Cabin 3 Instructions, chit chat, etc. thread!



  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    I just need to rant / get this off my shoulders! I am frustrated, to say the least.

    I am so weary of this "weight loss/life style change" game I am playing. Eat more, eat less, lift weights, don't do cardio, eat protein, reduce salt intake, don't pay attention to the scale!!!! It's driving me CRAZY!

    When I started on MFP, almost a year ago, I started consuming 1200 calories and eating back my exercise calories. Sure, it was difficult at first, but I managed to adapt to that calorie intake and learned that if I increased my exercise, I could eat more. It was working. I went from 220 to 185 (35 lbs) in about 6 months, about 1.5 pounds per week.

    Of course, through this time, I was reading a lot on MFP about eating more, heavy lifting, starvation mode, you know the drill. Stuff we have all read! At 185, I hit a roadblock and stopped losing for about 2 - 3 weeks. I was sure (after reading all this stuff) that I was not doing things right, so I learned my BMI, BMR, TDEE, (all the acronyms) and began eating (or guessing) at TDEE - 20%. I tried it at Sedentary, eating my exercise calories. Weight fluctuated up and down, but nothing held. I tried TDEE - 20% Lightly Active and not eating exercise calories, same thing. I was told (by the ones who wrote about TDEE) that I was not eating enough, so upped my calories some more, same thing. I did, very slowly, get down to 179 lbs (hooray) for a very short time.

    But then I started lifting weights. At the advise of another guru, I increased calories to 1900 (I am 5'11" tall), not eating back exercise calories. This was July 23rd (I was at 179 lbs), and since then, I have crept up to 190. I had TOM about a week ago, which I attributed some of the gain to, but definitely not all of it. I also had fair week where I made some bad choices, but did not go over and I also worked my butt off in the concession stand as well as kept up with my lifting.

    Last week, I lowered my calories back down to 1700. I weighed, measured, logged everything (I usually do) and took the week off lifting. I managed to lower my weight from 190 to 187 (probably took off water weight) and thought maybe I was on the right track back down. Well today, I stepped on the scales and jumped from 187 to 189! WTH? I just can't take it anymore!

    I am seriously thinking of going back down to 1200 to 1400 calories and eating back my exercise calories. I love lifting, but am not happy with my results so far (weight gain plus gained about 1" around my waist and hips), so I am thinking of giving that up, too. I know everyone says to forget the scale and measure, but how else are we supposed to stop a train wreck if we don't monitor things now and then. I have also read, give it time, but how much time? That was over 10 lbs gained in less than a month and I WASN"T EVEN ENJOYING MYSELF!! They say one pound is 3500 calories, so I would have had to consume my TDEE daily (approx 2400 per day) plus 3500 per pound, which I know I did not do!

    Okay, thanks for letting me vent. Not sure what the answer is. Just going to hang on for a while.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I just need to rant / get this off my shoulders! I am frustrated, to say the least.

    I am so weary of this "weight loss/life style change" game I am playing. Eat more, eat less, lift weights, don't do cardio, eat protein, reduce salt intake, don't pay attention to the scale!!!! It's driving me CRAZY!

    When I started on MFP, almost a year ago, I started consuming 1200 calories and eating back my exercise calories. Sure, it was difficult at first, but I managed to adapt to that calorie intake and learned that if I increased my exercise, I could eat more. It was working. I went from 220 to 185 (35 lbs) in about 6 months, about 1.5 pounds per week.

    Of course, through this time, I was reading a lot on MFP about eating more, heavy lifting, starvation mode, you know the drill. Stuff we have all read! At 185, I hit a roadblock and stopped losing for about 2 - 3 weeks. I was sure (after reading all this stuff) that I was not doing things right, so I learned my BMI, BMR, TDEE, (all the acronyms) and began eating (or guessing) at TDEE - 20%. I tried it at Sedentary, eating my exercise calories. Weight fluctuated up and down, but nothing held. I tried TDEE - 20% Lightly Active and not eating exercise calories, same thing. I was told (by the ones who wrote about TDEE) that I was not eating enough, so upped my calories some more, same thing. I did, very slowly, get down to 179 lbs (hooray) for a very short time.

    But then I started lifting weights. At the advise of another guru, I increased calories to 1900 (I am 5'11" tall), not eating back exercise calories. This was July 23rd (I was at 179 lbs), and since then, I have crept up to 190. I had TOM about a week ago, which I attributed some of the gain to, but definitely not all of it. I also had fair week where I made some bad choices, but did not go over and I also worked my butt off in the concession stand as well as kept up with my lifting.

