Every day chats!



  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I have been a bit side-tracked from the the back yard gardening lately, but finally got back outside yesterday. It's so enjoyable. I get to exercise, enjoy some sunshine, and accomplish something that I can look at later, all at the same time. It just feels really good. Spent some nice time with my sons this weekend. This week I will enjoy the bubble bath, lotion and scented candle they gave me. This morning, I enjoyed using the cute kitty cat coffee mug they gave me.

    Cindy - It's nice that your daughter decided to go to prom. She looked so lovely and the blue dress was such an amazing color for her. Too bad about the crappy food though. :s

    Liz - Glad to hear you're pretty much settled in the new home. We have lived in our home for about 16 years and I'm not sure I have ever felt completely done.

    Alice - Cute little guy! So sorry about your foot ... again. That's awful. But, you're being so positive. Enjoy the strength training.

    Wishing all of our L.O.S.T. ladies a wonderful, blessed week.

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    What a cool tea cup Marcella. I have been unpacking the kitchen wondering where my tea cup and tea pot have gotten to. So thank you for sharing yours. :)

    Cindy, I hope you get back to normal life. It is such a relief after running so hard for a month. I am sorry TOM still visits you. Hopefully it won't for too much longer. :)

    I hope everyone has an awesome day! B)

  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Hello lovelies. I've been MIA and am truly apologetic. I've been dealing with a lot of personal things and some of you know if you've seen my posts on my diary or on my wall. I'm in chronic pain a lot more than I have been and just trying to stay afloat of eating without binging and handling the chronic pain, lack of sleep and as some of you know my girlfriend is bipolar and has mood swings. Just know I'm thinking of you all and try to make comments on your diaries as I'm feeling able to do so. I do miss reading all your activities and posts. :) stay strong my friends.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    It is good to see you Karen! You hang in there (((hugs))) <3
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    hello all! will have to go back & see what I missed, but work has been preventing me from stopping in here (what else in new). They finally hired 2 people to replace the people who had left, but I was heavily involved with their training. They're both standing on their own 2 feet now, so I should be able to stop in here more often now. I've missed everyone so much! I look forward to all of your positive vibes.
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Alice- My boys & hubby have been awesome not only spoiling me on Mother's Day but everyday since my surgery.
    I'm still praying for healing and patience for you. I told my boys that I'm not a very patient patient! ;)
    What a darling little one! Great smile!

    Cindy- Your daughter looked absolutely beautiful! She will always treasure that event in her life. My oldest son, James, is doing all the "senior" things. He graduates on May 31st. I prepared and shopped for his family grad party before my surgery. His friend and church family party is in July.

    Liz- I'm glad that your move is coming along nicely. I hope you start to feel settled in and a "at home" very soon.

    Karen- I'm praying for you in your struggles.

    Marcella- I love your new mug! I like to buy fun coffee mugs! My favorite one I got as a gift 14 years ago for my 30th bday. It has three handles and says " get a grip, you're 30!" :)

    Hi to all my other L.O.S.T buddies! Have a great day!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Noodle797 wrote: »
    I should be able to stop in here more often now. I've missed everyone so much! I look forward to all of your positive vibes.

    We've missed you as well.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello My Lovely LOST Ladies~
    I am having trouble with my ipad, which is how I often get the chance to check in here. I'm heading over to the Apple store (which is a couple towns away) AGAIN today. I'm hoping they can figure out what is wrong with it. I can get onto MFP from my Kindle but it won't allow me access to the community...so I can't get on my groups...only my newsfeed and my diaries. I have not been logging in a couple weeks...my schedules (eating and sleeping) have been completely CRAZY, so I have decide this week is about getting back into routines so I can start tracking again next week!

    Aalice~ Please be patient and kind to yourself! I completely understand how frustrating it can get when we get on a routine that we enjoy and a wrench is thrown into it....but you deserve the love and kindness my friend!!! Without it you will continue to set yourself back rather than move ahead!

