Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Welcome aboard Sabine. If it's any comfort I only had the 'unscheduled tropical holidays' for a couple of years. It saved us a fortune in heating for 2 winters. Now I only get about 1 per year.

    Bacon is my only 'red meat'. It sounds as if you have a good 'handle' on what works for you, well done!

    Yes, so far the night sweats and hot flashes have only been going on for about 2-3 years, and are lessening. Thank God.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    I'm so happy! Took a blood ketone reading this morning and it showed at 1.1. I'm *definitely* in ketosis (which begins at 0.5)!!! I only registered 0.4 on Tuesday, which made me sad.

    After 2 perfect days with a food keto analysis above 2* it's a bit of a shame to be the same weight as yesterday, but knowing for sure I'm in ketosis means I just need to keep doing what I'm doing and it has to drop - doesn't it? LOL [*www.flexibleketogenic.com]

    Yup @hotsungirl MFP truly is funny with its heartening lies about future scale victories. Us more experienced babes can only grin and bear with our lot in life *sigh* ;)

    @shadesofidaho awesome stats and info I'm by your side barracking for that extra pound to complete its farewell.

  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Thanks Camtosh, I will read the link after I feed my Man. I am not really working out on anything. I am just working around here on projects. I do a lot of walking and when I was building the fence I was running a digging bar to break rocks out of the holes. I suppose that is a form of weight lifting. It is a 25 pound bar. I was allowing MPF to log my calories burned. I have heard it is not very accurate. Another reason for me to not go by what they said. Back in a bit time to cook.

    Yup, I'd say you are lifting weights! I turned off the calories burned by exercise predictor (i.e., set it to 0 in the MFP Goals page) so now I only see the ones passed back by the fitbit. No change in weight much since I did that, but it has only been a week or so.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Well The hole digging is sporadic. I have not done any since December. Will be going back to it soon. the ground has dried up since the snow has gone off. Activities since have been an all over deep house cleaning and a few of those days were 6 to 7 hours. And putting up my potting shed. I am not a lazy person but I am already tracking so much other stuff this feels overload for me. I have a step meter not a fit bit. I really need to keep this simple. I had to track every bite of food, movements, temps, blood oxygen, poop, fart and belch from my hubby while he was so sick for over a year and was so relieved when I was allowed to stop that. I am taking care of me now while he is doing well but I still have all the other chores to deal with he does not feel like dealing with.

    I keep going back to my 70's Atkins days of no internet. No macros. A paper pamphlet with the food nutrition's on it ,which I still have. I only tracked carbs never worried about anything else. My weight dropped so fast then. I know I was 40 years younger. I did this for 10 years and did fantastic. This time for me things are moving rather slow. I am even wondering if I am spending too much time over thinking all of this. It is a thought that has come into my mind. An extra hour a day or more planing my meals just sitting here trying to get the numbers right. I could be up and moving doing some thing else. Something to ponder.
  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    I keep going back to my 70's Atkins days of no internet. No macros. A paper pamphlet with the food nutrition's on it ,which I still have. I only tracked carbs never worried about anything else. My weight dropped so fast then. I know I was 40 years younger. I did this for 10 years and did fantastic. This time for me things are moving rather slow. I am even wondering if I am spending too much time over thinking all of this. It is a thought that has come into my mind. An extra hour a day or more planing my meals just sitting here trying to get the numbers right. I could be up and moving doing some thing else. Something to ponder.

    I wonder the same thing sometimes. I started w/ low carb on old school Atkins as well and dropped 20+ pounds the first month. Not losing so quickly this time. Besides age, I think that maybe one reason for slower losses is that a good part of the initial "magic" that happens is just because our bodies are caught by surprise by the process of keto adaptation and give up the fat readily the first time. I've been more or less on low carb ever since then, just eating too much and indulging too often in things that I know will send me backwards. When I get knocked out of ketosis, it's only 24-48 hours before I'm right back in again, once I clean up my eating, where as initially it was probably more like a week or more before I was using fat for my main source of fuel.

    So I guess what I'm saying is that for those of us who've trained our bodies to be more ketocentric over the years, the mind boggling initial losses won't be happening...just slow and steady. I would expect to average about 4-5 pounds per month now, whereas when I first started the loss was nearly twice that much. I'm good with that. And because I'm mostly sedentary at the moment due to my foot not wanting to "be all it can be," the losses may even be slower going until I've healed and can take on more physical activity. Again, I'm good with that. I FEEL better and I know I'm eating the way my bod prefers, so I'll just keep on keeping on. Eventually, something will give and the scale will be on my side. :-)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Definitely much food for thought there Shades. I didn't know I'd have to count calories for this WOE to work for me. Being free (just counting carbs, or better still just eating low carb foods!) was what attracted me to it in the first place. Now I find out that being an old woman means I still 'have to' do all that tracking. It's a bit of a blob!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thank you for your very interesting post tru2one - lots of great information there. There's always one person to place doubt though - this is my first time on low carb and my weight loss is crawling along.

