Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Today is a nice sunny day and up to 45. Yesterday was cloudy and cold – think it got up to 20 so we’re doing that jumping around again. Weather changes a lot. Sunday all the kids were here plus my sister and a friend of Brecken’s. It was nice outside so the kids went out to play. Monday was at home until the last home basketball game that we could go to free. Both boys and girls won. Sub-state starts this next week. If we go to any, it would only be the first game which is at home. Tuesday was Good News Club and watching Derek’s kids. We got Jordan before noon and he went down good for a nap. I went to club and Ralph got Jordan up and went to pick up the two girls at Berean. We met at a nearby church after I served the cookies and left the brown car and went to their house. Ralph dropped us off and went to get Madden. We had him get off at a friend’s house in case we were late (but we weren’t. Kids had their snacks and played. Ralph took Madden to tutoring and I got them to bed. The boys are the hardest and it’s not that hard to sit outside their door and read a book. We left when Taryn (the oldest got home from basketball) so we were home by 10.
    Wednesday was Bible study, friend and I worked on Sunday School papers in the afternoon and then I was in the nursery in the evening. Thursday afternoon we went to one town and visited in nursing home and then we went home switched cars and went to the town we go to on Friday and did out shopping and I went to 4-H Council meeting. We found tops on sale for $1.00 each that would work for shoeboxes so I filled up my cart then and then went back after the meeting and got a bunch more. So now I’m going through them and taking off the tags and putting them together by sizes.
    So I’ve had Friday and Saturday at home I’ve plugged away but progress is slow. I had a friend who lost her husband at the end of last year call me and we talked for an hour. Today I had a cousin call but we didn’t talk as long. :) But I’m slowly working through the clothes I bought and jump ropes and bracelets strings, etc.
    When we were in town Thursday, Ralph bought 10 chicks so they are in a box in the living room. When we got home from our meeting they were still kind of huddled together under their light. Turned out the furnace wasn’t working. We got up two small electric heaters and the house only went down to 60 overnight. Then he tried more things and got it going in the morning. We got the air conditioner fixed last Monday so are ready for the summer. Tomorrow I’m going to help at 4-H days right after church. I sit at the candy bar table. 4-Hers get one after doing their talks – kind of a thank you for doing it. They only get one even if they do several things. Ralph will go to a fellowship meal so I don’t have to do any food. So I haven’t had to work on the house today either.
    Alan came over and they cleaned out the building the old hens were in. Next week he’ll move the one year old hens into the clean building and then can work on cleaning out their building to be ready for the new chicks he ordered (along with these he bought). With all he’s doing, he’ll be extra sore tonight. I’m very thankful Alan is willing to help him. Never a boring week around here.

    Isabella, have you been coloring in your new coloring book?

    Sheryl and Tammy, hope all is going well for you.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Was also going to mention that this week was my anniversary of joining nutrimirror 12 years ago. I had 5 wonderful years with it.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    It has been a fun week! I gained a couple pounds with all the eating out but hopefully they will fall off quickly now that I'm eating normal again. Did my grocery shopping on Friday instead of Saturday since we had a break in the weather. Good thing since it rained most of Saturday.

    Several gals from our bible study group are going to the movies on Tuesday to see the movie "The Jesus Revolution". We are going to the first matinee so it should only cost around $8.00. It is playing at my favorite theater and one of the girls is going to pick me up if it rains. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

    I am already half way thru my 1000 page book. It is very enjoyable.

    Debora, Thanks for the birthday wishes. I haven't colored the pages in my bible study guide yet but I want too. :) You're right - my trainer is giving me a variety of exercises to do so that I can have a varied workout when I am on my own. The chuck roast sounds wonderful. How did it come out?