    Julia~ LOVE that mug!!! My daughter always says she doesn't ever want kids (which is great at 18) and she just plans on being a crazy cat lady! Her love are sphinx...we have 2 of them!

    Liz~ I will be good with TOM disappearing. I will NOT send any search parties out for him LOL! Glad to hear your move is settling in to settling in! Normalcy is a wonderful thing! I think it may be the end of June before I actually have it back but it has settled down some!

    Karen~ I'm so glad to see you! I am sending (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) and prayers your way my friend! I hope you are getting them!

    Noodle~ I have missed you! So glad you will be able to pop back more often soon! KUDOS to you...through all this you have maintained a great commitment to yourself...still swimming regularly! You ROCK!!! You are my inspiration!

    Jen~ I am happy to hear your men have been taking good care of you! Mother's Day LOVE should be an EVERY day thing!!! I am waiting on Kyli's graduation party as well, although not quite as late as July...it will be the last week in June. At the Postal Service we have to put in for our vacations for the year by February...so I took the last week in June off to have her party. All her friends are having theirs the week before because it's actually graduation week so they will be able to be at hers this way also. My Mom's birthday is the 28th so we are planning on a dual celebration!!!

    Well my Lovely LOST Ladies...I have a lot to accomplish still today...including a quick workout so I must run!
    Have a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Hi Ladies....I hope everyone is doing well ..........I am struggling big time and I received some very sad news this morning ....I lost 2 of my best friends from HS last night .....they were killed by a drunk driver :'(:'(:'( I am having a hard time focusing on myself at this time ...Sorry I haven't been around much ..I am hoping to turn that around because I am feeling overwhelmed , sad and other emotions ....
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Ms. S, I am so sorry for your loss. Honor their memory by living your life the best you can. Be kind to yourself.(((Hugs)))
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I received some very sad news this morning...

    So sorry to hear about your friends. It's certainly understandable that you would be feeling sad and overwhelmed right now. I'm sure that you know each person in this group will be thinking of you and sending prayers and hugs your way. I appreciate that you have been willing to share this with us because it has been a reminder to me to make the most of each day and take nothing for granted.
  • EMCOX5412
    EMCOX5412 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi MS, I am sorry for loss and know how you feel, I lost a friend this past week, that I have known since elementary school and it is very difficult. Take it one day at a time and remember the good things that they did. Take it 1 day at a time. It's so very hard but you can get through it and mystic is right, we have to honor them by living our lives to our fullest, as that is what they would want.

    Hi to everyone else, have a great day...

  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    So May is National Salad Month. At work everyone brought in salads to share today & I'm really excited about this treat day! I made a taco salad with ground turkey, low sodium taco seasoning, fresh chunky salsa, low fat cheese, sliced olives & whole grain tortilla chips. The cube group next to mine brought in a Snicker salad. *SMH* It's granny smith apples, cut up candy bars & caramel sauce & who knows what else. I'm glad to see a lot of other healthy options out there. I'm excited to try this really awesome looking cabbage salad. Who thought I'd ever be disappointed by a Snicker salad & excited about cabbage. lol.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Noodle - The snicker salad is a Midwest thing. I had never heard of it till we moved out here. The who knows what else is a packet of instant vanilla pudding and cool whip. You need to be a real die hard sweet eater to get around that, a little goes a long way, it makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it. The cabbage salads sound sooo good, I love cabbage salads. Your taco salad sounds awesome too! Enjoy your lunch! :)
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Ms s- I'll pray for strength and peace for you as you grieve the loss of your friends.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Megan~ So sorry for your loss my friend! I hope you find a way to get past this by celebrating their lives and remembering the happiness they brought into your life! I'm sending you (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))) and prayers...be kind to yourself while your mind and heart get through this! When I was a kid my Aunt and Uncle and 2 cousins were killed by a drunk driver...in this day and age there's no excuse for people drinking and driving...so sad!!!

    Em~ Sorry to hear of your loss as well! I am sending those ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) and prayers your way as well!

    Liz~ How's your new home settling? I hope things are settling down for you!!!