    Right now I'm more worried about my blood pressure which I just decided it would be a good idea to take. I wish I hadn't now. It was 151/96 with a pulse of 60. I'd been sitting peacefully at my computer before I took it.

    When my husband got home from work I lay on the couch for a few minutes and he took it again... 136/86, 55 pulse. He took it again because the cuff felt a little low on my arm. 148/84 with 55 pulse. I took his reading to see if the machine was playing up - 107/72 with 63 pulse. He took mine once more 151/92 with 58.

    Truly??? All that variation, one wonders what the truth is, but I'm feeling scared. I know my BP was 120/77 and 58 pulse on waking in October, and normal in September (took it a few times in Sept). *Can* BP rise to hypertension in 4 months? *Why* is it that high? I thought after low carb eating that BP dropped to normal fairly quickly - even if it had been high in the first place and I don't think mine was.

    It's 1am and now I'm supposed to go and sleep peacefully ha! I'll get David to take my BP again as soon as I wake and go from there I guess. I'm not in the danger levels, but not at peace with this discovery :'(
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    How wonderful, a thread for discussion! thanks GMOZ...... I am new to lchf, still working out foods to fit macros. I read the new research, and since I am truly allergic to grains, this kind of food plan works for me. I have a lot to lose, but have yoyo'd before. So this time I am including daily exercise.....so that the program takes. Will be looking for advice and help.

    If you are anxious, gmoz, your blood pressure will go up....so stop taking it for a while, do some normal things, and if it is still high, you need to see a doc. Good luck! BJ SWOnt
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    I agree with bjmcq. My blood pressure goes through the roof when I go to see my doctor. It is very low otherwise. He said to have my home cuff checked which I did with my husbands chemo nurses. Checked out fine. I go to him and my BP is so high it scared me. I gave him my list of home recordings and it is almost too low. My conclusion is my doctor makes me sick.

    I always had the understanding you are supposed to take your blood pressure seated with both feet on the floor. I can change mine just by sitting in my recliner with feet up. The home health nurse said she made a comment with recording his BP because his feet were always up when she was here.

    Try to relax and think positive your BP will be down next time you take it. Breath evenly.
  • ibetty55
    ibetty55 Posts: 48 Member
    May, I'm on BP meds and still have up and down numbers. (I was hoping it would miraculously drop but so far no go) BP will fluctuate throughout the day depending on activity and what you have eaten and how recently. Being anxious over it will produce higher results (like when you go to a doctor- white coat syndrome). Try to relax and take it again tomorrow instead of stressing. If it always records high for a week or so contact your dr.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm not winning at being calm, in fact I'm shaking and TMI sitting on the loo with a panic attack. Need to stop shaking to go back to bed! I took Rescue Remedy but it tasted really strong and made me feel a bit sick and I guess that's what pushed me into panic attack mode :(

    Trying to slow my breathing. I don't even have a GP and my lovely naturopath isn't open on the weekends. I *always* get sick after he's shut on a Friday.

    Thanks for the replies, you've helped.
  • Hi everybody. I am a newbie to Fitness Pal and all that. I am 56 and have been doing pretty well so far not paying attention to much except trying to stay under 20 carbs per day. My knees are bad so exercise has not been part of the program, however, I am moderately active most days with my job. I have been thrilled to have melted off around 70 lbs so far in 2+years and am deeply invested in this WOE. I cheat when I want to, but that isn't often, and when it is, it is totally planned. My question is, my butt and thighs are around a size 8-10 and my waist is still happy at size 16. This does not make me happy, however, and I know it is due to menopause-same with the sagging skin and pelican arms. Anybody have any tips for one who hates to exercise? Thanks.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Welcome Vivienne.I know it is almost impossible to spot reduce. I am also trying to get rid of my butt in the front. I am not a fan of exercising either but I do try to keep busy around here with the house and yard work. I have it a bit different As much as I prefer nice pants with zippers I can never get them to fit my butt and not gape at my waist so I usually use the elastic waste band pants. Also it is very painful with arthritis for me to pull up a zipper and the button OMG Ouch. I usually just wear dresses.LOL