    Last week, I lowered my calories back down to 1700. I weighed, measured, logged everything (I usually do) and took the week off lifting. I managed to lower my weight from 190 to 187 (probably took off water weight) and thought maybe I was on the right track back down. Well today, I stepped on the scales and jumped from 187 to 189! WTH? I just can't take it anymore!

    I am seriously thinking of going back down to 1200 to 1400 calories and eating back my exercise calories. I love lifting, but am not happy with my results so far (weight gain plus gained about 1" around my waist and hips), so I am thinking of giving that up, too. I know everyone says to forget the scale and measure, but how else are we supposed to stop a train wreck if we don't monitor things now and then. I have also read, give it time, but how much time? That was over 10 lbs gained in less than a month and I WASN"T EVEN ENJOYING MYSELF!! They say one pound is 3500 calories, so I would have had to consume my TDEE daily (approx 2400 per day) plus 3500 per pound, which I know I did not do!

    Okay, thanks for letting me vent. Not sure what the answer is. Just going to hang on for a while.

    I feel your frustration. I have tried all of what you have tried. I have been eating more and not losing well. When I went to 1800 and not eating exercise calories I lost too.

    It is so frustrating not to know what to do. I gained 8 pounds with my MIL here. If 3500 calories equals a pound then I would have had to eat 28,000 extra calories for my gain. I seem to gain weight faster than I lose it. for me 3500 does not exactly equal a pound loss either. Some weeks I lose nothing and some I lose a lot.

    In the beginning of my weightloss I did a chart in Excel and made a graph. My weight loss graph looked like a mountain with hills and valleys. It helped me see how my weight came off in a pattern.

    I have been trying higher calories and just yesterday I lowered them some. I think with exercise I was well over 2200 calories and not losing a bit.
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    I really like the idea of having a place to "chat and vent". Even though I have not been on long for the last couple of weeks, I miss talking to you all. Can we make up a place to go chat? I would go for that.

    I wish I knew what to tell you all about going up and down and changing things up. These last couple of weeks have been messed up for me too. I haven't been exercising like I need too and I haven't been drinking my water. I have got to get back to both. And I have been yo-yoing on the scale too. (been checking that too frequently, fine in the middle of the week, Sunday weigh in not so good.)

    Maybe we all need a reset? Go back to what worked for us in the first place and give it a bit, and then make adjustments from there? Everyone's formula seems to be different but we got to be happy doing this or we won't do it.

    I know one of my problems has been the water. I am only getting in 4 glasses when I had been drinking 8-12. maybe that's why I have been soo sluggish the last couple of weeks. I just know I got to get back to the system that was working cuz otherwise I will end up too frustrated and quitting on myself and I don't want that.

    And to bum it all out, I miscalculated and overate today =(
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I really like the idea of having a place to "chat and vent". Even though I have not been on long for the last couple of weeks, I miss talking to you all. Can we make up a place to go chat? I would go for that.

    I wish I knew what to tell you all about going up and down and changing things up. These last couple of weeks have been messed up for me too. I haven't been exercising like I need too and I haven't been drinking my water. I have got to get back to both. And I have been yo-yoing on the scale too. (been checking that too frequently, fine in the middle of the week, Sunday weigh in not so good.)

    Maybe we all need a reset? Go back to what worked for us in the first place and give it a bit, and then make adjustments from there? Everyone's formula seems to be different but we got to be happy doing this or we won't do it.

    I know one of my problems has been the water. I am only getting in 4 glasses when I had been drinking 8-12. maybe that's why I have been soo sluggish the last couple of weeks. I just know I got to get back to the system that was working cuz otherwise I will end up too frustrated and quitting on myself and I don't want that.

    And to bum it all out, I miscalculated and overate today =(

    A reset is a great idea. I used the TDEE online calc and subtracted 20%. I will now attempt that calorie amount for a while.

    I am waiting on background checks and paperwork to begin my new job. I am worried about the food they serve. At daycares teachers are supposed to eat what the kids eat. Sometimes the food is not healthy.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Stopping by to say HI before work!

    Have a super day everyone!
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    Stopping by to say HI before work!

    Have a super day everyone!

    Good luck with the new job and lunches!

    Hey are we going to start a "chat and vent" group? I am sorry I have been out of it for a bit. Migraines have been too bad to be on the computer for more than a minute or two. Miss you all =(