    Well, have a blessed week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Debora, I just saw your other posts. It is so interesting all that has to be done for the chickens. Glad Alan is willing to help Ralph get it done. I haven't started my coloring book yet. I went on line and checked out some videos on coloring with pencils for beginners. :) Happy nutrimirrorversary.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning. Had a good weekend. I did my grocery shopping on Friday because I went to an all day women's conference on Saturday. I don't know if you've ever heard of the "IF Conference" in Dallas Texas that is held every year? Well my church showed 6 of the teachings plus a catered lunch and a break out session to discuss the teachings in the afternoon. The 23rd Psalm was the theme of the conference and most of the teachings were taken from that. It was very good. I sat with several members of our bible study group in the main sessions. When we went to the break out session in the afternoon I didn't know any of the ladies so I got to know some new people as well. :) The praise and worship were wonderful as well.

    Sunday I went to church, worked with Dan in the yard, did laundry and a couple other chores, cooked my greens for the week, then finally relaxed and read my book before dinner.

    God bless and have a wonderful week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, hope all is going well. Last night the time changds. Not sure I’m excited about it but it happens. I set the time on the alarm clock but forgot to turn on the alarm. But I woke up at the new time due to mother nature calling. I thought I had popped in last week but guess I didn’t so you’ll have to read more now. Ralph enjoyed his time at the fellowship meal and I had fun at 4-H days. I would ask the kids what they did and I was given a gummy worm pudding cup and two piece of cherry pie (Ralph and I really enjoyed them).
    We didn’t go to any of the substate games but Berean won. Last Saturday we went to Kansas City and watched Jeremiah play volleyball. His team didn’t win any matches but we watched some good playing.
    I only had 11 for dinner last Sunday and will only have 10 tomorrow. Lori’s whole family is going to go watch Jeremiah play but I’m glad they can do that. Last Sunday I still fixed all the hamburgers we had and they made some good leftovers. Today I did chicken enchiladas so we’ll see how that goes – don’t think I’ve ever done them on a Sunday.
    Last Monday I had the entire day at home and worked on short one time jobs and felt like I got quite a bit done. I still have plenty of things to do but that day did help. Hope I have another day like it in the next month. Had all the usual things. Wednesday Ralph went to town and came home with 18 chicks. Thursday morning his first order came into the post office so 40 more. That evening we went to a 1st grade program. It was only about 30 minutes but very cute. Friday morning he got the last 30 chicks he ordered so they are all settled in their new home and the 10 that had been in the house have moved out too.
    Friday was our REC (electric coop) meal and annual meeting. We enjoyed Mexican and the meeting only lasted an hour and we were headed home listening to the Berean girls play at state. They won so got to play for the championship on Saturday and they pulled it off. Yay. Always fun when it happens – last time had been in 2008. They lose 6 seniors so it made it fun for them too. At least two of them are going to play basketball in college.
    Lucy spent Saturday night here so we could get her to church to go on the Youth Group work project. Her two sisters will spend Monday night so I can take them to a craft meeting Tuesday afternoon so that will be fun and I just know the have tos will get done and the rest will wait. :)
    Last Sunday we only had 11 here for dinner. Today it was just 8 of us. I did enchiladas for the first time. Plenty left but I’m watching three of Alan’s tomorrow so guess what’s for lunch. Owen is getting glasses and starting vision therapy so he can read and see better. Tomorrow night is 4-H so I’ll be working on that too. These ones are older so I should be able to get both done.

    Isabella, glad you’re week was so fun. I’m sure those pounds are gone. Send some of that rain this way. Did you enjoy “The Jesus Revolution”? I thought it ended in our area last week but now I see it’s still available so maybe we should check it out. And you’ve probably finished your book by now. The chuck roast turned out well. We didn’t have much left.
    How fun to be able to go to the Women’s Conference. And you had time with those you know and made new friends. It so fun to see you have so many things to do that you didn’t have time to do while you were working.
    How many more sessions do you have with your trainer?