    70 Pounds is a HUGE loss Congratulations.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lots of things…
    @bjmcq – a proper welcome to you, and I’m sorry for being so self-absorbed last night (my time, it was 1am to 2am). I hope you love the group and gain a lot from it. And I love your avatar, that’s really beautiful. I haven’t seen snow since 1971 when I lived in England LOL

    @shadesofidaho and @ibetty55 – thank you both for being there for me. If you hadn’t already guessed I’m western-medicine-phobic which is most of the reason for the OTT panic. My night-time magnesium/mineral supplement sad badly after I took it and made me feel as if I was going to be sick. Combining that with the shock of my BP reading and the nerves that it stirred up (with the threat of ‘western medicine’) and it turned into a panic attack. I used to suffer really dreadfully with those from 1979 until 2006. This was only my second one since ’06 so I suppose I was having a panic attack about having a panic attack as well :#

    <3 All three of you, thank you <3 you made a difference to my lonely fearful time after David had fallen asleep in an instant as he always does ;)

    @VivienneGregory – welcome to MFP and this group Vivienne. ‘They’ say that you don’t need to exercise with LCHF. I’m also hoping for you that your knees may improve on this program. My husband (who hasn’t even been fully on board) can straighten his arm for the first time in 30 years! His elbow was always bent from repeated use of nail guns and chain saws in his past. 70 lbs?!?!?!? Oh wow, congratulations. No wonder you’re keeping on with this! That’s so inspiring! You may be interested in this study where they’ve shown that strengthening any part of your body actually strengthens the rest as well. This isn’t the exact link/study I wanted to share with you but it’s the same idea http://sweatscience.com/training-one-limb-to-strengthen-the-other/ so perhaps if you do strength training on your arms, your legs will benefit too? My skin seems to have got softer in my 4 weeks of LCHF, it was quite like crepe paper in places, but I do spend time in the Australian sun in the heat of the day so I will never have the beautiful ‘English rose’ complexion my amazing Grandmother had. I hope you can get that hourglass figure you crave. Are you at goal weight? Australian dress sizes are a lot different to American ones (I don’t actually know where you’re from) and a size 8-10 here is pretty tiny!

    On my BP. It’s still high this morning :'( 130/76 laying down after I woke, then 142/94 sitting on the edge of the bed. I did have a BP issue last Sept but it was quickly returned to normal by my naturopath and I happily thought all was well until last night. Though if I’m honest I have been quite breathless if carrying heavy stuff or doing heavy gardening out in the heat of the day. I’ve started again on the herbs the naturopath gave me last time but if my BP is still as high by Monday I’ll go to see him again. I suppose I was so scared last night in case I’ve spent 4 weeks cramming fat and salt into me, that in my case is going to make me explode from BP any minute. Yet I *know* that this WOE is completely proven to reduce BP my many, many knowledgeable studies. For all I know my BP was higher still since Nov or Christmas and actually *is* reducing. I just wish I knew that for sure. I can only wait and see; but then patience has never been my strong point o:)
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    GrannyMay I am sorry your PB is still up. I am also the naturopath type person. I did not even go to a doctor for 20 years. But turning 65 I had to finally go back to get my thyroid meds I had been off of for 7 years and that was NOT a good thing. I suffered for it.

    I listen to a lot of Binural (spelling) beats and calming tracks on youtube when I got to sleep at night. i just pug my head phones into my kindle and let myself relax and go to sleep. I just take the headphones off when I have to wake to let the dogs out in the night. I love Jason Stephenson's and a few others. I poke around until I find one that seems to be calling to me each night. Some times I listen to the same one for a couple of weeks.

    This is the one I am listening to lately. I LOVE the water part of it.

    OHHH here are several from Jason on lowering blood pressure.

  • sbom1
    sbom1 Posts: 227 Member
    Definitely much food for thought there Shades. I didn't know I'd have to count calories for this WOE to work for me. Being free (just counting carbs, or better still just eating low carb foods!) was what attracted me to it in the first place. Now I find out that being an old woman means I still 'have to' do all that tracking. It's a bit of a blob!

    Yes, that,.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    I forget who posted this in one of the other threads but it might be helpful link to have in this thread too just FYI.

    There is so much reading and trying different macros and WOE that my head is spinning. I am going to give this Flexible Keto Calculator way a couple of weeks and see what happens If things do not pic up OR DOWN I am just going to go back to my old Atkins and forget all this macro crap. It is making me half crazy. I did fins a copy of his first bood in a hole in the wall used book store here. There was one paperback of it too when I was there so if any one wants me to pick it up for them. I bought the hard back even though it was now $10.00. The font is so much larger I can read it with out magnifying glass. I can not do so with the paperback. I do not know what he was asking for the paperback. I bet the above link has it all there anyway.

