The Five-Letter Game
Beware of those times that it doesn't work!!!!
Little inklings often nag sensibilities.
S A U N A0 -
Luckily Isabella ordered new shoes.
Looks like I get a two-fer...
- S A U N A - Selfish Annie usually needs attention.
- S H O E S - Special horses often eat sushi.
0 -
Susan's unusual saucy ham intoxicated.
H A M M Y0 -
Ham always makes my yucky-list.
Y U C K Y0 -
Great job on the two-fer Marcie!
You usually catch Kangaroo yearlings.
Catching a tarantula can hurt.
S P I D Y0 -
Sauteed pear is definitely yummy.
P E A R S0 -
Peachy edibles are rib satisfying.
(I'm searching for words...MFP gave it to me in their advertising)0 -
Alice loves eating venison everyday.
E V E R Y0 -
Even vampires eat red yams. (getting ready for holloween)
But unusual ninjas need yummies.
N I N J A0 -
Neurotic imps never jump ahead.
J U M P S0 -
Joy usually makes people smile.
M A K E S0 -
My aardvark kicks elephant snouts.
(Hows that for one that doesn't make since??)
S N O U T0 -
I didn't know aardvarks were do mean.
Someone noticed one unusual toe.
T I C E D0 -
Tell Isy come eat dinner!
Every amplifier tuned emits noise.
T U N E D0 -
Tina usually needs every dog.0
Debora...where do we go from here????????0
Oh my, where is my mind. Wouldn't want to make it easy so....
U S U A L0 -
ha ha ha, this wasn't easy, until I remember a kid I used to work with...
Usually, Susie unties all laces.
0 -
Lucinda's always closes early Sunday.
C L O S E0 -
Cisco loves old slimy eggs.
S L I M Y0 -
Susie looked in my yamaha.
L O O K S0 -
Lucious olive oil klings silkingly.
K L I N G0 -
Kingly Lucy is no good.
K I N G S0 -
Keeping innocense never goes smoothly.
K E E P S0 -
Keep every engine part safe.
Start taking only red yachts.
Y A C H T0