    This week is spring break but most of usual activities still go on so it won’t seem a lot different to me.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    HI. Did my grocery shopping on Friday again since it was supposed to rain Saturday. We spent all day Saturday indoors and worked on the puzzle and I finished my book. It was a good one. I will read a bit of my health book before starting another fun book. Ran several errands today then did laundry and cooked my weekly greens. Dan's high blood pressure is really acting up so I am back to reading labels more closely and trying to cook low sodium. It seems to be helping. I finally ordered a "Dash Diet" cook book to help with low sodium meals. We'll see how it goes.

    Several gals went to lunch after the bible study on Thursday. It was really nice to spend more personal time together.

    We finally got a bit of sunshine today. It was really nice. We are supposed to have more rain starting Tuesday.

    Debora, I have 2 more sessions with my personal trainer. One on Wednesday morning then one more after that. I'm kinda ready to be on my own for a while so I don't have to be at the gym at a certain time.

    Well, have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Debora, I forgot to answer your question about the Jesus Revolution. We all absolutely LOVED the movie. It was a "4 tissue movie" for me. But then I often cry at movies (but I noticed that I wasn't the only one). :) You really felt the Spirit moving throughout the movie. It was neat to see the history of the 70's also. The church I used to attend for many years was part of the Calvary Chapel churches so it was enjoyable to see the film from that aspect as well. They pretty much told the story as it was. I highly recommend it.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, the weekend came and went and the middle of the next week is here. Last week I had 4-H. It’s the meeting we call parent’s night and the parents of the officers fill in and parents give the talks. Always fun. It was spring break so did not have Good News Club. Instead I went to a 4-H crafts meeting since it was at our church. It was one where everyone paints the same picture and the ages were 7 through 15. Very interesting to watch. The pictures were all the same but different.
    Wednesday I went to Bible study and church in the evening but we had no one in the nursery so just visited which was fun too. I was supposed to have grandkids overnight a couple of times but dad decided to bring them to the craft meeting so they didn’t need to stay and Maggie got pink eye so couldn’t do Wednesday. Thursday I worked with my friend, then we dropped some shoebox stuff off at Lori’s house and visited some friends that lived in the area ending with a meal at Wendy’s. It snowed for the time we were in there and then it was done. Friday was our usual trip to town. In the evening we met up with Matthew and Julie and went to a fish fry and a Catholic church. They had taken us last year and it is some really good food. It’s a fundraiser for them and lots of people are there. The line was no shorter when we left then when we came in.
    Saturday morning I spent cleaning the house. Then I started on the food. I didn’t think I had that much to do but it took until evening. I did dinner rolls, made no bake cookies, made green fluff (as a fun thing for St. Patrick’s Day) and mixed up the meatballs. I had gotten the hamburger out a couple of days earlier to thaw. Fortunately before I started mixing, I realized I had 10 pounds out instead of 6 so I could refreeze what I didn’t need.
    Sunday all but one of us were here for dinner. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. K-state was playing in baseball and all stayed till the first half ended and then headed home so they could watch the rest at home. We were taping it cause we had a meeting at church on a camp in Alaska that several from our church had helped at. We heard from several who have been there and then enjoyed finger food – there was such a variety of food. No one talked about the game so we were able to enjoy the second half when we got home.
    Monday we had our final appointment in the flu vaccine study we were in. We also ate at Applebees with a gift card we had. Tuesday we were back in town to meet with the surgeon to get things moving on Ralph’s hernia surgery. Things are on track since it’s been the year since he had the stents put in so now we wait to hear from the scheduler and I’m kind of hoping it won’t be till after Easter. This morning was Bible study and I got to lead since our usual leader could not come. So I actually did my lesson ahead of time.

    Isabella, Finishing a puzzle and a book on the same day – pretty special. Fun books go so much faster for m. I didn’t know there was a “Dash Diet” cookbook. I should probably try harder but he has it under control with meds so….
    Lunch with the Bible Study gals sounds fun. A good time to get to know each other a bit more.
    Our weather jumps up and down. It got up in the 70s today but last week we had a day or to below freezing. Keeps us guessing.
    Hope you can keep things going without your trainer. You have a lot of determination so I’m sure you will.. Going at the time of your choice will be good.
    Glad you enjoyed the movie/ I found two times that would work to go that last week and both times Ralph was so tired by evening we didn’t make it. Such is life.