    And one more link with the first bit from his book by some one making a great blog is:

  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    OH and I just saw this on FB. You take pork rinds and a tiny dab of butter and a few drops of SF syrup nuke it all and enjoy. I know it sounds crazy weird but it is so good. I just did one little tiny one to try it. I am in so much trouble now. This is one hack I probably can not stay away from. I used the Torino SF syrup I some times use in my coffee.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    You're an Angel Shades, thank you so much for all of this. I will look into it all after David goes to work. I have 1 son and 1 grandson here for the weekend, but they both go to bed early compared to the hours David and I keep so I'll have time to listen and view *biggest hugs*.
  • jandkranch83
    jandkranch83 Posts: 13 Member
    sbom1 wrote: »
    Good topic, thanks for starting. I've been LCHF-Keto since Jan 1 and have had the same experience as you with regards to calories. I dropped 3 pounds early on, water mostly I'm sure, and then bounced up and down 1-2 pounds but never below -3.2 pounds from start. Lost about 1.25 inches off waist, but nowhere else.
    I'm visiting family this week so using my son's scale and I'm down a pound on that scale since arriving Saturday but I won't count it until I get home and see--I usually put on a pound or so with long flights and with the different scales, just not sure ...What I've been doing different since being here is after having my BPC around 8/9 am, I'm not eating again until mid/late afternoon. Haven't been hungry and wanted to mix things up a bit to see if that would help get the weight moving down.
    The last 2-3 weeks, I've been watching the calories much closer and aiming for 1375 (I don't eat back exercise calories in full-usually allow up to 1/2 and base it on hunger and energy level). The calculators generally allocate 1550-1650 calories for me. Macros as approx goals (I focus on the net carbs primarily and make sure to have plenty of fat): Net carbs 20; Fat 100; Protein 90, I tend to run over on fat (around 115) and under on protein (around 75).
    I keep a spreadsheet of each day's macros, weight, measurements to look for trends, insights. I do love eating this way and feel good.
    You're an Angel Shades, thank you so much for all of this. I will look into it all after David goes to work. I have 1 son and 1 grandson here for the weekend, but they both go to bed early compared to the hours David and I keep so I'll have time to listen and view *biggest hugs*.

  • jandkranch83
    jandkranch83 Posts: 13 Member
    sbom1 wrote: »
    Good topic, thanks for starting. I've been LCHF-Keto since Jan 1 and have had the same experience as you with regards to calories. I dropped 3 pounds early on, water mostly I'm sure, and then bounced up and down 1-2 pounds but never below -3.2 pounds from start. Lost about 1.25 inches off waist, but nowhere else.
    I'm visiting family this week so using my son's scale and I'm down a pound on that scale since arriving Saturday but I won't count it until I get home and see--I usually put on a pound or so with long flights and with the different scales, just not sure ...What I've been doing different since being here is after having my BPC around 8/9 am, I'm not eating again until mid/late afternoon. Haven't been hungry and wanted to mix things up a bit to see if that would help get the weight moving down.
    The last 2-3 weeks, I've been watching the calories much closer and aiming for 1375 (I don't eat back exercise calories in full-usually allow up to 1/2 and base it on hunger and energy level). The calculators generally allocate 1550-1650 calories for me. Macros as approx goals (I focus on the net carbs primarily and make sure to have plenty of fat): Net carbs 20; Fat 100; Protein 90, I tend to run over on fat (around 115) and under on protein (around 75).
    I keep a spreadsheet of each day's macros, weight, measurements to look for trends, insights. I do love eating this way and feel good.
    You're an Angel Shades, thank you so much for all of this. I will look into it all after David goes to work. I have 1 son and 1 grandson here for the weekend, but they both go to bed early compared to the hours David and I keep so I'll have time to listen and view *biggest hugs*.

  • jandkranch83
    jandkranch83 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 55 and it is a lot harder losing weight then it was when I was 40. I did Atkins and lost 100lbs. I have gained 40 back and I am having trouble getting the weight back off. I have been doing LCHF since January 3. I lost 8 lbs in the first couple of weeks and then nothing. I don't exercise and I have a desk job. I am going to add exercise this week and see if that helps.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @jandkranch83 I know what you mean. Congratulations on the 100 lbs loss, that's incredible dedication. And actually, putting on only 40 of those is better than many achieve so please try to feel pleased about that. I've only lost 4 lbs in my 4 weeks of doing this, but my body really has changed shape for the better. Is that true for you too? We need all the positive aspects that we can hold onto while the weight loss is so slow. We're here to share with when you need.
  • jandkranch83
    jandkranch83 Posts: 13 Member
    I do feel good that I didn't gain all the weight back, but mad at myself for not living the lifestyle and keeping it off. The past is past and I just need to go on. Some days I fell that my clothes are looser. Then the next day they don't. I just think it is going to take longer and I need to stay focused on my goal.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Hello to all…so glad I found this group, as well as Reddit Keto too.

