The Five-Letter Game
Not all otters make icicles.
O T T E R0 -
Other times Tricia enjoys rabbit.
T I M E S0 -
Turquoise ice makes exquisite spectacles.
I C I E R0 -
Isabella called it extremely reliable.
Every Xerox tray requires attention.
T R A Y S0 -
Two red albatrosses yakked steadily.
S T E A D0 -
Some Turtles Eat All Day
U R T L E0 -
Usually reading takes little expense.
P E N S E0 -
Please eat Nutella sensibly everyone.
N U T T Y0 -
Nancy's under the table yonder.
Using the apostrophe is probably cheating a little but works with spacing.
T A B L E1 -
Take A Break. Let's Eat.
B R E A K0 -
Be respectful everyone, and kind.
K I N D S0 -
Wow, Marcie, what a true statement.
Kindness is necessary during struggles.
U G G L E0 -
Unless Gorillas Go Lifting Elephants
F T I N G0 -
Flighty Tiffany is not going.
G O I N G0 -
Going Outside Is Not Grounded
U N D E D0 -
Usually Ned doesn't eat Doritos.
C H I P S0 -
Charlie has ice pop sushi.
S U S H I0 -
Someone Used Several Hair Inserts
V E R A L0 -
Voracious eating really adds lbs.
0 -
French Onion Or Dannon Yogurt?
Y O G U R0 -
Yogurt on granola usually rocks!
R O C K S0 -
Recent Overuse Caused Knotted Strings
D K N O T0 -
Don Knotts knotted orange ties.
K N O T T0 -
Knights never open to temptation.
T E M P T0 -
Told Everyone My Party Tanked
P A R T Y0 -
Patty ate really tart yams.
T A R T S0 -
Totally Asked Randy To Strip
K E D R A0 -
Kindness exceeded Derek's radical anticipation.
K I N D S0 -
Knowing indicates nine determining secrets.
D E T E R0