    Time to go fix supper (salad and pizza) and get Ralph set up for his zoom class. Grandson asked me to pop some popcorn for him cause he is still at work. He’s going to use it with his 1st grade class for the refreshments. Not a hard thing to do. And our one charge should be back tonight. Enjoy the rest of your week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, going to get this going before the day is past. The sun is out but still on 42 so we don’t plan to go to grandson’s soccer game. Surely there will be some warmer mornings in the next month. He has one every Saturday till mid May. End of the week sped by. Went to work with my friend on Thursday and another person was visiting too so we got lots done. I am double-checking today since we did them so quickly and most are okay. I also went to the dentist and got a filling covering on my tooth that had the crown come off and they couldn’t do a new one without lowering the gum and that was expensive. So I’m trying this route. We’ll see if works. Friday we did our ususal shopping and then in the evening I went with my sister to the local high school’s play. It was a short on but very cute – Anna and Augusta. I’m glad it wasn’t very long so I wasn’t up so late. I got my sheets changed yesterday – we went too long between changes but since we shower at night, it never felt bad. Silly to put it off cause it doesn’t take that long. As far as I know I’m home for the day so we’ll see what gets done. I straightened the house yesterday so focusing on food stuff today.
    Enjoy your day.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Finally we get a couple days with no rain this week. Yay! Sunny but cool the last couple days. I'll take it! Did my usual shopping plus farmer's market last week. This week it was usual shopping plus Ralph's grocery store cuz I had coupons to use. I think I'll probably go for a walk then sit outside. I just finished my book, Firefly Lane by Kristen Hannah - a tear jerker - so trying to decide whether to start another fun one or read my health book for a while. We also just finished another puzzle. This one was birds in a bird bath with flowers and butterflies all around. Tough but surprisingly fun.

    Dan's crown came off last night. On a Friday night of course. Very upsetting. He snapped it back on and is being very careful since he won't be able to see the dentist until Monday.

    I had lunch with the neighborhood ladies Thursday. Food was just OK but fellowship was fun. I've been going to the Poway senior center about once a week since they finally got a chef and are serving real food again. Full meals for $5.00. Only draw back is you have to pay for the meal at least 24 hours in advance so they know how much food to make. We had cabbage roll on Wednesday and it was FABULOUS!!

    Debora, Sounds like you've had a good couple of weeks. I haven't made homemade meatballs in a long time. What did you put in them? How are Ralph's chicks doing? The Dash Diet cookbook has some interesting recipes. I'll have to look thru it and choose some meals. Dan was also put on a diuretic so his blood pressure is more under control and he is therefore not as intent on cutting sodium as he was a couple weeks ago. I'll still try to do lower sodium as best as I can.

