal then set a goal that would cause me to underachieve. 9.5 weeks until half marathon..Need to stick with it!

    Push as hard as you can, feel proud of the effort you've put in & keep challenging yourself :smiley: No one said you had to smash every goal/challenge first time, but it's the determination that counts <3
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Survived my race today! It was hard. 5.9 miles through 6 inches of snow and ice with obstacles including a 0.5 mile Christmas tree drag. It was tough, my body aches but I did it. I placed 295/1063 with a time of 1:52:37. Now we are expecting to get 2-3 FEET of snow Mon-Wed. I am not looking forward to revisiting the treadmill.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    mamarundrc wrote: »
    Survived my race today! It was hard. 5.9 miles through 6 inches of snow and ice with obstacles including a 0.5 mile Christmas tree drag. It was tough, my body aches but I did it. I placed 295/1063 with a time of 1:52:37. Now we are expecting to get 2-3 FEET of snow Mon-Wed. I am not looking forward to revisiting the treadmill.

    Wow that is impressive lady! Well done doesn't seem to cut it really! Amazing work x :smiley:
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Not sure if I will get any more miles in this month. The blizzard is starting and we are going to be stuck in it for the next 36-48 hours. I also currently can't get a shoe or sock comfortably on my foot. My nail on my second toe broke in half and it is really sore. Hopefully that will feel better tomorrow and I can at least get some work in on the treadmill or elliptical. Right now, not so much.
  • neurex
    neurex Posts: 58 Member
    mamarundrc wrote: »
    Not sure if I will get any more miles in this month.

    You have done really well this month. You have a lot to take pride in even if you are not able to run any more this month!

  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    My toe feels okay in a shoe! Not great but I managed a 1 mile walk/jog on the treadmill without pain. I also did about 1.5 miles of snow-blowing in my snowboots (damn long driveway). I should be able to squeeze out a few more miles!
  • naughtygirl6957
    naughtygirl6957 Posts: 3 Member
    I have made a commitment in a group to walk 2015 miles in 2015. I also make sure I walk 10k steps a day and track it all on this app. So far am down 10.2 pounds.
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    Officially have a broken toe. 3-6 week recovery. I will rest this week and see how it feels next week. I will not make my goal this month, and I refuse to let this minor injury slow me down. I will run the 10K February 14th and I still plan on getting a PB!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I have made a commitment in a group to walk 2015 miles in 2015. I also make sure I walk 10k steps a day and track it all on this app. So far am down 10.2 pounds.

    2015 miles in 2015 good luck! Congrats on the 10.2 lbs! That is a great loss so far.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    jemsurf wrote: »
    Officially have a broken toe. 3-6 week recovery. I will rest this week and see how it feels next week. I will not make my goal this month, and I refuse to let this minor injury slow me down. I will run the 10K February 14th and I still plan on getting a PB!!!!!!!!!!!

    Boo on the broken toe! Definitely take it easy. I hurt my toe once and kept running and it completely screwed with my form. I ended up with some nasty heel and achilles issues because of it, knocking me out for longer than if I had just rested my injury the way I should have. Do you have access to an elliptical? It might be a way to keep up with cardio without the impact of a run when you are starting to feel better.
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    mamarundrc wrote: »
    jemsurf wrote: »
    Officially have a broken toe. 3-6 week recovery. I will rest this week and see how it feels next week. I will not make my goal this month, and I refuse to let this minor injury slow me down. I will run the 10K February 14th and I still plan on getting a PB!!!!!!!!!!!

    Boo on the broken toe! Definitely take it easy. I hurt my toe once and kept running and it completely screwed with my form. I ended up with some nasty heel and achilles issues because of it, knocking me out for longer than if I had just rested my injury the way I should have. Do you have access to an elliptical? It might be a way to keep up with cardio without the impact of a run when you are starting to feel better.

    Thank you for the advice. I've actually noticed just from walking that my calf and tendon in my left foot seems to be straining more. The broken toe also happens to be on the same foot that I completely ruptured my Achilles tendon. That in itself is enough to force me to lay off until it heals enough. I can still do my circuit training for a workout but I do not have access to an elliptical. I feel that I run consistently enough and that I'm in good enough shape that my 10K will still be successful. I'll just pray that I'm healed in order to still run my half marathon in March.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I got in a 40 minute spin workout this afternoon leaving me only 11 miles short for the month of Jan. I am quite happy with this. With the cold weather and the snow, I know I can definitely hit 100+ when I can go outside more often.