Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Thank you @dasher602014! I feel it an finally see it too!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Btw: I do want to thank the shape control undergarments for making me look like I have a flat abdomen! I'm buying stock, lol!
  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    You look beautiful-and happy! Good job!!!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Thank you @fatchimom!! I am happier now than I remember ever being! It's a great place to be!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Wow, @Karla, you look great ! I hope you enjoyed the wedding ! It sure feels nice when we can look at our reflection in the mirror and photos of ourselves and feel good about what we see. I look forward to the moment when I look at myself and see someone who looks "normal". I know that sounds kind of bad and people tell me I am normal already, lol....but I look forward to seeing myself as someone who is a normal weight, not overweight whatsoever. I imagine that it will be less stressful to buy clothes, and wear clothes that just fit comfortably. I still choose clothes very carefully, aiming for certain styles that hide where my fat places are and accentuate my better features.

    So sorry to hear about all your stress @Kathie ! Don't beat yourself up about the food choices right now. I also tend to eat more carbs when stressed....I had ice cream yesterday ! But everyday is a new day for us. Another opportunity to make the food choices we know work for us now....and another opportunity to deal with emotional crisis in a way that supports our own well-being, and doesn't resort to "comfort eating". I know it doesn't bring me comfort when I eat off plan, and the way my tummy feels this morning tells me I should stay away from the ice cream and carbs for a while.......live and learn.

    Thanks for the advice @canajineh. I am very familiar with the rules surrounding Workplace Health and Safety, Provincial Employment Standards legislation, and my own workplace Respectful Workplace Policy, having been the President of my Local years ago ( same workplace but now I am out of scope) and having attended Labour College of Canada in Ottawa in 2006, and having worked at our Provincial government Union for 2.5 years. It is so much easier for me to advocate on behalf of others that it is to stand up for myself, given my history of anxiety. I know this doesn't make sense. I know the rules and I think this makes me receive less respect from my superiors who don't trust me since I used to be affiliated with the Union. I think I may know more about Labour Law than my bosses do. I know the importance of documentation, but I did not think it could be possible somehow to be in this mess. The worst part about this is that my boss and the boss above her are very close, break rules, do not treat people with respect, do not employ honesty, etc. I can't go to my boss, the one who is bullying me, so I have to go to the boss of the whole facility, but I am not confident that I will get fair treatment. I have to be very careful, more careful than most, to present my case. I need to know the rules better than them, I have to conduct myself with more professionalism than my boss, and I have to arm my timid being with enough confidence that I don't get trampled by the boss's very aggressive nature that I fall apart emotionally and lose the ability to think on my feet. I will have to bite my tongue a lot and show respect. And since I am not covered by the Union, and not management either, I feel that I have less rights than other employees, even though I know that workplace health and safety covers us all. I will take detailed notes from this point on, to make sure I have proof for potential future problems. But people in management are already telling me that I shouldn't proceed with my complaint since it won't go well for me, and that I should look for another job. But the union rep in me knows this should not have to happen. Sigh. I meet with the boss on Tuesday, but will likely just stick to the facts of this most recent ergonomic issue along with the way my supervisor spoke to me showing anger over my ergonomic issue...instead of getting into everything else. The biggest hurdle will be for me to deal with the stress of all of this.

    I went for a lovely brisk walk to the park this morning. Seeing the Terry Fox run starting up invigorated me, and made me think I could make it a goal for Spring to try jogging and maybe entering races either walking or running. I haven't run in years, but would like to see if I could manage it, at least smaller ones. Wish I had a walking or running partner. I instantly wished I was part of the group. I already walk for 5-10 km on my walks in the park. Last week I probably walked almost 30 km total.

    Well, enough of this, I have a ton of stuff to do, laundry, cleaning, etc. I will make a batch of pickled beets right away, then head over to my Mom's again to continue with harvesting and turning over the soil. I picked the spaghetti squash, last of the zucchini and the rest of the beets yesterday. I need another day off ! Better get going. Oh, I'll make my soup stock for the borscht today, then make the soup tomorrow after work. Yikes !
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning ladies. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
    @Karla you look great! Glad you enjoyed yourself. If I could figure out how to make quack grass into fibre we could make a really good control underwear line. Thanks for support.
    @Janice hope this week will go smoother for you. You're right, stress is tough & finding ways to deal can be hard. At least it sounds like this WOE is helping your coping mechanisms kick in.
    In the spring can't wait to sit on my deck with coffee, even all bundled up. Just not the same now. Guess it's cause I know the layers are just going to keep adding on, lol. Still have not broke down & put socks on yet. I try to wait as long as possible for that.
    Have a good day all!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Lol @Kathie. Good thinking trying to find a use for your quack grass!

    I finally made my borscht today. It's a tradition in my family. I used to look forward to it, and I did enjoy my first bowl, but I'm looking forward to getting rid of the veggies.

    It's a pork hock/ ham bone stock that I simmered for 6 hrs yesterday, then added garden tomatoes, garden carrots, garden onions, celery and garden rhubarb and simmered the broth before adding my garden beets, garden green beans, cabbage , then the beet tops, 1 potato and some fresh dill, and at the very end, some peas and about 1.5 cups of HWC to turn the colour fuschia instead of deep red. Our family uses rhubarb as our secret ingredient to combat the sweetness of the beets, and we always use whipping cream and dill.

