Daily check-in: Something catchy that rhymes with January!



  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Krokador I feel your pain, I've had that happen before!

    Found some pre workout samples in my drawer this morning so gave them a whirl for today's session

    Squat 5x5 @‌ 160lbs
    OHP 5x5 @‌ 66lbs
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 190lbs then 1x3 @ 210lbs and new PR for me!! Woohoo!!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    katro111 wrote: »
    Bench press - 15, 18, 20 @ 72.5lbs

    You know, just a few light accessories. No bigs.

    DAMN SIS! :)

    Haha, thanks! The music I was listening to was pretty rockin', so I figured I'd just keep pumping them out!

    Today was squats (the last workout of my heavy week of Wendler's) and let me just say, HOLY F-ING S**T, TOE CRAMPS RUIN EVERYTHING. The 4th toe on my left foot cramped up toward the end of my squats so reps 4 & 5 were terrible. It messed with my accessories, too. I took a break, tried to massage it out and tightened my shoe laces which all helped, but did not get rid of it. It's still crampy right now. Stupid toes.

    5@160, 3@170, 5@180lbs (but only 3 were good)

    Sumo DL - 7, 5, 9 @‌ 135lbs
    SLDL - 10, 10, 5 @‌ 100lbs
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited January 2015
    Today was cardio day for me. I did my usual aerobics/hiit during 40 minutes, then I tried burpees (yup, I was inspired by this thread). To my own surprise, I was able to do TEN burpees in a row (remember, my previous personal record was one, so it's a lot of burpees for me). I was kind of proud, even if I'm far from doing a 100 in the same day.

    I took advantage of my hubby presence to have him watching my form on my squat (bodyweight, but mimicking the position we have in the power cage), and he said that it looked almost parallel. Now, I'll have to do the same with the load on my back. I'll see this on monday.

    I don't have much DOMS from friday workout. I think that the back pain was not even related to the lifts (my gym bag is too ***ing heavy and I think that it was the main culprit for this issue). I'm feeling good and I look forward to my Monday workout!
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited January 2015
    @ Psych & Katro -- Dudettes, you're so rad. I can't wait until I can squat like you. Seriously. And Pysch -- killin' it with those deads!

    @ Daiva -- I'm scared to even try burpees, so good for you! And great job with the "pre-workout" workouts. You're going to rock it on Monday! And by the way, I have literally had DOMS only once since starting 5x5, and that was after a full two-week break, so don't worry about it if they don't come -- you're not necessarily doing anything wrong if you're not sore.

    StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout B (ish)

    Squats - 1x5 @ 95 lbs., 1x5 @ 65 lbs., 5x5 @ 75 lbs.
    - See "Squat Depth" thread for the 411 on these.
    - TL;DR -- I played with form, trying to work through the "can't get parallel" stuff.
    - Upper quad that bothered me on Thursday felt fine today, thankfully.

    OHP - 5x5 @ 40 lbs.
    - This is a deload after failing at 47.5 lbs., so these felt relatively easy until the fifth set. I'll attempt 45 lbs. again next time and see how it goes.
    - Really engaging my core and glutes on these helps a lot, but I have a hard time doing that without locking my knees. Does it matter?

    Deadlifts - Warmup: 1x5 @ 135 lbs., Working set: 1x5 @ 170 (!)
    - Form felt OK, but not great on the 170. Just a bit more "pull" when I like it to be all "push."
    - I feel like I should be doing more warmups here. Not just because I love deads, but because a 35 lbs. jump feels like a lot. But I also don't want to wear myself out before the working set. Suggestions?

    - Plank Challenge -- Day 1 / 20 seconds -- Done.
    - Am going to do some hip thrusts later.


