Leslie Sansone March, 2015 Walk Challenge



  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    kab789 wrote: »
    Well my goals for March seem to me to be pretty small right now it looks like I will shoot for 70 miles with just Leslie.

    March 1-7 13 miles
    March 8-14 14 miles
    March 15-21 18 miles
    March 22-28 24 miles
    March 29-31 7 MILES

    Total so far this month is 76/70 miles. :)

    WOO HOO WENT OVER my March Goal

    I had extra protein during the day and that really helped. Thanks all.


    Great work kab789!!

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    111.5/90 I went to the park and walked 5 miles this morning.

    Another month of exceeding your goal, PinkyPan1!

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    You are all walking so strong! It is a joy and an encouragement to read all of your posts. And about now I'm in great need of encouragement.

    :flowerforyou: [/quote]

    As zichab said, "This too shall pass." I know you are glad to see the last of March! You've had some trying circumstances, but you made the best of it and you will be back where you want to be in no time. Old good habits are hard too break! We're cheering for you! :D

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Checking in. :smile: The end of the month has been difficult as my husband traveled to Seattle for work, so I had my Dad staying with me which made it next to impossible to exercise. I did, however, continue eating healthy, so that was half the battle. Tomorrow it's back on track to hopefully finish my goal of 40 (or at least close to) for March. Either way, I'm proud of getting those 36.5 miles in for the month because it was more than I was doing in previous months.

    Current total: 36.5/40

    Progress is progress! You should be proud Girl. :D

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    03/30/15 walked 3 miles with Leslie's 5 day slim down

    March total 58/60


    Well done!

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    lreutner wrote: »
    Well, I'm finishing the month with 58.5/50. :D
    Thanks for the tips zichab, I just started eating some protein shortly after a workout and it seems to be helping.
    You are all a fabulous bunch of encouraging walkers.

    Congrat's on beating your target!

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Diana7790 wrote: »
    Hi Again Gang,

    PinkyPan1 thanks for the nice compliment. Been rainy here in IL so not much outdoor walking. Hope you have better weather where you all are.

    3/25 LS iWalk Strong with stretchy band youtube 3 mi.
    3/23 LS Heart Assoc. Walk Youtube 3 mi.
    3/22 treadmill 1.5 mi.
    3/21 outdoor walking 2 mi.
    3/19 LS Heart Assoc. Walk Youtube 3 mi.
    3/18 LS Heart Association Walk Youtube 3 mi.
    3/16 LS Heart Association Intermediate Walk 2 mi.
    3/15 Walking outdoors 2mi.
    3/14 Walking outdoors 2mi.
    3/13 LS dvd Walk away Your Waistline 3 mi.
    3/12 LS dvd Walk Away Your Waistline 3mi.
    3/11 outdoor walking 3 mi.
    3/10 Cardioke/dancing DVD 2 mi.
    3/9 LS Power Walk (Combo Walk) 4 mi.
    3/8 LS Heart Association 2 mile DVD
    3/7 LS 2 mi classic 2 mi ultimate 5 day walk plan (4 mi.)
    3/6 LS 5k With a Twist 3.2 mi.
    3/5 LS Walking to the Hits Party Songs 47 min. 3 mi.
    3/4 LS Walk to the Hits Party Songs 3 mi.
    3/2 LS 2 mi. classic 2 mi. power express (4mi.)
    Total: 55/60

    Keep on Walking :smile:

    You're very close to your goal. Keep going!

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    zichab, congratulations on exceeding your goal! I know you are ready for April. March has to be kicked to the curb.

    May we all walk like our lives depend on it!

    See you next month. :D
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    my muscles are healing, I still can't do a lunge but a small squat is ok. I am not pushing it though, walking is good enough for now.


    10 miles with Leslie

    106 Miles with Leslie to date

    14 miles outside

    93 miles outside to date

    199 miles to date/ goal 150 MADE MY GOAL!!!!!

    The snow is finally melting and should be able to hit the hiking trails by the end of next month I hope!!!!

    Thanks for all the wonderful support!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Bandit, I'm glad that you are healing. Muscles can take a while to heal, so hang in there and enjoy the walking that you are able to do. You exceeded your goal!

    kab789, congratulations on exceeding your goal! Excellent!

    pinkypan, yay you went way over your goal!! And finished off the month with a wonderful 5 mile walk!!

    zichab, and Ann, thank you for your words of encouragement. I so appreciated coming here to find them. Yes, April.... bring it on.... some of us really are looking forward to a brand new month!! Yippee! Ann and zichab, you both made goal!!! You both are rocking it!!

    Corrine, you are doing great walking toward your goal! Good for you for eating healthy while your dad was staying with you!

    lreutner, Well done with your bonus mileage after meeting goal!


  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited April 2015
    Tuesday (March 31st) worked 2 + hours winter cleanup in the garden

    0 DVD miles.

    0 outdoor minutes.

    0 mini walks from Walk Blaster DVD.

    120 minutes "other" kinds of exercise, including strength. (garden)

    March goal: at least 2-3 miles or 30-45 minutes 5-6 days a week.

    So far: 30 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 40 outdoor minutes (in the neighborhood or in a park)

    So far: 0 mini walks from Walk Blasters DVD

    So far: 315 minutes "other" kinds of exercise, including strength.