    The trouble is that there was not enough meat in the soup, so I just ate egg salad and a writer to bump up my protein and make it past 1000 calories.... Along with my bowl of soup..... And I am just stuffed. Sigh.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Oh for Pete's sake, I'm on my phone and it turned wiener into writer then wanted to make it whiner! I give up!

    I'm rewriting my letter to management right now, drastically slashing it to just talk about last week's incident without getting into all the other crap. It'll probably be half as long. My meeting is tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck. Sure was a weird mood at work today. I'm nervous. Going to come armed with a new letter, a hopefully realistic positive and open attitude, and a new designer top.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Glad to see you're not eating poor unsuspecting authors, lol! Want to see the new top. Good luck tomorrow. Deep breaths & naughty thoughts might help. Stay strong.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Kitnthecat - so glad to hear that you have all that background in dealing with these sorts of issues. Imagine if you were just clueless as to what to do.... You have the POWER of knowledge and the smarts to use it! I salute you!
    BTW if you have to eat a 'writer' to get this done, lol, go for it! hahahah

    I'll have to try some rhubarb in my borscht. DH MUST have sauerkraut in his to make it tangy but I bet he'll like it this way too. We put lots of Greek yogourt in ours to make it pink too.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Just tried one top, trying to get a selfie done, when one of our political candidates for our upcoming federal election came by. Glad I looked good, talked to him, now have a sign on my front lawn, and I have this top!

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Love the top Janice! It looks great on you! Plus, good luck with your meeting tomorrow! Being aware of the policies as thoroughly as you must is a threat to management, I would think. It should be a great opportunity to educate them too. Will be sending good thoughts your way tomorrow!

    Nothing new for me today. Scale is not moving, again, but has stayed below 200 pounds (thankfully!)!!

    I wanted to wish @jumanajane a Happy Birthday!!! I hope your day is amazing!

    Hugs everybody!! :smiley:
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Top looks fabulous Janice! Wow!
    Thanks for reminding us about Jane's birthday, Karla.
    So Happy Birthday Jane! Still don't think I'll try the camel's milk, lol.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Thanks Ladies !!!!! Happy Birthday Jane ! Bye, that's one of my daughters in the photo.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Thanks girls! Had a nice day topped off by a skype chat with my son and dil.....who at 28 weeks is refusing to show me my 'grandbump'!!! Mean thing! Seems she hates it! She has never had a tummy let alone a bump...Chris calls it 'Alien' as it looks like the alien moving around in Sigourney Weavers tum! They still dont know the sex but have he bought an 'all-in-one' suit like a Star Wars Storm Trouper!! Looks cool but isnt exactly feminine,lol. He says its unisex!tt3gfgkaa009.png

    Wow, Janice your daughter looks so like you! beauties together!
    Hope you had a nice day Karla.
    Cardamom Camel Milk ice cream to try this evening......I'm reserving judgement!

    Hope the rest of you are having a good week!
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Wow, where did everybody go??!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I had an ulcer due to taking some NSAIDS a couple years ago. It was not bacterial induced as the doctor first through. I was an off/on type thing but a few months after ditching sugars and all grains it went away and has not come back. Being heavy into coconut may have aided healing it but I do not know that by science.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Isn't this funny....where did we all go ? Well, 3 more pounds of me are gone anyway since that picture last week.....
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Yeah I'm missing everybody. Great job Janice.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Thanks Kathie. September saw a total weight loss of 9 pounds for me, and that was through all the stress at work.

    I am still "camping" at work, and although some of the tension is now relieved somewhat... Not through resolution of the issues, but merely by avoiding them.... I still don't have a proper workspace yet. It seems like it is in the works.

    I had a little meltdown on Monday when I was told that they expected me to move right in the middle of doing payroll. But I couldn't afford to stop working and lose my computer hookup in the transition. Then when I saw that the new office has a desk that is too small, no other furniture to organize my office contents, and no phone...I did not know how they could expect me to work. Maybe by spreading things out on the floor?

    I feel so undervalued and I have been letting it affect my well-being. I've had difficulty sleeping and my anxiety is up. Simple requests for a desk surface big enough to work on, a phone and ergonomic workstation are being mocked. Nasty emails have been sent to me, not enough information is provided and I still have to walk on eggshells. They get away with being unreasonable and disrespectful towards me and accuse me of the same for sticking to my guns and wanting basic working conditions and a workplace without hostility. They are making things miserable for me. No support even from the person who was my biggest ally this summer...he's like a different person. I feel like this must be a nightmare. I'm hoping to wake up and this all has been a dream. I'm struggling to keep up with my workload as well.

    I need to take this experience and become a stronger person, even though my confidence feels pretty low. I am disappointed, but I find it hard not to take this personally.

    The only positive thing I can really say is that the old Janice would have been crying every night . I do feel somewhat stronger, have not cried, but still can't stop running everything over in my mind, trying to figure it out. I need to learn how to boost my spirits up all by myself and this is the hardest thing for me to do.

    The thing that has been keeping me going has been logging onto MFP. So thanks Friends !