Did you run today?



  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    3.31 miles with my dad this afternoon, he is pretty broken so we went very slow... 40:21 glad to be out with him no matter the pace! Colder, 18F, a route at their house with much less hill than mine so all in all it was nice. I'll be glad once this winter is over for sure!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    rest day today.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Brekfeast then 21k run :)
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Brekfeast then 21k run :)

    grrr.... only 20K run....got called in for an emergency at work...Oh well at least I got that in.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Brekfeast then 21k run :)

    grrr.... only 20K run....got called in for an emergency at work...Oh well at least I got that in.

    Bummer! So close... nicely done anyhow!
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Today was a cross train on my schedule, so i went for a nice walk this afternoon. Did 3.48 miles in 58:49. Tomorrow is my "long" run, and I'll do the 5 miles I missed last week. Should be mid 30s F
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Crosstraining day
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Felt good this morning, ran with my buddy and she was doing the 6 miles on our Higdon plan... felt great, weather was nice (mid 20s F, but sunshine) so rather than pull off at the 5 mile mark I had planned for, I did the 6 with her. 6.03 miles in 59:39
  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    Been MIA for awhile! Went on vacay for a week and although I brought my running gear I did not run once :o Haha. I got back last week and only managed to get 3 runs in, one 4 miler and two 5 milers. Today I did 6 miles with a 10:20 average. so I am starting off the week right and definitely want to get my four runs in this week!
    P.S. Good job everyone!! :)
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    I missed my long run yesterday as I was ill so need to try fit in more sessions this week. I am inching closer to a sub 30 min 5k parkrun, 30:34 on Saturday
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Saturday's long run was pretty awesome! 11 miles in 1:52:58. I only paused briefly at two intersections to wait for the light to change so I could safely cross the street.
    poke987 wrote: »
    Felt good this morning, ran with my buddy and she was doing the 6 miles on our Higdon plan... felt great, weather was nice (mid 20s F, but sunshine) so rather than pull off at the 5 mile mark I had planned for, I did the 6 with her. 6.03 miles in 59:39
    I missed my long run yesterday as I was ill so need to try fit in more sessions this week. I am inching closer to a sub 30 min 5k parkrun, 30:34 on Saturday
    Those are some fast times! Great job!
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    I had a really tough day yesterday, so I only managed a short run, but I felt better having got it done
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I sulked my way to the gym yesterday because the cold rain kept me off the bicycle. 12.5 miles in 1 hour on the stationary bike. Scheduled for 5 miles running with speed intervals today.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Weather here today was glorious! Well into the 40s F, so i did my 4 miles ( in 40:46 ) That leaves me back to back 3 mile days and then my long of 7 on the weekend, when it's supposed to snow again. I may push thru and do it Friday just so I don't have to dreadmill it! Today I felt like my lung capacity might have been different... Hard to believe since I'm not even really showing yet, and the baby is the size of a plum! But, somehow it was harder breathing. Could have been the different air i was noticing I suppose. I may have to drive so as to have a less hilly route as we get farther along!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    5k this evening 28:27. After I spent 2 hours clearing an ice bank left from the snow plow at the end of my driveway. Now my driveway is flooding, due to the warm temperatures LOL
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    5 mile run yesterday with speed intervals. My instructions were-
    5 miles
    Warm up 1 mile.
    6 x (1/2 mile increasing your speed each one. Like the first one start at your normal pace, then next one just a bit faster, the next one a bit faster, etc. Your last one should be uncomfortable.) After each one, walk for 2 min.
    Cool down to make 5 miles.

    I used a day from the half training plan on my RunDouble app to track the intervals:
    The last 1/2 mile segment was definitely "uncomfortable", but I quickly recovered and finished the five miles in a respectable time. I should have turned off the auto-pause feature on Strava, because it paused during some of the walking intervals and didn't pause during others.

  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Ceci_O_K that looks like a great workout, I'm very impressed! Nicely done!

    3.10 miles in 30:09 this afternoon. Ran part of that with my sweatshirt off and only a tank top. I Didn't check, but it was well past 50! Ran out and hubby brought me home on the snowmobile, that's always fun.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    It was 72F yesterday when I went out to run! Thankfully I had packed shorts and short sleeved shirt. For whatever reasons, yesterday's run was tough! It was hot, I started out too fast, I was tired from the previous day's run (and lack of sleep). But I pushed through and finished 10k in 1:03:

    Scheduled for 4 miles today. It is supposed to rain, so it will be a last minute decision as to whether I will run outside or in the gym. My girls' bike group is planning a ride today too, if it's not raining.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited March 2015
    -7c today and did my 1st outdoor run in 6 months. And it felt F'N GREAT LOL. 6.9km in 39:31, deffinitly run faster outside than on treadmill. Knees a little achy from the freezing weather though.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    My normal route, 3.25 miles in 32:11. Colder today, double sweatshirts and gloves... and storms coming on the weekend.

    Glad you were able to get out firestorm1972!