Did you run today?



  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    I'm using Higdons novice 1 and have found it very doable. I'm pregnant and sub an extra rest day for the cross train day, and feel as though even without I'll be plenty ready.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Feeling a supreme lack of energy today. So. Despite getting dressed and lacing up sneakers I skipped the programs 3 miles this afternoon. With 5 yesterday and the 10 running buddy and I planned for the morning I decided it was a better idea to rest. Then felt lazy later, so called a friend who came and we went for a walk. We did 4.25 miles in 1:10:59 My plan calls for a 10k tomorrkw. Buddy and I decided for an additional long run instead. Going to do a 10 mile loop first thing.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Well 3 weeks to my 1/2. Still recovering from my 2 weeks of being ill. My chest is still a little congested, Only ran 1k on Wednesday legs were ok but my lungs were to congested and had a hard time breathing. 3 weeks of no cardio is killing me LOL. May jump on the bike today as its easier on my cardio and may ease me back into the grove.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Did my 10 with running buddy. She said she would stay with me, up until a 10:30 min mile, so pressure was mostly off... didn't feel as good as I did on last weekends long run, but pace was significantly faster than running with my dad! Did the 10 miles in 1:39:26, a 9:56 min mile compared to the up over 11 min mile last weekend! Didn't sleep well, my itches had me up, and as i finally was getting back to sleep a little one woke up with the pukes. I laid in bed and thougjt a lot and woke up worried about the run. Glad to have it done, it wasnt as bad as i had worked it up to be! Think the race day pace needs to be somewhere in between... i feel like I'd rather take the rest of the day off, but busy Saturday does not allow that! I'm finding recovery take more time now...
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Well 3 weeks to my 1/2. Still recovering from my 2 weeks of being ill. My chest is still a little congested, Only ran 1k on Wednesday legs were ok but my lungs were to congested and had a hard time breathing. 3 weeks of no cardio is killing me LOL. May jump on the bike today as its easier on my cardio and may ease me back into the grove.

    Hope you continue to feel better! It must be so frustrating!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I did a Fun Run Glow Run on Friday night with a friend from work. She smashed her 5k PR. We had a blast!

    I tried a brick on Saturday (bike- run). That was one very hard mile of running. I'm definitely not ready for a duathlon any time soon!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Attempting a 10k run today, still a little congested, deffinitly not gonna be a record time today LOL.
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    First long run in a while and mentally really struggled, so there was a lot of walking. 11.5 miles in 2 hours 20. 2 weeks until my half and I am really not expecting to run well on the day.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    well just did 10k. 15mins off pace. not bad for not running for the past 3 weeks. Lungs still congested didn't help, had to walk a lot. 1st 1.5 km felt like i was hacking up a lung lol. But still felt good to get out and run/walk. Knee was acking as expected for not running for 3 weeks and pushing a 10k. May 10th is my half.
  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    well just did 10k. 15mins off pace. not bad for not running for the past 3 weeks. Lungs still congested didn't help, had to walk a lot. 1st 1.5 km felt like i was hacking up a lung lol. But still felt good to get out and run/walk. Knee was acking as expected for not running for 3 weeks and pushing a 10k. May 10th is my half.

    I'm sure you'll catch back up to your normal level of fitness before your half. Seems like you have a really good base.

    Ran 8 today. Realized I screwed up on my training when I planned out the weeks b/c I did it so late and then missed a few on vacation (was skiing and the roadways weren't great for running). So, I improvised today (was supposed to be five, with 13.5 next week, followed by five, then the half). My long run will be only 5 next week and then it's the half.

    I took it slower today b/c I'm still getting used to the new shoes. Newtons are a little different. Even though I already run that way, it works my calves a lot more. Ouch. Thank goodness for foam rollers...

    @Just_Ceci I'm looking at a Glow 5K in June. Looks like a fun type of run!

    Thanks for letting me jump in late for my half. I can't believe it's nearly here and I appreciate being able to chat about it to someone who isn't my family. :smile:

  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    well just did 10k. 15mins off pace. not bad for not running for the past 3 weeks. Lungs still congested didn't help, had to walk a lot. 1st 1.5 km felt like i was hacking up a lung lol. But still felt good to get out and run/walk. Knee was acking as expected for not running for 3 weeks and pushing a 10k. May 10th is my half.

