Cabin 3 Instructions, chit chat, etc. thread!



  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    yesterday I had a very healthy lunch: pepper bells, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese! (that was when the day still was good and I thought i knew what we have for dinner!)

    Today at just 8 am I already appreciated Nature, first by getting up so early that I would definitly be able to do my C25K run and not melt away in the heat of almost 90 F, which is really hot for around here! Or in the thunderstorm that is predicted for around noonish and afternoon!
    Well at not even 6 am I was ready to go and apparently so was mother nature who acompanied me with rain! *sight*
    Now it is dry again not so hot at the moment and I enjoy my garden for as long as the weather holds!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Good idea to eat well all day so you can splurge later.

    We keep having thunderstorms lately. I too have been gardening between storms.
    I did my community work yesterday. Tuesday's I work on a local organic farm. I washed veggies on cold water when it was about 60 degrees. I was so cold all morning that I hope it gets hot here soon. Last night I started getting a sore throat. I think the cold got to me. I am drinking herbal tea right now. I am hoping to get rid of this sore throat fast!!
    Today I am doing music appreciation. I plan to download some new music and ride my bike or walk around the neighborhood.
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Good morning everyone! I have been a bit lax here on this group thread, so thought I'd get caught up.

    @ Prephred - Glad your computer is running better. Sometimes they can be so temperamental. You'd thing they were women 8) All joking aside, sometimes the smallest thing can make them act up. We really rely on them just too much.

    @ spacecurly - Looks like you are progressing quite nicely with C25K. I loved it, but my knee kept giving me fits. I have decided to back it off for now and focus on riding my bike and walking as well as some weight lifting. Maybe, if I drop a few more pounds or strengthen my knees, I can go back to it.

    @ karendee4 - I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I hate sore throats so bad. Seems like I get one every now and then and sometimes they are difficult to get rid of. I'll be praying for a quick recovery!

    My son is home from the hospital and seems to be doing better. He loves to eat his food spicy and salty, so bland chicken broth is not doing it for him. He gets a bit cranky at times, but for the most part, he's been a trooper. LOL, I have to keep my phone handy because he texts me when he needs something, even though he has two healthy legs and should be able to get it himself! He has lost so much weight and he has always been a big kid. I keep talking to him about the head start he is getting and when he can eat again, he needs to try to keep his weight down and eat a little better, but giving advice to a teenager is like talking into the wind. He is going to start lifting with me, so that might help.

    Tonight I have to sponsor the kids in my youth group at concessions. I'll be back and forth, so may not be able to keep up with posts (seems like my evenings are always too busy), so wanted to tell you all to have a great day!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    @SavyGurl: Just wanted to say this about your movie review:
    Being biased over Hugh Jackman is completly okay and normal and the movie is good and he makes it even better!!! I am totally with you on this :)

    And C25K was just the first week, but I am very proud that I finally dare to run on the street since this was one thing I really wanted to do but never dared and pushed it in front of me for over 150 days! How crazy does it actually sound to be scared to run on the street????
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Being biased over Hugh Jackman is completly okay and normal and the movie is good and he makes it even better!!! I am totally with you on this :)

    We might be married, but we still have eyes! LOLOLOL
    And C25K was just the first week, but I am very proud that I finally dare to run on the street since this was one thing I really wanted to do but never dared and pushed it in front of me for over 150 days! How crazy does it actually sound to be scared to run on the street????

    That does NOT sound crazy at all. You are braver than I am. I would run around our pasture, where only the cows can see me, or I would run at night around the little pond we have in our small town. Maybe that is why my knees hurt, because I don't run on a level surface. Okay, now I am going to have to try again, lol!
  • dmdegrassi
    dmdegrassi Posts: 151
    @SavyGurl: Just wanted to say this about your movie review:
    Being biased over Hugh Jackman is completly okay and normal and the movie is good and he makes it even better!!! I am totally with you on this :)

    And C25K was just the first week, but I am very proud that I finally dare to run on the street since this was one thing I really wanted to do but never dared and pushed it in front of me for over 150 days! How crazy does it actually sound to be scared to run on the street????

    I have a friend who is soooo afraid to even walk in the street that every time a car is even coming near she jumps onto whatever grass there is on the side and stops walking to watch the car pass. Needless to say that walking with her can be annoying. I like her company, but it's much better at the gym where she doesn't have to panic about cars. I, on the other hand, walk in the street constantly, and I was already thinking of doing my c25k in the street over the weekend because I think the trees were messing with my gps yesterday. lol
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    It is not the pavement i WAS afraid of, but at how people and I will look at me making a sorry attempt to run!
    I think fear of failure had a good grip on m for so long!

