The Five-Letter Game
Kites in north georgia sail.
K I T E S0 -
Kindness is necessarily going strong.
G O I N G0 -
Ooo - a twofer!
Kindness is truly everyone's salvation.
Giving out inspiration nurtures greatness.
(good thoughts for Sunday morning)
The rug's ugly looking yellow.
T A U P E0 -
Tom acted under Pete's election.
A C T E D0 -
A criteria that ensures diversity
D I V E R0 -
Deals incite very energetic rewards.
D E A L S0 -
Don't eat asparagus leaning sideways.
S I D E S0 -
Simple ideas don't end situations.
I D E A S0 -
I don't eat any spinach.
S P I N S0 -
Spinach pleases...I need spinach.
N E E D S0 -
Not everybody eats delicious spinach.
OK, I'm obsessed with spinach now...since I've been on blood thinners, I had to cut way back
S A D L Y0 -
Sulky Andy doesn't like you.
I kind of got a little burnt out on spinach and haven't bought any for a couple months. I'll start eating regularly again during the warmer months when I make more shakes and smoothies. Dad can't eat much of it either because of the blood thinner he's on, but he's not much of a fresh spinach lover.
B U R N T0 -
Burt usually runs nonstop tomorrow.
N S T O P0 -
Nonstop slurping tries our patience.
S L U R P0 -
Sheryl likes urging rabbits' playfulness.
U R G E S0 -
Ursela regularly gets extra shrimp.
E X T R A0 -
Every xray takes Ralph's attention.
T A K E S0 -
Terrible Annie kicks everyone sometimes.
K I C K S0 -
Kristine is certainly killing spiders.
S P I D E0 -
Spiders prevent insect devouring everywhere.
D E V O U0 -
Delicate environments vanish occasionally unfortunately.
V A N I S0 -
Various animals need icy seasons.
(OK ladies, lets try to use full words.)
Start taking apart Rich's truck.
T R U C K0 -
Trampolines really use certain knacks.
K N A C K0 -
Kiwis, not apples, contain knucklejuice.
K I W I S0 -
Killing insects will inevitably satisfy.
I N S E C T0 -
Marcie, IT SURE DOES! for me, but, John hates the killing.
Instinct naturally seeks every conceivable topic.
I have no idea what that means, just words that popped in my head.
T O P I C0 -
Tonya only produces individual candles.
C A N D Y0 -
Could anyone need donuts yesterday?
C O U L D0