Did you run today?



  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    edited April 2015
    @FireStorm1972 you totally have this. The adrenalin on race day will pull you through. You'll be great and finish strong.

    I ran for 40 minutes today (the plan I follow has minute goals Tu/Thu & distance for the weekend long run). Unfortunately, I did not get out before the winds hit. 26mph winds are not fun to run into. What is fun, though? Having them at your back on the way home! If only I could run that fast normally. Ha!

    I'm probably looking at a 2:30-2:40 half on 5/2 (oh, and I'm not pregnant!). But, in December I was in no shape to do this at all. Now, I'm looking at staying on my feet for 2-1/2 hours. Not bad. I just have to remember how far I've come vs. how short I am of what I think I should be doing.

    @Just_Ceci, I think I need a goal to run for. I'd like to get to that point of running just for the fun of it.

    Finally, GO BLACKHAWKS! (sorry - had to get that out there - TV is on)

  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    poke987 wrote: »
    Yep May10 at 7:55am. With my recent flu and lack of training for 3 weeks, my goal time of 2h10mins has probably gone out the door. hoping for 2h30min now unless I can get my cardio back up in the next 3 weeks.

    That's my same situation. I put myself in the 2:15-2:30 wave group, but was secretly hoping for 2:10 or even closer to 2... now, as I get farther into the pregnancy I'm going to hope for 2:30 but be happy with a finish!!

    Just competing in a 1/2 while being pregnant is an accomplishment all in itself. I admire your strength to compete and to push yourself. that goes for all of you in here, I was all set before the flu put me out for 3 weeks, but I'm fighting back and hopefully be near a 100% to where I left off but we'll see. keep pushing ahead ladies, WE GOT THIS !!

    Ditto, I can't imagine having the energy to run during pregnancy. And you will do great, FireStorm, those race day endorphins will kick in. I bet you surprise yourself.

    Ceci, I've been looking at a glow run, too, they sound fun! I can't do a color run (the powder would aggravate my asthma), so I might give one a whirl as I start preparing.

    I ground out 3 measly miles on the treadmill today. I am so in awe of all the long runs everyone is doing, and I can't wait to be there myself. Just going to keep on keeping on--I decided to start the Hal Higdon novice plan, so I know I will get there! My half isn't until September, so I have all summer to increase the mileage.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    the long runs in the Hal Higdons programs are the key. try and do the long distance in the program even if you have to walk it. It builds your endurance. Worry about speed later.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm doing Higdon too, and have to agree- the plan does work! But, you have to do it!!

    Thanks all, for the words of encouragement. I'm glad to have found you all!

    I agree, @FireStorm1972, you'll do great day of! The training will kick in despite the illness you suffered from!

    Today was 3.24 miles in 33:01. my hilly route at home, gets harder and harder! Will do 5 on the flat tomorrow
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    skipped 10k today since i had to start work at 430am and was way to tired after work. plan to run 10k instead of 5k tomorrow.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    poke987 wrote: »
    Today was 3.24 miles in 33:01. my hilly route at home, gets harder and harder!

    We ran almost the same run. I ran 3.25 miles in 33:09 at my national park, which is very hilly!

  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    Ran 4 miles today in 40:24. Wind was quite a bit less today, thankfully.

    The plan I've been mostly following is Jeff Galloway's walk-run program. I thought that with being so far out of shape and not having enough time to really train, I'd use his program to at least finish the half without injury. As I've progressed, I've not been taking as many walking breaks as I should, but I keep to a slow pace to just get to the mileage. Helps on long runs for me to go slowly b/c I can concentrate on keeping my shoulders relaxed as they tend to tense up when I'm not paying attention, or keeping my right foot pointed straight ahead as it likes to drift to the right. For the half in November I'll use Hal Higdon's plan, I think. I followed it four years ago and it really does work. The long runs are key, though. You can skip the mid-week runs here and there, but don't skip the long ones.

    I only have three more runs until the half. It's coming quickly!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    6k today. Breathing was good but HR still up to high had to walk a bit to bring it back down. I think I'm trying to push to hard to early after 3 weeks off. Trying to do the same pace where I left off. maybe I should ease back into it instead of going full bore. LOL
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    5.14 miles in 50:58. Went into town to run, a route with some smaller hills, but some nice flat too. Didn't feel too good. If felt harder than I thought it ought to. Was kind of discouraged. But, still under a 10 min mile, so plenty of room to slow down. And, having done the long slow run with my dad, I know that's do able! One long run this weekend, then one more full week of training before taper. It doesn't seem like too long, but I'm afraid things are changing so fast now that I might be getting to the upper limits of what my body can handle. Long run this weekend will be with my dad, so slow; but a trail course up/down a local mountain. 10 miles instead of the programs 11, but a route i want to do with him as he preps for a trail race the following weekend. Im worried about the 12 mile long run weekend after. Sigh. I just keep keeping on, hopeful to get to the start line!
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    poke987 wrote: »
    Today was 3.24 miles in 33:01. my hilly route at home, gets harder and harder!