    Yesterday I did pay it back day! I run my Babybrother (5 years younger but well over 360lbs) through the joys of MFP and made him sign up. He will stay with me until monday and I think by then I have him hooked up good enough to keep it going on his own!
    He really wants and needs to loose weight ASAP, as he already has back and knee issues, but I do not want him to follow in my mothers unhealthy pattern of crash diets and "you lost only 2 lbs this week, that is not enough!!!" regime!

    Today I toned my arms and as always I hate working them out, whatever I do, for however long periods of time I do, they never seem to make progress (tried that for 6 month without result!) Oh well, now they are rubber ducks and I will enjoy my friday! :)
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    It is not the pavement i WAS afraid of, but at how people and I will look at me making a sorry attempt to run!
    I think fear of failure had a good grip on m for so long!

    Me, too. I ride my bike on the road and that's still a little tough, but getting better. I don't feel like people are staring as much, lol.
    Yesterday I did pay it back day! I run my Babybrother (5 years younger but well over 360lbs) through the joys of MFP and made him sign up. He will stay with me until monday and I think by then I have him hooked up good enough to keep it going on his own!
    He really wants and needs to loose weight ASAP, as he already has back and knee issues, but I do not want him to follow in my mothers unhealthy pattern of crash diets and "you lost only 2 lbs this week, that is not enough!!!" regime!

    I'm glad you got your brother all set up. If he needs some encouragement, have him friend me. I'll be glad to try to keep him pumped! And he is lucky to have you as a sister! I'ts great you care enough about his health to help him do it the right way.
    Today I toned my arms and as always I hate working them out, whatever I do, for however long periods of time I do, they never seem to make progress (tried that for 6 month without result!) Oh well, now they are rubber ducks and I will enjoy my friday! :)

    I am right there with you. I have these little "chicken wings" under my arms and I so love to wear sleeveless in the summer. But I do try to do some arm toning through the summer. In the winter, I pitch enough hay to the cows and horses, I get a great arm workout then!

    By the way, I love your new profile picture. Makes you look like a runner!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    I did music appretiation day and boy, I cannot wait for tomorrows run, cause I downloaded and made a complete new running list, there are still a few songs missing, but in total i think the next run will be a blast!!!
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    I did music appretiation day and boy, I cannot wait for tomorrows run, cause I downloaded and made a complete new running list, there are still a few songs missing, but in total i think the next run will be a blast!!!

    Sweet - what kind of music do you listen to? At one time l tried to listen to music while I was on the treadmill. LOL bad idea, I kept trying to dance.

    I did the Surprise Leg Lifts but I dont know if I did them in time or not. I can't see the time posted.

    I did update the spreadsheet, hopefully I did it right.
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    @spacecurly, that's great that you got your music list downloaded. I have a bunch of music on my phone, so really have a huge selection to listen to. It makes the time go by faster.

    Sounds like you are enjoying your runs! That's awesome. I ordered new shoes with lots of cushion and will start running again when they get here. hope that helps my knee problem.

    @Prephred, you did great. Just need your weight to be put in the sheet (or emailed to me) to make it complete.

    Thanks a tin!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    I added Def Leppard and One way or anither (one direction apperntly made a new version and its good and fast), also contemplating Highway to Hell by AC/DC and Paradise City by Guns'n'Roses.

    The last 2 are not a usual things I would listen too, but maybe they make good running pushers!!!
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    Bat of Hell by Meatloaf might be good too =) or B52's or Huey Lewis and the News...

    I updated the spreadsheet. I lost 2.4 lbs this week! Whoothoot!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Starting night shift tonight and decided to do family day today...
    went with hubby and dog on a nice long walk and got blown away! (summer here sucks, but the weather is what I prefer to walk and run in!)
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    @ Prephred, you did an awesome job at weight loss this week. Good for you! Yesterday, I ate Chinese with my boys and this morning, I was back up a pound, but I am sure it is water. It'll go back down in a day or two.

    @ spacecurly, sounds like a good day with your hubby! And it sounds like you have some good running music to listen to. I am anxiously awaiting my new running shoes to start again, hoping that shoes with a lot of extra cushioning will reduce the stress on my knee. I so enjoy it, but after a couple of days, my knee is so sore, I can barely walk.

    Hope everyone has a good day today. We cleaned up this week! Hope we can do it next week.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Family Day was Sunday. Spent time with the kiddos and hubby.