    Senna- brand, sennosides are a plant based mild laxative, cheap at $2-$4 for 100, take up to 4 a day, talk to dr if on lots of meds…it mildly irritates the bowel, and does work well. to me it's better than Ducolax, a strong stimulant.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @jandkranch83 I certainly hear you. We're all in this together and, in this thread, we are all doing it slowly. I was happy to finally lose a 'new pound' today. We'll see how many pounds I shoot back up tomorrow as payment ROFL But I just keep holding onto the fact that I've definitely changed shape. For my husband to comment that he can see a difference... well, that's almost an entry for the Guinness Book of Records!

    @ketogenicgurl Welcome, welcome! I think I've been really fortunate and dodged the constipation bullet, but I'm sure some of the others will appreciate your information, thank you.
  • kterri58
    kterri58 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I started reading about this life style back in Nov 2014. I just turned 57 Saturday ,and have been doing LoCarb since Christmas 2014. I started out at 195 lbs and I'm at 179 lbs now. It has really slowed down. My husband & I have a small business & have worked together for the last 30+ years. He is very supportive and also tries to eat healthy & exercise. This weekend was tough as the weather changed. (-30° outside, burrr!) I have done well, have cut out all added sugar, flour from grains & been tracking on MyFitnessPal. My macros are set at C-10%, P-15% & F-75%. I am taking supplements: 400-500 mg Magnesium, Calcium-Magnesium & Potassium supplement, D3-5000, Omega-3 500mg, Turmeric, Psyllium Husk 500mg, Glucomannan 600 mg & also "Young Phorever" pH salts. I take a tbsp of coconut butter (home made) every morning. Constipation is not a problem any more. I was irregular the first month, but I seem to have adjusted. I'm not hungry & feel satisfied. I have no health issues except a horse riding accident 18 months ago (shattered tibula) My blood pressure is good (104/72 in am) I have been drinking lemon/lime water. Thought it would help to increase my water intake. Any ideas to get the scale moving again. I haven't gained any weight back. Do you think I am being too impatient.
    Oh, and I don't know if I'm doing this community thing correctly. I'm new at that also.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Welcome kterri58. LOL not sure there is a right or wrong way. Just jump in. I will give the Psyllium husk a try. Need to get some next trip to town. I do have some of the fiber clear here and have bee using it. It does seem to help some.

    I am trying to slip back into the Original Atkins from 72 I used to do back then. finally two days in a row my weight has not bounced up a few pounds. Not dropped either but the constant bouncing up so high from what I had lost was making me crazy. It is just about the same as the LCHF. Maybe just not quite as much fat.

    How do you make your coconut butter? do you use it in your coffee or to cook with or??
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Welcome kterri58 it's good to have lots of us here to help one another. My day temperatures are plus 30 (and that's centigrade) down here in Australia. We never even get to freezing point in winter. Close, but never actually there.

    Sounds as if you did really well in the beginning. Some of us don't even manage that, it's slow from the start. Have you changed anything since your losses slowed down? If not then it might just be the gift of your age and gender. It's highly unfair, but it is what it is and we just have to enjoy friendship for a longer term than the men or the younger girls.

    As Shades... said - you can't do it wrong, just post and chat.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Ruskinbarb, I just want to say that you are absolutely beautiful (and I say that in a younger sister sort of way) and I hope you are enjoying your life just as you are and as you make changes.
    Knitormiss, looking forward to some more good sense of humor tail-feather waving from you for NSV and SV!
    Sabine-Stroem, Too much meat causes night sweats and migraines? How much Protein is too much? (Q-2)

    Yeah, I'll warn you, I'm pretty....off-kilter, shall we say? LOL I tend to look at all things with humor, as it helps me cope with the wackiness of this thing called life.

    @Siberianmomma‌ The only tailfeathering of this weekend was shopping, though I thought I was going to die on Saturday - I got my step goal within a 3 hour window (usually takes me all day - including two walks and evening errands to get it), so my dogs were barking! (aka my feet were sore). Laundry on Sunday. A little lovin' time in there, too. :)

    I have not been doing this long enough to have "tried and true" tips. All I can say is during any transition phase or crummy feelings, ditch the calories, stick to your carb macro, and fat/salt load like you're crazy... That is all I've learned with any solid consistency...