    We ran almost the same run. I ran 3.25 miles in 33:09 at my national park, which is very hilly!


    @FireStorm1972 I would be the same way! But, I bet you're right, slowing down might help. I know the same is true for myself... but can't seem to do it either!
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, y'all are great! I ran 3.1 this morning (we won't mention time) outside rather than the treadmill--soo much nicer! And had a fantastic NSV--there is a monster hill in my neighborhood that I have never been able to run, always have to drop back to a walk near the top no matter how fast or slow I start out. Today I ran up it, and the next! Yay! Starting to feel like I can do this. Planning for a "long run" on Sunday.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for all the advice, y'all are great! I ran 3.1 this morning (we won't mention time) outside rather than the treadmill--soo much nicer! And had a fantastic NSV--there is a monster hill in my neighborhood that I have never been able to run, always have to drop back to a walk near the top no matter how fast or slow I start out. Today I ran up it, and the next! Yay! Starting to feel like I can do this. Planning for a "long run" on Sunday.

    Great job, don't worry about time yet. Just build your endurance.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited April 2015
    10k in 1:10. About 10 minutes off pace but 5 minutes faster than last weeks. Was hoping to run 21k but my right knee was twitching and didn't want to risk injury. I will probably do a 10k walk tonight just to work on my cardio , walking seems ok but as soon as I pick up the tempo my knee acts up. I've had this before when I pushed to hard to fast. The first 5k was fine but around 8k the knee kicked in. Probably didn't stretch my IT band or my glute's are weak =-O
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    10.13 miles in 2:48:51. This is prep for the crew putting on a 50k trail race next weekend. They were learning the route etc. So there was a bit of stopping and talking and waiting for people to catch up at tricky turns etc. Trail work isn't something that I really ever do. This was our local mountain plus it's two "hills" and really rocky rough washed out trails. Some walking up the major inclines and real rough spots. I was pretty proud of myself for running with the faster group (but now I sit some 45 min later still waiting on dad!) Even though I was the slowest "fast" runner. Hopefully I won't be sorry, I feel like my hips might be a little sore. We shall see!

    @FireStorm1972 that happens to me if I do too much
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Since it was a beautiful day out i ran another 4.5k 31min. Had to walk due to knee. From what I'm researching the pain is on the outside of the knee indicating ITBS. So either I'm not stretching enough or just plain pushing to hard too soon after a long lay off. next weekend is my last chance to do a long run, trying for 18+ km.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    When mine got bad, I had to take a full week off. I had tried lots of stretching and foam rolling, only the time off made the IT band pain go away. I decided I had increased my milage too fast, I didn't know any better and just kept running longer and longer...
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    Yeah, I had a lot of IT band issues when I started to increase my mileage, but it does seem to have settled down. I kept running on it so the problem lasted a lot longer than it should have.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Well i was before my flu but with the 3 weeks off , I guess i should try and ease up on the high mileage. Next Saturday is my last day for a long run before the 1/2. it should be 13k as per schedule. Will keep to my 5k/10k/5k during the week and see how my knee is on the 10k on Wewdnesday. Like I said I ran 21k Every Saturday before my flu so mileage wasn't an issue. I think from lying in bed for 3 weeks may have weakend my right glute (butt) muscle LOL. I'm thinking of trying some KT tape to see if it helps any and start on some "Butt" muscle workouts LOL. my IT band or legs arent even sore but from the symptoms which is a sharp pain on outer knee is the IT band rubbing on a bone causing friction and its always the right knee, maybe my right leg is shorter than my left LOL.
  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    @Firestorm would compression sleeves/running tights/shorts help you at all? Or does the tape do the same thing? I have something going on my right ankle going straight up the side, and I wore a compression sock today and it made a huge difference. Plus, I out-ran my lungs again, which I haven't done lately. I ran 5 miles/8km in 50:54 and I took 4 walking breaks of one minute each to catch my breath & I was walking slowly. Yes, this time seems slow to you and Poke and many others, but for me (right now) to walk and keep a nearly 10minute/mile is huge.

    I think you can take it easy the next week or so and not hurt your running training too much. You have a great base. I've read that runners tend to have weak glutes! So, best to work at those, regardless. Ha! Also, I've been reading a ton about how important it is to mix up your running paces. Long, slow runs are really important - so you could feel good about going slowly on your 13k. I do hope the pain resolves itself quickly.

    I promise you, the adrenaline rush and the energy of all the other runners will pull you through on race day and you'll do great. Everyone in this group, in general, seems super strong mentally, and that's more than half of the battle.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    tryed my knee brace, didn't help. Working on the glutes this week. i will see on my Wednesday 10k run how it feels.
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    edited April 2015
    I ran my last long run before my half. 9 miles in 1 hr 44. Getting excited but nervous for race day on the 3rd!