    I'm sure you'll catch back up to your normal level of fitness before your half. Seems like you have a really good base.

    Ran 8 today. Realized I screwed up on my training when I planned out the weeks b/c I did it so late and then missed a few on vacation (was skiing and the roadways weren't great for running). So, I improvised today (was supposed to be five, with 13.5 next week, followed by five, then the half). My long run will be only 5 next week and then it's the half.

    I took it slower today b/c I'm still getting used to the new shoes. Newtons are a little different. Even though I already run that way, it works my calves a lot more. Ouch. Thank goodness for foam rollers...

    @Just_Ceci I'm looking at a Glow 5K in June. Looks like a fun type of run!

    Thanks for letting me jump in late for my half. I can't believe it's nearly here and I appreciate being able to chat about it to someone who isn't my family. :smile:

    Ya legs are feeling good, Just this congestion is effecting my breathing. Usually I can keep my HR at about 135bpm but today breathing heavy I was at like 155bpm but came down near the end of the run as I was able to breath a bit better. Thanx all for the encouragement.
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member

    Thanks for letting me jump in late for my half. I can't believe it's nearly here and I appreciate being able to chat about it to someone who isn't my family. :smile:

    I agree, this group has really helped me, knowing there are others going through thw same stuff. Less than 2 weeks to go!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    My legs are a little sore from my 10k yesterday. Normally I feel nothing but this 3 weeks off killed me and so close to my half 8( 2 more weeks of full training and then its game time
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    I think there are several of us with our halves that same weekend: may 9 - 10!

    Pouring rain today, so 3 miles at the y. I havn't been on the treadmill for a long time. It was hard!! I sure do prefer running outside. I forgot to look at my time when I finished, and did a walk to cool down, so i can't be sure. I started at a 10 min mile then upped to 9:20 for a bit, then at 9:40 to finish.

  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yep May10 at 7:55am. With my recent flu and lack of training for 3 weeks, my goal time of 2h10mins has probably gone out the door. hoping for 2h30min now unless I can get my cardio back up in the next 3 weeks.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Yep May10 at 7:55am. With my recent flu and lack of training for 3 weeks, my goal time of 2h10mins has probably gone out the door. hoping for 2h30min now unless I can get my cardio back up in the next 3 weeks.

    That's my same situation. I put myself in the 2:15-2:30 wave group, but was secretly hoping for 2:10 or even closer to 2... now, as I get farther into the pregnancy I'm going to hope for 2:30 but be happy with a finish!!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I went out for a run yesterday on one of my favorite trails. It was so nice to just run, without having to think about training goals! Have fun out there!
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I went out for a run yesterday on one of my favorite trails. It was so nice to just run, without having to think about training goals! Have fun out there!

    Running buddy and I were talking last night about post half goals, and we're saying this very thing! Will be nice to just run again. I'll slow down as babys birthday approaches (and summer heat hits!) But she was saying how she will be happier with out the "pressure" to run!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Just ran 5k...32:30, abit of from my 29ish minutes. Chest starting to clear, but my HR is still way higher than usual, causing a few walking breaks. legs feel good. Breathing is under control just gotta build the cardio up too lower my HR. Slowing comming back.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    poke987 wrote: »
    Yep May10 at 7:55am. With my recent flu and lack of training for 3 weeks, my goal time of 2h10mins has probably gone out the door. hoping for 2h30min now unless I can get my cardio back up in the next 3 weeks.

    That's my same situation. I put myself in the 2:15-2:30 wave group, but was secretly hoping for 2:10 or even closer to 2... now, as I get farther into the pregnancy I'm going to hope for 2:30 but be happy with a finish!!

    Just competing in a 1/2 while being pregnant is an accomplishment all in itself. I admire your strength to compete and to push yourself. that goes for all of you in here, I was all set before the flu put me out for 3 weeks, but I'm fighting back and hopefully be near a 100% to where I left off but we'll see. keep pushing ahead ladies, WE GOT THIS !!