    Today I will do Leg toning. I was planning on toning/ST today anyway. I do some fitness videos that use hand weights and body weight.

    I had a bad weekend food wise. I was still sick with my cold and we were busy. I just gave up for a few days. Not good I know. It is getting so tiring working so hard. I am not losing inches or pounds right now.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    @Savygurl: I know what you are talking about, I almost did 2 weeks of C25K always one day running one day off, they recomend a 2 days off after each week (aka 3 workouts) I will take that to heart and do the last workout of week 2 on wednesday after a little break, see how my legs cope with it, cause I think they needed some rest... I will walk a bit though!

    BTW did you all notice we are like the chattiest cabin around here *lol*
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    @Karendee: You did not gave up, you had a break and that is okay!!! You came back here and picked up your routine, that is not failure or giving up!
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    I had a bad weekend food wise. I was still sick with my cold and we were busy. I just gave up for a few days. Not good I know. It is getting so tiring working so hard. I am not losing inches or pounds right now.

    Karen, I know how you are feeling. Early February I stalled out. I did everything to shake it loose, but couldn't move the scale for 4 months. I was so frustrated. I finally took a "break" and ate at TDEE for a few weeks in late May and and now finally seeing some loss. It's only been 3 pounds and I worry each week that I won't keep losing, but I feel good and look better than I have for a long time. You have come a long way. Maybe a break is what you need and then hit it hard again. But you are a great success!
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    @Savygurl: I know what you are talking about, I almost did 2 weeks of C25K always one day running one day off, they recomend a 2 days off after each week (aka 3 workouts) I will take that to heart and do the last workout of week 2 on wednesday after a little break, see how my legs cope with it, cause I think they needed some rest... I will walk a bit though!

    Sounds like a good plan. I've been walking and riding my bike when I can to keep exercising. My shoes should be here July 1, so it will be a good day to restart C25k again!
    BTW did you all notice we are like the chattiest cabin around here *lol*

    LOL, I did notice that, but I think it's pretty neat. We have made some friends! Of course, I also think we are the best, lol!
  • mudflatmabel
    mudflatmabel Posts: 138 Member
    Did everyone see the surprise challenge for today?

    NMCP Summer Camp... ALERT! ALERT! Surprise Challenge! To earn two extra points, complete the following and reply to my original post within 24 hours (approx 11:30 eastern time)... Reply with a short inspirational poem or a few inspirational lyrics from a song!

    I posted 'Dream On" from Aerosmith.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    You are all so sweet! I guess I took a break. Too many of those breaks and I will never get this weight off. lol
    I did need a break. It has been months of hard work and not much success so it was nice to take a couple days off.

    I did my leg toning and I am sore today. It is a good sore though. Met my new friend today too.

    I just got home from my volunteer/worker share on a farm. I have a drawer full of fresh veggies. tonight I am making roasted beets, kohlrabi and sweet potatoes. I have a pork roast in the crock pot right now too.

    mudflatmabel thanks for posting that. Not sure what I will do.. . I will have to think about a lyric.
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Did everyone see the surprise challenge for today?

    I posted 'Dream On" from Aerosmith.

    Thanks so much for the "heads up". Busy morning and I didn't see it.

    I posted "Stand Up" by Remedy Drive.

    It is my theme song and the plus is, I get to see them live in 2 weeks. They are the worship band and youth camp this year. I am so excited!

    "Why do our failures seem to have a voice?
    They say we're lost and we don't have a choice.
    They're telling us that we're not capable.
    They say our prison's inescapable.

    Stand up now, They can't hold us down!
    Stand up now, Get up off the ground!

    Why does our brokenness keep whispering?
    It's telling us that we're not anything.
    I say no fall is going to keep us out!
    This fear is something we'll forget about!

    We're fallen - it can't hold us down.
    These failures - they can't hold us down.
    We're broken - they can't hold us down.
    We're fallen - get up off the ground
  • mudflatmabel
    mudflatmabel Posts: 138 Member
    Karendee4 - I think we all need a break sometimes, and it sounds like you're back on track!
    I'm doing my leg toning today at the pool by doing extra high leg water walking in the shallow end and in the deep end, from the side, more knee lifts, leg lifts and stretches.
    I'm doing my family day tomorrow, as we are heading out on vacation. I never get my boyfriend off the island (it's been over a year!), so this is really special for both of us!
    I made a new friend with Karendee4, and got some much needed deep cleaning done in the bathroom! I also took the time to pamper myself last Sunday - I was pretty beat from the day before, so it was nice to catch up with my magazines and a new Kumihimo project!
    Have a great week everyone!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    I just posted this Book review:

    Angels and Demons - by Dan Brown

    I gotta say I copied the summary from amazon, so it will be short *lol* (if you ever get the chance ask my teachers why they limited my summarys and novels and stuff)

    World-renowned Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned to a Swiss research facility to analyze a cryptic symbol seared into the chest of a murdered physicist. What he discovers is unimaginable: a deadly vendetta against the Catholic Church by a centuries-old underground organization -- the Illuminati. Desperate to save the Vatican from a powerful time bomb, Langdon joins forces in Rome with the beautiful and mysterious scientist Vittoria Vetra. Together they embark on a frantic hunt through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, deserted cathedrals, and the most secretive vault on earth...the long-forgotten Illuminati lair.

    I loved this book for several reasons, first because the style was good and second the detaisl which were used to describe places were so vivid, that I just could imagine being there!
    Also the details Dan Brown uses to describe places are totally acurate, so if you go to Rome, you can probably use that book as a guide! Also the Details of the Ritual that are used for getting a new Pope could be found back in the real world ( since I read the book there were 2 new Popes, so I know)!!!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    We are the chattiest! WOO HOO I love winning at stuff. Especially since I love to talk, chat and type!

    I did cabin cleaning and not sure about tomorrow. I cleaned my spare room which is my sewing room too. It was bad!!

    My legs are still sore from toning so I did arms and cardio today ;)
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    It's cool to be the chattiest! (boy am I glad spell check works, I would have never got that right...)
    I did Family Day - Sunday
    I did Toning Legs - Monday - Did 3 miles on recumbent elliptical in 30 min =)
    I am skipping Martial Arts =( I don't do them well medically
    I pampered today - I bought 3 shirts. Ones I can resize as I lose weight, they are short sleeved and were on sale toboot.

    LOL I know what book I want to review but it is the third in a series, so I am not sure if I should do it or the first. You don't really have to have read the other books though it is helpful. What do you all think?
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Good morning all! Sounds like we are all getting our Weekly Challenges in. That's awesome!

    @spacecurly: I haven't read that book, but I did watch the movie based on his first book, The Da Vinci Code. I loved it, and Tom Hanks was awesome.

    @karendee4: I love your new profile picture. Looks yummy! And I love winning, too. I don't win very much, so it's an extra treat when I do, lol.

    @Prephred: Good for you! I haven't bought clothes in a long time (new ones, that is)! I went to a garage sale the other day and got a couple tops and some shorts. I need some new clothes. Tops that are a bit too big are okay, but pants are another story! Almost every pair of pants I have are big enough, I can pull them off without unbuckling them. I did, however, buy a new swim suit. The old one was just too ... well, old lady looking! I bout two tankini tops and a pair of board shorts! They should be here Monday! I'm so excited to try them on!!

    @mudflatmabel: Have a good and safe trip!! Post when you can!

    Yesterday, I was going to do "Body Toning", but I kinda changed my mind. I have been going out to our fields to chop musk thistles. They are a terribly noxious weed and seed out hundreds more. When they are in a hay field, you can't drive out to them or it will knock down the grass that will be cut and baled soon, so you have to walk out to them. Well I volunteered for that job this summer. Gives me walking time, lol. So, I made it interesting. I karate kicked the heads off before I chopped them, lol. I hope nobody saw me as I am sure I looked pretty stupid! Some of the taller ones, I really had to work at to get to (my legs are long, but not that long), but it was a great challenge! So I did Martial Arts Day yesterday!

    Today, I am really sore, so I think I am going to do Book Review Day and try to take it a little easier today! And I have sand volleyball practice tonight, so yay!

    Have an awesome day!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Prephred I love to get clothing a little small. It is a nice NSV when I can wear them.

    SavvyGurl0528 I switched the pic back and noticed my head is cut off. I really need a new photo. lol Glad you pampered yourslef.

    spacecurly Nice review!

    I did the Pamper yourself day. I painted my toe nails a nice pink. :) Not sure what I will do next. I have the book review and Martial arts day. ;)

    We just saw that new movie with Brad Pitt (World War Z, I think) It was pretty good. it was very long and I was very hungry when it was over. So I ate a late snack/lunch. it was not the best lunch but it was okay. Better than buttered popcorn at the movies (which is hard to resist)

    Have a great day!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    i think i am making a lot of new friends this night as i sit at one patients bed and keep him quite, so the rest can get some sleep! but i have to say after the 3rd night of screaming i needed a break too!

    hope it qualifies as make a friend day! have a great upcoming friday and weekend all!