  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    03/31/15 walked 2 miles with Leslie's Walk Slim 4 fast miles. I did the mile 3 in 10 minutes two times. Met my goal but barely.

    MARCH 60/60

  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    I ended March at 85.5/80 miles! Woo hoo! I didn't even notice that I hit 80 until I checked today. :p
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited April 2015
    03/31/15 walked 2 miles with Leslie's Walk Slim 4 fast miles. I did the mile 3 in 10 minutes two times. Met my goal but barely.

    MARCH 60/60
    Good for you Mawskittykat!! Awesome walking :star:


  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I ended March at 85.5/80 miles! Woo hoo! I didn't even notice that I hit 80 until I checked today. :p
    What a fun surprise for you 40andFindingFitness!! Well done o:) .

  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    oh my lord your girls are killing me with all the walking you get in. over 100+ miles. Good for you all for meeting your goals and then some, I have hit more than I did last month or Feb I just realized that this is April 1st. I will have to get my butt in gear and set a goal. :/
  • corrinetonesitup
    corrinetonesitup Posts: 40 Member
    AnnofB wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    Checking in. :smile: The end of the month has been difficult as my husband traveled to Seattle for work, so I had my Dad staying with me which made it next to impossible to exercise. I did, however, continue eating healthy, so that was half the battle. Tomorrow it's back on track to hopefully finish my goal of 40 (or at least close to) for March. Either way, I'm proud of getting those 36.5 miles in for the month because it was more than I was doing in previous months.

    Current total: 36.5/40

    Progress is progress! You should be proud Girl. :D

    Thank you! I'll take those 36.5 miles and run with them. Or walk! :lol:
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    nice job everyone!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,459 Member
    March Goal: 120 miles

    3/1-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=5 miles total
    3/1-Vivofit tracked a sad .2 miles :disappointed: =5.2 total
    3/2-Just Walk-Firm 30: Just Walk-Walk to the Hits Radio Remixes-3 miles=8.2 miles total
    3/2-Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=10 total miles
    3/3-WAH-Walk Slim 4 Fast Miles=14 total miles
    3/3-Vivofit Tracked 2.6=16.6 total miles
    3/4-WAH-Walk Slim 4 Fast Miles=20.6 total miles
    3/4 Vivofit Tracked a sad .5 miles :disappointed: =21.1 total miles
    3/5-Just Walk-Walk Off Fat Fast-30 minute Big Burn=1.6 miles=22.7 total miles
    3/5-Vicofit Tracked 4.1 miles=26.8 Total Miles
    3/6 Vivofit Tracked- 7.8 miles walking my granddaughter in Netherlands :heart: =34.6 total miles
    3/7 Vivofit Tracked-6.0 miles walking the canals in Netherlands with son (who is 34) =40.6 total miles
    3/8 Vivofit Tracked 8.2 miles walking the Zoetrmeer Nature Area in Netherlands=48.8 total miles
    3/9 Vivofit Tracked 6.2 miles walking my granddaughter=55 total miles
    3/10-Vivotit Tracked 3.0 miles=58 total miles
    3/11-Vivofit Tracked 1.5 miles painting my son's study :smile:=59.5 total miles
    3/12-Vivotfit Tracked 9.5 miles walking with my son in the parks in The Hague=69.0 total miles
    3/13-Vivofit Tracked 6.8 miles walking my son & granddaughter :heart:=75.8 total miles
    3/14-Vivofit Tracked 4.7 miles=80.5 total miles
    3/15-Vivofit Tracked 3.0 miles=83.5 total miles
    3/16-Vivofit Tracked 3.1 miles=86.6 total miles
    3/17-Vivofit Tracked 2.4 :disappointed: miles=89 total miles
    3/18-Vivofit Tracked 1.9 :disappointed: miles=90.9 total miles
    3/19-Vivofit Tracked 3.1 miles=94 total miles
    3/20-Exercise TV-3 Heart Healthy Miles with LSansone=97 total miles
    3/20- Vivofit Tracked 1.9 miles=98.9 total miles
    3/21-WAH-Walk Slim: Fast & Firm-4 Really Big Miles=102.9 total miles
    3/21-Vivofit Tacked-.8 =103.9 total miles
    3/22-Vivofit Tracked-2.4 miles=106.3 total miles
    3/23-Vivofit Tracked-1.0 miles=107.3 total miles
    3/24-Vovofit Tracked-3.9 miles=111.2 total miles
    3/25-Alex is one year old today!!! :heart: WAH-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=115.2 total miles
    3/25-Vivofit Tracked-1.2 miles=116.4 total miles
    3/26-Vivofit Tracked-3.7 miles=120.1 Total Miles :star:
    3/27-Vivofit Tracked-2.4 miles=122.5 total miles
    3/28-My son turned 35 today! :heart: Vivofit Tracked-2.2 miles=124.7 total miles
    3/29-Vivofit Tracked 1.7 miles-All day!!!!! I will be so glad when this semester is OVER!!!!-126.0 total miles
    3/30-Vivofit tracked 1.3 very sad miles-127.3 total miles
    3/31-Vivofit Tracked 3.2 miles-thank goodness for teaching classes! 130.5 total miles

    Good Bye March!!!!

    Walk Strong Everyone- :bigsmile:
