The Five-Letter Game
Some people especially love life.
L I V E S0 -
Lucy is voraciously eating supper.
S U P P E0 -
Sheryl usually prepares poor eats.
That's why I got Blue Apron, ha ha ha
P R E P S0 -
Plowing reaps especially plentiful stuff.
S T U F F0 -
Someone took Ursula's five flowers.
F I V E S0 -
Flowers in vases, extra special.
V A S E S0 -
Vacations are set each season.
E X T R A0 -
Every x-ray technician really assists.
X R A Y S0 -
Xanax really acts yawningly slow.
E V E R Y0 -
Evan virtually eats ripe yams.
R I P E S0 -
Really Isabella, please eat something!
(like you'd have to plead with me!)
Tortillas hold incredible nacho globs.
N A C H O0 -
Never accept cans holding olives.
Only live in Venice east
L I V E S0 -
Learning invites very exciting sensations.
S T A T E0 -
Smart Tommy always takes examinations.
E X A M S0 -
Each xray arouses more suspicions.
R O U S E0 -
Really old umbrellas surely expire.
U M B R E0 -
Umbrellas mainly block rain exclusively.
C O U P S0 -
Create only unusual potato soup.
S O U P S0 -
Send one up pretty soon.
S H O N E0 -
Send home only needed equipment.
0 -
Each quality unit is processed.
O C E S S0 -
Sicko Harriet ate rare elephant.
S I C K O0 -
Serious illness, Cecil, keep out.
C E C I L0 -
Cracked eggs can illicit lusciousness.
C R A C K0 -
Crawling really allows crooked knees.
K N E E S0 -
King Ned eats extra shrimp.
K I N G S0