Participant updates



  • phillysfrog
    75 reps each ... Squats, push-ups, crunches, bicep curls, and calf raises

    What a workout!!!!
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    well done everyone, my day today has been great so far, completed my walk, 10,000 steps again and exercises done, portion control ? doing ok.:happy: :smokin:
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Great work, everyone.

    I had to take my husband to the ER today. Nothing serious, as it turns out--just a pulled back muscle. But he's in a ton of pain, and I wasn't able to leave him very often today. I did manage to spend 20 minutes cleaning up the house when we got home, and I made sure to write down everything I ate. We went to Subway after we got out of the hospital, and I ordered a 6" instead a 12" and refrained from requesting extra mayo.
  • CassMFP
    CassMFP Posts: 49 Member
    Hope everyone's June is going well! I have a mini success story from today:) We decided to order pizza but I had only about 450 calories left. As soon as I ordered I jumped up and played Just Dance 4 on workout mode until the pizza arrived. When looking at the calories for the pizza, I realized I could eat a full serving, I just wouldn't have any calories left and I'd be eating back my exercise calories. I had about 2/3 of a serving and then finished my workout. When I was done, I found I did not even want the rest. This may sound like a little thing for some, but it was one of the first times I was able to truly use will power. This challenge helped me with that, because before I would have been like oh well, it's just a few extra calories over, but that adds up! Loving this challenge and hope you all are having similar successes!
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    I am so happy to hear that, Cass. It sounds like you're doing a great job with the challenge.
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    well done cass, glad every one is doing so well, ,
    sorry to hear about your husband caradae, hope he is on the mend, good for you in making your choices at subway! well done all
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    well it is nearing the end of my day here, Wednesday not feeling the best, partner and grandchildren all have colds and it looks like I am too, ,, calories may be down a bit,
  • miridai
    miridai Posts: 303 Member
    Happy to read all your updates, congrats to all the successes, it helps me stay focused :)
    My last week didn't go exactly as I planned so I was a bit afraid to step on the scale for my usual Wednesday morning weigh-in, I was feeling kind of heavy... So I was very relieved when I saw that I hadn't gained any weight. In fact, I lost 0.1 kg. It's almost, nothing, more of a scale error, but anyway, works just fine for my motivation :D
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    For the last weigh in, I accidentally forgot to weigh myself in the morning, and I weighed myself this morning to see how I'm doing so far this week and it showed 1.4 lbs lower than my weigh in on Monday. A few ounces might be normal fluctuations, but I'm still REALLY excited for my next Monday weigh-in! I've rarely been able to exercise this many days in a row (and its only been 4 days)! I can't wait to see my results at the end!
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    Good morning every one, what a beautiful day it is here in oz, going for an afternoon walk today. how is every one doing?
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    I had to change my calorie intake cos 1740 was too much even if am active. I was always under by 1000+ and it seemed to unhealthy and felt that I need to eat more so I dropped my calorie intake to 1500. I think that 1740 was way to many calories to consume in day when on average I earn 100+ back with exercise.
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    well what a day, I seem to be losing my appetite, the more exercise I do the less hungry I am, is this normal? I am not over doing it, my 10,000 steps and 30 min circuit, Had another great day though
  • phillysfrog
    Started using MFP a month ago today to track my input and have been working out daily for the last 8 days.
    Weighed myself this morning and I'm down 19.6lbs. I'm so excited.
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Great work, everyone. shuki, let us know about your weigh-in on Monday. It sounds exciting!

    army, just make sure you don't eat too little. Are you at a plateau?

    margie, I feel less hungry when I'm more active too. For me, it definitely has a lot to do with not being around a refrigerator. Also, a lot of the stuff we eat contain mildly addictive ingredients. If you eat less of that stuff, you crave it less--you feel less hungry.

    phillys--Wow! 20 pounds in a month. Go you!
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Down 1.5 lbs. this morning. I'll be out of the 230s next week if I can pull that loss again next weigh-in. I figure it'll take about two years to lose all the weight I want to lose. It seems like a long time, but when I think about two years ago, 2011, it doesn't seem that long at all.
  • sweetjanet100
    Evening all

    Not been around the last couple of days - but I have been very good -today I managed (for the first time to walk over 10 000 steps:-) Got me a fitbit and have started to use it the last day or so....

  • phillysfrog
    My workout took roughly 35 minutes tonight but I'm up to 90 reps of each exercise. Following it up with a delicious snack of fresh raw cauliflower dipped in a little ranch dressing.
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    good for you caradae, you are doing so well, remember,it took time to gain the weight and it takes time to lose it, it is not easy with so many temptation around us, I am learning not to ignore them but sample the. works for me.
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    army, just make sure you don't eat too little. Are you at a plateau?

    I haven't hit a plateau it just seemed that with my calories at 1740 that I was full after eating 1200-1300 and I was always under from 800-1000 calories left and I could never eat more. It was always too much to consume. I dropped it to 1500 for that reason I know that with exercise I will gain calories back and all. But I can't seem to consume 1740 calories in one day unless eat unhealthy and well that defeats the purpose of losing weight. But right now I know I am going to be way under way cos I am so stressed out and I don't eat when I am stressed out. I still eat a healthy dinner and I don't binge eat but until things calm down I try to eat little things so.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just read through the past few days of comments. Happy to see everybody doing so well.

    Today was my planned rest day from exercise, which is always hard for me. The more active I am, the less hungry I am. I also had my niece's graduation party (complete with cheesecake bar) and I was nervous about that too, but I did great today. I had a snack before going to the party (some raw almonds & a banana), brought my own beverage (unsweetened iced tea) so I wouldn't break down and drink a diet coke, and just stayed outside and visited during the party. After the party I came home and had leftovers of last night's baked salmon and green beans for dinner. I wasn't tempted watching other people eat and the late afternoon snack kept me from being hungry, so that really felt good.