Beginner Team Chat Board



  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I already have my strength totals in and will be collecting more soon -- I am going to yoga on Saturday morning and am doing the Tyreese video tonight :smile: I really need to get going on cardio though! So far staying within calories for the week, so that's good news!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    CindyB97 wrote: »
    Hey fellow Beginners! Just checking in to say I'm taking a pass this week, I've already notified Cindy. This flu is kicking my butt! Obviously I am way under my calories but there is no cardio or strength going on this week at all. Plus the kids have it too so we're all just hunkered down this week, trying to feel better.

    Hope everyone else is having a great week! I look forward to getting back into strength training next week, and long walks with the dog (poor thing doesn't understand why we don't have time for him this week). Go Team Beginner!!!!

    Coughing is strength training, your working your abs...trying to get up off the bed or couch is cardio, cause everything hurts.

  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Am I too late? I was in the first part challenge, with Michonne...
  • AnutChelle
    AnutChelle Posts: 51 Member
    I already have my cardio and strength in, plus the character challenge. So far I have 40 extra cardio minutes and will have more tomorrow. If any one needs some, let me know.
  • DucMouse
    DucMouse Posts: 113 Member
    Am I missing something? Do we post up our results here or somewhere else?
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    DucMouse wrote: »
    Am I missing something? Do we post up our results here or somewhere else?
    Sorry, these are groups are a pain to navigate. The Scoreboard for the beginners to post on is here.
  • DucMouse
    DucMouse Posts: 113 Member
    Cindyinpg wrote: »
    DucMouse wrote: »
    Am I missing something? Do we post up our results here or somewhere else?
    Sorry, these are groups are a pain to navigate. The Scoreboard for the beginners to post on is here.

    Thanks so much! it seems like the set up is a little different than the last challenge. Thanks again for taking the time to do this :smiley:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    DucMouse wrote: »
    Cindyinpg wrote: »
    DucMouse wrote: »
    Am I missing something? Do we post up our results here or somewhere else?
    Sorry, these are groups are a pain to navigate. The Scoreboard for the beginners to post on is here.

    Thanks so much! it seems like the set up is a little different than the last challenge. Thanks again for taking the time to do this :smiley:

    Yeah, we changed it to 3 boards so that the team leaders don't have to sift through the whole group and figure out who is with whom. Hopefully it'll make things easier for everyone. :D
  • bonniedalberg
    Mummyappleseed, you are too funny! I love that your baby hot involved for your health.

    Anoiam50, you're cardio is through the roof! I need to catch up to you.

    Tammy, you better be having fun on your cruise girl!

    Cindyb97, I hope you are getting better. It's so hard to do anything when you're under the weather. The team needs you!

    Everyone did amazing this week! Congrats all around. Now, we should probably come up with a punishment for everyone since we've got a strong chance of winning here.

    Any suggestions?

    I'm suggesting something I loved as a kid but hate now...jumping rope for idk, maybe 10 minutes? I know I'd fall out after maybe 1 or 2, but this punishment is for the moderate and expert folks who can handle a bit more.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I have tallied everyone's score and 7 of the people still listed on the team did not turn in results.


    If you know these teammates, you might contact them and see if they are still in. First week I'm willing to accept late scores.

    Remember also, when you turn in score, give me numbers. They are used to determine MVP'S.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I forgot to tell you, if you have extra cardio or strength and want to donate it a teammate who is short, let everyone know. If your short, be sure to ask the team to help out!
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    We got our *kitten* handed to us on a freaking plate this week team!! Remember just because we are beginners doesn't mean that we are weak! Let's keep ourselves accountable. I get motivated when I have seen others post their workouts or their scores. If you are board or need help with what to do don't be afraid to ask. We can share what has been working for us or not working. I know that we can succeed if we just stick together! We can do this!!!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Morning beginners.

    Myself and Sara, both on the advanced team (and team leaders for beginners and intermediate) like to challenge each other to do more than the minimum for cardio. This week our challenge is to get 300 cardio minutes.

    Why don't you all come up with a challenge for each other. It will keep you logging in, talking to each other and motivated. You would be surprised how well it works. A couple challenges ago, we were getting over 600 min a week and alot of our teammates were joining in. The prize is bragging rights and a much healthier you. :D
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Cardio 90/80
    Strength 20/45
    Did the wall push-ups and the punishment!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Hi guys! Let's not be last again next week, huh?? I just finished my wall push-ups and punishment -- yowza! I get tons of strength in because that's my favorite and I go to yoga class a bunch ... willing to donate to those in need! Preferably a beginner Daryl who needs a boost -- because that's my task this week as Carol :wink:

    So far::
    Strength: 90/45
    Cardio: 60/80
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    I didn't see this thread before ... Hi, I'm Zarckon ... beginner team Carl. He is such a cutie and so goodhearted despite his messed up childhood. I'm glad they didn't turn him into a "bad kid". I have two boys of my own so I find the Rick/Lori/Carl/Judith storyline kind of heartbreaking.

    Giving away minutes seems weird to me .... I can donate cardio minutes to team members but I can't work the fat off your butt - you have to do that yourself!

    I'll do specific numbers from now on. I do 1-2 hours of cardio most days.

    In my other life, I'm a Slytherin. Anyone interested in the Hogwarts challenge for next term, just drop me a line!
  • bonniedalberg
    Team Glenn: I need to share some motivation.

    I've found that as more people in my life get healthier, it's easier to make better decisions for myself. Monkey see, monkey do I guess :) maybe I can have a good affect on others that I know.

    Exercise really does help with stress. I don't want to go into a rant about all that yuck because we all have it and who doesn't want to help it while slimming down?

    Lastly, my energy always increases after consistent exercise. Sometimes it's hard to start back up again, but who can't use more energy in their day?

    Boom, three great benefits/motivations that keep me going and maybe can help y'all too!