The Five-Letter Game
Kielbasa often advances lactic acidosis.
A C I D Y0 -
Anyone can illustrate dirty yams.
T R A T E0 -
Terrible Ralph often teased everyone.
R A L P H0 -
Reading aloud lets people hear.
Marcie, you used an o instead of an a in your sentence but your statement is pretty true except for the terrible part. Guess it could just be always instead of often.
A L O U D0 -
Ugh. I ment to write "always" instead of "often" and "terrific" instead of "terrible"!
A loud owl usually ducks.
0 -
You guys crack me up...I'm still wanting to know what kind of underwear Fran has, no one would want my underwear
Ducks understand chickens' kooky syntax.
S P E A K0 -
Sheila popped every aching knee.
E V E R Y0 -
Even Val eases Ralphs yearning.
E A S E S0 -
Editor Annie sometimes extends sentences.
E D I T S0 -
Each day is totally surprising.
T O T A L0 -
Tom overachived Tally at learning.
T A L L Y0 -
Tlspindor applied lavender lotion yesterday.
0 -
Apples, pears, pomegranates look yummy.
Y U M M Y0 -
Yvonne underestimated my mom's yelling.
U N D E R0 -
Underestimating never does elicit resolutions.
N E V E R0 -
Not every viper eats rats.
V I P E R0 -
Violets inspire perky energetic roses.
P E R K Y0 -
People enjoy real kindness yearly.
E N J O Y0 -
Even negative jerks obtain yams.
J E R K S0 -
Joyce easily reads Keith's signs.
S I G N S0 -
Serious introverts go nowhere socially.
White horses exercise really early.
E A R L Y0 -
Every aardvark really likes yams.
A V A R K0 -
Amy vanquished around Randy's kennel.
R A N D Y0 -
Regularly, all nature draws yowls.
Y O W L S0 -
You only win lucky sevens.
S E V E N0 -
Several empty veils entered nuptials.
N Y L O N0 -
No yellow little otters needed.
O T T E R0 -
Only two travelers entered Romania.
Each night two eat reindeer.
N I G H T0