    OK, have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another week is in the books and we’re into another month. I had Monday at home and worked on one time and short jobs. Felt like I got a lot done but then list seemed just as long the next day. I worked on going through the small wordless book bracelets cause the person we give lots of them too will be here this week. And it was time to get caught up. I enjoy the time with my friend but we don’t get as much done now since she can do less.
    Tuesday Good News Club had its challenges. One boy pushed the limits. He said he won’t come next week and right now we are okay with that so we can have more order. Wednesday was Bible study, an afternoon at home and then the nursery at church with 4 kids – all did well. Thursday we went in and I worked with friend.
    Friday we did our usual errands. Got home before noon and a couple hours later we heard about a fire in the area we had been through. It was a very windy day so the fire moved quickly and the smoke was so bad in the town that they evacuated a grade school and lots of businesses. One person there said it was very scary. In the evening we had the Praise and Celebration banquet where hubby and kids went to school. It was a good evening – delicious meal, good speaker, and lots of good visiting around the table and afterwards. Ralph knows way more people than I do but I enjoy listening to him.
    Saturday turned out to be an interesting day. Ralph went to Bible study. I picked him up and we went to Madden’s soccer game. We didn’t know where the field was so I said I’d call Derek and he could wave at us. Well, he was at home – thought the game was at 11:15 instead of 10:15. He was wrong so they jumped in the car and game – got there just before the halftime. So we saw it – little kids chasing the ball. The other team won cause they had better control. From there we went to Dillons – Lindsey loaded the digital coupon for 2 liters for $.99 for me so I got the rest of the pop for Easter and a couple for Ralph to use. We went to ICT Books (all books are $1) and ate at McDonald’s and then went to town we were at on Friday and saw the damage from the fire.
    Dinner today was chicken in a gravy base over rice with toppings (haystacks), buttermilk biscuits from a can, pineapple and a cake we picked at Dillons on the marked down shelf. Ralph really bought it for himself but it helped me out since we were gone. Have a few leftovers of the base and lots on the toppings but can use them in salads. Everyone was gone by 4 and then I finished getting my 10,000 steps and worked on my list to gear up for the week.

    Isabella, we could sure use some of your rain. Did Dan get his crown taken care of? What did you decided to read? I’m reading a biography right now that took place in Kansas. My life is way easier. How fun to go to the center and enjoy a meal you didn’t have to cook. Does Dan just dig in the fridge on those days.
    I think the meatballs are pretty basic – oatmeal, eggs, kitchup, spaghetti sauce. Chicks are doing fine and getting bigger every day.

    This week has several things going on so maybe it will keep me out of trouble. Take care and Have a Blessed Easter.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! We had a crazy weekend so I'm just getting a chance to visit today. My car (a 2012 Hyundai Sonata) which only has 58,785 miles has been burning oil. There are no leaks. Well when Dan checked the oil on Wednesday it was already down a quart after only 700 miles since the last oil change. Not good!! I took it to the mechanic to have oil added and he said we should get rid of it. This means the engine is going and that even if we spend the money to repair/replace the engine we will still have an old car. Who knows what will go next. I went to the Hyundai dealer and told them that they know that these engines are bad and that they should replace/repair the engine even though the warranty expired last year. He said they couldn't but if I wait to see if a certain engine problem comes up, then they would replace it. Dan was NOT happy!! I prayed about it and asked my bible study group to pray about it. When I came home to talk it over with Dan he said he already decided what to do. The mechanic is right, we have to get a new car. I went to Hyundai Friday 3/31 to check out the 2023 models with the intent to just gather info on the base model. He told me that since it was the last day of the month and they hadn't met their sales quota they would be very much more willing to negotiate. Well, to make a short story long, We ended up buying the next model up (a 2023 Sonata SEL) for a good price and got them to extend the warranty to 10 yrs 100,000 bumper to bumper. So I have a brand new car. :)

    We went out to dinner and went for a ride yesterday to celebrate.

    San Diego is also very happy this weekend because the Aztecs (college basketball team) won the final 4 by 1 point with 1 second to go in the game! They are going to play the championship game today. This is huge for our city!!
    Also the Padres baseball team won their game and the girls soccer team also won. Yay!!

    Debora, I decided to read The Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers. I finished it already. It was very good.

    Have a blessed week and Happy Easter!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    edited April 2023
    Happy He is Risen Day. Jesus is LORD of All and GOD Wins.
    Been doing okay, I am no longer working as of March 9th. I got tired of being an escape goat for others at the work place. So now I am here at home with my hubby enjoying my time with him. I have put on 4 lbs since I have been home and I am trying to lose it by watching what I eat and exercise, but it seems that I have been watching my food intake going the wrong way, more calories in then out...Hahaha...:)

    I do have a line on another job and just waiting for them to call me in for an interview. I sure hope it happens soon.

    I hope you all have been paying attention to what is going on in the government and with the banks failing. I pray that you have extra food, water and some extra cash on hand for when you may need it. I know it sounds a little crazy but please pray and ask GOD for his direction for the media is not telling us all the truth.

    Be safe and I will check in again soon. GOD Bless you all.

    Please pray for Rain in Mineral Wells, Tx. Haven't seen a good rain in a month and we are on Stage 2 water restrictions, so I'm having to use my totes (water) for gardening.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    After a nice warm day yesterday, we are having a cool overcast one today, We even got a little bit of rain (I saw a puddle) but could use much more. We went to a funeral this morning of a friend. The funeral was at our church cause it’s a larger church than he attended and two of the daughters go here but their pastor and foods committee and ushers were all from their church. The family had one section of the church – 4 children, 20 grandchildren and 45 great grandchildren plus other family members. It was a God honoring service. We were going to go to a grandson’s soccer game but it was too cold to sit outside for us. So I have a bit more time at home.
    I had a lot of the usual activities. We had a birthday to celebrate in Bible study so had goodies to celebrate – always fun. Thursday we were asked to come to the house Ralph’s sister lived in. The cousin in charge of her will had some family things gathered together so we got to take what we wanted – had the trunk fairly full. I was able to find a good spot to put it until I have time to go through it too. The already have the house sold to the neighbors so it’s nice to know that. We ended being at the house longer than we thought so didn’t have as much time to spend with older friend. But that was fine with her cause she was feeling a bit blah so didn’t feel like working. Then I had an appointment on my prolapse. The doctor is very nice but he talked about me being there last Nov. but it’s been longer and seemed to have forgotten I had a prolapse – like he didn’t look at my record. What he had to help didn’t work so next week I’m seeing another doctor so we’ll see how that goes. The word surgery was mentioned and I’m praying that isn’t needed. I joined a facebook group and surgeries seem to have a long recovery time.
    Easter Sunday was good. We had a good church service. The junior girl had great special music. The all were here but Katie and Ava cause Ava had a bad cold. Kids all brought a part of the meal. I just did the ham, deviled eggs, & some mashed potatoes But I got to keep some of the food they bought so we had good leftovers all week. Out of all the eggs I hid, only one was not found and it was a plastic egg so not too bad. And the kids had fun playing together.
    Last Monday I had 4-H. I got everything ready in the morning and in the afternoon we went to a friend’s house and went through books from her parents and got about 5 boxes of books – more for Ralph but I got some to read and then will pass along. It was fun visiting with her too. Our meeting was what we call our exchange meeting which means we meet with another club. This year we went to them so got to see where they meet and stuff. It’s a fun one. We went through a town with a walmart so stopped to check out Easter leftovers and I did a good job of passing on the candy but did buy all the Easter pencils they had for shoeboxes. I also checked out the Walmart in the town I had my appointment and got some pencils there too – all at half price.
    I also did my ordering for April birthdays and got two packages in the mail. One box was big but what’s inside it is small. I guess they use a big box so things won’t get lost. We have five April birthdays and have most things purchased or on the way now. I will get the food item next week since we’re celebrating on the 4th Sunday.

    Tammy, glad you’re enjoying the time at home with hubby. Seems like a lot of people don’t take jobs as seriously as some of us do. Hope what you’re working on now pans out. It’s always seems to be much easier to put pounds on rather than take them off. My sweet tooth is a detriment to me (or maybe it’s my self-control). We are praying for more rain here too. Farmers have been planting corn so we need the rain to bring it up and grow it.

    Isabella, congrats on the new car. Are you a little nervous driving it? Nice that you were able to get such a good deal. Fun to go out and celebrate.
    We watched the game where the Aztecs won at that last second. It was exciting. I didn't realize the team was in your area.

    Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Seems I've been busy but haven't been doing much so not sure what I've been so busy with! :) Temps are still cool for this time of year. Mid 60's to low 70's. Seems like January instead of spring. But I'll take it. It will be hot every day soon enough. Did my usual shopping on the weekends so nothing new there. Been having lunch at the senior center a couple times a week and am really enjoying the fellowship with the ladies there. Enjoying the food too. We are on break from bible study and will start up again May 25th.

    Easter Sunday was nice. Pastor's message was very different from the usual Easter message. He spoke about Thomas instead and why it was understandable why he said he wouldn't believe until he put his hand in the Lord's wounds. The message closed with why current doubters should believe. Very interesting. Things were quiet here. I made penne pasta with meatballs for dinner. We enjoyed it and have enough for a couple more meals.

    Debora, yes, I was a tad nervous driving the new car but am getting used to it and REALLY like it. Neat that you saw the amazing Aztecs game too. Sad that they didn't win the championship but I feel that both teams that went were winners for making it that far. The city of San Diego had a parade for them upon their return to celebrate them and welcome them home. Very nice.

    Tammy, nice for you to check in. Will pray for rain (for both of you) and for the job you are waiting to hear from.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Not much new. Temps have been from the low 70's to the mid to high 80's with a nice breeze. Crazy but I'm enjoying it. Did my usual shopping this weekend plus went to the farmer's market for local honey and a couple other things like fresh picked strawberries. Yum!

    We have a gardener coming to clean up the slope behind our house today. Hope he brings the correct ground cover this time. The stuff he planted last time does not spread at all. We felt that we wasted a lot of money. :( I also have lunch at the senior center. Shepherds Pie. Mmmm!

    Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I think it’s been two weeks since I wrote. Lots of going. We had our last regular Good News Club. We’ll have our party this week. We had our last Wednesday midweek. We had a hot dog roast (hot dogs were grilled since it was a light rain and we ate in the gym). Next two Wednesday nights still have activities but not the normal stuff. We had lunch with friends who had a friend from Kenya visiting and some of the books we’ve sent have gone to him. Went to a couple of baseball games and two soccer games (high school senior for baseball and 8 year old for soccer). We had everyone over and celebrated the 5 April birthdays. And of course, our normal running around. Basics are kept up but not getting to extra things. But it is all still on the list. I still aim to do them (when it slows down – ha). Today I went to a bridal shower which was fun. The bride and the groom are both from our church which doesn’t happen a lot.
    We actually got a bit of rain – even had to run the wipers but it dries out fast. Had some cool days and then today got up to over 70. After the soccer game today we went by one of the houses our son has in the Parade of Homes. While we were there, our son called and said he had a call saying there was a snake in the basement so wanted Ralph to take care of it. So we went down. It was a little garter snake so he got it and put it outside in the grass so it won’t “scare” anyone. Another interesting things – two of the grandsons were here with Ralph the other day and they heard something in the window well. So they went outside and looked and it was a beaver. Never had one of those close by. They put a ladder in the window well and when they went out to check, it was gone.
    Derek and Lindsey have done all the paperwork on adopting Jordan so now just waiting on the official notice.

    Isabella, your winter temps are way different than ours. But this year it seems like we’ve had a lot more ups and downs than some years. How fun the Senior Center is – food and fellowship. Do you fix a meal for Dan when you go or does he fend for himself like when you were working? Interesting Easter message – good to make us think. Even when we don’t do anything big, it amazing how fast the weeks go. Enjoy your honey and strawberries.

    One of the elders is giving our message tomorrow as our pastor is sick. Then next week we have a Life Action Team coming for 4 days and they do pretty much everything – activities for kids, adults, messages and we are supposed to all have time to process where our walk is, things we need to take care of, etc. We’ll have to miss some due to grandkid programs. But we’ll do as much as we can.