  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    workout x. i did so much time-filling stuff on just whatever equipment i could get a moment with while waiting for my turn to squat, that's basically what today turned out to be. in order:

    ohp 5x5@30. trying out my new rehabbed shoulder/upper back. or semi-rehabbed, or something. anyway, no interest in re-aggravating it, but the massage on friday helped and probably isolated the real source of it all. so there's improvement and i did want to try and relearn the form progressively while that's going on. at 30 pounds i can get it up in the air without even a hint of a sideways kip, so i'm going to park the ego and make this my reboot weight, i guess.

    pulldowns: encouraging and i think i would do these forever regardless of pullup ambitions, just for the benefit of all the muscles involved in that first 'set your shoulders' motion. i stayed mostly at 20lbs and did at least 3 sets of 5 at the different widths. even the widest grip that was giving me a bad teres pinch at a certain point in the move felt much better this time. went up to 22.5 for one more set at each width but then i left it at that. i think doing this pulldown routine BEFORE i do squats is helpful for me, as a warmup for my whole shoulder capsule.

    squats: bar-only weight was fageddabahdit. i can't seem to keep form or balance or anything with just the bar, go figure. but i went up to 65 for two warmup sets, tried 95 for only a couple of reps and came right back down to 85. keep telling myself that squats right now have to be about my back and my core, not my legs. so the threshold is whatever those parts can handle, and it was 85. also, i liked 85 a whole lot for general manageability as i was able to really do them with a form i was actually happy about. worked in with some strange teutonic guy who was quarter-squatting 180 or so from a higher set of pins, so there was also the extra bonus of hoisting 45s up to nose level and down again, every set.

    bench: 2x5@45, 3x5@65, 1x3@65. bench has been killing me. it either goes fine, or i get something wrong and it puts a serious and scary torque on whatever attaches just below the bottom edge of my collarbone. i'm working on these fibres and a few trigger points among them, but in the meantime my main interest is stopping before anythign gets to where i get that seriously bad-feeling ropeburny feeling again. and since i don't think i technically had to do bench at all this workout (did it last time, at 55), i'm pretty okay with not completing this one.

    rows: i did rows, formally and officially and in pendlay form and i think i did actually get a real back workout with them for once. 5x5@50. i specifically wanted to do these because muscle fibre breakdown/rebuild, because back. 50 actually felt pretty light and here too i think i'm benefitting from deloading so much that form becomes easier.

    deadlifts: no, i did not deadlift officially, did not even try. but after the rows i strung two sets of 10 fast deads together with the same bar. doing the squats woke up my posterior chain and lower ab muscles and i'm trying to put the Fear into them all about how they're gonna get used from now on.

    and then i be'd a good little chiropractic patient and i went off and stretched everything that i'd worked. idk how anyone's supposed to get their post-workout in within 30 minutes or so, if they're supposed to stretch too. but anyway, while i was down there i did two xty-second planks too. think i left my watch at the massage place yesterday so i don't know real time, but i held both of them for 12-15 long slow breaths, so.

    and about time i was back doing planks. never mind about abs, the reason i do them is every single bone in my spine does a little realigning-style clunk if i get the right pose and i hold long enough. so that in itself is a reason for me to keep keeping them up, because my spine sounded like a long domino chain going down, after so long without them.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Did my workout after work, so it's another late one for me. Squat felt like it took a long time because I started the warm up with the bar again, working on figuring out where my feet should go as it's easier to look down with just the bar. I have a hard time, on occasion, waiting around between sets and "resting". But I also felt a little tired after the heavier warm-ups so might work on what amounts I do pre-5x5.

    Workout B

    Squat - 5x5 @ 135 - back to the big plates though I haven't tried more yet.
    OHP - 5x5 @ 60 - they were tough but I did all 5 sets as I'd failed on them and deloaded before.
    Deadlift - 1x5 @ 165 and 1x2 also at 165 - I tried mix grip on that second two just to see what it feels like as I've just being doing both overhand but my grip is struggling now as it gets heavier.

    Leg Press - 3x8 @ 140 cause why not
    treadmill - slow walk for 35 minutes

    I will admit, Crabada, I don't warm up on deadlift at all. In the video of him going through the lifts, he did them without warm up because it had the two lifts done before it. So, I've just sort of followed that and when I get to deadlift, I just do the main set (and on occasion an extra one cause I like it and seems such an effort to set up for one measly set).

    And that's the end of week 8 for me, according to my notebook. Not bad overall, maybe at the end of week 9 I'll compare start weights to where I've made it thus far.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    today was... well... I don't know. I always get in this weird zone where I'm kinda slowmo on everything when I'm on my period, and the day was focused on AMRAP sets... not a very good mix! lol. I *did* manage like 5 double unders without stopping during my warm-up. First time I manage to chain them together like that in FOREVER! I guess the zone helps (fyi, "chain them together" means I would do 5 normal jumps then a DU, 5 more and another DU. The first one actually surprised me because I'm so used to missing them. I guess I haven't been jumping high enough or something)

    EMOTM x8
    power pull-ups x3-5 (kept it around 3, changing my assistance as I fatigued)
    switch push-ups x3-5 (mostly 5s except for 2 sets I think)

    8 min AMRAP
    - 2KB Sumo deadlift x5
    - 2KB 1 leg RDL x3/leg
    with 30lbs KBs, managed 9 rounds and 4 deadlifts. And then proceeded to sit down for like 5 minutes because my lower back was just dead. Not sure that's supposed to happen, but it doesn't hurt right now so it must've been working really hard (and nonstop) is all.

    8 min AMRAP
    - 10lbs DB manmakers x5 (thats a burpee with renegade rows into a squat clean thruster)
    - sitouts x5/side

    managed 4 rounds and a single manmaker and gawd I hate that move so bad.

    Did a 5x5 on the squat @ 105 after that, still working on my form. I was leaning forward a smidge (finally was able to video) but I'm chalking it up to being fatigued. It was actually somewhat challenging, to be honest. Also did some hip mobility in-between sets.

    Aaand i finished up with some incline DB press (40x7, 6, 5) superset with incline DB curls (20x8, 8, 5) and even tried to do some triceps overhead 1db extensions on the first superset (got 10 @ 40) but figured the press was frying my triceps enough as is.

    Then I went to the grocery store and did 5 sets of 25 cans-into-the-recycler... that counts too, right?
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Workout A
    Squat 150 lbs 5x5 felt good and I was hitting depth so on to 155 next time.
    Bench 90lbs 5x5 go me I was thinking I would have to deload these but I got them
    Row 90 lbs 5/4/5/5/4 form feels good and solid though.
    This took me almost 2 hours to get through because the tiny human just refused to have a nap. She would doze off, I'd get a set in, rest and just as I was going to start my next set she would start to scream. Seems as though she thinks she has had a nap though, all happy and full of energy. (ps I need a nap)
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited January 2015
    Today was another cardio day for me, but I tried to mix things up a bit by doing a HIIT (Tabata) workout. It was filled with squats, jumps and burpees, so I can say that I have worked a lot with my body weight. It give an occasion to practice squats before going in the cage tomorrow.

    I kept it slightly moderate today so I'll have more energy for lifting tomorrow.

    Also, tomorrow will be a long day for me because I'll be in the gym at 7h AM, and I will attend a music show after work and won't be in bed before midnight. I'm guessing that tuesday will be a complete rest day for me.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    @Daiva -- Good luck! Can't wait to hear all about it! xo
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Hey girls,

    Dang Crabada, DL 170?! You are rocking it!

    I need to try this burpee thing. I did a couple the other night after I asked about how they work and it made me pretty tired pretty fast.

    I went in tonight really late, like 11:30. There were still some people there but it was pretty good considering it's January.

    Squats - warmups, 1x5@65, 5x5@75. Was happy to move up to 75. In pursuit of getting back up to 85 which is where I left off before lifting only 3 times in a month period.

    Bench - 5x5@55, 5x10 leg raises while holding up the bar, 5x15 hip popups while laying on the bench. I can't remember what I used to be at on the bench, before my bad month. I think it might have been 65. The 55 was challenging and an appropriate place to jump back in.

    Rows - 5x5@65, 5x5@65 romanian deadlifts. I got a fixed bar and did bent over rows instead of pendlays, then the romanian deadlifts in the same position. I don't think I have the patience to get the bumper plates for the big bar anymore to do pendlays. It's just kind of a hassle. 65 is surely a deload, but it was fine.

    I hate that I haven't made any actual progress on my lifts in ages, but at least I'm not starting all the way over at the beginning.
  • fothers365
    fothers365 Posts: 59 Member

    Newby joining in here if that is ok!

    I did my second work out today, B.

    Squats 5x5@22.5kg (45lb?)

    OHP 20kg bar weight- the 4th set I only managed 4, managed 5 in the fifth set but the app said stick at bar only next time which is fine by me- I struggled with these.

    DL- 5x5@40kg that was the wt the app suggested starting at and it was fine.

    I just need to remember not to look at my toes when doing DL.

    I was on night shift last night so did this when I got in after a quick breakfast- off to sleep now for a couple of hours :smile:

    Does anyone log strength training on MFP or fitbit? I wasn't sure whether to bother or not?

    If anyone wants to friend me I would be glad of the support!

  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    You guys are really rockin' it!!

    My workout today:

    Squat 5x7 72.5 (.5x body weight)
    Bench Press, Barbell 5x5 52.5
    Barbell Row, Bent-over 5x7 60

    Standing Biceps Curl, Dumbell 5x8 35
    tricep kickback 5x8 16
    Triceps Extension 5 x8 15

    Bench Press, Barbell 5x5 52.5
    Chinup Walk the Plank 5 x8
    third world squat 5x8

    Busy work week for me. I'll catch up when I can :-)
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    After week 0 comes week 1, and today was my first "real day" using the app and everything.

    Workout A

    Squat 1x45, 1x55, 1x65, 5x75 - I was asked by some random private trainer if I can switch cage after my last set because she wanted to use my cage to make pull ups with assistance and it was the only cage where she can hang the thing. It was my last set at 75, but for some reason, it made me grumpy because I had to set up another barbell after that for my barbell row and to practice my deadlift.

    Bench press 1x45, 5x55 - these were more challenging than I tought, I will probably stall rapidly on that move

    Barbell row 1 x 45, 2 x 50, 5 x 55 - my form felt horrible. I need to check more videos of this.

    As my coach was there in the morning, I take 10 minutes with him to practice deadlift (with the bar only). I'm more comfortable now.

    Also, I did 15 minutes of elliptical as a warmup.

    For some reason, I'm not quite happy with this morning workout, but I think that the fact that I had not enough sleep didn't help today. I'll try again on Wednesday.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited January 2015
    fothers365 wrote: »

    Newby joining in here if that is ok!

    I did my second work out today, B.

    Squats 5x5@22.5kg (45lb?)

    OHP 20kg bar weight- the 4th set I only managed 4, managed 5 in the fifth set but the app said stick at bar only next time which is fine by me- I struggled with these.

    DL- 5x5@40kg that was the wt the app suggested starting at and it was fine.

    I just need to remember not to look at my toes when doing DL.

    I was on night shift last night so did this when I got in after a quick breakfast- off to sleep now for a couple of hours :smile:

    Does anyone log strength training on MFP or fitbit? I wasn't sure whether to bother or not?

    If anyone wants to friend me I would be glad of the support!

    Hi and welcome!

    Of course it is ok for you to join! The more the merrier =D
    That is some pretty good stuff for just day 2! I'll give you confirmation that the upper body lifts are tougher to progress on. But it's actually kind of more rewarding when you do progress!

    Quick tip if you ever want to translate kg to lbs, it's approximately a 2.2 (2.3274 to be exact) ratio. What I do is double the weight (20kg = 40) and then add 10% of the result back (+ 4 = 44), then round to the nearest 2.5 since plates don't go any lower. The 20kg bar is 45. 22kg is 50. Going the other way around is a matter of dividing by 2 and then removing ten percent of the result (100 /2 = 50 - 5= 45). Hope that helps you (and anyone else) keep up with the conversions :) I live in canada, so I tend to have to do them often enough since everything is in metric here, but the older people are all still on the imperial system.

