The Five-Letter Game
Crying out usually leaves deafness.
D E A F S0 -
Cort only uses large dandelions.
L A R G E0 -
This morning, I get the twofer...
Danny eats apples for snacks.
Leopards are really gentle, eventually.
E V E N T0 -
Every vampire eats nightly...terrified.
V A M P S0 -
Various assemblies meet privately, Shhhhhhhh.
Is that allowed???? I guess I did it anyway
H O W L S0 -
Thanks for covering. I figured out where I messed up.
How often will Lucy sleep?
S L E E P0 -
Sleeping lends extra energy people.
P E E P S0 -
Please eat every purple squash.
E A T E N0 -
Every ant takes extra nourishment.
E X T R A0 -
Evan's xenophobia triggered Riley's anxiety.
R I L E Y0 -
Rich investors leverage eventually yields.
Yellow indicates even lower discounts.
L O W E R0 -
Long ones winch every ride.
W I N C H0 -
Will Isabella need cute hats?
Has anyone tried cat hiding?
H I D E S0 -
Hiding is done extra secretly.
S E C R E0 -
Sarah eats chocolate raisins eagerly.
E A G E R0 -
Everyone always gets extra raisins.
A L W A Y0 -
Ask Lori why anyone yells.
Y E L L S0 -
Yelling extra loud lacks silence.
L A C K S0 -
Look around - carolers keep shouting.
S H O U T0 -
Sheryl has outrageous, untamed thighs.
T H I G H0 -
Tomorrow Henry is going home. (you guys have a much better imagination than I do)
G O I N G0 -
Guys often ignore nice girls!
O F T E N0 -
Only fourteen teenagers eat neatly.
A G E R S0 -
Again, gotta eat ripe snacks.
G O T T A0 -
Get out the toys already!0
Hmmmmm, where are some new letters?0
Oops. Yet another senior moment!
O O P S Y0 -
I am learning to embrace these senior moments, they occur so often now.
Only okra pies satisfy you'all.
O K R A S0