    Have a great week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    It's been a good week. Finished another book. It was different but interesting. Now I'm reading a couple of health books. The temps are in the mid 60's this week with rain in the forecast for Thursday. Here we go again! :) Did some of my shopping on Friday and added Target and Jimbo's (they have the best apples and Jimbo's is the only store that sells the salsa my husband likes). Then I only had to go to Sprouts on Saturday. Nice to break it up. I bought a new pair of tennies at Big 5 Sporting Goods Saturday as well. I got a pair of Asics. They were on sale and I also had a $10 off coupon so I got them for $50. I really like them and may go back for a second pair. Dan and I always say that if you find something you really like you should buy more because you'll probably never find the same thing again.

    Our pastor has started a series of teachings on the Holy Spirit. It has been very interesting.

    The planting on the slope seems to have gone better this time although Dan still thinks it was not up to par. Time will tell whether the plants thrive and spread. I'm praying they do.

    This week I have a lunch at the senior center on Wednesday and our bible study group is getting together for lunch on Thursday. Then I have a hair cut on Saturday. Busy week for me!

    Debora, I make lunch for Dan when I get home on the days I go out to lunch. Once in a great while he'll fend for himself. Usually when I have lunch with the bible study girls cuz we stay longer and fellowship. When I go to the senior center they close up at 12:30. Your life action team meetings sound very interesting. Always good to put biblical teaching into practical application and self check our walk. Not always an easy thing to do.

    Have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I always say I’m busy but we make time for what we want to do. We have been to several music concerts – Sunrise Band concert, Remington Bank Ice Cream Social, Sunrise Choir Concert and Berean 5-8th grade band and choir program. They were all good and they were spread out over a couple of weeks. Last Saturday we went to Jeremiah’s last regular season football game. It had to be resecheduled and we at the ball field for 5 hours and they won. From the game we went to a graduation party – served tacos and cookies and cake. Lots of people there. The dad told Ralph he had browned 60 pounds of hamburger – that’s a lot. Then last week (Sunday – Wednesday) we had a Life Action Team at our church. They had activities for all ages and got outside people to watch the little ones so we were all free to feed on the messages and the music.
    Also last week a friend’s husband suddenly passed away. Two Mormon guys going through the neighborhood found him slumped on his porch and they were not able to get his heart started again. Ralph had talked to him earlier in the day and he mentioned being in the hospital with high blood pressure. So we had his visitation and service. Then the friend I worked with for year (also step-mother-in-law to this man and wife) started getting weak. I was blessed I that each time I went to visit she was awake and knew me. She passed away yesterday. I will miss her.
    Today we went to a grandson’s graduation. He is going to school to study to be a electric lineman. Our oldest grandson has finished his college training to be a firefighter but elected not to walk. So now he’ll start job hunting (although he is working while he hunts). He was ready to be done with school. He started college the covid year and didn’t do well, then took a year off so it has been quite a journey for him.
    Ralph has been busy working on packing boxes of books. He had done a bunch early – had 12 boxes in the hallway but I think now he has about 35 packed and two empty but there are books to fill them. He and Alan plan to take them to Kansas City this week. They will go to three locations n Africa and we are still working on details where part of the boxes go. They are hard to get hold of. It worked out well cause no one is coming for dinner tomorrow. They are doing the party for Jeremiah at Derek’s house at 3 so they will need to decorate and we will all see each other there. So I picked up some fried chicken and fixed potato salad for us to have. Didn’t have to make such a big batch as usual. Then we’ll dive into the next week.

    Isabella, it is fun to go to different stores at time. I hear you on getting more of a shoe or whatever when you fine you like. It so often seems to be gone the next time. I had tennis shoes for several year at one time and I’m still using the same brand but a different look. I don’t like them as well., but,.. I have done that with purses too.
    You read a variety of books – you never stop learning. And that’s good. Glad the planting went better. We need rain quite badly. Of course, we know God knows that. Nice on the haircut – always feels good.
    Glad you are enjoying your pastor’s series. Tomorrow is child dedication so I’m sure the message will be toward mothers. I teach in our class and the lesson is on the widow with little oil.
    Enjoy your week.