March Chat



  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    On March 1 I added something to my program that is truly helping me. With all of the new technology we that is fun and addictive, we forget some of the old fashioned tried and true. I bought a very inspirational calendar and hung it on the wall here beside my desk. Every day last week I wrote my exercise on it and yesterday totalled it and this morning wrote my goals for the coming week, tweaking things upward. Because of the new aria scale I am very interested in increasing the weights and checking my fat/muscle ratio. Because I felt increased stiffness (especially in the shoulder where I had surgery) coming off the prednisone I am gently increasing the yoga, and because I simply want more calorie burn I am working on the interval training on the bike. For me, seeing the record on the wall as a VERY frequent reminder is very helpful!! Sometimes the tried and true works best!
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    I grew up in Cincinnati and lived there till we moved here 42 years ago. My family is still there, so I go for some holidays, living in Louisville, KY, just 100 miles, it is an easy trip.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    I'm Joni, I keep forgetting to sign out with that.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    just wanted to say...
    moon-034.gif plus hungry-2.gif equals eating-a-whole-cake-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Needs to stop. That is all.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I also wear the fitbit inside my bra after the experience of losing on at the mall and having to replace it. I have had it slip its case in my bra a couple of times but its not going anywhere from there! lol

    I love all of the emoticons some of you use though I do not know how to do them! Guess I need to spend a little time on figuring that out!!
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Marilyn - Though nighttime eating is not my particular downfall, as you know, I just am getting back on board after a 3 week "hiatus". It feels so good.

    This is the first time I've been able to catch myself so quickly. Usually it has taken months because I hate the feeling of having let myself down - again - - and, as my eating habits deteriorate into downright bingeing, well, what do they say in AA? - "One is too much and a thousand and one is never enough".

    What has brought me back is the support I've received here (I've continued to sign in every day) - and at my gym - where they send relentless emails saying "Come back! We miss you!". I told the owner yesterday that the emails had been really helpful in keeping me from giving up completely, and she said, "I know. I used to be a teacher."

    So - that's my gratitude for today - thanks to all the teachers in my life who haven't given up on me - no matter what.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    ok, I actually just completed entering two recipes and journaling breakfast. I know that my greatest weakness is consistency and particularly with the journaling. So this week my focus is going to be on journaling everything I eat regardless of what else I do or do not do!!

    Marilyn, welcome back. I am also one who comes and goes. My being gone from here does not necessarily mean I am not on program, but I think if I could keep a regular routine with checking in here as part of it, it would help. I guess I need to make consistency one of my mantras!!!!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    DreamOn, welcome back, missed ya :) I struggle with the food diary, the scan function helps me tremendously with that. Last year about this time, I got lax about logging and ended up putting on about half of what I had lost before getting back here. I am now within 4 lbs of where I was when I dropped out last year, after a little over 3 months back here.

    So no matter what it takes, keep your food diary and check in with the gang here. Many of us are losing fairly consistently and some are even maintaining which is the real goal.

    A little tip with the recipes, now you can find one on the 'net and quickly edit it in the newest version of the recipe tool, faster than typing everything in. I want them to add the ability to view each others recipes, so we can tell if we even need to add yet another recipe. The copy your friends dairy is worthless without the recipes as far as I am concerned. I have tried that do you want to share this recipe and it just clock out everytime. So that function is worthless as well.

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Dream, I've never really left MFP, just a bit of a hiatus from logging food and doing well :blush:
    I'm trying something new when I DO mess up and succumb to unplanned evening grazing - As honestly as I can (sometimes it's hard to remember everything, which is just sad) starting the next morning I log the graze split over the next three days in the food diary. Yes, it happened and I agree 100% with the concept of 'let it go and move on', but my scale will reflect those extra calories, so they need to be taken into consideration. And then I stay within my plan for the days, including the graze calories.
    It seems to help remind me that it's just not worth it when I see the stupidity in my food diary when I start to plan for the day.

    I think it's just fabulous that not only do people who are not part of our daily battle support, encourage and just plain care... but that we are willing to accept it. :heart:
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    DreamOn, if you google "emoticons in bbcode" you will see some websites that explain how to use them, and some that you can copy and paste ... for example

    Just for fun, here's a cool one: fiesta.gif

    bbcode stand for Bulletin Board code, I believe... Kathy
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    mxchana wrote: »
    DreamOn, if you google "emoticons in bbcode" you will see some websites that explain how to use them, and some that you can copy and paste ... for example

    Just for fun, here's a cool one: fiesta.gif

    bbcode stand for Bulletin Board code, I believe... Kathy

    Kathy, when I tried to follow the link my browser tells me it isn't a trusted site, bad certificates. And it is a China based web site. You might want to run adware/malware/antivirus on your PC if you haven't recently.

    Yes, I am overly cautious about this type of stuff, but there are plenty of safer websites with funnies on them.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Ladies, when I get time, I'll add some of my slimmed versions of recipes to the new section of our forum. Many of them are super quick to prepare.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Ker, I think that is a great idea splitting the calories over three days! Have you been able to "cut them?" I think I will try that next time I go on a food bender. Don't you like that about the fitbit, too. It gives you that weekly report so it sort of spreads it out, too.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    edited March 2015
    Charlie, so far so good. I actually find on the days when the grazing was logged (but not eaten) I might be eating even better, because I'm so conscious of what I'm doing & that every calorie really counts. It also kind of reminds me that a splurge or binge isn't the end of the world - just a bit of effort (and stopping it) can put me right back on track. And on fitbit praise -you're singing to the choir

    Sharon - I think getting the recipes up and going in here would be a great idea. The more super quick, the better for me LOL
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited March 2015
    retirehappy, thanks for that info ... I have automatic PC protection but I will run an extra one just in case. Sorry, I did not realize this! Hope it does not cause anyone difficulty on their computers ...

    Any advice on safe sources of these codes? ~ Kathy
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Wow, it just so happens that I stopped in the gratitude list and I mentioned two things that I just found you talking about here! lol I discovered the ability to import recipes a few months ago and I love that tool!!

    There was a time when I considered my lapses as "falling off the wagon" and I would get VERY frustrated with myself, now I am trying something new and we will see how it works. I am working on "the power of three" (started it because journaling is my weakest link and I read that 3 days of journaling a week can be very effective). I have a calendar beside my desk (something about being able to look up at that complete record motivates me) and I have set my goals in threes. On Sunday I wrote that I would do 3 days of light weights, 3 days of yoga, 3 days of journaling, and 3 days of interval training on the bike. I will see how this works for me since I just started it.

    And yes I do find that stopping is here is very motivational!!! This is a great group!!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Kathy, thanks for sharing!! I love to add extra animation but did not know how!!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    here are a couple of U.S. sites I use, and have not had any nasty messages pop up from Windows or my virus/malware protection software:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    mxchana wrote: »
    DreamOn, if you google "emoticons in bbcode" you will see some websites that explain how to use them, and some that you can copy and paste ... for example

    Just for fun, here's a cool one: fiesta.gif

    bbcode stand for Bulletin Board code, I believe... Kathy

    Kathy, when I tried to follow the link my browser tells me it isn't a trusted site, bad certificates. And it is a China based web site. You might want to run adware/malware/antivirus on your PC if you haven't recently.

    Yes, I am overly cautious about this type of stuff, but there are plenty of safer websites with funnies on them.

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I'm a little behind because we didn't have internet for a couple of days. But I'm going to look into the emotion bubbles--looks like fun. Thanks.