    Jen~ How are you feeling my friend? Are you getting around a little more? I hope you are quite comfortable now!

    Noodle~ You crack me up!!! I have never heard of snicker salad either and I can honestly say...it did NOT sound appealing to me! But I too giggled at the fact that your salad and the cabbage salad sounded more appealing to me too! I actually LOVE taco salad made with ground chicken!

    I just want to say how much you all mean to me! I truly look forward to my LOST time daily! Thank you all so much for being a paty of this journey with me! (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) to you all!
    Have a FAB_U_LOSS evening my friends!!!
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    You're right Liz, I think it's a Midwest thing, I'm in Milwaukee & everyone else was really excited about it. I love cabbage too & this one was purple cabbage with some kind of vinaigrette & sesame seeds. It was really good.

    Megan & Em, I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I just want to say how much you all mean to me! I truly look forward to my LOST time daily! Thank you all so much for being a paty of this journey with me! (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) to you all!

    We also appreciate you. Thank you for your group and for being so faithful in taking your time to encourage each of us. ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) back at ya.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Gosh! So much happens in one week.

    MS - I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. Don't rush into trying to do anything but grieve at this time. It absolutely normally to feel overwhelmed, sad, angry and a whole gambit of other emotions at this time. Allow it to be what it needs to be. Sending huge hugs and healing energy to you an their families.

    Cindy - Thanks for your beautiful messages everywhere. This week I've taken it very easy. I didn't do my 3 Curves workouts, I think I only managed to do 2 and about 60000 steps. I'm still using the can and I am going to go for acupuncture tomorrow before going to see the physio or the podiatrist. I will also have to go for reeducation because I'm over compensating on the other side of my body but that's fine. Dang! It's so difficult to slow down again...

    Marcella - Love the mug and love to hear about your garden adventures. I can't wait to see some photo's of how it will look. You and Liz can compete! Hee hee! It's winter here (supposedly, today was a summer's day) there are still a few flowers but it's not as pretty as spring and summer.

    Noodle - It was so lovely to see you popping in. I can't believe how much swimming you do each day. That is wonderful. I missed my one session a week and will try to go tomorrow and Sunday to catch up (I can also do some strength movements in the water for my ankle).

    Karen - It was also wonderful to see you pop in this week. I'm so sorry that you are in such pain and do hope that you are able to find something that kept help relieve it. I can't remember if I shared this link to a blog by someone who I meant on the internet and with whom I have come very close to. It's called the Taming The Polar Bears and chronicles his journey. It helped me to understand my own bipolar issues and actually if not cure it, at least put it into hiding - it's not for everyone and at the moment he is focusing a lot on neuroscience and the functioning of the brain but his earlier work was really about his experiences. http://tamingthepolarbears.blogspot.com/ It may or may not help you and or your wife... there is a lot of very enlightening information in it.

    Jen - I am so very happy that you are being taken care of so well by your sons and your hubby. That is so wonderful to hear. How are you doing and how are you feeling?

    MD - Where have you gone? Missing you.

    Barbs - I know you are still on the road. Sending you love, strength and courage for those days that harder than others and the same to Karen and MS too.

    Liz - Have you moved in yet or will you be moving in this weekend? I bet you can't wait to finally get settled? I kept yours for last because I wanted to say.....

    ....that I have finally put in an Offer to Purchase for my home... I have to wait until Monday to find out if they accept and then a few more days to find out if the mortgage is accepted :D so please keep your fingers crossed for me over the next week!

    I will also probably giving my notice to my agency to leave 1 month shy of 5 years with them, so that I can join a 5 year project that I am absolutely passionate about and that I really think I will enjoy, though it does involve a lot of travelling. It feels like everything is falling into place.

    Finally, I will book my dive trip by the end of next week :smiley:
    Dancing, Dancing, Dancing :DDDDD

    Have an awesome weekend my beautiful and fabulous ladies!
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Oh! I'm so sorry! I realise I forgot to say hi to you EM. How has your week been so far and are you enjoying the community?