  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    I am in a great mood today due to my COLTS win yesterday, and it was easier than usual to get out of bed at 4 am! :smiley:

    I did Workout B today.
    Squats, 95 lbs 5x5. This was a repeat because my form felt off on Friday. Still not great but I'll try to push to 100 next time.
    OHP, 50 lbs 5x5. I pushed to get all 25 reps, didn't feel great, even with the form tweak. I'll repeat here next time.
    Deadlift, 125 lbs 1x5. I had a tough time with this one today. I think I need to do a set of lighter weight before working weight just to get the feeling for the correct form right. I will try that next time and probably repeat 125.

    Lunges, calf raises, good mornings 50 lbs 3x10, stability ball crunches holding a 12 lb medicine ball 3x20

    5k on the treadmill
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    After week 0 comes week 1, and today was my first "real day" using the app and everything.

    Workout A

    Squat 1x45, 1x55, 1x65, 5x75 - I was asked by some random private trainer if I can switch cage after my last set because she wanted to use my cage to make pull ups with assistance and it was the only cage where she can hang the thing. It was my last set at 75, but for some reason, it made me grumpy because I had to set up another barbell after that for my barbell row and to practice my deadlift.

    You could have agreed to let her work in but still at least have done your last set of squats there. You were there first, regardless of the equipment limitations. People are usually pretty understanding about that.

    All in all for a first official workout though, that was pretty good! What I said about the upper body lifts in my previous post applies here too - don't get too discouraged and keep plodding ahead, you'll make progress eventually!
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Thanks Krokador, that's really encouraging. ;)

    I think that I was kind of antisocial this morning (not in a psychopath kind of way, but just not as cheerful and friendly as usual), and I felt disturbed and annoyed by her because, you know, people. I'm not always like that, and I think that the grumpy-ing was directed toward her for bad reasons. I'm such a bad person when I didn't get a proper night of sleep.
    fothers365 wrote: »

    Does anyone log strength training on MFP or fitbit? I wasn't sure whether to bother or not?

    I forgot to answer this question! I log my strenght training. I wear my HRM during my workout, and my HR is sometimes as high as 145 after a set of lift, so it's almost cardio at that point. I log my warm up (elliptical) and strenght training separately, and I just substract the amount of calories burned during my warmup to the total to have an estimate for the strenght training. For a 50 minutes lifting session, I burn around 250 cals, which is a proper burn (IMO, at least).

    I know that HRM can't be that much precise when the cardio work is not steady, but I just assume that the number I log cover also the afterburn.

  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I see so many burpee haters, so I'm here to rep on their behalf.. see my profile pic ;) They are a pain but literally work everything! You can do them anywhere, trust me, I like to get creative, and they help your over all stamina. That being said, I hate burpees too.. but I love them just as much. Anyone who can do one burpee, can do 100 burpees in a day easy... they go by quick in sets of 10 or 15 :)

    I've decided to drop the bar on my squats to work on form, so now it's squats and burpees every. single. day. I love my life <3 lol... The rest of the workouts are going smoothly. I'm adding on some weight tonight.. a little worried, but more excited then anything.

    Have a good one ladies :) Burpees yay!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    fothers365 wrote: »
    Does anyone log strength training on MFP or fitbit? I wasn't sure whether to bother or not?

    If anyone wants to friend me I would be glad of the support!

    Welcome! :smile:

    I log on MFP both in the cardiovascular and keep track of the weights in the strength training section. Though, I tend to just put in the cardio section half an hour despite it taking longer. It's nice to see some extra calories allowed though I might play with my numbers and bump it up a little after looking up TDEE and BMR, etc.

    I have a fitbit, but it's the zip. So, it's mostly a small pedometer. I could track other things on the web site. I just don't. I also don't have the fitbit linked to MFP. I use it just for the steps and to help motivate my family who also have ones and like competition.